Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 141 Sales: Start with a Little Warrior

Jade Peach Kingdom, a small winding mountain range in the north, is the settlement of the Swift Mantis Tribe, a small tribe whose insect population is only higher than that of the Golden Mantis.

There is 1 mountain master-level warrior, 11 senior warriors, and 1 new junior warrior.

The leader of the mountain lord-level mantis warrior is named ‘Wind Wheel Mountain Lord’, and he has a wind wheel grass seed given by the god.

The owner of Fenglun Mountain already has stable trading relationships with other caravans.

But Bai Wei and Luo Li insist on visiting every year, hoping to occupy a place when it is promoted to lord and its share of the god-given seeds is redistributed.

As a member of the Jade Peach Kingdom, most of the warriors of the Xun Mantis tribe are mainly engaged in cultivating peach trees.

Up and down the mountain, a square square of peach orchard woodland has been reclaimed into a regular rectangular shape, with cypress, gauze, lychee, longan and other fruit trees planted in between.

Bai Wei walked quickly and stopped at the foot of a mountain peak.

Ahead, between the orchards, there is a flat and open stone path that winds up to the mountain.

Continuing forward is the territory of the Lord of Wind Wheel Mountain.

Master of Wind Wheel Mountain!

Bai Wei launched a mental call, and at the same time vibrated her forelimbs regularly, releasing fluctuations in the force to remind the other party.

An intermediate mantis warrior about 30 centimeters long appeared on the stone path and ran forward.

Are you the master of Mount Baiwei?

Xiao Shihuo, don't you recognize me?


The little Xun Mantis warrior named Shi Huo stared at Bai Wei, looking at its empty back armor, and said in shock:

Master Bai Wei! What's wrong with you? Were you robbed by a damn beast warrior?

Bai Wei: No. No.

Bai Wei asked: Where is the Lord of Wind Wheel Mountain?

Over there! Dig the ground.

Shi Huo raised his front foot and pointed to the forest in the distance, unable to hide his disappointment.

Every year, many caravans come to Yangtao Mountain to visit. Among them, Bai Wei is the most generous. Every time, she will give delicious Force food to the little warriors.

Bai Wei is very popular with the little warriors.


Shi Huo asked: Master Bai Wei, where are your goods?


Just as Bai Wei was about to explain, a mantis warrior with a body length of more than three meters and a slightly slender body walked out of the forest.

Master of Wind Wheel Mountain!

Master Baiwei Mountain.

Both sides greeted.

The master of Fenglun Mountain looked at Bai Wei's back armor in shock as well: Where is the goods?

Bai Wei took the initiative to explain: Luo Li and I have separated.

Separate the family?

Can all your goods be divided up if you separate?


The master of Fenglun Mountain understood a little bit, but more questions arose in his mind:

Master Bai Wei, aren't you and Luo Li on good terms? Why did we suddenly separate?

What’s even weirder is, shouldn’t you be heartbroken when something like this happens?

As a traveling trader of flame spiders, how come you are still jumping around happily when your back armor is empty?

Bai Wei said confidently: I am going to be an independent businessman and focus on a brand new kind of goods.


The owner of Fenglun Mountain politely followed Bai Wei's words and asked, What kind of goods?

The other party didn't even have the intention to invite me to go up the mountain to rest~

Bai Wei knew very well that the other party had never thought highly of her.

Bai Wei didn't mind, she still untied the spider silk rope, unfolded the bundled spider silk bag, dug out the metal jar containing 'Force Honey', took it out and placed it in front of her, and opened the lid.

This is the 'Force Honey' that I worked with a certain water mutant queen bee from the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent to refine, purify and brew using fresh fruits and Force food.

Bai Wei: From now on, I will focus on selling this force food in the form of honey.

Bai Wei: Sweet and delicious, the price is affordable. Shi Huo, please try it.

“It smells great!”

Without Bai Wei's greeting, the little mantis warrior Shi Huo had already come up, pulled the metal can, looked inside, thought about it, put his tentacles into the can, dipped some 'Force Honey', held the tentacles with his feet and licked them lick.

What followed was a long list of surprises and compliments: It's delicious! It's delicious! It's so delicious...Fenglun, you should try it too!

tasty? Force honey? Fenglun hesitated, dipped his tentacles into it to taste, and then said, It tastes really good.

Shi Huo immediately said: Buy! Buy! Buy!

Xiao Shihuo, please be quiet!

The master of Fenglun Mountain lowered his head to observe carefully, looked up at Bai Wei, and said bluntly: The force is losing. This kind of force honey cannot be stored for too long, right?

Bai Wei took out an empty jar with a threaded mouth, manipulated the spider silk to unscrew the lid, showed it, and explained: Smear royal jelly on the silk mouth to seal it and store it for a long time.

Wind Wheel Mountain Master: !!!

This is not difficult to understand. You can understand it as soon as you see it, and you can understand it as soon as you hear it.

Wind Wheel: This design is really clever!

Feng Lun: Did this method evolve from those pickled yellow peaches?

The master of Fenglun Mountain sincerely praised and felt a little bit admired.

This Baiwei Mountain Master is also somewhat famous, and his business as a traveling merchant is a mess. He buys and sells Force food. For a simple transaction, he wastes half a day just to settle the accounts, which is terrible.

But it is very good at playing with all kinds of novelty gadgets.

Bai Wei replied calmly: There are no more honey-pickled yellow peaches. However, we can make some honey-pickled fresh fruits from the gods.

Wind Wheel Mountain Master: Honey pickled blue fruit?

Bai Wei: Yes!

Bai Wei: There are also honey-pickled southern jujube fruits, which will be available next year or the year after that. However, they are mainly made into 'queen honey' form.

Wind Wheel Mountain Master: ???

Queen honey?

South jujube?

The strengthening effect of the God-given Seed of South Jujube is quite useful to the Mountain Lord-level warriors of the Swift Mantis Tribe!

Master Feng Lun Mountain thought about it for a few seconds and complimented: Master Bai Wei, you have obtained the right to trade new God-given seeds? Congratulations! Congratulations!

Shi Huo, who was pulling the metal can and dipping his tentacles into the 'Force Honey', listened to the conversation, his movements stagnated, and he yelled:

Honey pickled food is not delicious!

Force honey is delicious!

I want to eat royal honey!

Bai Wei felt secretly happy when she heard the noise.

As expected, the 'Force Honey' made by Long Bai was particularly liked by the young, weak and greedy warriors.

The best way to open up sales is to start with small warriors.

How many elders don’t love their juniors?

The junior warriors are clamoring to buy it, so they must buy it.

Although this sales method is a bit despicable, but...

How much Force food have these guys stolen from themselves in the past? It's time to collect the bill from them.

Bai Wei manipulated the spider silk, pointed to the wooden sign tied to the lid of the jar, introduced to Shi Huo and said:

Xiao Shihuo, don't worry. Listen to my detailed introduction first.

We try our best to ensure the original flavor of South Zizyphus Royal Honey. Ordinary original honey is divided into four flavors: fresh fruit fragrance, fresh fruit strong fragrance, dried fruit mellow fragrance, and mixed mellow fragrance. It covers all kinds of flavors from south to north and from east to west of the mainland. All kinds of delicious fruits.”

Xiao Shihuo, look at the sign. The 'raspberry' logo on this side means that this can is of 'Fresh Fruit Fragrance' flavor. There are other different flavors, you can try them all. Maybe there is one you like better.

Shi Huo took a look and cheered: I want them all! I like them all!

Bai Wei: This business has just been settled. This jar is a sample. It won't be available this year. It will be available next year.

Bai Wei looked at the owner of Wind Wheel Mountain and said, You can order it if you need it.

Shi Huo: Order! Order! Order! I want it all!

Wind Wheel Mountain Master: ...

The master of Fenglun Mountain was slightly annoyed and scolded: Shi Huo, don't make any noise!

Master Fenglun Mountain was more concerned about the God-given force food that he needed, and asked: Master Bai Wei, the God-given Seed of South Jujube that you mentioned...what's your share of it?

Bai Wei: It's quite sufficient. I should be able to bring a batch of samples over next year. Let's discuss after seeing them. Lord of Fenglun Mountain, please rest assured, you will definitely have a copy.

Wind Wheel Mountain Master: Okay!

The Lord of Fenglun Mountain asked again: If you and Luo Li split up, what's your share of the God-given seeds of the fruit fragrant orchid and the God-given seeds of the Gorgon fruit...

Bai Wei said indifferently: I don't need it anymore, I have given it to Luo Jun. If the owner of Fenglun Mountain needs it, he can buy it from Luo Jun caravan. There is a batch of fruit pandan seeds this year, and the quantity is still small, 600 grains . Gorgon seeds will be available next year, and the quantity won’t be too much.”

I understand - the master of Fenglun Mountain was thoughtful.

...Order! Shi Huo shouted cautiously.

The Lord of Fenglun Mountain flicked his tentacles and slapped Shi Huo on the forehead. Feeling helpless, he raised his front foot, pointed at the metal can, and asked:

Do I also need to order this ordinary force honey?

Bai Wei: The metal can is heavy and difficult to transport back from Wanguo Continent. The quantity shipped each time is limited, so it needs to be ordered.

Wind Wheel Mountain Master: Okay. How many rough stones per jar? How much rough stones do you need to pay for ordering?

Bai Wei: It is divided into two types: 1,000 rough stones/can and 2,000 rough stones/can. Only a 5% deposit is required, and only rough stones are accepted in stock.

Bai Wei looked at the other side of the wooden sign and introduced: In addition to taste, it is also divided into four types of enhancement: element, comprehensive constitution, senses, and carapace.

The owner of Fenglun Mountain looked at the wooden sign, thought for a few seconds, and said: To strengthen the comprehensive physique, you can have a can of each of the four flavors. The one that costs 1,000 raw stones/can.

Okay! Deposit 200 rough stones.

Bai Wei agreed and told him: I am alone now, traveling alone as a businessman. I have to travel between the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations and the Continent of Ten Thousand Races. I need to lighten the burden on my back and travel as quickly as possible.

In my future transactions, I will only sell Force honey and Queen Honey. I will no longer purchase Force food. I will only collect Spider King Silk.

The owner of Fenglun Mountain thought about it for a while, then agreed without thinking too much: I understand. I will go up the mountain to get the rough stone for you.

PS: Thanks to Zhang Daoyi for the reward.

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