"What's the matter, second sister is not feeling well again, but if it's so late, the massage service has to be charged"

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu and said jokingly

Lin Siyu smiled, then said embarrassedly, "I didn't ask you for a massage, Yangyang, I have something I need you to help me with tomorrow."

Chen Yang looked puzzled, "Second sister, just say it directly."

"Tomorrow I have to go over to Si Xuan and the others to inspect their project progress. After all, this is the first time that Si Han and Si Xuan have been in charge of such a large project.

And it just so happens that my company has a meeting tomorrow morning."

When Lin Siyu said this, Chen Yang naturally understood.

"Second sister means that I can help you to investigate. The third and fourth sister's projects are right, no problem."

Chen Yang nodded and replied.

Lin Siyu then smiled, "It's not Yangyang, what I mean is that there is still a problem with the company's meeting tomorrow, so you can help me."

"I'll help you manage the company for a day"

Chen Yang asked with a puzzled face.

Lin Siyu continued to respond, "Well, he can be regarded as the president of an agency company for a day."

This made Chen Yang stunned for a while. Although he usually went to Lin Siyu's work place, he only had a superficial understanding of her work.

Chen Yanggang wanted to say something, but Lin Siyu immediately clapped one hand on Chen Yang's shoulder, and said earnestly, "Yangyang, you must help me with this task, tomorrow's meeting is very simple, I will put the meeting tomorrow morning tonight. Make the report, put it in it, and bring it to you tomorrow morning, Yangyang, you just need to hold a meeting according to the content in it."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately dressed like a bird, "Could it be that Yangyang refuses to help the second sister even with such trivial matters?"

Good guy, the four sisters of the Lin family are better than each other. It would be a pity if they didn't enter the entertainment industry.

Seeing Lin Siyu's pitiful appearance, Chen Yang had no choice but to gently nod, "Okay then."

"Yangyang is really the best!"

After receiving Chen Yang's reply, Lin Siyu hugged Chen Yang tightly and responded with joy.

I just finished taking a shower, and Lin Siyu was wearing very light pajamas.

A fragrance came from the tip of Chen Yang's nose, along with a soft touch.

"Second sister, if you keep holding it like this, I'm afraid I won't have any interest in acting as CEO tomorrow."

Chen Yang looked down at Lin Siyu and said jokingly.

Lin Siyu also seemed to realize something, and Yi Xizi let go... She hugged Chen Yang, her face slightly reddened and said, "Then tomorrow morning, I will hand over the meeting to you."

Chen Yang said, "That's fine, but the second sister's personality is it?"

"I owe you favor"

Lin Siyu wondered.

Chen Yang replied with a smile, "Yes, then I'll help your second sister to work for a day tomorrow, isn't that not enough?"

"Then what do you want?"

Lin Siyu opened her small eyes and asked Chen Yang.

"Hey, it's a pity, I want to use this favor now, but it's really inconvenient at home."

Chen Yang sighed, then sat on the bed and patted the side of the bed lightly, jokingly said.

Lin Siyu naturally understood what Chen Yang meant, and her rosy face became even more rosy.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu's appearance, and was afraid that if he continued joking, something would happen, so he quickly said, "Okay, second sister, hurry up and go back to rest. I owe this favor first, and then I will ask the second sister to take it."

"Then Yangyang, you should rest early too"

Lin Siyu replied softly

As soon as he finished speaking, he left towards Chen Yang's room.

When Lin Siyu left, Chen Yang's whole body lay directly on the side of the bed. At the same time, his mind kept thinking, Ye Long of the Ye family, today is also the first time Chen Yang saw Ye Long.

If it wasn't for Ye Han's notification, Chen Yang would never have imagined that this sturdy man who had just stood in front of him was already seventy years old.

And this group of people is also the so-called family controlled by the talented.

The whole night of the party made Chen Yang also feel extremely tired, and soon the tiredness swept away from his body, and Chen Yang gradually fell into sleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Yang had already finished washing up and came to the lobby. Today was his day as the acting president, so he even changed his clothes into a more casual suit.

And the four sisters are also enjoying breakfast below


Yangyang, you are awake."

As soon as he came down, Chen Yang was amused by the scene in front of him.

I saw Lin Sixuan wearing two panda eyes.

With a helpless look on his face, he greeted Chen Yang and said

Chen Yang asked jokingly, "I said Fourth Sister, did you go out to steal the battery car last night?"

Lin Sixuan glared at Lin Siyu angrily, "It's not her yet. Last night, she forced me to make a project form for one night."

Lin Siyu took a sip of coffee, "I'm not doing this for your own good, it's to change your procrastination."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yang again, "Yang Yang, I'll leave the company's affairs to you today. This is what I needed for the meeting yesterday."

After speaking, he picked up a piece from Zhao on the table and handed it to Chen Yang.

"And the project report you made yesterday, although the content is decent, but you put me in the ugly photo at the end, don't think I didn't see it! I also changed the content for you."

Lin Siyu continued, and handed the other one to Lin Sixuan.

Lin Sixuan glared at Lin Siyu angrily and took it.

At this moment, he seems to have turned his anger into strength, chewing the food he brought in in his small mouth.

"Do not worry"

Chen Yang responded to Lin Siyu

After breakfast, the four sisters of the Lin family got up to go to work, and Chen Yang was no exception. Lin Siyun put the plate in his pocket and drove to the entertainment company.

But what Chen Yang never thought was that Lin Siyu arranged things for Lin Sixuan, and gave them to Chen Yang by mistake.

And what was sorted out to Chen Yang went to Lin Sixuan.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 297: The witty Chen Yang

According to Lin Siyu's account, Chen Yang came to the company's gate in a short while, and this point can already see that many people came to the downstairs of the company hall to check in one after another.

Chen Yang also walked into the company. Wearing a casual suit today, he stepped into the company and attracted the attention of the staff who came to work.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

The female receptionist of the company looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile

Hearing the word Mr. Chen, the rest of the front desk at work couldn't help but raise their heads and look in the direction of Chen Yang, and even the slightest glitter could be seen in their eyes.

Chen Yang smiled, "Am I not allowed to come here?"

"Of course you can come, but you came early today. Mr. Lin has not come yet. Are you looking for her?"

The female receptionist responded with a smile

Chen Yang replied jokingly, "No, today I sit in her seat and enjoy what it's like to enjoy this CEO."

At the same time, he looked at his watch, and there was not much time left for the meeting that Lin Siyu said.

"Of course you can, you can come every day!"

I saw the woman at the front desk with a happy face

Then he seemed to realize that 700 said something was wrong, "No, I mean you can come here whenever it's convenient for you"

Seeing the woman at the front desk was in a hurry, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, he said hello to the workers at the front desk, and took the elevator to the company's conference room.

"This is too handsome."

"If I can find a boyfriend who looks like this in my lifetime, I can really jump for joy"

"Don't think about it, how could it be your turn for such a thing?"

"Che, what's the matter? Mr. Chen was the first to greet me, and he even laughed at me when he left!"

"That's because you said something wrong and people made fun of you"

As soon as I saw Chen Yang leaving, several front desks couldn't help but gather around, discussing issues about Chen Yang in detail.

Chen Yang came to the company's conference room. Lin Siyu had already ordered things with her secretary and others. Today's meeting will be chaired by Chen Yang.

There were seven or eight people sitting in the conference room. They were already waiting for Chen Yang. The coffee had already been brewed for Chen Yang and placed on the table.

Seeing the people waiting for the meeting to start, Chen Yang walked into the conference room and was about to give an earth-shattering conference speech, but suddenly outside the conference room, a swearing voice sounded, and at the same time the door of the conference room opened, Xia Zhiyan came in from the door

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing this early in the morning.

Xia Zhiyan didn't even see that she was standing behind the door, and her whole body rushed towards Chen Yang's body.


With a scream, Xia Zhiyan threw herself towards Chen Yang and was about to fall to the ground.

At this moment, Chen Yang also reacted, and he wrapped his arms around Xia Zhiyan's waist to stabilize her.

Good guy, this time the two met was like an encounter in a Korean drama, Xia Zhiyan looked at Chen Yang with dull eyes, and Chen Yang also stared at Xia Zhiyan

The atmosphere in the office was instantly quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to Chen Yang and Xia Zhiyan. Time seemed to stop because of this.

"Do you want to come down first, my hands are a little sore"

Chen Yang spoke to Xia Zhiyan.

It was only at this time that Xia Zhiyan reacted, she slowly got down from Chen Yang's body with a blushing face, and then asked Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, why are you here?"

"Why, if I wasn't here, you should have climbed on the ground just now."

Chen Yang responded angrily.

Then he continued, "I haven't seen each other for a while. It seems that your mindless habit hasn't changed."

Xia Zhiyan frowned slightly and puffed out her mouth, "You don't have a brain. Besides, if you hadn't stood at the door just now, I wouldn't have fallen."

Then he looked into the conference room and understood, "I see, it was Lin Siyu who asked you to come."

Chen Yang jokingly said, "It's good to understand, so today I'm you, go back to your place and prepare for the meeting to start."

Xia Zhiyan watched Chen Yang stick out her tongue, and after speaking, she sat on the seat very obediently, waiting for the meeting to start.

Chen Yang stood up from the seat, took out what Lin Siyu gave from his pocket, connected it to the computer, and prepared to start today's meeting.

The screen projection effect of the computer quickly casts the content on the screen behind him

But when the screen appeared, all the people in the conference room couldn't help but be stunned.

Xia Zhiyan was putting coffee into the mouth of the machine, but when she saw the contents of the curtain, she couldn't help but spray it out.

"Hahaha, Chen Yang, are you trying to retaliate against our Lin Siyu?"

Xia Zhiyan responded with a big laugh

Chen Yang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, only to see that the first picture projected on the plate was actually a photo of Lin Siyu, and it was from a frightening angle. In the photo, Lin Siyu was watching TV on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed.

Chen Yang continued to click on the computer to touch and control to the next screen

"Linhai District Project Report Form" appeared in front of several large characters.

Seeing this, Chen Yang also understands. It seems that Lin Siyu gave Lin Sixuan the fault that he wanted to give to himself. It seems that Chen Yang has no information about this morning's meeting.

In the conference room, the people present were also discussing the pictures that appeared on the computer screen.

I saw that Chen Yang directly turned off the projection screen, thinking about the things that Lin Siyu explained to him yesterday and this morning before he left.

Although there is no information, Chen Yang still knows a little about the content of the meeting. It is about a recent plan of the company, and he wants to recruit more new people to join the industry.

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