When Ling Shuang'er heard the words"marry Chen Fan", her cheeks turned red again. She secretly glanced in the direction of Chen Fan, and made sure that Chen Fan didn't hear it. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Ye Jingjing with her hand, and said aggrievedly!

"Jingjing, I didn't do that. I just think that this matter is not entirely Brother Fan's fault. If I hadn't been injured, Brother Fan wouldn't have been misunderstood. It's all my fault!"

Ye Jingjing was really confused after hearing this, and she was angry and shameless!

‘After all this talk, you two are the only ones in the same group, right? She is the extra one! '

I felt even more angry, but I couldn't do anything about them, so I could only sigh helplessly and said!

"Xiao Shuang, it seems that Chen Fan is more important to you than me, so there is no need for me to stay here any longer!" He was about to stand up and leave!

Seeing this, Ling Shuang'er immediately said anxiously!

"Jingjing, what are you thinking about? You are definitely the most important person in my heart. I can do without others, but I can never do without you, Jingjing!"

Ye Jingjing glanced at Ling Shuang'er, and she was delighted and pretended to be disappointed!

"Xiao Shuang, don't lie to me with such words. It's obvious whether I'm important to you or not. I'd better leave!"

Ling Shuang'er became even more anxious. She used both hands to get up and hold Ye Jingjing. Seeing this, Chen Fan immediately stopped her and said,"I'm not important to you. I...

"Sister Jingjing, Shuang'er can't leave you. If you leave, there will be no one to talk to Shuang'er, and she will be very sad. Please don't leave her, okay!"

After hearing this, Ye Jingjing felt that she had already won the game, so she spoke!

"Chen Fan, you really won't let me go?"

"That’s right, Sister Jingjing, you absolutely cannot leave Shuang’er!"

Chen Fan said seriously!

Ye Jingjing thought about it for a moment, then her eyes lit up and she looked at Chen Fan and said!

"Fine, I'll stay reluctantly, but you have to agree to one condition!"

Although Chen Fan was a little confused, he still nodded and agreed!

"As long as Sister Jingjing, you can stay with Shuang'er, I will agree to any conditions you ask for!"

Seeing that her plan had succeeded, Ye Jingjing smiled triumphantly and said!

"Well, next time you want to date Xiaoshuang, you must take me with you. Can you do that?"


For a moment, Chen Fan was a little confused and didn't know how to answer!

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't speak for a long time, Ye Jingjing frowned and showed an angry face!

"Chen Fan, if you don't agree, then I will leave, and I will never look back!"

After saying that, he was about to stretch out his right foot and start walking towards the corridor!

Seeing Ye Jingjing about to leave���Ling Shuang'er immediately became anxious and urged Chen Fan to agree to her!

Seeing this, Chen Fan had no choice but to say!

"I promise you, Sister Jingjing, this is fine, you don’t have to leave!"

Ye Jingjing stopped and said!

"Your words!"

"It is hard to change one's words. Don't worry about what I, Chen Fan, promised. If you violate it, you will be struck by lightning!"

Chen Fan said to Ye Jingjing seriously!

"This way I feel relieved!"

Then he turned around and showed Chen Fan a triumphant smile!

Chen Fan didn't understand when he saw this, I was set up by these two people!

""Okay, you two teamed up to deceive me, right?"

Looking at the smug expressions of the two, Chen Fan was really angry and shameless!

At this time, a text message rang from his mobile phone. He opened it and saw that it was from Lao Ma!

Oops, he forgot about Lao Ma. Lao Ma is still in the boys' dormitory. When he left, the door downstairs had been destroyed by his punch. According to the current situation, the five senses of the zombies have begun to evolve. It is very easy to find Lao Ma. If the door is full of a large number of zombies, I am afraid that the door will not last long!

Then his face sank and he spoke!

"The situation over there is very bad, I have to hurry to save Lao Ma!"

Looking at Chen Fan's serious expression, the two also realized the seriousness of the matter, and nodded together and spoke!

"Go ahead, we will close the door to the rooftop, and the zombies downstairs won't be able to get in!"

Chen Fan nodded, and without saying anything more, he quickly ran downstairs!

On the other side, Leng Yue'er and the others who escaped the disaster all breathed a sigh of relief. The strength shown by Chen Fan was too strong, and they simply couldn't deal with him!

At this time, the medical staff on the side spoke to Team Long who had been helped up and was sitting on the side!

"Captain Long, is there any discomfort in your body right now?"

Captain Long shook his head, rubbed his temple and said!

"There is nothing much to do now, go and get busy!"

At this time, a team member at the side asked!

"That Deputy Captain Huang!"

"He is hopeless, so just treat him as a sacrifice, and leave a compensation for his family!"

Captain Long is now quite wary of Chen Fan. He is too young and too strong. He once had the honor of meeting a master of ancient martial arts, but he was not as good as Chen Fan. In his heart, he only has deep fear and powerlessness towards Chen Fan!

Leng Yue'er and Feng Tianxiao in the back row were even worse. Their legs were weak, and they could only tie themselves up with seat belts to barely ensure that they would not fall to the ground!

Feng Tianxiao had already regarded Chen Fan as his must-kill target! 'As long as he can get him back home, he has a hundred ways to make Chen Fan disappear from this world!'

Suddenly, a team member took out a zombie crystal core from his bag and played with it in his palm. Suddenly, a stream of energy drilled into his palm, and the zombie crystal core turned into ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye and was blown away by the wind!

After this energy entered the body, it went straight towards the brain. He rushed over, and at the same time, the team members also cried out in pain, with sweat dripping from their foreheads!

Many team members turned their heads to look at him at the same time, and some of them held guns and pointed them at his head. As long as he changed, they would be shot immediately!

At this time, the team members had no energy to pay attention to the changes around them, because after this force came into the brain, it was constantly exploring the depths of the brain. Suddenly, a white light appeared, and then quickly disappeared in the mind!

At this time, the team members also woke up from the pain, touched their bodies, and then looked around, revealing a puzzled expression!

Suddenly, a heat came from the palm of his hand, and his right hand opened, and a stick appeared in his hand!

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and the Dragon Team on the side also saw this magical scene and immediately asked!

"Cai Tou, are you feeling unwell?"

Cai Tou heard the voice of Captain Long and replied immediately!

"Captain Long, I don't feel any discomfort in my body. I even feel that my body seems to be stronger than before!"He clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, and then looked at the stick that suddenly appeared in his hand in confusion!

Captain Long on the side also noticed the stick in Cai Tou's hand and spoke!

"Cai Tou, how did the stick in your hand appear?"

"I don't know, Captain Long, I felt my hand getting hot, and a stick appeared in my palm!"

Then everyone fell into deep thought!

On the other side, in the morgue where Wang Zitao was, a zombie who looked very similar to Wang Zitao was constantly devouring the crystal cores that fell from the zombie's head. When the last zombie crystal core was devoured by him, two blood-red eyeballs emerged from his dead fish-like eyes!

The crooked body began to slowly wriggle, stood up, and began to learn to walk slowly like a newborn baby!

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