Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 293 We don’t make money

Watch Xia Zhu leave.

Huanglang picked up the metal box, poured in the force to open it, picked up the god-given seed of Muju, checked it, and then handed it to Long Bai.

The native flame spider warrior has the ability to awaken the element of fire.

Muju is a type of enhanced wood elemental ability.

It is not certain whether the spider kings of the Flame Spider Kingdom did this on purpose, or if they simply couldn't find a god-given seed that matched the elemental talent of the jujube.

But it’s not bad, it’s Qiaomu after all.

Xianlang, I've accepted the things.

Long Bai opened a spider silk bag and threw the god-given seeds into it.

Juang Lang's eight eyes were green and motionless, staring at Long Bai without saying a word.

——Boring little guy.

If this were replaced by molan, green maple, and red maple, they would definitely rush forward and fight for their lives.

Shuanglang was smarter and could understand that Long Bai was joking with him.

But Sugarcane is a spider that doesn’t joke.

Long Bai twisted out the god-given seeds again, handed them back to Xuanlang, and warned: Put the things away. This autumn or winter, you can use the throne of control to evolve into a 2-year-old intermediate warrior. Sow them as soon as possible.

You should also keep the metal box. In the future, when you evolve and you are short of resources, you can sell it to a caravan, and it will be worth 10,000 rough stones.


Xuanlang happily agreed.

Long Bai checked the various gods-given and ordinary force food sent by Xia Zhu again, shook his tentacles to call in the worker ants, and moved them all back to the ant nest.

With these, he and Mo Lan are basically stable at evolving to the Mountain Lord level.

Three days later,

Caolong walked over with heavy steps, looking in a good mood.



Caolong greeted and then asked: I heard that the transfer of the native flame spiders has been negotiated? Is that little guy Xia Zhu here to talk about it?

Xuanlang: Yes.

Caolong: I heard that I was given a god-given seed? Xuanlang, you also have a god-given seed?

Xuanlang: Yes. There is also a metal box for storing seeds.

Caolong: This is the remuneration that the spider kings of the five tribes guarding the ancestral land decided to pay you after discussion. The metal box was given to you by the Zeqi Spider King. It's not that the Caowu Spider King is generous, Qiye and Xia Zhu are also Just a messenger spider in the middle.

After Cao Long finished speaking, he said angrily: It would be more appropriate to leave such a big thing to me. Let that guy Xia Zhu steal the limelight.

Xuanlang: Oh——

Long Bai: Well——

Xia Zhu is more suitable.

The Flame Spider tribe pays great attention to bloodline inheritance, which makes sense.

Qiye and Xiazhu from the Caowu Spider King lineage are obviously more reliable than Baiwei, Caolong, Luodou and others from the Luojun lineage in terms of communication, transactions, work, and dealing with the world.

Of course, it may also be because of different backgrounds and different educations received since childhood. Xia Zhu is more magnanimous and more like a spider who does big things.

On the other hand, Luo Li and Bai Wei, when they were still high-level flame spider warriors, their immediate elders passed away and they have been hanging around in the small tribe.

Long Bai changed the subject lightly and asked, Has Luo Li come over?

Caolong: Of course.

Long Bai: Let's trade first, and then you can take Xuanlang over to meet Luo Li.


Caolong untied the spider silk rope binding the goods on his back, took out a water bottle made of ice and fire and handed it over, saying:

Luo Ji asked me to bring it to you. It's slightly defective in appearance, but there's nothing else wrong with it.

There was a layer of white spider silk on the outside of the ice and fire kettle. I scanned it mentally and found that the white coating on the body of the kettle was full of scratches.

It must have been grabbed and used by a Zerg warrior. Over time, the sharp toes were left behind.

There are some flaws in the condition, but after being wrapped in a layer of spider silk with floral patterns, it still looks beautiful and does not affect its use.

Longbai simply tried it, and it has three functions: water production, hot water production, and ice production.

Cao Long: Luo Chen was collected for 15,000 rough stones. I'll give it to you at a fair price. I won't charge you for the rough stones.

Okay! Long Bai simply agreed.

Let's get down to business, over there at Hidden Wing Mountain... Cao Long accelerated to unload the goods, stopped, and said solemnly:

Preliminary agreement has been reached. They have a divine god-given seed called 'Light Wing', which is endowed with a life-system ability called 'Light Speed ​​Healing'. Hidden Wing Mountain is willing to exchange 'Light Wing' for 'White Barberry' fruit'.

It's unremarkable.

Long Bai gave a fair comment and was secretly happy.

The ability to heal injuries will definitely come into play when attacking the termite kingdom.

You can use this light wing yourself!

Caolong was observing Long Bai's reaction and saw that the other party was not very interested, but he did not dislike it and said sincerely: Long Bai, this ability is not bad... No insect would think that he has too many abilities... …”

Long Bai: How will the exchange be carried out specifically? Have we discussed it in detail?

Caolong: We talked about it, and after fierce bargaining, the final transaction plan was to exchange 2 white barberry fruits for 1 light wing. But it is not an exchange of things, but the price is based on the original stone.

——Travel merchants want to make a profit.

Long Bai gently tapped his antennae to express his agreement.

Caolong continued: Guangyizi will be sold to you at a uniform price of 1.2 million per piece. And you can sell the Baibai fruit to Master Baiwei at a price of 700,000 per piece.

Caolong: We won't make any profit from the price difference. We just take this opportunity to bring the Force Honey trade to Hidden Wing Mountain.

Long Bai tilted his head and squinted coldly: This is not profitable, and that is not profitable either. The simple flame spider warrior is doing voluntary labor, right?

Cao Long: Okay, according to the prevailing price in mainland China, the life-extending magic product is 15,000 rough stones per year, and one barberry fruit can be sold for 750,000 rough stones. We are all friends, and we don't need the hard work of running errands.

The hypocritical flame spider merchants will say that they are not profitable when they earn rough stones, but when they really are not profitable, they will scream and scream that they have lost money.

However, the buying and selling prices are okay. It must be that the Hidden Wing Mountain side is in urgent need of the life-extending magic product, and in order to facilitate the exchange, they must make an appropriate concession.

Specifically, Long Bai won't ask too much. How much you earn depends on the abilities of Baiwei Caolong and the others.

Long Bai: Grass Dragon, what is the cycle of planting flowers and fruits given by the Light Wing God? How is the yield?

Caolong: The cycle is 14 years, and 8 light wings are produced each time.

Long Bai: This is a divine product with a high yield! Have you asked in detail? When will the next fruit ripen?

Cao Long: The dried fruits are very durable and are in stock at any time. I have seen the real thing and it is true. However, Hidden Wing Mountain does not fully trust the owner of Baiwei Mountain and asked to send a divine white barberry fruit first.

With the poor financial resources and credibility of Bai Wei's caravan, it is indeed impossible to win Hidden Wing Mountain's trust.

This is a problem.

Long Bai thought about it and came up with a solution.

Cao Long asked: Long Bai, are you in good condition now?

Long Bai: The condition is very good. The Grass Crow Spider King has sent a lot of good things, and he will be steadily promoted to the Mountain Lord level next year.

Caolong: Then do you estimate? How many years will it take to get the first batch of divine white barberry fruits?

Long Bai: Uh...

If nothing else happens, the termite kingdom should be attacked in 13 years. It will take 13 years to get the seed given by the god of Bai Qian. It will take at least 2 years to breed into a life seed. It will take two to three years to sow and grow. It will take 2 to 3 years to bloom and bear fruit. 16 years.

It takes about 34 years to harvest the first batch of divine white barberry fruits.

Long Bai thought for two seconds and said: Cao Long, ask Master Bai Wei to tell Hidden Wings Mountain that I just need the Divine Grade Light Wings and agreed to the exchange. Talk to them again and tell them about the next batch. All the divine white barberry fruits have been traded, and we have to wait until the next batch to be available.

Caolong was at a loss and confused.

Long Bai swung his tentacles vigorously and said: There is no urgency in this matter, let's put it aside for now. I want to focus on evolution, so I won't worry about these things for now. If there is anything, we can talk about it after I evolve to the Mountain Lord level.

Caolong: ...Okay.

Caolong asked: Are there enough rough stones required for evolution?

Long Bai: Enough.

Long Bai: The wild crimson god-given seed has shown signs of evolution. Its evolution requires a large amount of raw stones. How many of them can Master Baiwei get this year?

Cao Long: Not very clear. Bai Wei cooperates with the caravan of the three spider kings Zeqi, Cao Wu, and Cang Zhu. There are more than thirty flame spider warriors transporting goods to it. There should be 40,000 to 50,000 rough stones. Bar.

Long Bai: ...

That little praying mantis in Hongtao is so awesome!

Long Bai was somewhat impressed.

Caolong paused and said: Longbai, let me tell you something else. I plan to evolve a 7th-year-old advanced flame spider warrior this fall. I will also travel independently...

After completing the transaction with Caolong, Xuanlang followed him to visit Luoli, bringing Longbai's greetings and instructions:

[This Yizhao fruit that has matured this year is worth tens of millions, so be sure to take a photo of it and you can increase the price]

Purchasing a batch of force food from Luo Jun, Cao Long helped transport it.

Xuanlang followed Caolong again to visit Master Baiwei.

Bai Wei's force honey trade in Hidden Wing Mountain is gradually opening up. This year's transaction volume has increased significantly compared to last year, and she also helped get 50,000 rough stones. The amount of goods being traded was huge, so Hong Tao pulled a slate cart and ran back and forth ten times before finishing the move.

It took nine days before and after, and the transaction with the flame spider merchant ended in spring.

Return to Xianglan Mountain,

Count the wealth, distribute rewards, and celebrate with dinner.

The next day,

Long Bai controls the throne and carries Xiang Bai to Bailian Lake.

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