A standing woman, with four 44 girls and a boy sitting beside her

Seeing the doll on the cake, Lin Yuyan also instantly understood that today's episode started when she came up to this island to the present.

It's a surprise planned for myself

"How about it, does godmother like it?"

Suddenly Chen Yang walked past Lin Yuyan

And behind Chen Yang, the four sisters also smiled

Lin Yuyan couldn't help laughing, "Look at what the two of you are doing, my mother is still very old and still doing this"

Chen Yang hugged Lin Yuyan gently, "What's the matter, when is godmother not the most beautiful?"

"Yes, mother is the protagonist tonight."

Lin Siyu responded with a smile

"Also, it's not my birthday today and I made a cake that big."

Lin Yuyan continued to speak, although she said so on her mouth, she was already able to see from her eyes.

5 corners, see a trace of tears

"Che, who said that you can only eat cakes on birthdays? Usually, Sanjie secretly goes to the refrigerator every night to eat cakes."

Lin Sixuan also walked in front of Lin Yuyan, hugged Lin Yuyan and said:

"You! I'm too lazy to care about you today, for my mother's sake"

Lin Sihan gave Lin Sixuan a blank look and said

Lin Siyu responded with a smile, "Yes, my mother has taken care of us for so many years, what's wrong with getting a cake to celebrate?"

"Okay, don't talk too much, let the godmother go to cut the cake, there will be a surprise after cutting the cake."

Chen Yang responded with a smile

Lin Yuyan laughed and joked, "There is also a surprise godmother, this little heart can't take it anymore"

The waiter pushed the cake in front of Lin Yuyan, and the splendid candles lit the cake in Sanya at night, shining exceptionally well.

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Chapter 355: Can't Dance

? I teach you (please subscribe!)

Although Lin Yuyan didn't show it on her face, she was already moved in her heart at this time.

With the support of Chen Yang, he successfully cut the cake in front of him.

The moment the cake was cut, all the tourists around were shouting and applauding.

"Godmother, I have a lot of surprises for you tonight."

Chen Yang smiled and replied

Lin Yuyan responded with a smile, "There are other surprises."

I saw music suddenly playing on the island, and the colorful lights also flashed, and the surrounding environment was like being in a dance hall.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and handed it to Lin Yuyan, "The surprise is, I want to invite my godmother to a dance"

"Please dance with me"

Lin Yuyan froze for a moment and smiled.

Chen Yang responded with a smile, "I've always heard that godmothers are very good at dancing, but I haven't experienced it."

After speaking, I saw that Chen Yang directly grabbed Lin Yuyan's hand and walked towards the middle of the crowd.

Following the music and the lights on the island, Chen Yang and Lin Yuyan began to slowly sway.

Lin Sixuan looked at Chen Yang and said, "Look at Yangyang, tease me a lot and make my mother smile."

"I also want to dance with Yangyang"

Lin Sihan also sighed 18 times.

Lin Sixuan rolled her eyes angrily and said, "Don't think about it, just dance with your three-legged cat skills."

"Even if I'm a three-legged cat kung fu, I'm better at dancing than some people"

Lin Sihan choked back

"Who do you say is dancing?"

"I'll tell you about you"

Even the quarrel between Lin Sixuan and Lin Sihan was perfectly integrated into this moving music.

Chen Yang put one hand on Lin Yuyan's shoulder, while the other gently supported Lin Yuyan's waist.

"Godmother is really amazing, I was driven by you"

Chen Yang looked at Lin Yuyan and said

Lin Yuyan smiled and responded, "No way, the godmother hasn't skipped it for a long time, but"

"But what the fuck?"

Chen Yang responded

"But when your godmother was young, she was a dancer at various dinner parties."

Lin Yuyan said with a proud face

Even Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, it's been a long time since he saw Lin Yuyan so happy.

"That's right, in the future, the godmother can come to me from time to time to make a gesture."

Chen Yang responded with a smile

Lin Yuyan smiled and looked at Chen Yang and said, "It's good that Yang Yang has the heart. You have spent a lot of thought on planning this without your godmother."

"As long as the godmother is happy, it's not worth doing anything."

Chen Yang responded with a smile

Lin Yuyan said, "You, I will make your godmother happy."

The atmosphere on the whole island is very beautiful, with moving music and lights, and people dancing

Barbecue and coconut in the open air, think of everything as normal

At the corner of the island, a blond girl arrived late, holding Chen Yang's shirt in one hand, and looking around.

And the dress that was torn under her feet has been replaced with a new one.

"Why did I just go back, the whole thing seems to have changed."

Ling'er looked around with a puzzled look and said.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his eyes immediately locked onto Chen Yang.

At the same time, his eyebrows immediately wrinkled, "Okay, I also said that I am not a pervert, and I used the divination of other people's privacy, and now I even invite others to dance."

And Chen Yang just finished dancing with Lin Yuyan

"Godmother, take a rest, I didn't expect you to dance so well, godmother"

Chen Yang gasped lightly.

Lin Yuyan laughed and joked, "Do you think what the godmother said was lying to you, the godmother was really a dancer before."

"Okay, I believe it now, I'll go get something to drink, godmother, wait for me."

Chen Yang responded with a smile, and then walked over to the outdoor bar on the island.

I saw that Chen Yang had just arrived at the bar, picked up the drink on the table and hadn't even put it into his mouth, and was slapped heavily on the shoulder behind him.

"Mr. Chen!"

I saw Linger standing behind Chen Yang with an angry expression on her face.

Chen Yang turned towards the source of the voice, the good guy is her again, having had the experience several times before, Chen Yang didn't want to be thrown to the ground again.

I saw Chen Yang subconsciously took two steps back, and asked with a puzzled look, "Why are you here again? Didn't you go back?"

"Mr. Chen, you naturally want me to go back. If I hadn't seen it just now, I would have really become your accomplice."

Linger stared at Chen Yang and snorted coldly.

"what are you saying"

However, when these words reached Chen Yang's ears, he was at a loss.

Ling'er said with a serious face, "Mr. Chen, you pretend, I saw it clearly just now!"

This can't help but make Chen Yang stunned, "You can see everything clearly"

"I saw you dancing with Lin Yuyan just now, and you asked me to fortune her privacy before dancing.

You are just conspiring against people"

Linger pointed at Chen Yang and said

As soon as these words came out, Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned, and then burst out laughing.

"You actually laughed out loud, and you said you weren't a pervert!"

Linger continued to accuse

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing and crying, "I said eldest brother, do you know what the relationship between the woman you mentioned just now has to do with me?"

"I don't care what your relationship is with you. In short, you asked me to foretell her schedule. If you do something, wouldn't I really become your accomplice?"

After speaking, Ling'er suddenly grabbed Chen Yang's arm.

Ling'er said righteously, "Anyway, I won't let you leave here today, for me, and for the woman who was fortuneteller by me!"

Looking at Linger's aura in front of him, even Chen Yang almost thought that he was a pervert with a wicked plan.

"That's good, then you have to hold my hand."

Chen Yang did not explain to Linger immediately, but smiled.

Linger frowned, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yang didn't respond, but grabbed Linger and walked towards the middle of the crowd at the same time.

The music on the island is still going on, people are still dancing non-stop in the center of the island, immersed in the lights and the music

"What are you doing!"

Linger stared at Chen Yang with wide eyes.

Chen Yang responded with a smile, "Didn't you say that, grab me tonight and don't let me leave?"

At the same time, a hand gently supported Linger's waist, and began to dance with the music.

"I don't know how to dance, but I'm talking to you seriously!"

Linger puffed out her mouth and said

Chen Yang responded with a smile, "Just follow me, you don't need to know how to dance"

"I don't have time to joke with you, I'm telling you something serious."

Ling'er responded in an unhappy manner.

Chapter 356: Say no to mouth, body is very honest

I saw that although what he said was not good, Ling'er's body was very honest. Under Chen Yang's carrying, she jumped up slowly.

even become more and more proficient

"Look, you're good at not dancing."

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