Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 144 I decided to take you to make a fortune together

Watase Flame Spider also has its own kingdom, which is just south of Yutao Kingdom, in a rain forest near the sea.

Some young little flame spider warriors, as well as old flame spiders who are too old and unable to move around, have settled in the territory of the kingdom.

At the beginning of each winter, the flame spider caravans traveling on the mainland would return to the kingdom one after another to rest for a month.

Three to four thousand flame spiders, large and small, gathered together. With their respective spider kings as the center, everyone formed a large business circle, eating, drinking, chatting, exchanging information, and exchanging goods.

Large areas of open space have been opened up in the lush tropical jungle, connected by wide roads built with hardened soil abilities.

There are a total of 74 open spaces of different shapes.

This also means that the Watase Flame Spider Tribe has as many as 74 spider kings.

Although the insect population is small, it is rich in wealth and prosperous.

A grand gathering of the same clan once a year.

But there are also Watase Flame Spiders who will not return to the kingdom, such as Bai Wei.

Every time I go back, those flame spiders I have known well before, have good relationships with, have average relationships with, and have bad relationships with, everyone shows off their achievements over the past year. I have established a stable trade relationship with so-and-so this year; where did I obtain the trading rights for such and such God-given seeds; how many rough stones did I earn this year; I received such and such a rare item...

Everyone is showing off.

Bai Wei didn't like such an impetuous atmosphere, so she didn't go back to the kingdom to attend the party. She spent every year in Huang Tao's territory, studying how to make a fortune with Huang Tao.

But not this year...



Orchards of palms, coconuts and banana trees.

Bai Wei walked briskly, and the metal can on her back made a happy clanging sound.

Enter the familiar yet unfamiliar business circle of Zeqi.

There are sixty or seventy flame spider warriors, large and small, gathered here. All in all, they are all direct or collateral descendants of the Zeqi Spider King.

According to the rules, the Zeqi Grass takes root in the center, and the Life Seeds of the Lord-level flame spiders guard the surroundings. From the outside, there are the Mountain Lord-level, advanced, intermediate and elementary levels.

The gatherings and exchanges between the same clans have ended.

In the trading circles of different spider kings, the big and small flame spiders are walking around each other and visiting each other.

Bai Wei took a detour to avoid several spiders she had known and had a close relationship with since childhood, and came to the Zeqi Spider King.

The Zeqi Spider King unloaded the heavy cargo on his back and lay lazily on the ground, enjoying the winter sunshine.

Rarely, Bai Wei became respectful to this old guy who always lectured her.

Zeqi Spider King!


I have great news for you!

Looking at you like this, it's definitely not good news.

It's good news!

you say.

I decided to take you to make a fortune together!


The Zeqi Spider King stood up.

He slowly lay down again.

As for Bai Wei, the Zeqi Spider King taught it a lot, educated and enlightened it, but the effect was zero.

King Zeqi Spider, please calm down...

Bai Wei was startled. Seeing this, she continued:

The situation is like this. Luo Li and I have separated. I decided to go it alone...

The Zeqi Spider King couldn't help but said: In the end, Luo Li can't stand you anymore?

Bai Wei: I can't stand it anymore.

Zeqi Spider King: Is there any difference? Where are your goods?

They were all given to Luo Ji.

Have you settled the accounts between you? How much do you still owe?

“…I only owe it a little bit.”

A little bit?

A little bit!

Bai Wei came closer and lay down next to the Zeqi Spider King. She untied the spider silk rope on her back, took out the metal can with a little bit of 'Force Honey' left at the bottom, opened it, gathered her mental power, and said:

Zeqi Spider King, try it, it's super delicious!

How many insects are left over from this?


Bai Wei thought about it, made an estimate, and said, Not many, probably about a hundred.

That's not bad.

The Zeqi Spider King praised it and commented: Is this the water ability of Long Bai? It is refined from a variety of force foods that strengthen the comprehensive physique, and is mixed with many types of fruits.

You plan to cooperate and purchase those bad-tasting, poisonous, and cheap force foods to make into this so-called 'force honey' for sale? In this process, both you and Long Bai have made enough profits, but the things are It can be sold very cheaply and is easy to sell, right?”

Bai Wei: !!!


Anyone who can become the Spider King has some real ability.

Bai Wei happily replied: Yes!

Bai Wei manipulated the spider silk rope and picked up three spider silk bags containing raw stones, opened them for display, and said:

Zeqi Spider King, look!

I charge a deposit of 5%. Here are 2,550 rough stones!

The Zeqi Spider King said calmly: Bai Wei, although you are a little stupid, you are kind-hearted. Although you have lost a lot of rough stones over the years, most of the insects you trade with trust you, even though you always violate your promises. promise.

Is this a compliment to me?

Still scolding me?

Bai Wei was unsure and continued: King Zeqi Spider, look, I successfully pre-sold raw honey worth 51,000 rough stones, with a net profit of 7,140 rough stones!

This is just for pre-sale, ordinary force honey...

The Zeqi Spider King sighed: Bai Wei, listen to me. Based on the reputation you have accumulated invisibly in the past, no one has abandoned you because you have nothing now, but this is also the last trust in you, and they have given you Deposit. But if you break your promise again, or if there are quality problems with the things you sell, have you thought about the consequences?

Bai Wei: Quality issue? Zeqi Spider King, are you referring to the storage issue of Force Honey?

Zeqi Spider King: It seems you are not completely stupid yet.

This confirmation is scolding me!

Okay, I'm asking you for it.

Bear it!

Bai Wei sighed: Zeqi Spider King, it seems that you are really old. Such a simple little problem can be solved with a little use of your brain, right?

The Zeqi Spider King was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

Bai Wei took out an improved metal can and unscrewed the lid.

The Zeqi Spider King simply said: It may be better, but it cannot fundamentally solve the problem and cannot lock the force.

Bai Wei pointed to the mouth of the jar and said, How about applying a little more royal jelly?

Zeqi Spider King: !!!

You little guy really knows how to think of a solution!

The Zeqi Spider King came to his senses instantly and had nothing to say.

Bai Wei said: I need some start-up funds...

The Zeqi Spider King said nothing.

Bai Wei: 3% annual interest.

The Zeqi Spider King turned around.

Bai Wei moved quickly, stood in front of the Zeqi Spider King, and said: I only need a starting capital of 100,000 rough stones.

Zeqi Spider King: You can always lose money in various unexpected ways. I'm afraid I won't even be able to get my principal back.

Impossible! Bai Wei vowed: I will definitely earn the original stone this time!

Zeqi Spider King: You used to say this to Luo Li every time.

Zeqi Spider King: How many rough stones do you owe Luo Li?

Bai Wei: Not much, just a little bit...

Zeqi Spider King: You should not be separated from Luo Li. Without it, you cannot survive in this world.

Bai Wei: Impossible! Why? I'm no worse than Luo Li!

Bai Wei: When Luo Ji was a child, it only took him a dozen days to learn to weave spider silk bags. Tian Ming always praised him for his cleverness. As for me, I couldn't learn it no matter what, and I was always being taught a lesson by Tian Ming. Later, I changed. I only used my most flexible front legs to control two spider silks to weave. Even so, it took me two years to learn. It took me another five years to learn to use four legs to control four spider silks. Knitting.”

What now? The spider silk bag I weave is the most exquisite in the whole clan. It can't be compared to Luo Qiwei, and no one can compare with it.

It's the same with traveling merchants. I know it later, but I can definitely do it better than any spider!

The Zeqi Spider King sighed: Stupidity is not scary. What is scary is stupidity's lack of self-confidence.

The Zeqi Spider King turned around.

Before Bai Wei came, she had planned to borrow the money forcefully, but it seemed that it was impossible. She quickly moved and stood in front of the Zeqi Spider King, and begged: My most beloved Zeqi Spider King, can you borrow the money? How about my 100,000, believe me, I will definitely make money this time!

The Zeqi Spider King pointed at the metal can with a little bit of Force Honey remaining, and said: If this is just... I'll help you do the math. You will never earn the raw stones to repay your debt. Even if everything goes well, you will only have enough Barely supporting myself.”

Bai Wei: ...

Bai Wei was not convinced and said: How did you calculate it?

Zeqi Spider King: It's very simple. Two questions. Think about it carefully. How much can you sell? How much can you transport? How much can you earn from such a can?


Bai Wei came closer, lowered her mental thoughts, and said: Zeqi Spider King, there are other good things, three seeds given by the gods...

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