Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 100: A soldier never tires of deceit

Interesting, I happened to meet a few lonely humans.

Mas glanced at Tan Xiao's level, as well as Barbatos and others who were arriving one after another. The moment Barbatos and others saw Mas, their bodies stiffened and they subconsciously made a gesture of challenge.

Tsk—the level is a bit low.

At this moment, Mars wanted to avoid killing the humans in front of it for the time being. It was preparing to suck the brains of Tan Xiao and his group to see if it could get any useful information.

However, Tan Xiao and others were only in their early thirties, which made Mars hesitate for a moment. It felt that the level of the group of bed bugs in front of it was too low. There might not be any useful information at all, and it would waste precious time. Use magic to retrieve the opponent's memory.

Just when it was hesitating, Tan Xiao's brain started to work rapidly, not to defeat the level 90 undead in front of him, but to escape intact.

The plane passage has actually been opened by them, and they have successfully come over.

Tan Xiao felt his scalp numb for a while.

This is how to do?!

At that moment, his hand holding the crystal-eyed spider staff began to tremble slightly.

Because he knew that with their current state, they would never be able to defeat this undead tribe. What's more, as far as he knew, since Mars had already arrived, Saul should also be nearby.

He glanced at his crystal-eyed spider staff from the corner of his eye, and an idea flashed in Tan Xiao's mind, and a crazy plan began to brew in his mind.


Before Mars could figure out how to deal with the humans who were arriving one after another, Tan Xiao took the lead in activating his skills.


Mars was not aware of it for a moment, or it could be said that it was not afraid of what skills Tan Xiao would unleash on it at all. It did not even have any intention of resisting, so it just took the skills Tan Xiao unleashed on it.

However, just after taking advantage of Tan Xiao's skill [Bitterness], the ghost fire in its skull began to waver, and it looked at Tan Xiao full of doubts.

Because, not only was it not injured just now, but all the injuries it suffered from constructing the plane passage were healed.

Who are you.

It looked at Tan Xiao in disbelief, and began to search in its mind for the details of the undead placed in the human world.

Who are you? I don't know you. Are you Nerul? No, Ciel is from the human world?

Before it could finish speaking, Tan Xiao had already spoken a name,

Your Highness Azcott.

Mars was suddenly startled, and another figure suddenly appeared from another part of the rock wall. It was Saul, an undead man who was also wearing exquisite armor.

It was also very surprised, and the fire in its eyes was almost squeezed into a slit.

Tan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, his bet was right.

If he had just chosen to escape with his teammates, they might have been instantly killed and annihilated just like the first time they met in Shadow Fall.

Are you the person whom His Highness Azcott arranged to pick us up in the human world?

Mars spoke incredulously, and then was denied by itself,

No, we didn't receive this order. Who arranged it for you, and why are you here?

Faced with Mars' question, countless answers flashed through Tan Xiao's mind, but he rejected them one by one.

After all, there were too many things involved, and he didn't know the whole story. If he started lying rashly, it would expose his flaws.

So, he finally spoke and said,

Top secret mission, no comment.

Hearing this, Mars and Saul looked at each other, both seeing the other's doubts.

So, it turned its head slightly and looked at the figures behind Tan Xiao.

What about these people...?

They are all my teammates on earth, and they all swear allegiance to me.

Then why are you here?

We originally wanted to improve our level, but when something unexpected happened, we came here to take refuge.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and no one spoke.

Only Mars and Saul were communicating secretly in a way unique to the undead.

Is what this kid said true or false?

Not sure, what do you think?

You saw it just now. The undead magic he used filled up my blood. And he does have a trace of the undead aura that is undetectable. It may be true.


Why don't you go find Lord Azcott to confirm?

No, the two of us have just arrived, and parts of the passage are already unstable and cannot withstand the next transmission. Even if we want to confirm, it will take some time.


We can only let him go first. We cannot bear the responsibility if His Highness Azcott's plan is delayed.

After a brief communication, Mars and Saul reached an agreement.

In this case, then you should leave quickly and don't come near here. If you can, help us attract some higher-level humans to come over. We need to collect intelligence.


Tan Xiao agreed without hesitation.

Huh? Why don't you leave?

Seeing that Tan Xiao had no intention of leaving, Mas instantly became alert.

I saw Tan Xiao pointing at the king fire ant deep in the cave.

I must take it with me. It will be of great use to me.

Hearing this, Mars turned slightly to get out of the way.

So, Tan Xiao left the cave carrying the dying fire ant king and others.

But Mars and Saul no longer focused on Tan Xiao, because an undead who was only in his early teens had been teleported through the plane channel.

It will not affect the stability of the plane channel, and brought a personal message from Azcott,

Gloria Arthur has sent the friendly troops needed by the Frost King to the City of No Return. The Frost Lord of the City of No Return has basically completed the defilement of his faith. All arrangements for the two of them in the human world are now taken over by the Frost King, and will be taken over by his subordinate Plague. The mage will convey it on your behalf.”

Hearing the news, both Mas and Saul were overjoyed.

The plan is smoother than they knew, so what they have to do now is very simple, which is to complete the stabilization of the space channel as soon as possible and prepare for the first wave of feint attacks in the future.

That's right, the dimensional passage they worked so hard to open in the Woz Highlands is still a feint attack, but a more realistic feint attack.

It needs to be realistic enough to attract the attention of this Star Pulse Kingdom, so as to lay the foundation for the real killer move, that is, the arrival of the army without returning to the city.

As long as the plane passage led by the Frost King is successfully constructed in Wuhui City, and the existence of the Thirteen Thrones including Azcott can descend, then the shame of His Highness Wiltus being expelled can be completely washed away, and they will not die The grand occasion when the Legion dominates the world is not far away.

Mars and Saul were both a little excited at this moment, not only for the future of the undead, but also for their master, Azkot.

Once this battle is successful, Azcote's name will inevitably be praised by the undead for eternity.

However, they don't know that they have already let go of the biggest variable in this plan, which is Tan Xiao and his party.

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