Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 179 It’s called Yinbai

Black Lotus Lake.

The golden sun of late autumn hangs diagonally in the western sky.

The white willow stood on the top of a big willow tree on the lakeshore, swaying gently with the wind.

Heiti was lying on the lakeside, commanding the blue soldiers, quietly guarding the black lotus seed.

Ordinary seeds are not like seeds given by God. The fruits produced by the same plant do not mature at the same time, but mature one after another.

The fruits of ordinary life seeds will also accelerate the absorption of force during the maturity period, and there will also be a process of qualitative change of the original energy of the fruit, but the force absorbed in this process is very small.

The three black lotus trees of Bailiu have bloomed a total of 13 flowers this year and produced 13 lotus pods. Among them, the fastest-growing lotus pod is about to become fully mature.

This is the force food that can help him step from the worker ant class to the king's class.

Heiti had been waiting for it for a whole year and had been squatting by the lake for seven days and nights.

The setting sun gradually disappeared into the western mountains.

The clouds burned like a flame, burning half the sky red, then gradually cooled, dimmed, and went out.


It's dark.


The mother black lotus plant no longer provides the force, no longer transports nutrients, and the last ray of life in the yellowed lotus pods is cut off.

It’s ripe!

Heiti shook his tentacles and gave instructions.

A specialized blue soldier opened its jaws, bit off the stem, held the lotus pod in its mouth, ran ashore through the water, and placed it in front of Heiti.

Wow! I'm finally mature!


Bai Liu circled and landed, even more eagerly than Hei Ti. Seeing Hei Ti holding the lotus pods in his paws and looking at them, he anxiously urged, Try to eat a few quickly!

When the long-awaited thing arrived, Heiti suddenly stopped being anxious and started to question the arrangement of lotus seeds on the lotus pod: [Why is there a fixed 14 lotus seeds produced by each lotus pod? Instead of 15 or 16? 】

For ordinary black lotus, the number of lotus seeds in each lotus pod is variable, ranging from 15 to 17.

——Why is there such a difference?

——The king may know.

Heiti thought silently, raised his head and glanced at Bailiu who was spinning in circles, spread out his toes and picked out a lotus seed, peeled off the seed coat with both jaws skillfully, chewed it and ate it.

The familiar breath of the Force rushed straight to his forehead after being absorbed.

A wonderful feeling of familiarity.


Heiti moved his tentacles vigorously.

Heiti has no mental power, and Bai Liu cannot communicate with him through mental power, let alone the ant tribe's message transmission method. However, you can understand it by looking at his movements.

As everyone predicted, black lotus seeds can help Heiti continue to evolve.

Bai Liu breathed a sigh of relief, flapped her wings gently, lifted off vertically, cheered and flew quickly, flying around the lake and landing lightly on the big willow tree.

Heiti rested for a while, then dug out the second lotus seed from the lotus pod, peeled it open and ate it.

Rest for a while and eat the third pill.

You can still only eat 3 pills a day, any more will be wasted.

There are 11 lotus seeds left, pluck them all in one go, peel them, give them to blue ants to refine into force ant honey, and store them.

There are 13 lotus pods in the lake, which will mature in the next four or five days.

Heiti and Bailiu continued to guard, picking the ripe ones one by one.

late at night.

South Jujube Mountain is filled with flames.

Sang walked in the blazing fire, controlling the fire and extinguishing it at the same time.

Mo Lan waved her sharp forelimbs like a sickle and dealt with the unburned branches.

Long Bai controlled the throne, suspended in the sky, always paying attention to the direction of the airflow.

There are certain risks in using fire abilities to open up wasteland.

Sang is only a 3rd-year-old high-level warrior, and his ability to control and extinguish fire is limited. If he encounters a sudden strong wind, he may not be able to control the situation.

There are dense forests on all sides. Once it is ignited and gets out of control, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, you can only set fire when there is no wind or a gentle breeze. In breezy weather, you have to be careful and walk against the wind.

It's a weather-dependent way of clearing land, but it's extremely efficient.

In half a month, almost half of the Southern Ziziphus Mountain was burned away.

It's breezy tonight, so I'll work an extra night shift.

Longbai is vigilant on the upwind side and always pays attention to changes in wind direction and wind strength.

As luck would have it, a strong wind blew over.


Sang, stop for a moment.

Long Bai manipulated the throne of control to descend and approach.

Sang received the order and quickly activated his ability to extinguish all the flames.

Long Bai controlled the throne to stop and jumped off the throne to help.

A strong wind is coming.

After a moment of panic, all the open flames were put out, and it took a lot of time to remove all the stumps and branches with sparks and smoke.

Just after putting out the fire, the wind stopped.

Damn the weather~ Long Bai secretly slandered that it was getting late and said, Sang, Mo Lan, that's it for tonight. Everyone is tired. Let's take a rest.

After a busy day, Sang was indeed exhausted and slowly climbed to the throne.

Mo Lan was still in high spirits, jumped up on the throne, took a gourd, and a wooden saucer made of vine seeds, poured the ant honey into it, and asked for food to recover.

Long Bai fluttered his wings and circled around in the air, then landed on the ground and said with satisfaction: The wasteland currently burned is enough to keep you busy for a year or two. Sang, your territory will not be guarded by insects for a long time. You can leave it for half a month. Come on... I'll take you back tomorrow morning!


Sang was somewhat worried about his territory.

Mo Lan waved his tentacles and said: If there is a giant soldier ant to help guard Dian Sang's territory, you don't have to worry. When we build an orchard in Nanjujuo Mountain, at least one intelligent soldier ant must be stationed permanently.

Mo Lan turned around and said: Long Bai, the command ants are not enough, why don't you train another intelligent worker ant?

Long Bai hesitated and said: If we want to cultivate them, we should also cultivate giant blue soldiers.

Mo Lan: Why? Who will direct the worker ants to build the orchard? Aren't there already three combat-type command ants, Juniper, Giant Cypress, and Emerald Cypress?

Long Bai: Let me and Jue Bai take our turn. Black Lotus Lake is close to Nan Jujube Mountain, and Heiti can come here to help.

Long Bai explained: A few years after the orchard is reclaimed and the fruit seedlings are planted, the main tasks include weeding, insecticide, and irrigation. In addition, the ant colonies stationed here need hunting and security protection. The giant blue soldiers can command the soldier ants and Blue soldiers can do all jobs perfectly.”


Mo Lan got it right, nodded his tentacles in agreement, and asked: Then let's breed another giant blue soldier!

Long Bai has been worrying about the problem of insufficient command ants for a long time. He has thought about it for a long time and has not yet made a decision.

Seeing that Mo Lan was keen on this matter, he sorted out his thoughts, organized his language, and said one by one:

One more commander ant, one more capable helper. Large-scale land reclamation and planting of top-level plants is uncertain whether we can obtain the God-given seeds as we wish, but it will definitely increase the expenditure of a large amount of force resources.

Currently, we seem to have endless food in the Force, but this is because you and I have suppressed growth in the past few years, have not gone all out to evolve, and have consumed less resources.

Juniper and juniper are only at the intermediate stage and consume limited resources. However, when they evolve to the advanced stage, their annual consumption will increase sharply. At the same time, we have to consider whether to allow them to continue to the lord level after evolving to the mountain lord level. Evolution. If we continue, the resources required...

Each additional commander ant can share part of the work, but it also means a huge investment of resources. If the corresponding God-given seed returns cannot be obtained as scheduled, it will be unable to support their upward growth.

The command ants are intelligent and have a sense of independence. After we have been together for a long time, can we bear to abandon them? What should we do if we cannot bear to abandon them and there is no resource supply?

Long Bai: Mo Lan, you decide whether to cultivate another giant blue soldier.

Long Bai stated the situation, analyzed the pros and cons, and asked the question to Mo Lan.

It's a very serious decision~ Mo Lan lowered his head and thought carefully.

Sang looked left and right, and said faintly: ...I think it's okay.

Mo Lan raised her head and said: Then we will cultivate another giant blue soldier! We will definitely get the god-given seed!

You have been blessed by the God of Nature. If you say you can, you definitely can!

Long Bai said cheerfully: Okay! Let's start tomorrow.

Mo Lan was very happy and asked: Longbai, is its name 'Silver Cypress'? This is your last cypress tree, you have no choice.

Long Bai: ...

After talking for a long time, you weren’t just trying to come up with a name, were you?

Long Bai continued: Observe Heiti first to see if it can successfully evolve into a command ant! If it can, my idea is...

Long Bai paused and said: From now on, Zhihua and Giant Ants will stay in Xianglan Mountain. Almighty commander ants like Heiti will be sent out to lead the ant colony and independently manage Nanjuan Mountain, Jianlan Plain, Mo Lands of the Force such as Lan Mountain, Hanlan Mountain, and White Lotus Lake...

Currently, there are as many as 5 ownerless places of the Force. Long Bai’s head started to grow as he talked about it.

Mo Lan asked: Long Bai, are you sure the ant nest can still produce ants like Heiti?

Long Bai: Since there is one, there must be a second and a third. The question lies in the probability. Maybe one out of a thousand special chemical ants, maybe ten thousand, or one hundred thousand. There is only one special chemical worker ant. To be specific, it takes time and quantity to test.”

Long Bai: An all-round command ant like Heiti can manage an ownerless land of the Force. It can not only save resources, but also save me a lot of things.

Mo Lan clicked his tentacles to show that he understood, and suggested: Long Bai, since black lotus seeds can help Heiti evolve...if used on larvae, can it increase the probability of the emergence of specialized worker ants like Heiti? ?”

Long Bai: I've thought about it, I can give it a try...

Try it! Mo Lan agreed, waving her front legs and urging:

Eat quickly. Eat quickly. Get some rest early. Send Sang back to Feiguang Mountain tomorrow morning, and then go to Black Lotus Lake to see how Heiti is doing.

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