Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 266 Everyone is a worm on a spider's silk rope

In Citi Mountain, the ice and snow have not completely melted yet.

Orange-red warm sun.

Yellow skewer and spruce lay lazily on a boulder on the ridge, silently watching the ruling throne approaching from a distance.

Yunshan: It should be spring in the south, right?

Huang Ya: Absolutely. The diligent insects are busy tilling the soil, fertilizing and sowing seeds at the moment.

Yunshan: Come to Citi Hill at this time. Could it be that you have found a rough mineral deposit?

Huang Yao: It may also be that there is something harvested from the ruins of a certain tribe.

Mo Lan saw the two insects basking in the sun on the ridge. They left the throne, flapped their wings and flew close to them quickly.

Huang Ya stood up.

Yunshan stood up.

Yellow skewer. Spruce. Great news!

Mo Lan circled and landed, full of energy, and said: We found the raw stone mine!

Sure enough!

Although he guessed it, after hearing the exact news, Huang Ya still couldn't suppress his inner excitement and flapped his wings subconsciously.

The southeast coast?


Rich mine or poor mine? Is it large or small?

Lean mineral deposits. Microscopic mineral deposits.


Huang Yao's excitement was mostly gone, and he asked: Have you done a careful exploration? How much do you think you can dig out?

Mo Lan: 10 million to 15 million.

... Huang Yao was disappointed, choked and speechless.

The Hall of Knowledge contains detailed records of various knowledge about raw stone deposits.

This reserve is the smallest among the smallest.

Mo Lan: There are many yellow skewers and spruce trees. Can we consider awakening the Quandong Sacred Tree?

Mo Lan: With the help of Soul-fixing Fruit, it will be 100% safe to attack the Termite Kingdom!

A divine fruit that gives soul power~ Yunshan couldn’t hide his excitement and cleverly helped:

It cannot be said that with the Soul-fixing Fruit, it will be 100% possible, but the chance of success will definitely increase significantly.

Yun Shan and Mo Lan both looked at Huang Ya.

Huang Ya's eyes were flashing green, and his brain was thinking rapidly.

The Throne of Ruler flew closer and stopped in front of the boulder.

Yellow skewer. Spruce.

Long Bai greeted him, looking a little eager, and asked: Has Mo Lan told you the details of the raw stone mine?

I know roughly——

Huang Yao looked intently at the tree stump ant nest, his mental energy swept away, and he suddenly became solemn.

The ant nest is crowded with large and small worker ants.

What to do with worker ants?

There is only one reason...

Huang Ya quickly changed his gaze and asked: Longbai Ant King, last time you said that it would take about 8 days for the Throne of Control to fly from Citi Mountain to the southeast coast?

Long Bai: That's the third rough quarry on the coast. It was actually found in the second rough quarry inland. It's a little closer and can be reached in about 6 days.

Huang Ke: It takes 12 days for a round trip?

Long Bai: Yes.

Huang Ya: The throne of rulership can only transport 5,000 rough stones at a time?

Long Bai: I am evolving at the rate of one age per year. After the Mountain Lord level, the speed and transportation capacity of the throne will be qualitatively improved.

Huang Ya shook his tentacles and said, Even if you evolve to the Mountain Lord level and your transport capacity and speed double, you can transport 10,000 rough stones in one trip and fly once every 6 days. It will still take 6,000 days to transport 10 million rough stones... How much is this? Year?

Long Bai: That's not how the accounts are settled. It won't take so long.

Long Bai: The flying speed of the Throne of Control is related to my spiritual power. I will find ways to buy Force food that strengthens my soul and spiritual power. The carrying capacity of the Throne of Control may be related to my strength. Specifically, Spring After trading with the Flame Spider Traveler, I will give it a try and evolve into a 7th instar advanced ant queen.

After Long Bai finished speaking, he paused, solemnly, and slowed down his speech: Huang Ya, I guess you still have some rough stones for emergency use at the bottom of your Citi Mountain treasure house, right?

The yellow skewer shook its tentacles but did not answer.

Seeing that the other party did not directly deny it, Long Bai continued: I remember you said that every time the Quandong Sacred Tree blooms and bears fruit, even if there are only three fruits left, it still takes up to 10 years to grow?

Huang Ke: Yes.

Long Bai: The time left for us is not enough. We can use the emergency rough stones first to wake up the Quandong Sacred Tree, sow it, restore it to its peak, and bloom and bear fruit as soon as possible.

Long Bai: During this period, I will try my best to transport rough stones to Citi Mountain. I promise to transport as many rough stones as I can use before attacking the termite kingdom and replenish them for you, okay?

Huang Ya stood there, motionless, struggling and thinking.

Long Bai: The cost of awakening the Quandong Sacred Tree, as well as the cost of flowering and bearing fruit, are all paid by Mo Lan and I. Three soul-fixing fruits, one for me, one for Mo Lan, and one for spruce.

Huang Ya: The soul-fixing fruit is 4.5 million per piece, or 9 million for two. This is our fixed pricing in Citi Mountain, and it will never change in the past, present, and future.

Long Bai: You can do it this way if you insist.

Long Bai: We can calculate the cost of awakening the Quandong Sacred many raw stones will it cost?

Huang Ya: During the period of silence of the Force, we only awakened and planted seeds of the Citizen Sacred Tree. We can only estimate based on the needs of the Citigo Sacred Tree.

Huang Ke: It takes 5 million to sow seeds. On weekdays, an average of 300 to 500 rough stones need to be invested every day to replenish the original force. Calculated at 400, 146,000 rough stones are needed in a year, and at least 1.46 million are needed in at least 10 years.

Huang Ya: During the maturity period of the Dinghun Fruit, each fruit requires an investment of 800,000 to 1,000,000 raw stones. Three of them are 2.4 million to 3 million raw stones.

Huang Yao: The total cost is about 9 million.

Huang Ya: Let me tell you the truth, the degree of evolution of the Quandong Sacred Tree is lower than that of the Citizen Sacred Tree, and the size of the tree is smaller than that of the Citizen Sacred Tree, so the actual cost will be less.

Long Bai: “It’s your Citizen’s share of the money.”

Long Bai: In attacking the Termite Kingdom, Mo Lan and I are pursuing profit, but you are seeking life... We each get what we need.

Huang Yao: Yes. I am not willing to die in the advanced warrior stage.

Mo Lan agreed: Yes, everyone is just a worm on a spider's web.

Long Bai: Then it's settled?

Huang Yao swung his tentacles and said: This is an extremely risky behavior. I dare not make the decision. I need to ask the Citizen Sacred Tree for instructions.

Long Bai: Then you...

Long Bai raised his front foot and pointed at the distant mountain peak.

Huang Yao: If I continue like this, it's hard to say whether things will work out or not. It's inevitable that I'll be scolded by the Citizen Tree.

Long Bai: Then what do you mean...

Huang Ya asked: Have all the rough stones been mined?

Long Bai: I left a command ant responsible for mining.

Long Bai understood what the other party meant and said: I can take you to the second rough stone mine to have a look. You can rest assured when you see the rough stone with your own eyes, right? I also have an explanation for the Citizen Sacred Tree.

Huang Ke: I can't leave Citi Hill easily.

Long Bai and Mo Lan looked at Yun Shan.

Huang Ya: Yunshan is coming with you.

Long Bai: Okay!

Long Bai tapped his tentacles, pointed at the juniper beside him, and introduced: This is the first assistant king of the Xianglan Mountain Kingdom. His name is Yuan Bai. He has a calm personality and meticulous actions. He is the most capable general under my command. .”

Long Bai: Walking the Quandong Sacred Tree requires a lot of preparations, right? Jun Bai can lead the worker ants to help.

Huang Ya thought about it and said: First we need to choose a planting location and dig a big pit.

Huang Ya: You can arrange for your ant colony to dig holes first.

Long Bai: Okay! This is what our ants are best at. Where do you think the location is suitable?

Huang Ya raised his paw and pointed to the northeast of Citizen Mountain and said: Over there, on the flat land at the foot of the mountain, I will take you there.

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