Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 298 Awakening, power ability

When Long Bai was in the 9-year-old advanced ant king stage, he almost didn't use God-given force food. When he woke up from a deep sleep, he didn't feel any obvious weakness.

Evolution is almost as easy as usual at a young age.

After shedding her old shell, her body expanded and elongated rapidly, and she could clearly feel her muscles growing.

This continued for a while, until the physical energy was exhausted, and the trend of rapid growth in size came to an abrupt end. The new membrane wings slowly unfolded until they were as long as the abdomen and tail, and the new shell hardened rapidly.

As predicted, the body length is fixed at just over 3 meters.

Long Bai picked up the metal can on the throne, unscrewed the lid, dipped his tentacles in, and ate quickly.

The somewhat empty body under the carapace gradually filled up.

He unfolded his mental power and scanned himself. As expected, after evolving to the Mountain Lord level, a fourth blue ring appeared on his abdomen.

Feel silently and gain some understanding.

Long Bai quickly finished two jars of ordinary ant honey, and then opened a jar of force ant honey. After eating, the force in his body was restored.

Turning around slowly, his eyes locked on the stone pot filled with fresh water placed in the corner of the cave. A water ball with a diameter of seven or eight centimeters flew up and hung horizontally above Long Bai's head.

When he thought again, his original energy was output, and the water ball instantly turned into white solid ice, and the cold air overflowed.

Evolve to the Mountain Lord level and awaken the fourth water ability: Freeze

Long Bai waved his tentacles, and the ice ball flew quickly, hitting the metal door panel blocking the hole, and exploded with a bang.

The door panel was violently smashed down.

The juniper lying behind the door, peering into the cave through the broken corner, screamed and creaked in fright.

——The king is awake!

——The king has evolved successfully!

A group of command ants who were about to charge into the cave were roughly pushed away, and Mo Lan rushed in.

Long Bai?

Mo Lan rested his front feet on the edge of the throne, probed his head, and stared at Long Bai.

Mo Lan jumped on the throne, Master Longbai Mountain!

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: How many days have I been asleep?

Mo Lan: Eight and a half days, less than nine days.

Long Bai: That's not bad, it's quite relaxing.

Mo Lan: ...You have indeed awakened...the ability to create ice?

Long Bai swung his tentacles, pointed at the ice debris scattered at the entrance of the cave, and said, It's obvious.

Mo Lan said quietly: I lost money on that ice and fire kettle.

It's not a loss. Didn't we rely on it to replenish fresh water when we were mining in the Southeast Continent? Haven't I not awakened the water-making ability yet?

Long Bai shook his tentacles and ordered: Juniper, giant cypress, you go to the jungle to hunt for some raw blood to eat.

Long Bai: I'm fine. Juniper, fragrant cypress, green cypress, silver cypress, black cypress, black leaf, you are all gone. Go and rest.

After driving the commanding ants out of the nest, Long Bai asked Mo Lan again: Have the Azure God-given Seed and Nanqian God-given Seed successfully broken through?

Mo Lan: Of course. The azure god-given seed broke through three days ago. Nanqian is a little behind, breaking through yesterday.

I can rest assured that.

Long Bai took the metal box prepared aside and opened it. He spit out the fertilized black leaf mandarin seeds and carefully put them away.

The new life seed must be a red juniper god-given seed, so there is no rush.

Long Bai opened his mouth, and from the stone pot in the corner of the cave, fresh water flew up automatically and fell into the mouth in a line.

Mo Lan helped open all the metal jars containing ant honey, took out two wooden plates, and poured the jars vigorously.

Long Bai buried his head and continued eating.

After eating three cans in succession, I felt full of strength and refreshed.

The spiritual power spread with all its strength, spreading along the passage until it reached the juniper life outside the ant nest in Shannan.

——The limit distance of mental power is about 130 meters.

Long Bai silently estimated.

Concentrate your mental power, deflect your consciousness and communicate with you to control the throne.

[Please select the messenger type]





Long Bai randomly selected [Guardian·Hydrology]

The selection prompt message came from the Throne of Control:

【Please select quantity】

【quantity: 1】

【Quantity 2】

【Quantity 10】

Lone Pine deselects.

As expected, after evolving to the 1st-instar Mountain Lord level, the upper limit of the number of ant eggs produced in each batch of the Dominion Throne has been increased to 10.

Does it still take 4 days to lay ant eggs each time?

Long Bai vaguely felt that it was not that easy.

Beginner, intermediate and advanced stages are one big level.

The Mountain Lord level has entered another large level.

It is recorded in the inherited memory that the ant eggs at the Mountain Lord level produced by a regular female Mountain Lord-level ant king vary greatly. Certain differentiated types of ants have also grown dramatically in size. Correspondingly, the time required for the growth and development of larvae is also extended to varying degrees.

Specific changes are yet to be tested.

Not urgent.

Rest for a few days, adjust your physical condition to the best, and try again.

Long Bai, have you recovered?

Mo Lan noticed that Long Bai was trying his spiritual power and tried to ask.

Long Bai: I've recovered a bit.

Mo Lan: Where's the power? Evolving to the Mountain Lord level, there must be a huge increase in power, right?

Long Bai unfolded his membrane wings, fanned himself gently, and said, That's inevitable!

Mo Lan: Where is your power talent? Have you realized the power ability?


Long Bai retracted his wings, lay down, buried his head, and fell into deep thought.

After a long, long time,

Long Bai slowly raised his head, unable to conceal his excitement, and said: Awakened a power-based ability!


Mo Lan urged: Demonstrate?

……let me see.

...Let's go out and find an open place.

Long Bai stood up, jumped to the ground, controlled the control throne to shrink, followed Piao Fei, and left the nest.

Passing by Shannan Restaurant, I took my sugarcane and went to Shandong Reservoir together.

From a distance of about twenty meters, his eyes and mental strength were locked on a rock at the same time.

After standing still and brewing for a while, Long Bai slowly raised his left front foot, spreading his toes, accumulating strength, and gathering his energy at the tips of his toes.

Swing down sharply.

Invisible raw power burst out from the tips of his toes and flashed past.

No sound was made,

The rocks are cracked from the middle, and the cut surfaces are neat and smooth.


Mo Lan and Xuan Lang were both shocked.

Pure and sharp power attack ability!

Long Bai himself was shocked and inexplicable.

Evolving to the Mountain Lord level and awakening abilities means entering another level of combat power.

Looking back at the high-level Zerg warriors, Long Bai felt that he could scratch a large area to death with one claw.

I was excited and joyful for two seconds,

Long Bai put on his right front foot again, gathering strength.

Change the execution method, kick your legs into the air, and draw your claws towards the ground from a distance.

Silently, a cut mark four to five meters long, two to three centimeters wide, and more than half a meter deep at the deepest point was left on the rocky ground on the ridge.


Long Bai was extremely satisfied with the awakened power ability.

Think and comprehend.

Water system ability has made a qualitative leap.

Long Bai hovered in the air, glided and landed on the shore of the reservoir, shook its tentacles, and a giant water ball with a diameter of more than three meters broke away from the water and slowly floated into the sky.

The thought comes again,

The water ball boils and explodes.

The ability to control water and boiling has been greatly improved!

Long Bai thought about it again, and thirty water droplets jumped out of the water, flying and hovering in front of him. He controlled the shape with his mind, and finally settled on the cone shape with stronger penetrating power. The original energy in his body exploded, and all turned into a cold and cold water droplet. The ice cone, flying lasing, crashed on the other side of the reservoir.

Not far away, Mo Lan and Xuan Lang were stunned again.


A layer of dark blue original energy shield rose up from the surface of Long Bai's body, and he waved his tentacles to greet, Come, try my hydrological shield!



Mo Lan came back to her senses, ran forward, raised her paw, showed her sharp toes, and stabbed hard.

The hydrological shield shook.

Silently broken.

Long Bai: ...

Mo Lan: ...there is progress.

Long Bai: ...right.

Long Bai said calmly: The hydrological shield's defensive capabilities have been greatly improved. It used to break with just a light touch, but now it's much better.

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