Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 294 Another year passes by

When attacking the termite kingdom, the 'light speed healing' given by the divine light wings can play an important role.

However, the overall strength of the Baiwei caravan is too weak, and it does not have the strength to win the trust of Hidden Wing Mountain.

The solution that Long Bai came up with was very simple: he could first ask Bai Wei to send a night scented fruit, which was also a divine product. Just prove that he had the strength to get involved in transactions at the divine product level.

Bailian Lake.

Long Cypress.

Ye Xiang greeted from a distance of more than a thousand meters.

Is this cedar? Mo Lan didn't come.

There is still some finishing work on transplanting and slope reinforcement here at Bailian Lake. Xiangbai is here to take care of it. Mo Lan is resting and preparing for the evolution of the 7th-year-old advanced mantis warrior.

Long Bai replied, controlling the throne to stop and putting down the wooden board.

With the support of the ant colony, the cedar walked onto the ground and headed towards the branch nest.

Ye Xiang's god-given seed asked again: Long Bai, you will soon be the 9-year-old advanced ant king.


Long Bai paused for two seconds and asked: Ye Xiang, your flower and fruit cycle is 15 years?

Upon hearing this, the somewhat careless Yexiang God-given Seed became energetic and said: That's right. The flower-fruit cycle is 15 years, and up to 7 divine fruits can be condensed each time.

Long Bai: What if it's 1?

Ye Xiang: ???

Ye Xiang: It will take six or seven years to get one.

Ye Xiang: Long Bai, I promised to give you and Mo Lan two fruits. Don't you have Shuo Jin? If there are two fruits, you don't need to spend raw stones during the ripening period. Do you want to try them?

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: Then, let's try two?

Ye Xiang: Okay!

Long Bai: ...Okay.

Ye Xiang: Okay!

Immediately, the seven trunks at the bottom of the night fragrance god-given seeds, closest to the ground and the strongest, sprouted a little leaf buds each, and quickly grew into fruit branches.

Long Bai directed the worker ants to climb the tree and cut off 5 fruit branches, leaving only 2 branches.

After only half a day, the fruit branches sprouted flower buds and began to bloom and bear fruit...

A magical divine seed!

Unfortunately, Long Bai didn't have time to continue observing, so he stayed for a day and then left.

Return to Pandan Mountain.

Mo Lan took the lead in using the Throne of Control to complete a molting evolution.

Long Bai carefully used various God-given force foods, brewed for more than ten days, and then evolved the 9th-instar advanced ant king.

Juniper, juniper, giant cypress, silver cypress, and black cypress use the throne of dominance to evolve once.

It's late spring.

Long Bai controlled the throne and set off with sugarcane, green cypress and black grapes.

As soon as he entered the boundary of Black Lotus Lake, Bailiu flew up to meet him, approached, suddenly hovered, and flew backwards facing the throne.

Longbai Ant King!

Sugar! Green cypress!

Bai Liu greeted each other in turn, Heiti, you're back! All the blue seeds you sow have sprouted.

Long Bai swung his tentacles and translated Bai Liu's words to Hei Ti, Bai Liu said, the blue seeds you sow have sprouted.

Heiti: Oh——

Hei Gao raised the spider silk bag, shook it vigorously, and signaled Bai Liu to take it.

Zhuang Lang rushed to explain: Bai Liu, Heiti brought you a gift, a kettle made of ice and fire like Mo Lan!


Bai Liu was startled and surprised, and asked: Where did it come from? Did you pick it up?

Xuanlang: ...No.

Xuanlang: ...bought it.

Long Bai explained: Didn't Heiti have 124,000 rough stones during the last mining? It's a small fortune. He will buy you a kettle made of ice and fire.


Bai Liu was shocked, circled in a circle, flew to the side of the ruling throne, and asked anxiously: Is it expensive? How many rough stones did it cost?

Long Bai: Not expensive.

Long Bai: Heiti helped me work. I earned 4,000 rough stones from reclamation in Nanzijuo Mountain. Didn't your fruit seedlings and blue fruits also sell for 2,000 rough stones? Put it all together, it's exactly 130,000, and I spent 15,000 to make a kettle with ice and fire. There's still something left. 115,000 rough stones.”

Bai Liu: ...

Bai Liu: It's so expensive——

Long Bai urged: Returns are not supported. Heiti gave it to you, please accept it quickly.

Bai Liu: Okay-

There was a flash of black shadow, and the bag of spider silk in the black claw disappeared.

A few white willows flew back to the residential mountain range and landed on the top of the mountain...

Traveling trade in late spring and early summer.

Send Heiti back to Black Lotus Lake on the way.

Send Cui Bai to Nan Zi Zao Mountain to be responsible for weeding, insecticide, irrigation and other work in the orchard there.

Send Xuanlang back to Feiguang Mountain, and also transport 10,000 rough stones along the way.

This spring, the crimson god-given seeds sprouted in large numbers and grew rapidly, beginning to accumulate momentum for the evolutionary lord level.

The fruits are still on the tree, which means there will be no sudden evolution in the past year.

Just in case, Long Bai began to rush to Feiguang Mountain and the second rough stone mine, transporting 100,000 rough stones first and preparing in advance.

Theoretically, the larger the size of the tree, the less raw stones will be consumed during the evolutionary breakthrough.

The tree's height now exceeds 60 meters, so 100,000 rough stones should be enough.

Transporting more god-given remains will help it grow taller, save raw stones, and increase the probability of success. It will also bloom and bear more fruits in the future...

While running around, it’s the midsummer of the year again.

The usual dry season.

There are five reservoirs in Xianglan Mountain: Nanqiao, Beiqiao, Shandong, Shanxi and Zhanlan, which can be easily handled. Yinbai alone can command the blue soldiers and complete the irrigation work.

Long Bai and Mo Lan got bored after staying in the mountains for half a month, but neither of them had the interest to dig up the remains of a large tribe in the previous Force era.

So boring,

Long Bai controlled the throne to fly and wandered around, visiting various points of force.

Find the red fox to reminisce about the past; chat with the ghost fan; go to Kiwi Mountain to guide the green maple and red maple to cultivate the orchard;

Talk to Ye Xiang about the flame spider merchants he knew back then, and find out what kind of insect they are, and what kind of thinking and mentality they have that makes them willing to spend a huge amount of raw stones to buy Ye Xiang fruit...

Go to the Red juniper mountain, check the status of the red juniper god-given seed, and then use the next batch of fruit-bearing dragon cypress god-given seed remains for it to hunt and kill a batch of large animals for compost to extend its life.

Finally, they wandered to Heiguo Mountain. Long Bai and Mo Lan unexpectedly discovered that the rain here was abundant in summer and the temperature was refreshing and pleasant, so they decided to stay here for a long time.

Long Bai commanded the accompanying ant colony to help take care of the territory of Hongli, and transported some god-given remains nearby to help his plants grow.

Li Ji Bee's combat power was outstanding after evolving to the Mountain Lord level. Unfortunately, it was two or three years later when it found the red bee, and it couldn't catch up with the attack on the Termite Kingdom anyway.

The strengthening effect of the God-given black lingonberry is similar to that of the God-given white rice fruit. They are both of the life system, and the strengthening effects are slightly different. The God-given white rice fruit is biased towards healing, while the God-given black fruit is biased towards vitality, which is useful for advanced warriors to shed their shells and evolve. of greater help.

Unfortunately, it was discovered too late that Long Bai was already a 9th-year-old advanced ant king and was about to evolve to the mountain lord level. The flowering and fruiting cycle of the God-given black bilberry is two years. The flowers that bloom this year will not ripen until next autumn.

Long Bai missed it.

Mo Lan and other insects below the Mountain Lord level in Yunji Continent still have time.

Autumn is cool,

Long Bai and Mo Lan bid farewell to Hong Qian and returned to Xianglan Mountain to start their autumn traveling trade.

When I had nothing to do, I went to various Force places where no insects lived to look for God-given seeds.

Wandering around aimlessly, picking and tasting various wild fruits from the mountains and forests.

Time flies and autumn comes again.

In the winter, Long Bai went to Yinbai Mountain to control the throne and assist Shan Shi to evolve into an 8-year-old advanced warrior.

Stay in Yinbai Mountain, watch the snow, and then leave slowly.

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