Old man, are you from another camp?

After following Tan Xiao out of the mine, Barbatos suddenly approached Tan Xiao and asked mysteriously,

Can you change camps in this game? Dude, if you know the truth, I'll join you.

At this moment, not to mention Barbatos, everyone present was curious about Tan Xiao's identity.

Just now, there were too many things that they couldn't understand in the conversation between Tan Xiao and Mas. But one thing is clear, what Tan Xiao is talking about must have a lot to do with the undead, and it sounds like Tan Xiao is a spy hidden among the human race, performing some top-secret mission.

However, no one cares whether Tan Xiao is related to the undead.

As players, Amu, Barbatos and Asing naturally don't care about their camp. They are more curious about two things.

First, whether Tan Xiao is a masterpiece of the undead, and second, if so, they want to know how to complete the camp change.

Si Rui on the side, as the poor person who was brought out of the fire pit by Tan Xiao, she knew the benefits that joining [Destiny] brought to her. She didn't have much sense of belonging to human society, so she didn't care which camp the president belonged to. She only had one idea, to make her life as wonderful as possible on the basis of repaying Tan Xiao's kindness.

Lina, on the other hand, is more direct. When she heard Tan Xiao's conversation with the undead, she had already made a plan after being briefly shocked and confused.

As long as Tan Xiao is still willing to help her find her father, then she owes him her life. No matter what camp Tan Xiao is in, she will sacrifice her life when the other party is in danger.

However, Tan Xiao did not speak when faced with Barbatos' inquiry.

It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but that he didn't dare to say it because he was afraid that Mars or Saul would still be observing him secretly.

Tan Xiao didn't feel that his group was completely safe, so he cautiously kept silent.

Barbatos also realized something after seeing Tan Xiao's reaction, and immediately stopped questioning.

However, just after they were some distance away, Tan Xiao and his group met another group of familiar friends, including Tan Xiao's magic instructor, Rebecca.

They were led by the current city guards of Fast City, and the team led by Sherani, the candidate for the next city lord appointed by Holland.

Oh, what a coincidence!

When Sherani saw Tan Xiao and his group, he was briefly surprised and then said hello with a smile.

He thought about the dense herd of beasts on the way here and the previous reports of dense herds of beasts in Woz Highland. He looked at Tan Xiao with interest.

Could those beasts have anything to do with you?

Tan Xiao ignored the question and spoke bluntly,

Get away from here quickly.

Sherani and Rebecca looked at each other, both seeing confusion in each other's eyes.

At the same time, no one noticed that a mage in Sherani's team had a green light in his eyes after hearing Tan Xiao's words.

What's wrong? If you're worried about the herd, they've all dispersed by now.

As if sensing Tan Xiao's worry, Rebecca added,

Those beasts seem to be in bad condition and are not very aggressive.

However, Sherani's next words made Tan Xiao and his group's expressions suddenly change.

The space magicians in our team noticed that there seemed to be some abnormal space fluctuations nearby, so they came over to investigate.

Seeing everyone's strange expressions, Sherani realized that something seemed to have happened that he had not expected.

what happened?

At this moment, everyone's eyes will be focused on Tan Xiao.

The front is where the plane passage is. It has been constructed and two Level 90 undead have arrived.


Sherani and Rebecca exclaimed almost at the same time, but Sherani seemed to think of more in an instant. He looked at the levels and status of Tan Xiao and others and said in confusion,

If it's true, how did you leave unscathed?

He frowned in disbelief.

No offense, but it should be a simple matter for the Level 90 undead to deal with you, right?


Tan Xiao began to tell about their previous experiences. The top priority was that he had to take Sherani and his party away from this place first, in order to avoid Mars and Saul.

If he had not interfered and allowed Sherani and the others to meet Mas, they would not have had any accidents. They would have become the dead souls of Mas' men, and they might even have been driven targets.

However, Tan Xiao did not hide part of the facts, and it was impossible for him to tell Sherani that his information was obtained through time retrieval.

He used this excuse to confuse the two undead generals by learning Azikt's name from the lich during the battle.

Sherani and Rebecca were even more shocked when they heard Tan Xiao's description.

Everyone was listening to Tan Xiao's description with rapt attention, and they didn't even notice the strange luster in the eyes of a magician in the team.

So you mean, those two Level 90 undead were deceived by you like this? Does the name Azikt have such great power?

At this time, a certain magician in Xielani's team suddenly left the team, and he quickly flew towards the mine along the previous path of Tan Xiao and his party.


The moment he passed by Tan Xiao, Tan Xiao smelled the unique aura of the undead.

No! He is the undead!

Tan Xiao quickly chased after him, and Xielani's reaction was not unpleasant. He pulled out a big spear from nowhere.

Green flames ignited at the tip of the spear and were thrown violently by Sherani, shooting at the back of the magician who suddenly left.

call out--

The sound of breaking wind sounded, but a large piece of green aura appeared behind the magician, blocking the large spear coming from behind.

The magician didn't look back and rushed towards the mine at a faster speed.

Someone actually knows about Master Azikt? And he uses this to break into our clan? I must report it to the Frost Lord!

It turned out to be the person in charge and the Frost Lord

The Plague Mage who contacted them was precisely because it infected the Space Mage this time, which allowed Sherani and his party to find the location of the plane passage so quickly.

This damn human race actually learned so many secrets through the Lich?

The Plague Mage is a little strange. It doesn't think that its former colleagues would be so talkative.

However, it couldn't help thinking too much at this moment. Because, not only Sherani, but everyone else's offensive has arrived.

The overwhelming attacks overwhelmed the plague mage, especially Rebecca's magic. The powerful ice and snow magic changed the temperature of the area.

The Plague Mage moves gradually slower.

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