"No, Mr. Chen, you can't do things that hurt others."

As soon as the words fell, the whole body fell towards Chen Yang.

Good guy, without Chen Yang taking any precautions, Linger's body once again overwhelmed Chen Yang.

This is also the fourth time that Chen Yang has been knocked down by Linger. Almost every time they meet, they have to experience this kind of baptism.

But this time is different from the past. The place where Chen Yang and Linger are located is in a place temporarily built with a greenhouse.

When the shed was blown by the sea breeze, it was already leaning reluctantly, not to mention the sudden weight of two people.

I saw that at the moment when Linger rushed towards Chen Yang, the shed also slanted down.

The two were instantly covered by a huge purple cloth, and a cloud of dust rose from all around.

This move undoubtedly aroused the attention of the tourists around, and people's eyes were looking towards Chen Yang and the two of them in succession.

"Cough, cough, what the **** is going on?"

Ling'er lifted the cloth covering her body and waved her hand in front of her.

Chen Yang is even more speechless. Every time he encounters this blonde girl, something good happens.

Ling'er looked around, only to realize that the temporary fortune-telling house she had built by herself had now turned into a pile of ruins on the ground.

"My divination house is gone.

with a sad face

"Get up quickly"

Chen Yang looked at the good air that was sitting on his body

Ling'er's little face instantly turned red, she wanted to stand up, but unexpectedly her clothes were pressed down by the collapsed greenhouse material, and she couldn't get up for a while.

"You are not allowed to look! I will get up now"

Linger said with a blushing face, and at the same time kept moving the material pressed on her clothes with her hands.

Originally, Linger didn't say that Chen Yang didn't pay attention, but after Linger reminded him, Chen Yang's eyes subconsciously looked towards his chest.

"Didn't I tell you to stop watching! Turn your head around quickly"

Linger found that Chen Yang had been staring at the bottom of her skirt, and her little face turned red and shouted.

In embarrassment, Linger couldn't take care of that much, and stood up abruptly from the ground.

Tear - With a crisp sound, Linger's skirt was scratched by the collapsed material

Now it's not just Chen Yang, even the nearby tourists can see it clearly.

"Why is this so"

Linger was so ashamed that she quickly covered her thigh with her hands

But the eyes of the tourists in the past are still focused on Linger, and some people even want to take out their mobile phones and take pictures of the scene in front of them.

But at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly stood up, took off his shirt at the same time, and exposed his muscles and curves to the sun.

At the same time, the shirt that was taken off was directly wrapped around Ling'er's thigh, turning it into a temporary skirt.

What a hero to save beauty

Linger looked at Chen Yang in front of her, her eyes couldn't move for a while, and a hint of admiration suddenly rose in her heart. At this time, the image of Chen Yang in her eyes instantly sublimated.

"Let's go, nemesis

How long do you want to stand here?"

Chen Yang looked at Linger angrily, and at the same time grabbed Linger's hand and walked away from the crowd.

At this time, Ling'er's eyes were still staring at Chen Yang, like a doll being dragged around.

It was not until he came to a sparsely populated place on the island and avoided the eyes of tourists, Chen Yang stopped.

"You are really my nemesis, every time I meet you, nothing good will happen"

Chen Yang looked at Linger angrily and said

But I saw Linger's eyes were still looking at Chen Yang tightly, as if stuck and motionless.

Chen Yang frowned and kept waving his hands in front of Ling'er, "Did you hear me?"

It was at this moment that Linger calmed down, and her face suddenly became shy.

"Thank you for helping me out just now"

Chen Yang responded, "I'm not here for you. I couldn't leave if you didn't leave."

After saying this, he waved his hand, "Okay, I still have something to go first, this shirt is even given to you."

want to leave

"Wait a moment"

Suddenly Linger called

This time, Chen Yang didn't dare to act rashly. With the previous experience, Chen Yang knew that Linger was not only a fortune-teller, but also a wrestler.

Chen Yang turned around and responded, "What else?"

"That... I'll return the shirt to you, and I'll take it to you when I wash it."

Ling'er blinked and looked at Chen Yangdao with big eyes.

Chapter 354: The real surprise

Chen Yang smiled, "No need, I'll give it to you, don't rush at people in the future."

"I don't often jump at other people. I'm just curious why you asked me to fortune-telling rather than human privacy."

Ling'er responded in an unhappy manner.

Then he said aggrievedly, "and it's not you who said that you're a pervert, that's why I'm worried."

Hearing Linger's words, Chen Yang couldn't help being amused, "Brother, I'm just joking, shouldn't you take it seriously?"

Linger couldn't help but froze for a moment, then pouted, "You said you were joking, how do I know what you said was true?"

"If you're really a pervert, then I don't mean to harm others"

"There are so many weird people in the world, I'm not sure if you are one of them, right?"

I saw that Linger, who was still shy just now, returned to "Zero Zero Zero" again.

Returning to my own nature, the eloquent words kept shattering from the small mouth

Chen Yang immediately interrupted, "Okay, anyway, don't worry, I'm not a pervert or a bad person."

Otherwise, she could at least talk to herself for half an hour

Ling'er nodded, "Well, then I'll trust you for now."

"Okay, you also hurry back and change a skirt, I'll go first if I have something else to do."

Chen Yang responded, and after speaking, he went back to where he was just now.

"there's one more thing"

Suddenly stopped and turned to look at Linger

Ling'er looked puzzled and said, "Well, what's the matter?"

"Your thighs are quite white"

Chen Yang smiled and said, he turned and left as soon as he finished speaking.

Leaving Linger with a dull face, she stared at Chen Yang with wide eyes, "Chen Yang! You also said that you are not a pervert!"

On Lin Siyun's side, the show on the island was going on. While watching the show, the tourists present couldn't help but applaud.

The atmosphere at the scene is exceptionally good and lively

"Wow, this person actually walked over on a hot coal, doesn't he feel his feet are hot?"

Looking at the performance in front of her, Lin Sihan couldn't help but be surprised.

Lin Sixuan shrugged, "What's the matter?"

"Look at what you're saying as if you've tried it too."

Lin Sihan has a bad air

Lin Sixuan just wanted to say something, but she suddenly held back.

Lin Sixuan really tried stepping on the charcoal with the soles of her feet, but she was drunk.

"Have you seen Yangyang?"

Lin Siyun observed the crowd around him and said

"I didn't see it, it seems that I haven't seen Yangyang since I was eating just now."

Lin Siyu shook her head

Lin Sixuan responded, "Yangyang shouldn't lose the game, let's hide today."

"Who is hiding? Fourth sister, do I look like this kind of person?"

As soon as Lin Sixuan's words fell, she saw Chen Yang and Lin Sixuan jump out from behind and say:

Good guy, this time, Lin Sixuan was so frightened

Lin Sihan couldn't help laughing and said, "Look, let you speak positive words."

Lin Sixuan couldn't help but puffed out her mouth, "Yangyang, where did you go just now, the activities will start right away"

Lin Siyun smiled and looked at Chen Yang, "The ultimate gift for my mother is about to begin."

"I didn't come back here on purpose, right? It's six o'clock, right?"

Chen Yang looked at the watch in his hand and said

Lin Sihan also nodded and said, "Well, there are still five minutes until six o'clock."

"What about the godmother?"

Chen Yang asked

Lin Sixuan replied with a smile, "She's still eating there, I definitely didn't think of it."

With the passage of time, the sun gradually fell towards the sea, and the sun became less dazzling.

There are also many more tourists on the island than during the day, and the temperature and weather in the evening make people feel very comfortable

"It's six o'clock"

Chen Yang stared at the watch in his hand and said

At the same time, the sky darkened, and suddenly the lights around the island came on.

The colorful lights instantly made the whole island seem to have changed its appearance

Not only that, many fireworks suddenly appeared above the sky of the island, illuminating the dark sky as if it were daytime.

The walking tourists couldn't help but stop and look up at the sky. The scenery at this time is really rare.

Lin Yuyan was also attracted by the fireworks in the sky and looked up at the sky.

What Lin Yuyan could not have imagined was that this was only part of the beginning of the party planned for her.

"Wow, what a big cake, it's more than one meter high."

"I said no wonder there were fireworks, it turned out to be a plan"

"But who is this cake for? It's so classy."

Suddenly there was a burst of discussion among the crowd, and Lin Yuyan also stared in front of her.

I saw the service staff on the island, holding a cart in their hands, and there was a huge cake on top of the cart.

The height of the cake is even higher than Lin Yuyan herself

And the most conspicuous part of the cake, which can be seen at the top, is a row of dolls made of cream.

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