"It seems that there was a little accident, so there is no need to use materials to explain today's meeting today."

Chen Yang looked down and said

Xia Zhiyan looked at Chen Yang with great interest, wondering how Chen Yang could go on with this meeting without the information. Besides, Chen Yang was not Lin Siyu, and he didn't know much about the company.

Just when Xia Zhiyan was smug, she saw that Chen Yang's eyes quickly locked on Xia Zhiyan.

"Then let's let Xia Zhiyan talk about the recent situation in the company"

Chen Yang said with a smile

As soon as these words came out, Xia Zhiyan was completely stunned, and everyone's eyes were also directed towards Xia Zhiyan.

The good guy came directly to a thatched boat to borrow an arrow, Xia Zhiyan glared at Chen Yang angrily

Chapter 298: Really stinky brother, what's the matter with me?

In the conference room, everyone's eyes were directed towards Xia Zhiyan, and Xia Zhiyan could only bite the bullet and stand up.

But the good thing is that Xia Zhiyan is still very familiar with the company's situation. After analyzing and explaining the company's situation, Chen Yang has a little understanding of the company's planning, and he continues Xia Zhiyan's words directly.

Chen Yang asked those who attended the meeting to express their opinions boldly and use the information they said to make a conclusion

Xia Zhiyan originally thought that Chen Yang might be embarrassed at the meeting, but now it seems that it is unexpectedly good.

Until the final meeting was completed, although there was no meeting report from Lin Siyu, the whole meeting did not make people feel any estrangement.

The flow of people in the conference room also slowly opened the conference room. Chen Yang also prepared for the final finishing work and planned to leave.

"Chen Yang, it's not bad that you can solve the meeting so calmly without any information."

I saw Xia Zhiyan stood up and responded.

Chen Yang smiled and replied, "It's not because of your willingness to help me just now."

As soon as she finished speaking, she planned to leave, but Xia Zhiyan once again called Chen Yang "Chen Yang"

Chen Yang asked suspiciously, "What else is there?"

"Today Lin Siyu won't come to work, you have to replace her for a day, right?"

Xia Zhiyan responded

Chen Yang responded, "Yes, so I have to go out and sort out the documents later."

Xia Zhiyan smiled and said, "That's fine, then you have to go out with me now"

"I have to go out with you"

Chen Yang said with a puzzled face.

Xia Zhiyan responded with a smile, "Yes, I have communicated with Lin Siyu before about this matter. I have to go out to a TV talk show this afternoon. Originally, she and I went with her, so if she doesn't come today, she can only do it. You're here to do it for you"

I saw Chen Yang smiled and responded jokingly, "It's true or false, you don't want to go out with me, so just make up lies."

Xia Zhiyan responded angrily, "What to say, no matter what, I'm Xia Zhiyan.

How could I say that there are none of these just to trick you into going out with me?"

After saying that, he looked at his watch, "The interview of that TV show will start in two hours, hurry up and wait, I'm going to be late."

Under Xia Zhiyan's urging, Chen Yang slowly walked out of the conference room.

The two walked downstairs to the company, and when they passed by the front desk, Chen Yang didn't forget to say hello to the women at the front desk, and they immediately looked at Chen Yang with lightning-like eyes.

"Not bad, it seems that you can really attract the attention of the little sisters wherever you go."

Xia Zhiyan looked at Chen Yang and said jokingly

Chen Yang smiled, "I don't know where the superstar Xia Zhiyan has a strong effect. I'm afraid that if I go out with you like this, I will be surrounded by water."

"You just know, so isn't it an honor to accompany you to the TV interview this time?"

Xia Zhiyan smiled softly.

Chen Yang couldn't help but jokingly asked, "Of course it's a great honor, but for your interview, shouldn't you be asked to wear a swimsuit?"

Xia Zhiyan naturally knew that Chen Yang was mocking the accident when she wore a swimsuit last time, her eyes widened, "Chen Yang, I warn you, don't tell me about the last time the swimsuit fell off!"

Chen Yang raised his hands, "Don't say it, don't say it."

Turning his back, he secretly said, "Anyway, there was nothing to see at that time."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang could feel a scorching burning behind him, and that group of flames came from Xia Zhiyan's anger

According to Xia Zhiyan's intention, the location of the TV station company that needs to go is not far away, Chen Yang drove towards the destination, and it took only half an hour to reach the destination.

Xia Zhiyan got off the co-pilot, and at the same time took out the sunglasses from her bag and put them on the bridge of her nose.

Chen Yang also followed and accompanied Xia Zhiyan into the TV station. Before even entering the TV station, there were already staff members outside the door to welcome Chen Yang and Xia Zhiyan.

The talk show that Xia Zhiyan is going to be involved in today starts at 2:30 in the afternoon, and there is still some time before the show starts.

The staff of the TV station arranged for Xia Zhiyan and Chen Yang to rest in the lounge now, and they will inform Xia Zhiyan to come and be interviewed later.

"I also urged to say that it will start soon. If it comes now, I will have to wait."

Chen Yang looked out the window and said

Xia Zhiyan responded, "Brother stinky wait with me, what's wrong?"

Suddenly the door of the lounge opened, and a man wearing glasses walked in. "Sister Yan, our talk show will start in half an hour, and I'm sorry that the show has been temporarily changed, and you need to wear us. Sponsor's Skirt"

The man with glasses said embarrassedly, and at the same time handed the skirt to Xia Zhiyan.

Xia Zhiyan frowned, "How come I didn't receive a notice to change my clothes before, but now I have to!"

"I'm sorry, sister Yan, the program's temporary regulations"

The man with glasses continued to look apologetically

Xia Zhiyan is not a difficult person to talk to, she just waved her hand lightly, "Alright then, come and call me when the show starts."

The staff member nodded slightly and left the lounge.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help joking, "It's a pity that it's a skirt, not a swimsuit."

Xia Zhiyan looked at Chen Yang angrily, "I'm not happy you're talking about the swimsuit"

Then he walked into the locker room

"Also, don't peek!"

"It's not like I haven't seen it"

Chen Yang also responded to the locker room.

After saying that, Chen Yang found a stool and sat down. Good guy, why is the CEO's day different from what he imagined? Now it seems more like the day of Xia Zhiyan's assistant.

But it didn't take long, only to hear the sound of shouting coming from the locker room again.

"Chen Yang... can you come over?"

Chen Yang lazily responded, "What's the matter?"

"Come here first, I need your help with something."

Xia Zhiyan's voice continued to sound from the dressing room

Chen Yang walked in the direction of the dressing room, and saw that the dressing room in front of him was much simpler than he imagined, but a narrow area was covered with two pieces of white cloth.

Chen Yang stood outside the locker room and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Can you come in first?"

Xia Zhiyan responded

Entering in for a while, I saw that Chen Yang, who was still lazy, suddenly seemed to have been hit with chicken blood.

"You're sure you're not wrong"

Chen Yang shouted to the locker room.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 299: Hurry up and let go of my skirt

Xia Zhiyan's urging voice kept coming from the lounge

"Chen Yang, come in quickly"

Chen Yang shrugged, "Since you're talking about this for the sake of it, then I'm welcome."

After speaking, he walked into the locker room. The locker room looked simple from the outside, not to mention the inside. The space was so small that it could barely accommodate two people.

When Chen Yang entered the locker room, he couldn't help but be startled by the scene in front of him. After a while, he said, "What are you doing? Is this some kind of ceremony before your stars appear on TV?"

I saw that Xia Zhiyan's face was looking up at the ceiling at this time, her hair behind her was stuck on the zipper of her skirt, making her now like a tortoise turned over, unable to move at all.

The most terrible thing is that Xia Zhiyan's Xia Zhiyan also finished "Seven Zero Zero"

The whole thing was shown in front of Chen Yang. Sure enough, a star is a star, both in terms of skin care and body shape.

The dress handed to her by the show crew was a skirt, and the zipper of the skirt was on the back. When Xia Zhiyan put on the skirt and zipped it up, she just caught her long hair in the zipper. I shook my head and called Chen Yang to come in

"Chen Yang, don't be poor, quickly pull out my hair, and you are not allowed to peek!"

Xia Zhiyan looked at the ceiling and shouted at Chen Yang

Seeing this, Chen Yang also understood, I saw that Chen Yang was not in a hurry to help Xia Zhiyan immediately, but responded with a smile, "Ahem, this is the attitude of your big stars to ask others to do things, besides, if I don't watch it, How to help you"

After saying that, he yawned, "I'm really sleepy right now."

"Chen Yang! Can you help me?"

Xia Zhiyan saw that Chen Yang was still so arrogant at this time, and she was about to cry in a hurry.

Chen Yang couldn't help being amused, and replied jokingly, "It's hard to do things because of you."

"My good brother, brother Yang, can you help me with this?"

Xia Zhiyan saw that it was no way to go on like this, so she had to curry favor with Chen Yangdao

Chen Yang responded with a smile, "Isn't that right? When you ask others to do things, you have to have a correct attitude."

"Brother Yang, hurry up, my hair has been stuck here for ten minutes."

Xia Zhiyan frowned and said

Chen Yang responded, "Okay, okay, let's get it out for you."

After saying that, he observed the zipper on the back of Xia Zhiyan's skirt, and saw that the zipper had been caught by several strands of Xia Zhiyan's hair. It seemed that this little girl had a lot of tossing, but now she didn't get her hair out of the zipper. On the contrary, it also increased the difficulty of rescue

Chen Yang was thinking about how to get the knotted hair out of the zipper.

But when Xia Zhiyan saw why Chen Yang didn't move for so long, she couldn't help worrying, "Chen Yang, what are you doing, you shouldn't be really peeking! You are not allowed to look!"

Chen Yang angrily responded, "Okay, okay, I'll help you."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Zhiyan's long hair, and pulled it towards the zipper. The good guy saw that a few strands of hair were immediately broken on the zipper.

Xia Zhiyan was also in pain and couldn't help but whisper softly, "You just pull out like this, no, no, it hurts too much. Besides, your hair has been pulled out by you. How can you be interviewed later?"

"Then what do you want? Just pick up a handful and cut off the hair."

Chen Yang frowned and replied.

As soon as these words came out, Xia Zhiyan's retort was immediately greeted, "This is even worse. If you see a piece of my hair missing in the program interview later, it will be very embarrassing."

Chen Yang sighed helplessly, "This is not possible, that is not possible, then what do you want?"

Xia Zhiyan had nothing to do at this time. Seeing that she was going to go out for the interview in more than ten minutes, she seemed to have suddenly made a decision out of desperation, and she took a deep breath, "That's it, Chen Yang, you Just pull my hair out of the zipper"

"I think this method will work, then you are sure"

Chen Yang asked confirmingly.

I saw Xia Zhiyan nodded steadily and said, "Yeah, but you must hurry up."

"Don't worry, I've never lost to anyone with my hand speed."

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