The employee said this to Chen Yang with great disdain, and after Chen Yang heard his words, he felt very funny.

So Chen Yang said to the employee, "I think you may not know the one just now... The one you mentioned... The so-called Xiao Lin, that is, the... employee who was fired by me, he left after you, Mr. Lin. agree

And even if Mr. Lin does not agree, I can directly fire him, not to mention the consent of Mr. Lin, so I think this matter is self-evident, Mr. Li wanted to fire you all a long time ago, but just Because he is kinder

So he always wanted to keep you guys looking at you for a long time. The company doesn't always raise the disabled, so I think you should recognize your own status.

The most important thing is that there are so many talented people in the company, and the company does not lack you. I hope you can all recognize your own status. Otherwise, the company will not be able to keep you. company

Second, I fired him for a reason

It's not that he was fired for no reason. I hope you all can understand the reason. Then I say that there are still some things that I don't need to say. I think you should also understand the current state of your work.

How many people came to the company to exchange meals, I don't need to say this, you all understand that from the first time I entered the company, I knew which of you were working hard.

Who are the people who are messing around here, so I also hope that everyone can work well and not be the one who is messing around here.

The company is not a welfare home, nor is it a nursing home. I hope you can all contribute to the company's work. Only in this way can we make the company better, and the company will also benefit from your work.

That's all I have to say today

As for me, I think everyone should be clear in their hearts, who is doing things for the company seriously, and who is trying to fish in the water. I know very well in my heart.

In a month's time, I want you to show me your results. Otherwise, I think you should know the results. There is no shortage of talents in the company.

Our company is not unable to invite those famous brand graduates. I don't think you need to stay in the company. If you are not uncomfortable with your strength, the company does not need to keep you.

I'm not like Mr. Lin who can only recognize human feelings, I rely on strength to do things, so I think you can recognize the facts of this matter."

After saying that, Chen Yang left, and the others looked at each other after hearing what Chen Yang said. They didn't expect Chen Yang to be so sharp, and they didn't expect Xiao Lin to leave with the consent of President Lin.

"Do you think what he said is true? Mr. Lin would really agree to Xiao Lin's departure? Could it be that he lied to us?"

The staff next to him were talking a lot after hearing what Chen Yang said, and the staff member who was just... clamoring at the side also felt a little blush at this time, because he didn't know why, he felt that what Chen Yang said That... the one who fishes in troubled waters is him

Indeed, he also relied on some positions in the company and the company's working time in the company for a long time, so sometimes he is indeed too spoiled and arrogant.

But what he can't do for the company is that although he doesn't work hard, he also feels that he has made a great contribution to the company.


It should be true, how could he lie, and Mr. Lin and he are in the same office, so when Xiao Lin went there, Mr. Lin must have seen it too."

Those employees were discussing about the... employee just now, and they suddenly thought that maybe President Lin was really too kind to them.

And this time, maybe Chen Yang was just a helper invited by Mr. Lin, who wanted to expel them one by one.

"Let's work hard. Only by working hard will there be no danger of being fired."

They started to talk a lot, so when they finished discussing this matter, they began to return to their posts. This time, they didn't mess around and started to work seriously.

Zero, and this matter also understands that some people should not be merciful to him

If you really stay in front of him, then this will make him think that he is very important and irreplaceable, which is actually very bad for the employees of the company

This is something that Chen Yang has always known, so he actually understands this very well.

And most importantly, it's not just because the system gave him the strategy for managing the company.

The most important thing is these, in fact, he has a set of methods in his mind.

In the end, I didn't expect that it could actually be used. It seems that the management of talents is universal no matter where it is.

After Chen Yang returned to the office, he felt that managing the company was indeed not an easy task.

Although I was only the first genius to manage the company

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Chapter six hundred and twentieth seventh: the sudden little girl

After arriving at the office, Chen Yang was very tired and lay down on the chair. He really didn't expect that today's events would make him feel very surprised, and it also made him feel really speechless.

The most important thing is that these employees didn't think about other people's thoughts, so for Chen Yang, the things he did today are actually a good thing for him.

"What's wrong with Yangyang?"

Lin Siyun heard the sound outside, so she walked out of the inner office, watching Chen Yang tiredly lying on the chair, and also knew what happened to Chen Yang today.

"I really didn't expect that dealing with the company's affairs is really not a simple thing. I also understand why you are so tired usually. I really feel sorry for you."

After Chen Yang watched Lin Siyun come out, you looked at Lin Siyun and said to him distressedly, he didn't think that the management of the company was not only about the company, but also some such things, which really made Chen Yang feel very tired

"Yeah, actually, I didn't expect that there would be so many things in the company.

So this kind of thing needs to be managed little by little in the company, but I didn't expect you to fire someone on the first day, although this is what I want to do, but I have never dared to do it."

Lin Siyun also sighed after listening to Chen Yang's words, and then said to Chen Yang, "It's not that he doesn't know this, this matter is indeed a relatively difficult thing for them.

These employees are indeed some old employees, so they do not want these employees to suffer some bad things. For them, they really want these employees to do well in this matter.

But some of them just rely on their seniority, so they don't do anything real here. Lin Siyun has wanted to do this for a long time, but because of their relatively high age, Lin Siyun has always been don't have time to do

Fortunately, Chen Yang helped her do this today, so Lin Siyun is actually very happy.

"In the future, you can rest assured. Just leave the company's affairs to me. I will handle this matter. You don't have to worry about the company's affairs anymore."

After Chen Yang heard what Lin Siyun said, he felt very distressed for Lin Siyun, so he asked Lin Siyun to hold him in his arms. He also knew that Lin Siyun did these things for his own family and for this company.

"Hahahahahahahaha Yangyang, I really didn't expect you to be quite capable of managing a company."

After Lin Siyun listened to Chen Yang's words, she was actually very happy, because she also knew that Chen Yang was feeling sorry for her, so this was actually a good thing for her.

For Chen Yang, in fact, he also knows that he should help Lin Siyun, so he is bound to do this, especially after he knows it is very difficult, he should help Lin Siyun, the most important thing is to help Lin Siyun. The thing is, it's really not easy.

"Hahahaha, this is all taught by the eldest sister. If not, how could I have this talent? So everything is due to the eldest sister"

After listening to Lin Siyun's words, Chen Yang was actually very happy, because he knew about this matter, he knew that he managed it right, so he also understood this feeling very well.

She did this very rightly. She also said that she is actually very happy about this kind of thing.

"Okay, okay, I know you're right, so I'll leave everything to you today. I'm still a little tired, so I'll go to rest first."

Maybe it's because of her pregnancy, so Lin Siyun is very sleepy recently, but fortunately, she has Chen Yang to help her with these company affairs today, so she can sleep a little longer, otherwise she wouldn't have so much energy to come here to sleep.

Chen Yang was actually very happy after hearing what Lin Siyun said.

"Okay, eldest sister, go and rest first. Just leave this matter to me. If I have anything I don't understand, I will ask you for advice."

When Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun like this, he also knew that he felt sorry for Lin Siyun very much.

"Okay, I see, you can handle things well here, I'll go first"

After Lin Siyun listened to Chen Yang's words, although she was very tired and very tired, she still spoke to Chen Yang very seriously, and she was also very patient.

After speaking, Lin Siyun went in. She naturally knew that this matter was actually very important to Chen Yang.

In addition, the matter that Chen Yang handled today really made her quite satisfied, so she also knew that Chen Yang was a relatively neat person, and she was very relieved to hand over the company to Chen Yang.

When this kind of thing was handed over to Chen Yang, Lin Siyun was actually quite relieved, because this kind of thing was actually a good thing for her.

After going in, he fell asleep quickly. Chen Yang was out to deal with some company affairs. He found that the company's accounts seemed to be a little wrong.

Knowing why he always felt that the company's accounts could not be reconciled, he began to feel that someone had manipulated the company's accounts, but he didn't know what went wrong.

"Little Wang, come here

"Go and help me get me all the account books over the years, and I'll check the accounts."

Because Chen Yang found that when he was just checking the account books, he suddenly found that these accounts were not quite right, so he knew that these accounts should be manipulated by someone, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he could only do it by himself. Do it all by yourself

Because some worms come out of the little people of these companies, so Chen Yang must find all these worms now.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll do it right now."

After listening to what Chen Yang said, Xiao Wang immediately did it, because he also knew and heard about what Chen Yang did in the company today.

So he didn't have any easing, so he ran away immediately, and at this moment, Chen Yang's phone in the office rang.


After Chen Yang answered the phone, he was very curious, and he didn't know who was calling him at this time.

"Mr. Chen, there is a little girl at the front desk looking for you, but we don't know who she is, so we didn't let him in either."

Chen Yang picked up the phone, it turned out to be the customer service at the front desk, so Chen Yang was also very curious, where did the little girl come to find him at this time? To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!

Chapter 628: Ling Yun's meticulous care

I was very curious, but I still said to the little customer service at the front desk, "Ask his name?"

Chen Yang is really very curious, he doesn't know who is looking for him, and it is at this time, so he also has some intersections, because he is going to check the ledger now, so who is coming to him if he has nothing to do? The girl said her name is Lingyun, she asked me to tell you

She said she came to you for something, so as long as I mention her name, you will definitely let her in."

Although the voice of the customer service at the front desk was very confusing, Chen Yang was a little shocked. He didn't expect Lingyun to come.

Therefore, although Chen Yang was very shocked in his heart, his tone was calm, so he calmly said to the customer service, "Please let her in, let her come to my office"

Chen Yang really didn't expect Ling Yun to find him. It seems that when he came this morning, Ling Yun hadn't gotten up yet, so now when he knew that he came to the company, he should be very anxious.

Ah, after the customer service over there heard what Chen Yang said, although he was very puzzled, he still asked Ling Yun to come in.

After Ling Yun entered, the customer service looked at Ling Yun very strangely.

"Who is that girl who just entered?"

At this time, an employee of the company asked about this customer service. Although the customer service was very strange, he told the employee the truth, "This little girl said she wanted to find our President Chen.

You don't know who this little girl is, but she was able to enter our President Chen's office. You must know that our President Lin is still inside.

It's really weird"

Because Ling Yun is better-looking, they all think that Ling Yun and Chen Yang should be related. In addition, Ling Yun is relatively young, and they call Chen Yang his brother, so they all feel very strange.

So at this time, after hearing what the predecessor said, the employees looked at Ling Yun's back with an ambiguous look in their eyes, because they all knew that this kind of thing was very common in the company.

"Do you think this little girl belongs to President Chen?"

One of the employees made a meaningful voice. They didn't know who this little girl was and what to do, but since he saw Chen Yang's office, it could mean that they were definitely not related.

"Who's to say that? Anyway, we don't know people well. If we talk about it, they will fire us. I don't dare to say it, I don't dare to say it."

"That's it, who dares to say this? You can't be fired after talking about it. It's terrible, it's terrible. Let's hurry up and work. If we talk nonsense here, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep our jobs."

They dared to say these words before, but after Yang came here, they really didn't dare to say it, because they also knew that this matter was really nothing to Chen Yang.

The most important thing is that they also know that something is really not a good thing.

Therefore, they are also very afraid that Chen Yang will fire them. Although they talk about it behind their backs, they can only dare to discuss it like this. If Chen Yang really knows about this, their jobs may not be able to be preserved.

"That's right, that's right, we are still doing a good job, otherwise, if Chen Yang really finds out, and we discuss this matter here, I'm afraid our jobs won't be preserved.

Although these people were discussing, they didn't say much, so they were also very shocked.

They didn't expect that this incident would actually happen to Chen Yang, and it was still in Lin Siyun's office, and they all started talking about it.

And when it happened to them, they didn't even think that Chen Yang would actually do it, so when they found out about it, they all knew that they seemed to have discovered a big secret.

And this matter began to slowly ferment in the company. Many people began to know that a little girl walked into Chen Yang's office, but no one mentioned it in front of Chen Yang, because if this matter once happened to your owner Mention it in front of them, their job is gone

But it was very crazy to talk about this in private, especially after Ling Yun entered Chen Yang's office, they were all talking here, because they all thought that Ling Yun was Chen Yang's lover

On the other hand, Ling Yun, Chen Yang and the others don't know it at all, because they don't even know that the employees of these companies will be so broken and say everything.

"Lingyun, why are you here, why are you so leisurely today, come to me?"

When Chen Yang watched Ling Yun come in, he was still busy with some things, so he stopped what he was doing and said to Ling Yun.

There are indeed some troubles in the company's affairs, so it also needs to be careful. Although his work ability is relatively strong, the company's affairs still require him to do these things little by little.

0 "I'm bored at home, so I came here to play with you. By the way, where's eldest sister?"

Ling Yun felt very strange, Chen Yang should be working with the eldest sister now, but at this time he did not see the eldest sister, only Chen Yang alone.

"Eldest sister is too tired today, so I'm sleeping inside. Today is my first day at work, so I have to do more things."

After Chen Yang listened to Ling Yun's words, he explained to Ling Yun. Although he was very surprised by Ling Yun's arrival, Chen Yang also felt very happy, because in this case, he could have someone to chat with and relieve his boredom.

After all, it is indeed very boring in the company, and here Lin Siyun has been sleeping and resting all the time, so he basically works here without anyone to accompany him.

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