"So that's the case. I thought the eldest sister went home. When I came back from home just now, I said that I didn't see the two of you, so I came here to look for you."

Ling Yun said to Chen Yang, after Chen Yang heard what Ling Yun said, he was actually very moved, because he also knew that Ling Yun was actually caring about himself.

Therefore, regarding the arrival of Ling Yun, Chen Yang also felt that Ling Yun was indeed a very careful and considerate person.

"Is there anything you need to do now? Why don't you help me with the company's affairs? Here are some things that need to be done."

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 629: Brother Chen Yang, believe me, okay? I'm serious

Because Chen Yang is currently managing some company affairs, and since it's work time, he naturally can't talk to Lingyun about other things.

He also understands that the company's affairs are actually very important, so he can't talk too much about the relationship between children and children.

Although he knew that Ling Yun came to him to miss him, and just wanted to be with him, he must not be able to do anything else in the company.

And for him, it was actually a relatively good thing for Ling Yun to come here, because when Ling Yun was able to come here, he could actually know that Ling Yun missed him very much.

But because it's work time now, and Chen Yang is here on the first day to work, so Chen Yang can't do too much, because he also knows that working in the company is to follow the company's rules "zero zero zero"


The most important thing is that today is still the first day that he came to work in the company. If those employees see that he is still chatting with Ling Yun, then what should those employees think of him, so even for this, Chen Yang has to be good. work, do nothing else during working hours

Of course, when he heard Chen Yang say these words, Ling Yun naturally understood that Chen Yang probably didn't want to make a mess during work hours, so as long as he could be with Chen Yang, Ling Yun was also very happy.

"Brother Chen Yang, if there is anything you want me to do, just say it directly. As long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Ling Yun is also a considerate person, so she understands what Chen Yang means, and she is not angry, because she has always been more considerate, and this is the company of the Lin family.

In addition, Lin Siyun was resting in the room, so Ling Yun did not dare to do anything. After all, she also knew that this kind of thing could not be discovered by Lin Siyun.

So after she heard Chen Yang's words, she understood what Chen Yang meant, and she was willing to share some things for Chen Yang, and she didn't want Chen Yang to be overworked.

These days in the human world, she has learned a lot of things. Although these things are different from those in the previous world, and the times are changing very fast, she learns things very quickly.

Basically, there is no difference from modern people, so Chen Yang is quite happy about this change.

Because Chen Yang knows that Lingyun is now different from the previous Lingyun, it is not particularly old-fashioned, and it makes people feel that it can communicate very friendly.

And it is exactly the same for modern people, so Chen Yang is actually quite happy about this, because he knows that Ling Yun was originally a pretty good person.

The most important thing is that Ling Yun is actually very good at communicating, and he is very easy to get along with. This is actually a good thing for Chen Yang, because he knows that Ling Yun is insecure.

So for Ling Yun, it is enough for Chen Yang to give her enough, so Chen Yang also knows that Ling Yun is actually a very good person, which is also a very important thing for Chen Yang. These are his things, so this is actually a very good thing for Chen Yang. Although he and Ling Yun were together at the beginning, he felt a little sorry for the four sisters, but later he thought about it, as long as he didn't They knew that she was also pursuing her own happiness, so now Lingyun also understands Chen Yang's thoughts, so she will not show any abnormality in front of the four 44 sisters, although she also knows, but she still will Chen Yang treats him like a brother

This should be regarded as a little secret between Ling Yun and Chen Yang, because Ling Yun also knows that Chen Yang does not want them to know about his relationship with Xiao Chen Yang, so Ling Yun will naturally protect the existence of this. secret

Recently, Ling Yun has learned a lot about what is now, so she also knows a lot about this era, and she learns things very quickly. Chen Yang feels that this is actually a good thing for Ling Yun.

Because of this, Ling Yun can better understand that this kind of thing is actually not easy in modern life.

Therefore, Chen Yang is also willing to communicate with Ling Yun.

He knew some things, now Ling Yun already understands

Therefore, Lingyun also knows about this kind of thing, because in the company it is absolutely not allowed to move too much, and it is necessary to work quietly because Chen Yang now knows that Lingyun is no different from modern people, so he is also willing to put some work Leave it to Ling Yun to help him deal with it, he does have some trouble doing it himself

"Brother Chen Yang, what are you asking me to do?"

After Lingyun heard Chen Yang's words, he happily prepared to help Chen Yang, because he also knew that working in the company was not an easy task, and he had recently learned some things about modern society.

He also understands it very well, he knows that the company is actually a very helpless thing, because you can't be in the company, but if you hate it very much

If the company, you will not be able to do this job

The matter of the company is actually a matter that varies from person to person, and this time she actually understands that if Chen Yang didn't help Lin Siyun in this matter, maybe Chen Yang wouldn't come to the company either.

But because Lin Siyun is pregnant now, so doing these things, Ling Yun can understand.

Because she wanted to take care of her, Chen Yang took the initiative to take on this responsibility

Although Ling Yun felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she also knew that, after all, it came first and then arrived. Ling Yun understood this principle.

"That's it, I found something wrong with the company's ledger, so I think you seem to have learned something new recently. You should have a look at the ledger."

Chen Yang to 3

5. Regarding Lingyun, because Chen Yang also knows that Lingyun has learned a lot of knowledge recently, this should not be a difficult task for Lingyun.

The most important thing is that these things are actually too simple for Ling Yun, and Ling Yun also understands that this kind of thing is really not particularly difficult for him.

Of course, if it is particularly difficult, he will not leave it to Ling Yun, so the reconciliation must be left to Ling Yun.

"The captain has learned this, but I haven't really practiced it. So, Brother Chen Yang, are you willing to leave this to me? If possible, I should help you do it well."

Lingyun is also more serious, so when she heard Chen Yang's words, she also wanted to help Chen Yang

Chapter 630: The mediocre go down, the capable go up, don't force any qualifications

For Ling Yun, although it was the first time for her to do this kind of thing, she was also very confident, because Ling Yun never forgot, so

Ling Yun is no problem

And for Ling Yun, he is very serious. For Ling Yun, this kind of thing is simply too simple.

Although she has never done it, she has learned and she has seen these things, so this is a very good thing for Ling Yun.

And the most important thing is that Chen Yang feels that there are indeed more ledgers in this matter, because the ledgers of the past few years are all here

If Chen Yang was asked to reconcile the accounts by himself, it might take several days to complete the reconciliation, but if someone came to help, it might be a lot easier

So for this point, in fact, Chen Yang really wanted Ling Yun to help him.

In addition, Lingyun has nothing to do, so he is very relieved to leave this matter to Lingyun and Chen Yang. The main thing is that Chen Yang also knows that this kind of thing is actually very simple for 18 Yu Lingyun.

"Okay, since that's the case, then you can check the account books for the next few years. You start from the first page, and then I will first check if there are any problems with the original books in the past few days. If there is any problem, you must immediately tell me"

Because Chen Yang found that there seemed to be something wrong with this ledger, the most important thing was that he felt that the ledger was not the same as what he imagined.

So he must do this well, otherwise he doesn't know what to do.

Because there are many things that have to be started from scratch, this is actually a very important thing for Ling Yun.

This is because he trusts Ling Yun more, so they are willing to leave this matter to Ling Yun, because he feels that Ling Yun is indeed a very good person for him, and he also trusts Ling Yun very much.

The most important thing is that he thinks Ling Yun is a very reliable person. If it is given to others, then he will definitely not agree.

And although the other people are from the company, they may not be able to come up with any tricks.

This is indeed a very bad thing for them, so Chen Yang also knows that this kind of thing must be paid more attention to them.

Fortunately, Ling Yun just came here. Otherwise, Chen Yang himself would not know what to do, because only Ling Yun can help him in this matter.

Because Chen Yang doesn't want Lin Siyun to be overworked, because after all, Lin Siyun is still pregnant, so he wants Ling Yun to help him. After all, Ling Yun has nothing to do right now, and it's boring all day anyway.

"Okay, Brother Chen Yang, leave this to me, I will definitely help you do it well."

After Lingyun heard what Chen Yang said, she immediately took some of the ledgers that Yang handed her. These ledgers were several years ago, so Chen Yang checked to see if there were any mistakes.

Although it is a ridiculous thing to talk about the account book in the company, and few people will come to reconcile the account book, but for Chen Yang, this kind of thing still has to start little by little.

Otherwise, there are many things that Chen Yang should do. After all, this is the first time for Chen Yang to manage the company, so I must be more cautious.

"Brother Chen Yang, where should I look?"

Because there are too many ledgers, Ling Yun is overwhelmed.

Because she doesn't know where to look at the ledger, what she has learned is actually a very important thing

Therefore, she has never seen such a ledger. Of course, Lingyun is looking forward to this kind of thing, because it is her first time working in the company.

"You should start with the first book, which is the oldest one. Although it will take a long time, I believe you can read it.

You look at the front half, and I look at the back half, so our speed will be faster.”

Chen Yang was talking to Ling Yun. In fact, he also knew about this kind of thing. Ling Yun should be able to do it well, so he didn't need to worry too much.

Reconciliation is actually very rare in the company, so those employees have never done it, so Chen Yang will feel that there will be something wrong with this matter, and he will think of doing it today, the most The main thing is that he felt that when he checked the accounts just now, he found that some numbers were not right.

That's why Chen Yang thought of checking the account book. Maybe some employees of the company did something to the company, and they didn't know it at all. That's why Chen Yang thought that this matter must be checked carefully.

So with the efforts of Chen Yang and Ling Yun, the two of them started to check the ledger, because they were very serious when checking the ledger, so they didn't notice that a person came to their office. that is their employees

"Mr. Chen, here is a document that needs your signature. Are you free now?"

That...the employee stood outside for a long time, but found that Chen Yang had been ignoring him, so this made him feel a little shocked. He didn't expect Chen Yang to be so serious.

And he would be so addicted to it, otherwise he wouldn't know why Chen Yang would be so serious, so he was also very surprised.

At this time, Chen Yang discovered that there was an employee standing in front of him in the original 000, which really made him feel something unimaginable, because he didn't think of such a thing, and he didn't notice someone coming.

"Show me what documents?"

After Chen Yang heard this person's words, he raised his head, so he said to them.

"That's right, our company is going to sign a contract recently, but there were some minor problems with this contract, so it was terminated midway, but the main contract was sent again today, I would like to ask you to take a look at the contract. no problem"

This staff member is also very serious, so he also said to Chen Yang that this staff member is completely different from the staff member who just came to Chen Yang, that... the staff member who was fired looks like a very arrogant person.

Taking this person as Chen Yang, I feel that it is actually quite comfortable.

So Chen Yangde is actually quite a good person.

"You give me the documents first

I'll take a look later, if there is any problem, I will find you, if there is no problem, I will directly sign the document before, you can rest assured that there will be no problem"

Chen Yang also knows that this kind of thing may not be that difficult, so he also wants to do this kind of thing, because this kind of thing is actually quite happy for him.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 631: In this world, there is no shortage of talents

After Chen Yang heard what this person said, he was actually a little surprised, because they thought that if they had a contract, they would return to work again.

"Brother Chen Yang, what kind of contract is this?"

Ling Yun was very surprised when he saw Chen Yang holding these contracts. He had never seen this contract before, so he was also very shocked.

"I don't know either, I'll take a look first."

Chen Yang is also very curious. This is the first time for him to understand this, so he has no idea what the situation is and why there is such a thing.

In the end, Chen Yang stopped to look at the ledger first, and then took a look at this kind of thing, because he found that there seemed to be some problems with this contract

Because this contract doesn't know why the words written on it are very strange, so Chen Yang also feels very strange.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that this contract was about their company's contract with another company, but he found a loophole, that is, the company didn't seem to be rigorous when writing the contract, and he didn't know the loophole of the company. , or they did it on purpose

So Chen Yang also feels very curious, what is the situation, so Chen Yang has been carefully looking at this contract, otherwise he doesn't know what happened, because this activity is indeed very important to them. of

Chen Yang seems to have heard Xiaolin Siyun say that this contract is actually a very important contract for their company, so Chen Yang also hopes that this contract can be reached.

The most important thing is that Chen Yang likes this contract, because this contract can play a very good role in their company

It is precisely because I heard Lin Siyun say this that Chen Yang went online, otherwise Chen Yang would not do such a thing. For Chen Yang, he is actually very attentive and very concerned. earnest

"Brother Chen Yang, are you optimistic? What kind of thing is this?"

Ling Yun was also very curious at this time, because he found that Chen Yang's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled, and he didn't know what was going on, so he was also very worried.

"There is something wrong with this contract, so we absolutely cannot sign it"

After Chen Yang read the contract carefully, he spoke to Ling Yun, but Ling Yun did not understand what Chen Yang meant.

"Is there something wrong with this contract or is there something unfair?"

Lingyun also didn't understand very much, because she didn't know what happened, so she also felt that this contract should be better. It's not good, but I don't know why the employees of these companies didn't seem to see it, and they brought it over for me to sign, if I didn't take a closer look just now, I'm afraid we really signed this contract."

Chen Yang suddenly discovered that the employees in the company seemed to be so serious, and they didn't read these contracts carefully.

"Maybe it's because they think there's nothing wrong with it, but fortunately, Brother Chen Yang, you've read it, otherwise, we might not have discovered this matter."

After Ling Yun listened to Chen Yang's words, he did not expect that these employees of the company were so sloppy.

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