Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 267 The Lost Kingdom

Long Bai threw the tree stump ant nest in Douglas Hill, and the ruling throne only carried Molan and Spruce, flying in a straight line at the fastest speed.

The second rough stone mine.

The foot of the mountain is open and flat, and the rough stones are piled up into mountains. Under the sun, they reflect a bright white color that is intoxicating to insects.

Yunshan, who followed the inspection, has not expressed his position yet...

Wow~ Yeah!

Get rich!

Mo Lan exclaimed first, got off the throne, and rushed forward.

So many rough stones——

Yunshan straightened his hind legs and subconsciously wanted to fly over to take a look. Temporarily, he endured it, slowly retracted his legs, and corrected his attitude.

Longbai Ant King, how many rough stones are piled below?

Long Bai: The order I gave is a pile of 100,000 rough stones.

Spruce quick inventory.

Below are 31 piles, which is 3.1 million rough stones!

Yunshan: “Where are the working ant colonies?”

Long Bai: Is it time to call it a day and take a break?

Long Bai: Let's go and take a look.

The ruling throne approached and landed at the entrance of the cave at the foot of the mountain.

There is a cave dug on the side of the raw stone mine, and Heiti is leading the ant colony in the mine to collect last night's harvest.

A square hole was dug on the ground, and the excavated rough stones were put into the hole first. At this time, all the worker ants and soldier ants formed a line leading directly to the flat ground outside, and were moving out of the pit.

Long Bai's mental power was swept away and he understood its intention.

This pit is used to count the number of rough stones. Filling one pit is about 10,000.

——Lazy ants always find ways to save trouble.

Long Bai silently assessed.

Your Majesty.

Heiti hurriedly came out and looked at Yun Shan strangely.

Citizen Hill, Spruce, Shielded Grasshopper Warrior.

Long Bai made a brief introduction, walked into the cave first, came to the entrance of the vertically dug well, and searched downwards with his mental power.

Heiti followed his own requirements and dug upward from the bottom of the mine. The excavated gravel is backfilled in place, and only the raw stone is transported out of the mine.

Long Bai made a rough estimate and had a rough number in mind.

The progress is very fast. In only one and a half months, about one third of the mining was completed.

Heiti, you did a good job!

Your Majesty has good guidance.

How's the food stockpile?

I can only last about half a month, and I need to replenish it once.

Are all the blue ants in the original nest?

Yes. I placed the blue ants there, and the kettle made of ice and fire was also placed there... In the event of a collapse, the surviving ants will not be cut off from food and water sources.

Heiti inherited Long Bai's cautious character.

Whenever you act, you will consider the worst outcome and leave a way out for yourself.

Not bad. Not bad. Long Bai was very satisfied, moved his tentacles, thought for a moment, tilted his head to Yun Shan and asked: Let's go down and have a look.

Yunshan: Look!

After visiting the mine, we went into the ant nest to enjoy the cool air, eat and rest.

Spruce stayed to visit.

Late at night, Long Bai drove the throne and set off with the empty-bellied blue ants, heading southwest. After a two-day journey, he entered the grassland, hunted large prey, refined it into ant honey, and sent it back to the second raw stone mine for mining. The ant colony in the mine has enough food for three months.

In less than three months, all the raw stone deposits here could be mined, so Long Bai arranged some finishing work for Heiti.

All done, straight trip back.

Citi Hill.

The cold wind howled.

To the northeast of the mountain peak, 1500 meters away in a straight line, is the flat valley bottom below the mountain range.

Juniper led 50 specialized worker ants, 100 large worker ants, and 100 medium-sized soldier ants, and collaborated with multiple ant species to excavate a large tree with a diameter of about 60 meters and a depth of two to three meters in just half a month. pit.

Excavation work continues.

Huang Ya used a rough bag sewn from animal skin to help carry the soil.

The ruling throne slowly descended and stopped.

Huang Ya then stopped and looked up at Yun Shan.

Spruce fluttered its wings and glided, landing next to Huang Ya, and reported: The exploration of Longbai Ant King is correct. A micro-raw stone mine with a total reserve of over 10 million has successfully mined 3.5 million rough stones.


Huang Ya looked up at Long Bai and Mo Lan and said, There is still a lot to be done to prepare.

Long Bai: I control the throne to lift the soil, and it will be dug soon.

Huang Ya tapped his tentacles lightly, waved his front legs to signal, and said: I will enter the treasure house immediately and explain the situation to the Citizen Sacred Tree. If you want to see the Citizen Sacred Tree, you can go to the top of the mountain and wait.

Bottom of the treasure house.

Huang Yao felt anxious and entered the cave where the Citizen Tree was sleeping.

……you again.

The Citizen Sacred Tree regained consciousness and found out that it was a yellow skewer, making no secret of its dissatisfaction.

Huang Yao hurriedly said: The Citizen Sacred Tree, I have something to report to you, and I have a very important question to ask you for advice.

Citi: Speak.

Huang Yao: The Dragon Cypress Ant King successfully found a miniature rough stone deposit in the deserted land on the southeast coast...

Huang Yao spoke concisely and quickly, describing the situation and explaining his plans.

Citi: Consuming the raw stones from the treasure house to awaken the Quandong Sacred Tree, is this the idea of ​​the Dragon Cypress Ant King again?

Huang Ya: It was proposed by Long Bai Ant King. After careful consideration, I think it is feasible.

Huang Yao analyzed it one by one: First, Yunshan went to see it and confirmed the existence of the original stone deposit; secondly, the Dragon Cypress Ant King needed the soul-fixing fruit in order to attack the Baibo Kingdom, and it took 16 to 17 years to prepare. It is sufficient; thirdly, we can ask the Dragon Cypress Ant King to deliver all the rough stones to Citi Mountain first, and then deliver the soul-fixing fruit.

The Citizen Sacred Tree is silent.

Huang Zhan waited anxiously.

To this day, in the entire Citi Mountain, there are only three treasure houses where the sacred trees are located, each with a reserve of 10 million rough stones. The recovery of the Force is far away, and these rough stones are used to deal with unknown changes.

The most worrying change is that one day, the Force in Citi Mountain suddenly disappears and becomes a Force vacuum. At that time, the three sacred trees could only rely on these 10 million rough stones to maintain their vitality.

The katydid warriors can be traced back to ancient times.

But nothing can happen to the three sacred trees.

If the reserve rough stones are used, but they cannot be replenished...


Citizen Tree thought for a long time and responded with a simple word.

Huang Ya secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In order to hide his joy, he changed the subject and said in a solemn tone: The Citizen Sacred Tree, I have another question for you to ask.

Citi: Speak.

Huang Ya: In the last period of the Force, the Flame Spider Traveling Tribe on the Cloud Trail Continent must have hoarded a large amount of rough stones, right? Do you know where they hid the rough stones?

Citi: I don't know.

Citi: “I’m also puzzled by this.”

Citigroup: About 20 years after entering the Force Silence Period, when the average Force concentration in Cloud Trail Continent dropped by nearly half, all the Flame Spider merchants disappeared without warning. There were insects there that year, and the entire Flame Spider Kingdom was gone. It’s all empty, not even an ordinary flame spider is left.”

After Huaqi finished speaking, there was a sentimental emotion in his thoughts, Perhaps, in the next period of the Force, when they appear again, they can answer my questions. Perhaps, they will never appear again.

All gone?

Huang Ya was in disbelief, thought for two seconds, and said: The Citizen Sacred Tree, the murals in the Palace of Knowledge show that the four tribes of Yuan Zi, Huan Cai, Lan Cai, and the Original Spider together formed the Flame Spider Kingdom. The three major traveling merchant tribes You can turn your life-seed into seed form and move it wherever you want, but the warriors of the original spider tribe can't move it easily, right?

Citi: So, everyone suspects that the gods of nature transferred them to other continents.

Citi: The flame spider tribe is different from other insect tribes. The ordinary flame spiders are born with wisdom and are a race gifted by the God of Nature.

Huang Ya said firmly: It's not a god of nature!

Huang Yao said: King Longbai Ant discovered a place of force in the tropical forest on the southeastern coast. He found a large number of primitive spiders and a primitive spider warrior. If the God of Nature used his divine power to transfer all the flame spiders, it would not be possible. There must be something missing.”

The Citizen Sacred Tree was silent for a long time and said: There are too many mysteries in this world. You can explore slowly. If you find the answer one day, you can wake me up and tell me. If there is nothing particularly important, don't bother me anymore. I'm sleeping.

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