Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 178 The lowest price, no traps

Long Bai also sent a batch of force food to Qing Ma and Hong Ma. After staying for a few days, Qing Ma and Hong Ma successfully evolved into 9-year-old junior warriors with the help of the Control Throne.

However, I can no longer take them around with me.

Long Bai and Mo Lan set off and came to Hanlan Mountain.

There has been heavy rain recently and water accumulated in the pit.

Longbai uses the water system's ability to drain water.

Mo Lan searched for the God-given seeds and collected the fruits.

Four days later.

The search in Hanlan Mountain was completed, but nothing was found.

The water in the pit was also drained away, and Long Bai directed the accompanying worker ants to dig four tunnels against the four walls.

Mo Lan entered it to check, and after sensing it, he said disappointedly: Long Bai, there are no strange force fluctuations.

That means all the treasures have been dug out.

That's not necessarily true. According to my observation, the more precious the creation of an extraterrestrial civilization, the weaker the fluctuations in the Force are and are difficult to detect.

When you have time, I will bring the worker ants over and clean up all the sand in the treasure house?

Can't be lazy! Can't miss any chance!

Mo Lan was determined.

Long Bai also had this idea, but the workload was too large, so he agreed: Okay——

Long Bai: It's getting late. Have a rest overnight and we'll hit the road tomorrow morning.

The exploration of the southwestern region of Yunji Continent has been completed, and the route of the autumn merchant tour has been basically fixed. The first stop: Feiguang Mountain

The various fresh fruits of mulberry trees are ripening. The mulberry fruits and lychees are already ripe, and the fruity aroma can be smelled from a distance.

The mulberry tree stays under the fruit tree.

Mo Lan took the lead and rushed over quickly.

Sang. Long time no see.


Sang stared at the metal box that Mo Lan was holding, and said in surprise: Didn't King Longbai Ant say that he wants Qingma and Red Maple to practice independent survival? Why can't they come this year? Why did they come with them too?

Mo Lan was stunned, No. Qing Ma and Hong Ma remain in the territory.

Sang: Then their metal boxes...

Oh! Mo Lan suddenly understood and explained:

We dug this out of the quagmire treasure house in Hanlan Mountain. There are quite a few of them. We thought they would be useful to everyone, so we decided to sell a few at a very low price.


Mulberry's tentacles stood up: Are you willing to sell such a magical creation of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Sang's heart was pounding and he asked tentatively: Super low price?

Mo Lan placed the metal box in front of Sang and said: Don't cheat! Sell it at the lowest price, 10,000 rough stones per piece. Sang, you have 14,616 rough stones saved by me and Long Bai. You can definitely buy one to save your life. For planting seeds.”

Sang calculated it and said happily: Buy one!

Sang: Do I still have any remaining stones?

Mo Lan: Yes. 14,616 rough stones, minus the 10,000 rough stones in the metal box, leaving a balance of 4,616 rough stones.

Sang: Okay!

Sang: Mo Lan, the seed given by the rice god has matured this year? I suffered serious hidden wounds when I evolved into a 3rd-year-old advanced warrior. I need the ant king honey brewed from the white rice pulp to heal the injury...

Mo Lan: I know! No problem! I'll give you a can of white rice ant king honey worth 2,616 raw stones later, and two cans of high-quality force food worth 1,000 raw stones to strengthen the comprehensive physique. After eating, rest for the winter. , after the transaction is completed early next summer, you can prepare for the fourth stage of evolution.

Okay! Sang raised his front foot and pointed lightly at the metal box in front of him: Is this thing mine?

Mo Lan: This thing belongs to you!

Mo Lan: Sang, you don't have to worry about the green maple and the red maple. The generous Dragon Cypress Ant King will give them one.

When Long Bai arrived at the control throne, Mo Lan had successfully sold a metal box.

We stayed in Feiguang Mountain for four days, harvesting fresh fruits, including mangoes and various wild fruits.

The fresh fruits of the mulberry plant continue to mature, leaving behind a group of worker ants and blue ants to go to the next stop.

First, we went to the Jianlan Plain to search for God-given seeds, harvest nothing, and collect various wild fruits along the way.

Then go to Baifanshan.

Mo Lan grabbed a metal box, left the throne, and flew there first.

In Wu Fan's territory, the fruits of its four rice trees are about to mature, but the insects are not staying under the trees.

Mo Lan went straight to the seed given by the god of rice.


Under the tree, the red fox lay flat.

Wufan lay quietly aside.

Bai Fan was also standing not far away.

All motionless.

There's something wrong with the atmosphere.

Red fox?

Baifan! Wufan! Long time no see!

Mo Lan landed on the ground to say hello. As he approached, he keenly felt the sadness filling the air. He slowly lowered his paw holding the metal box.


haven't seen you for a long time.

White rice and black rice greet each other.

The red fox lying on its back swung its tail without any extra movement, its breath was weak, and its condition was worrying.

From the first meeting, the red fox didn't communicate much and didn't move much.

It's not that the red fox doesn't like to communicate or move, it's that it's old, mentally and physically weak, and every move it makes consumes the little life it has left.

After so many years, Red Fox...

Mo Lan's mood dropped and she didn't know how to speak.

Wu Fan asked: Mo Lan, what you are holding are...creations of extraterrestrial civilization?


Mo Lan came over in high spirits, ready to make sales.

On the way here, I thought about my sales pitch and settlement plan.

Sell ​​a metal box to Baifan for 10,000 rough stones.

Baifan needs resources to evolve and grow, and he will definitely be reluctant to take out so many rough stones at once to buy a gadget that he doesn't really need. It can be allowed to pay 2,000 rough stones first, and then repay 1,000 rough stones every year, interest-free, in 8 years.

But now this scene...

This is what Long Bai and I found while digging through the wreckage of the starship...

Mo Lan picked up the metal box and continued to inject the force to open it, revealing the three Gorgon seeds inside. Then he continued to inject the force to close it. He demonstrated it again, handed the things to Wu Fan, and said:

I'll let you play for a few days.

Thank you - Wufan was in a low mood and not very interested. He took the things and tried hard.

Bai Fan came up and looked at it curiously, then turned his head and stared at the rose ring hanging around Mo Lan's neck.

Mo Lan, this is...

This is also a creation of an alien civilization and has no practical function.

Mo Lan took off the ring, demonstrated it and handed it to Bai Fan, saying, I'll let you play with it for a few days.

The red fox raised his head with difficulty, took a look, and then knocked his head heavily on the ground. Such a movement seemed extremely laborious, and he made a gasping sound.

Red Fox...

Mo Lan hesitated to speak, then began to feel sad.

The God-given harvest of white rice fruits occurs once every three years.

Everyone was a little unhappy.

An old friend who has known each other for ten years planted a seed given by Baifan and trained two Zerg warriors, Baifan and Wufan. The red fox may not survive this winter.

Metal boxes have practical value and can better preserve life seeds.

But it’s not strictly necessary.

Saving seeds is a very simple matter, and I have never heard of any insect losing or damaging its own seeds.

It's a bit of a trap to sell metal boxes to the poor and poor.

Under Red Fox's turbid gaze, Long Bai and Mo Lan were too embarrassed to mention it.

Seal the deal.

Head straight to Ghost Fan Mountain.

Ghost Fan is about to evolve into a 9th-age senior warrior, and it plans to be promoted to a Mountain Lord-level wooden armored warrior.

The Ghost Fan is at a critical juncture in its evolution and needs a large amount of high-quality Force food, as well as a batch of raw stones for emergency use.

At this time, selling metal boxes to Ghost Fan or Raspberry is even more deceiving.

Lend things to Ghost Fan and Raspberry to play with.

As in previous years, normal trading.

After finishing, we went to Feiguang Mountain to collect the worker ants and blue ants responsible for harvesting fresh fruits, and collected a batch of tropical fruits along the way.

Finally, he took Sang on board and headed to the South Jujube Mountain together, using his fire elemental power to burn down the forest and open up wasteland with flames.

Next year, we can bring a group of worker ants to level the land, dig ditches, pools, and biogas digesters, and reclaim the orchard.

In the spring of the following year, saplings such as jujube, blood orange, black grape, silver cypress, and dragon cypress can be transplanted to build an orchard.

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