Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 143 Kiwi Tree King

Long Bai commanded the ant colony to complete the harvest of the two most important plants, Yellow Veinberry and Syzygium japonica, and bid farewell to the mulberry trees.

The Throne of Control slowly left the Scarlet Mountain and flew toward the southeast.

First, check the nearby mountains and forests to see where there are golden fruit trees. Visit the spots in advance and come directly to pick them in late winter.

Along the way, I took the two little guys Qing Ma and Hong Ma to the beach to open their eyes and see the invisible blue ocean.

Then go to Jianlan Plain,

It took four days to search carefully to find the god-given seed.

Nothing gained.

Didn't stay much.

Starting from Jianlan Plain, we will go around the bend and reach the destination of Black Lotus Lake.

After two consecutive days of heavy rain, the sky finally cleared up.

Under the golden autumn sun.

On the top of the stump ant nest, large spider silk bags are spread out and stones are pressed against the edges.

Long Bai directed the worker ants to take out the southern jujubes given by the gods and put them in the sun to dry.

Recently, it has been raining everywhere and the air is humid. All Force food must be turned out and dried in the sun to prevent it from rotting and mildewing.

Mo Lan lay on the edge of the throne, looking intently at the mountains and forests below.

The two little guys, Green Maple and Red Maple, imitated hermit crabs, huddled in the shells they picked up from the seaside with only one head exposed, and stared blankly at the distant sky where light green and dark green meet.

A red-bellied eagle flew by, circled and turned around. From a distance, it circled and soared around the throne of domination, observing in a circle. It was confused, how could it fly without wings?

The two little guys, Green Maple and Red Maple, were so frightened that they jumped out of their shells and quickly hid in the stump ant nest.

Mo Lan spread her wings, and the breath of life from the Force was released.

The red-bellied eagle instinctively realized the danger, flapped its wings, and flew away.

Green maple and red maple emerge from the entrance of the ant nest.

As a noble Zerg warrior, he must not let other Zerg mistakenly think that he is timid.

Qingmae: The weather is really nice today.

Hong Ma: The sun is shining, and it's so hot inside the shell.

Qing Ma: The ant nest of the Dragon Cypress Ant King is still cooler.

Hong Ma: Let's lie down on the ant nest to cool off.

Long Bai seems to have never heard of it.

Mo Lan kept staring at the forest below, seemingly not noticing the two of them.

The atmosphere seems a bit awkward.

Qingma: Longbai Ant King, after visiting Bailiu in Black Lotus Lake, where will we go?

Hong Ma: Are you going back to Xianglan Mountain? There are so many larvae in the ant nest that we can't fit them all in.

Absolutely. Long Bai replied casually.

Qingmae: Then what?

Red Maple: Longbai Ant King, is there still trade this year?

Long Bai: One more thing.

Long Bai: Go back to Xianglan Mountain to rest for a while. It should be almost time for you two to evolve into 4th-age junior warriors. Let's set off to Molan Mountain and then to Bailian Lake to search these two places. Then go north to Yinbai Mountain and visit Ke Jianjia warrior Shan Shi.

Long Bai: After visiting the mountain persimmon, this year's trade is over.

Qing Ma: Ke Jianjia warrior?

Red maple: Persimmon?

Qingmae: As you can tell from the name, it is a rich insect.

Red Maple: Does it like the little warrior?

These two little guys started to collect information again, thinking about getting benefits from Yamashiki...

Long Bai said indifferently: The mountain persimmon does not have a god-given seed, it is not rich, and it doesn't like the little warrior very much.

Qingmae: Oh.

Hong Ma: The sunshine is really nice today.

Qingmae: Shine.

Red maple: Sun exposure makes you healthier.

After saying that, he got out of the ant nest and climbed up to the top along the tree stump.


Mo Lan suddenly raised his head, raised his front legs, and pointed to the northwest. Unable to hide his excitement, he said excitedly:

The Force Waves!

Long Bai: !!!


Long Bai's thoughts moved slightly, and he manipulated the throne to change its direction.

The green maple and red maple that were climbing to the top of the stump ant nest were stunned.

——Discovered a new place of force?

——Are there any other warriors?

——Is it dangerous?

——Is there a seed given by God?


——Mo Lan is so amazing!

Green maple and red maple quickly climbed up the tree stump, waving their tentacles, and looked out from a high place.

The landscape is semi-mountainous and semi-hilly.

The throne of control slowly descended, landing in a natural lake between the mountains in the vacuum of the Force.

One or two kilometers further north is the thin force zone, and about five or six kilometers is the newly discovered place of force.

Since they had two little guys, Qing Mao and Hong Mao, Long Bai and Mo Lan didn't dare to act rashly.

I waited patiently until midnight.

Mo Lan told him not to run around.

Long Bai gave a stern warning.

Long Bai and Mo Lan left the throne and flew into the land of force.

After circling and observing at high altitude, we first determined that there was no god-given seed.

After lowering the flight altitude and conducting flyby reconnaissance, no Force plants were found.

Lower some altitude and search at a gallop.

In the middle of the morning, I searched the entire thing.

Confirm that this is another place with nothing in the Force.

It is oval in shape, with a long diameter of five to six kilometers and a width of three to four kilometers at its widest point.

It's quite a large area and has a good concentration of Force power.

The hilly landform is crossed by large and small rivers, rich in animal and plant resources, and there are many wild fruit trees in the mountains and forests.

Long Bai——

Molan circled and landed under an extremely large kiwi tree, two or three meters in diameter.

This is an ordinary kiwi tree, but it has grown here for an unknown number of years, changing from a big vine to a tree shape, like a huge tree.

The vines spread upward, covering the hillside with a radius of hundreds of meters above.

It is simply incredible that it can grow to such a large scale in the wild.

The trees are also covered with kiwi fruits, which are in the ripening season.

The fruit is very small, only three to four centimeters in length, slender and just over two centimeters in diameter.

This is--

Long Cypress carefully observed the branches, leaves and fruits to identify their specific species.

Mo Lan was also racking his brains to think.

There are 51 original species of kiwifruit recorded in the inheritance memory, and the number of various varieties is as high as 87. There were so many that they were a bit confusing, and I couldn’t figure it out for a while, so I couldn’t recognize them.

Long Bai picked a kiwi fruit and cut it open with his sharp toes.

Green pulp.

Compared with common kiwi fruit, the seed particles are slightly larger.

The fruit is small, the seeds are big...

Long Bai thought for a long time and shook his tentacles.

Mo Lan followed and shook his tentacles.

Neither of them could identify the specific kiwi fruit.

look around,

There are also more than a dozen large kiwi trees of the same species growing nearby.

A very powerful tree species.

The one in front of them is the King of Trees, dominating almost the entire hillside, and few plants can survive in their shadow.

Long Bai and Mo Lan flapped their wings and took off again, patrolling the area.

There are many kiwi trees growing all over the hills.

There are more or less scattered on the nearby hills, and their number exceeds the reasonable range in nature.

It can basically be concluded that this is an unknown mutant species.

They have super vitality and no natural enemies. They are multiplying like crazy and are almost out of control.

Most of them grow on the southern or northern slopes and should have requirements for sunlight, and their wild expansion is limited by the light.

Longbai, this variety of kiwi fruit should be used as a seed, and the yield should not be bad, right?

The output will definitely not be low! I just don't know the strengthening effect...



Long Bai and Mo Lan moved their tentacles in tacit agreement.

You can arrange green maple and red maple, pick a seed to breed into a life seed, and you will know after testing it.

If the strengthening effect is good, then this kiwi fruit variety is a natural top-grade planting, worthy of large-scale cultivation and vigorous promotion.

Long Bai picked two kiwi fruits.

Take off and return to the throne of dominance.

Green maple and red maple were quite clever, but they were both timid insects. Not only did they not run around, they also carefully hid deep in the ant nest.

Green maple! Red maple!

Mo Lan greeted.

The two little guys ran out quickly.

Mo Lan! Long Bai Ant King.

Did you find the God-given seed?


Have you found any Zerg warriors?



Is this a kiwi fruit? It's so small.

Too young? Come on, I'll show you how to broaden your horizons!

Long Bai controlled the throne to take off.

Thanks to Qiu and Boboan for the reward.

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