Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 140 God gives the season for the ripening of southern jujubes

Although Sang survived, and although there were no injuries from the torn carapace, its evolution this time left extremely serious hidden wounds in its body, and its body was extremely weak.

It's just autumn.

Long Bai did not leave in a hurry, but stayed, hunted animals to refine, supplemented Sang's nutrition, and helped it get out of its period of weakness.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma chat with Sang.

Mo Lan continued to loosen the soil and fertilize the seeds given by the Scarlet God, and also worked hard to reclaim a piece of wasteland as a nursery for cultivating Golden Light Fruit in the coming year.

After four or five days of busy work, it was confirmed that Sang's body was in full condition, and only five large gourd ant honeys were left, as well as a group of worker ants and blue ants picking yellow-veined berries and jade-green rose apples.

Say goodbye and leave.

The Throne of Control flew northeast, first to the Jianlan Plain to search for God-given seeds.

Nothing gained.

Then pick wild fruits along the way and refine them to brew ant honey.

Then head north,

Taking advantage of the time, we arrived at Baifanshan in the morning.

Just when the fruit of the rice tree is ripe.

Wufan stayed alone under his life tree, flapping his wings and jumping up and down to drive away the birds and beasts attracted by the fruity scent.

The red fox lay under a black rice tree, swaying its tail and helping to drive it away in an extremely perfunctory manner.

Longbai Ant King! Mo Lan!

As the ruling throne approached, Wufan flapped his wings and flew towards him.

It has eaten some southern jujubes given by the gods intermittently, and has some flying ability.

Wufan. Red Fox. Mo Lan greeted, carrying Green Maple and Red Maple to the ground.

Long Bai apologized: It seems we are late.

It's not too late. My destiny matured the day before yesterday. The seed of my life is not mature yet...

Wufan said, his eyes were attracted by the green maple and red maple above Mo Lan's head, staring straight at them, unable to move his eyes away.

Red Fox stood up from the ground, Tianniu little warrior?!

Hello Wufan.

Hello Red Fox.

My name is Qingmae.

My name is Hongmae.

Green Maple and Red Maple waved their tentacles to say hello and introduce themselves.

Mo Lan: We found this in a force place named 'White Lotus Lake'...

After some introduction.

Long Bai directed the worker ants to climb the tree to harvest.

——I heard that you have a wild god-given seed?

——White rice tree?

--over there.

——The pulp of the god-given white rice fruit has the special effect of healing dark wounds.

——Sang and Gui Fan relied on this to survive.

——Did Sang survive? great!

The three little guys, Wu Fan, Qing Ma, and Hong Ma, started chatting enthusiastically.

Bai Fan noticed the movement and rushed over. After greeting Mo Lan and Long Bai, he was also surprised to see the two little warriors. After asking, they started chatting.

Bai Fan is a high-level warrior, and the ripening time of its rice tree fruits is delayed a bit.

Long Bai and his party stayed behind and picked a large number of rice tree fruits to refine and make ordinary ant honey...

Complete autumn trade with Baifanshan.

Long Bai controlled the throne and continued to set off, arriving at Ghost Fan Mountain on time when the raspberry seed was ripe.

Raspberry, are we not too late this year? Mo Lan asked.

Raspberry: No.

Gui Fan's mental power was strong and sharp. When he saw Qing Ma and Red Ma, he was shocked and said: Tianniu little warrior! Two!

Ghost fan is good!

Hello raspberry!

My name is Qingmae.

My name is Hongmae.

Green Maple and Red Maple greeted each other and introduced themselves. They flapped their wings and landed in front of Raspberry.

Hello... Raspberry greeted.

They looked at each other for a while.

Qing Ma took the initiative and said: We were born in the place of Force named 'White Lotus Lake'.

Hong Ma: Long Bai and Mo Lan discovered us when they were passing by...

The two little guys took the initiative to introduce their origins.

Mulberry: White Lotus Lake? What a coincidence? The place where I was born is called Black Lotus Lake.

Qingmae: “That’s such a coincidence!”

Hong Ma: We are very destined.

Qing Ma: We are all brothers.

Hongmae: Branberry, you are the eldest brother.

Qingmae: “Look out for each other.”

raspberry:? ? ?

Waspberry was happy and said shyly: Okay -

Wobberry asked: Where do you live? Bailian Lake?

Hong Ma: “I don’t know.”

Qing Ma: We are still young. Let's hang out with Long Bai Ant King and Mo Lan for now.

Hong Ma: I heard that Ghost Fan is the richest insect in Yunji Continent, so we made a special trip to visit.

Wrapped Berry asked: The richest? How come I don't know?

Qingmae: The ghost fan is a seed given by the gods! It strengthens your mental power! It's very valuable!

Hong Ma: Gui Fan will be promoted to Mountain Master soon, right? Its income from God-given seeds will be doubled.

Qingmae: “There’s endless food from the Force!”

Raspberry: Uh-

real or fake?

Raspberry was a little confused.

I haven't considered these issues at all.

After listening to the words of the two guys, Gui Fan felt a little embarrassed and felt happy, Longbai Ant King, these two little guys are very smart.

Mo Lan muttered: They learned bad things from Long Bai.

I? What does it have to do with me? Long Bai was speechless.

Ghost Fan: Where are they taking root? They haven't gone anywhere yet? Why don't you come to Ghost Fan Mountain? You can stay with Raspberry.

Long Bai hurriedly said: Ghost Fan, forget it. The concentration of the Force in your place is very high, but the area is a little small. You and Wanberry live together, it's just right and comfortable. But if two more little warriors come, It will be crowded, and there is no room for four warriors in this mountain col.

Ghost Fan: Oh——

Ghost Fan: Then...they don't have any elders, right? When we first met, I gave them two jars of Force Ant Honey worth 1,000 raw stones.

Don't! Don't! Don't!

Long Bai waved his tentacles to stop him and said: Ghost Fan, it's enough for you to take care of one raspberry. You can't let your own growth and evolution fall behind, and be promoted to Mountain Lord as soon as possible.

Mo Lan: Sang is also very rich and is willing to help them evolve and grow.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma were dumbfounded when they heard the conversation. They looked at Long Bai, then at Mo Lan, and looked at Long Bai innocently: Don't interrupt our financial path.

Sang? Gui Fan asked curiously and worriedly:

You said it was seriously it okay?

Mo Lan: With the help of the Control Throne, it still took Sang 7 days to evolve to the third age, only a little short of...

Long Bai: Danger after danger, survive the disaster.

Ghost Fan: That's great!

at the same time,

Green Maple and Red Maple saw that their good deeds had been disturbed, and knowing that Long Bai was telling the truth, they turned around and told Wanliang about Sang's thrilling evolution in Feiguang Mountain.

The raspberries of Ghost Fan are not yet fully ripe, so it may take a day or two.

Long Bai and Mo Lan chatted with Gui Fan and started their daily routine.

——It rained heavily this year. Is the river not blocked?

——How about the ghost fan’s god-given seed?

——What is the output of ordinary life species?

——The maple poplars and white willows in the nursery were transplanted this year, right? What is the survival rate?

——How do the vines growing by the river look like?

Stayed temporarily in Guishan Mountain and visited for two days.

The harvest of raspberry seeds has been completed, and the transaction for this autumn has ended.

The Throne of Control flew northwest, heading straight to the South Jujube Mountain.

Looking at the God-given Ziziphus jujube standing in the middle of the plain forest, the two little guys, Green Maple and Red Maple, let out another burst of exclamations and cheers, and then...

——This god-given seed is also at the Mountain Lord level.

——Although the scale is a bit smaller.

——But it only belongs to Long Cypress and Mo Lan.

——Its strengthening effect is even more powerful!

——Very valuable!

Long Bai remained unmoved by these two little flatterers.

The vocabulary is lacking, dry and dry, and not clever enough.

Compared to their childhood selves, they are still far behind.

Mo Lan was the complete opposite and couldn't help but proudly said: I discovered almost all the places of the Force.

Qingmae: Wow!

Hong Ma: Mo Lan is so awesome!

Qingmae: How can it not be powerful if you are favored by the God of Nature?

Hong Ma: Yes! Only beautiful and kind insects can be favored by the God of Nature.

Mo Lan was filled with joy when she heard this, and said: The God-given Seed of Ziziphus jujube has a very powerful effect in strengthening the membrane wings. Longhorn beetles can also fly. You can eat some appropriately to strengthen your flying ability.

This is what I've been waiting for!

Hongmae: Wow!

Qingmae: That's great!

Hong Ma: “We can also eat the seeds given by God!”

Qingmae: Thank you Mo Lan!

Red Maple: Thank you Long Bai Ant King.

Long Bai squinted coldly and silently watched the two of them perform, and finally said: You can eat as much as you like, and it will be deducted from Sang's account in the end.

Qingmae: ...

Red maple: ...

The two guys who were in high spirits drooped their tentacles and slumped.

The Throne of Control slowed down and hovered over the God-given Seed of the South Jujube for a while, then flew around the waist of the tree to check the condition of the fruit.

Infinitely approaching the final stage of maturity.

Calculating the time, there are about three to five days left.

Mo Lan: Search for God-given seeds first, and collect wild fruits by the way?

Long Bai: Mo Lan, you focus on searching for the God-given seeds. I will direct the ant colony to pick the common South Jujube fruits, refine the ant honey, and blend it to make the Ant King Honey.

Mo Lan: Green maple and red maple...

Long Bai: I'll take them with me.

Mo Lan: That's fine. I don't worry about them staying here.

It's half morning,

After simply assigning tasks, split up.

Two days later, Long Bai plucked all the common South Ziziphus trees in the South Ziziphus Mountain, and then controlled the throne to enter the vacuum of the Force. In this kind of place, it is inconvenient for worker ants to move. The green maple and red maple have a low level of evolution, and they cannot easily escape from the throne. Longbai can only pick them with his claws.

Under the still scorching autumn sun, while he was busy, waves of regular force fluctuations suddenly came from the distance.

Long Bai circled and landed on the throne of control.

Wood pile ant nest, green maple and red maple probe.

Longbai Ant King, is it the southern jujube god-given seed? Is the fruit ripening time coming?




The two little guys jumped out cheering.

Long Bai controlled the throne to take off and return.

Under the south jujube tree planted by God, Mo Lan is already waiting.

After a brief period of excitement, both Green Maple and Red Maple calmed down, raising their heads and looking longingly at the towering tree in front of them.

Wait silently.

Late at night, the fluctuations in the Force subsided.

Long Bai stood guard under the tree.

Mo Lan continued to search and investigate.

Three days later, the fruity aroma overflowed.

The fruit is ripe, harvest!

Green maple and red maple mixed with the team of worker ants, lined up on the tree to pick, and then lay down on the tree to eat.

Dragon cypress and ink orchid fly around the tree, releasing force fluctuations to drive away the attracted birds and beasts.

In the past five years, I have often come here to take care of and fertilize. With management and care, the yield has improved significantly. This time, a total of 4,193 seeds were harvested.

The green maple and red maple were too small, and only the pulp of 4 of them was eaten.

Long Bai and Mo Lan ate some fresh fruits and made two jars of honey pickled fruits.


All the fruit pulp was refined into King Ant Honey, and in the end, even the abdomen of a high-level blue ant could not be filled.

The core is dried in the sun and stored in spider silk bags.

Set off and go to Feiguang Mountain.

There are also yellow-veined berries and rose apples waiting to be harvested.

Take a long detour, search for the land of the Force, and pick fresh fruits to refine ant honey along the way.

Long Bai brought 15 specialized blue ants and 20 large blue ants with him on this trip, preparing to keep them full before returning to Fanglan Mountain.

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