Downstairs in the boys' dormitory, the destroyed gate was already filled with all kinds of zombies that were transformed from university students. They were all attracted by the screams of normal humans. The survivors living on the first floor had no way to resist the zombie army that attacked from both sides, and were broken through by the zombies one by one!

Another scream reached Chen Fan's ears, and his slightly relaxed brows wrinkled again. A trace of anxiety slowly appeared in his heart, and he began to pray!

‘Lao Ma, you must hold on, I'll be there soon! '

Ding Dong, the sound of a text message came from Chen Fan's pocket. Chen Fan's face sank, and the anxiety between his brows became more intense. He couldn't help but speed up his steps. A familiar outline appeared in front of him!

"What the hell is going on here!"

Thirty or forty student zombies appeared in front of him, blocking the entire broken door. Some zombies had already climbed on top of the zombies, and there was a faint situation of zombies stacked on top of zombies. There were also many zombies around, moving crookedly towards the door.���Come!

Chen Fan was even more anxious at this moment, wishing he could teleport to Lao Ma immediately!

‘There is no other way, I can only use that move! '

As Chen Fan said this, he made the standard fist-retracting action of Saitama. He began to bend his legs, and his body began to slightly turn to the right. His right fist began to retract to his waist to accumulate power!

When his bent legs were level with his body, the accumulation of power also stopped from this moment. A momentum suddenly burst out from Chen Fan's body. At this moment, the four or five zombies around him who were approaching Chen Fan were blown into the air by a strong gust of wind. They rolled several times before falling to the ground!

At this moment, Chen Fan's eyes looked particularly serious, staring closely at the zombies in front of him.

The anxious look in his mind also disappeared at this moment, leaving only a huge fist!

The fist at the waist began to rotate outward, and the body quickly straightened at this moment.

At this moment, the other side of the wall connected to the broken wall also fell to the ground.

A big hole was also broken on the second floor on the top.

A corner of the top floor of the dormitory also disappeared at this moment!

A huge cloud of dust rose up. Chen Fan patted the dust off his body and walked out slowly. There were no zombies in front of him. Even the corpses disappeared, leaving only the zombie crystal cores on the ground. There were also a few zombies whose bodies were destroyed by the aftermath of the punch. They were lying slowly in the corridor, motionless!

Chen Fan didn't pay much attention to the zombie crystal cores that fell on the ground. He just reached out and grabbed a handful, recovered his physical strength, took out the big knife again, and rushed to the corridor quickly!

Lao Ma's side!

He was struggling to resist the door. The table, cabinet, washing machine, bed, and everything that could be moved had been used to resist the door!

At this moment, he was desperate!

""Lao Fan, you really screwed me over. You left me in the dormitory and ran away secretly. What should I do?"

Lao Ma had a sad face and sat on the ground exhausted, helpless!


Suddenly a noise came from the door!

A zombie's arm suddenly came through the door and kept grabbing around!

Lao Ma was startled and jumped up from the ground immediately. He stared at the door with his eyes wide open. Even his breathing became a little rapid, and his heartbeat accelerated. He was at a loss!

"Lord Buddha bless me, zombie brother, I have no hatred with you in life and no grudge after death, why do you always catch me, my brother Chen Fan's meat is more tender and more fragrant, can't you go find my brother!"

Looking at the shaking door in front of him, Lao Ma became even more anxious, and took out the clothesline from somewhere and put it in his hand!

""Brother Zombie, if you don't leave, I will be rude to you!"

He showed a ferocious expression, waved the clothesline in his hand twice, and said threateningly, but his legs were shaking constantly, revealing his fear!

"Lao Fan, if you don't come to save your good brother, I'm afraid you will never see me again!"

As he spoke, tears began to flow from his eyes. Looking at the hole in the door in front of him getting bigger and bigger, a trace of despair slowly appeared in his heart!

"Lao Fan, it seems that we can only be brothers in the next life. Although you are very bad at playing games, don’t talk much and are just a nerd, I am still very grateful to you. It is my honor to be your roommate. In the next life, I still want to be your roommate!"

"Dad, Mom, even though I like playing games very much and I often cause troubles for you, I know you still love me and have me in your heart. It's just that suddenly you have a younger brother and you can't balance this love!"

As he spoke, tears dripped onto the ground, and Lao Ma sat on the ground in despair!

"And my younger brother, I really hope I can be a good brother in my next life!"

I was suddenly furious!

""If you want to die, I'll die with you. Come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

After saying that, he picked up the clothesline and poked the zombie that had half of its body exposed!


The clothesline easily poked into the zombie's eyes, and the white eyeballs burst instantly, blood flowed out of the eyes, and the clothesline was stuck directly in the zombie's eyes!

Ho, pop~

The zombie was still moving, trying to get in from the hole at the door, and Lao Ma was also angry!

"Damn, I just don't believe you're still alive!"

Anger clouded his mind, and he had long since covered up his fear. He picked up the stool on the ground and hit the clothesline with all his strength, piercing the zombie's head directly. The zombie stopped moving, and his hands fell down weakly!

It just blocked the entrance to the door, so that other zombies couldn't get in for a while!

Lao Ma also sat down on the ground, gasping for breath!

As his breathing became smaller and smaller, the movements of the zombies outside the door also slowly changed at this moment, until there was no movement at all!

"What's going on!"

Old Ma frowned and thought!

"Could it be that I killed a zombie and scared the others away?"

Then he shook his head, saying that it was impossible, as zombies should not be afraid!

"Could it be that my prayers worked? Thank God for your blessing. If I can survive, I will build a big temple for you and burn incense for you every day, once in the morning, noon and evening, to thank you for saving my life!"

As he said this, he bowed to the air!

Chen Fan saw this strange scene through the crack in the door and looked at Lao Ma with a frown!

‘Damn, I'm working so hard outside to kill zombies, and it has nothing to do with that Buddha. Why are you thanking Buddha there? Are you trying to piss me off to death?'

He kicked the door, then appeared in front of Lao Ma in a rage and said!

"Lao Ma, how about you kowtow to me and thank me first?"

Lao Ma looked at Chen Fan who suddenly appeared in front of him. For a moment, he thought he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes hard and saw clearly that the person who appeared in front of him was Chen Fan!

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