Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 299: Branch Growth

Evolved to the mountain master level ant king, Long Bai masters 5 abilities.

There is one type of power, named ‘Split’.

Very sharp attack ability.

After many tests, it was found that although it can damage enemies from a distance, its power will decrease sharply with distance, making it more suitable for close combat.

There are four water abilities, namely water control, hydrological shield, boiling water, and freezing.

The hydrological shield has some defensive capabilities, but it's still not ideal.

The two abilities of water control and freezing can be combined to form a very powerful ice ball and ice cone attack.

The boiling water ability has yet to be developed for combat use. Once the water is heated to an extremely high temperature, it will immediately lose control and vaporize and explode.

Long Bai felt that his current affinity for water elements was insufficient, and his ability to control water was insufficient. If he continued to strengthen it, he might be able to combine the two abilities of water control and boiling water to form a combat capability.

Long Bai thought for a while, and then thought about the spiked ice ball containing boiling water, which could be controlled to explode at the moment when it flies out to the target.

However, after many tests, either it exploded before it flew out, and it was easy to blow yourself up; or it had insufficient boiling water capability after flying a certain distance, and the detonation power was not ideal.

This combination of moves currently cannot achieve the desired effect, but it has great potential in the future.

Water abilities are ever-changing.

Based on the four abilities currently mastered: water control, hydrological shield, boiling water, and freezing, countless abilities can be combined and transformed.

In the early morning, the junipers and giant cypresses that entered the jungle to hunt returned with rich harvests.

Long Bai successfully evolved to the Mountain Lord level, and his life level entered another realm. This is the most important event in the life of ants and must be celebrated.

Moreover, everyone has not slept well or eaten well these days. It is time for a good meal.

A grand banquet was held.

It starts in the morning, eating and drinking, and ends at noon.

Everyone returns to their nests to rest.

Long Bai went down the mountain alone.

Azure Reservoir.


Long Bai raised the metal box in his claws and said: The new species, black-leaf mandarin orange, has been planted in the river downstream of the reservoir. I cut down a few trees and cleared the space.


Zhan Lan reluctantly agreed and suggested: Long Bai, you can go further downstream. I have evolved to the Mountain Lord level and will usher in a period of rapid growth. Correspondingly, the range of my mental power will also increase rapidly.

Long Bai thought for a while, raised his paw and pointed in the direction of the mountains, and said, It would be better to plant it beside the rivers and ditches of the mountains.

Zhanlan: ...that's okay.

Zhan Lan: Long Bai, you have gained a lot of weight all of a sudden.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai corrected: Zhanlan, this is called a strong, strong ant king.

Zhan Lan: Yeah, yes.

Long Bai's mental power swept across the body of the azure god-given tree, inspected it, confirmed that it was growing in good condition, and warned:

Azure blue, you will bloom in late spring or early summer. When the time comes, you will instruct the little worker ants to cut off all the ants. Not a single fruit will be left. They will rest for a year and bear fruit again next year.

Zhanlan: I understand.

Long Bai: It is the same with other plants planted around the reservoir. They all stop flowering and fruiting and rest for one year.

Zhanlan: Okay.

Long Bai controlled the throne and flew to the place where the rough stones were piled.

Before evolution, there were 10,000 rough stones placed next to the Azure Reservoir.

After evolution, there was no time to clean up, and there were still about 6,500 pieces left.

The azure god-given seed evolves from advanced to mountain master level, costing only 3,500 rough stones!

Long Bai carried the remaining rough stone to the throne of control, flew to the river ditch at the foot of the mountain, found a sunny position, commanded the worker ants and soldier ants, cleared weeds and trees, dug holes, and mixed the god-given remains with humus soil. Backfill and sow Heiguojianggan seeds.

It was already dusk after finishing the work. After resting, Cuibai led the blue soldiers down the mountain. Long Bai arranged for Cuibai to guard him while he went to Nanqian Reservoir to check the situation.

The herbal god-given seeds will regenerate dead leaves every time they evolve to a higher level.

In just one or two days, the five broad leaves of the mother plant of Nango Gorgon have grown in full. The three ramets closest to the mother plant have also grown three broad leaves; the 15 ramets further away have grown into two. There is a broad leaf; the 75 branches on the periphery also have a broad leaf rising out of the water and beginning to absorb light energy.

Growing super fast and in excellent condition.

Long Bai, give me one last warning, don't act wild on me!

As soon as the ruling throne approached, Nan Qian issued a fierce warning.


Long Bai controlled the throne to shrink a little, lower it slowly, and hover over the water.

Nanqian, give me Shuojin.

for you?

I'll give it to Bei Goreng and let it help you accumulate some force and nutrients to help you grow quickly.


Nan Qian: Not for now! Just let it wait for two days.

Long Bai: Why?

Nan Qian: Shuojin contains a lot of force and nutrients, but I haven't used them yet. I'll use them up first.


Long Bai sent out a long list of questioning mental thoughts.

My thoughts turned quickly and I thought of a possibility.

He exerted all his mental energy and swept towards the place where the rough rocks were piled on the shore.

Before the evolution, Long Bai also prepared a sufficient amount of 10,000 rough stones for Nanqian's God-given Seed, but now they are all empty, leaving only bags of spider silk scattered all over the place that have not yet been collected.

Nanqian? Did you use 10,000 rough stones to evolve?

I can't count.

Didn't you use the force and energy that Shuo Jin had reserved when you evolved?

I used it~a little bit~


Why are you hoarding this stuff? idiot!

Long Bai was speechless and choked for a while, adjusted his mentality, and said calmly: Nanqian, you use it quickly, I asked Beixian to save some for you.


Nan Qian agreed and was very satisfied with Long Bai's attitude.

Night after night, all the leaves of the 93 ramets of Nanqiang grew.

Start to grow by divisions,

In another day, the 75 ramets on the periphery gave birth to 375 underground stems, which grew, spread, took root and sprouted.

The number of leaves of the mother plant and branch plants of Gorgon God's Seed is fixed at 5.

On the fifth day, all the leaves of the new ramets have grown.

Long Bai, take it.

As the throne of control approached, Nan Qian took the initiative to hand over Shuo Jin and warned: Please let Bei Qian save more, and I will be able to bear fruit this year.

Long Bai: ...Yeah.

Long Bai: Let me save it for you when you have time.

Long Bai: But there is no time now. Mo Lan is also going to evolve to the Mountain Lord level. Give the things to Cuihua Hanlan's god-given seed first.

Long Bai quickly put Shuo Jin into the spider silk bag, and at the same time controlled the throne to rise vertically. He ignored Nan Qian's shouts and left directly.

Shannan Restaurant.

Long Bai handed the spider silk bag filled with shimmering gold to Mo Lan and said: There is no need for any other god-given seeds at the moment, so please give them to Cuihua Hanlan's god-given seeds in advance.


Mo Lan asked in confusion: Nan Qian is so obedient? Did he just give it back to you?

Long Bai chuckled: It wants to be disobedient.

Mo Lan didn't understand, and didn't bother to delve into it. She asked, Long Bai, have you recovered? Can you use the Yizhao Fruit? I'm worried about the red juniper god-given seed.

Long Bai also had this plan and simply said: I'll use it now!

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