Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 137 A flash of light in the dark sky

——Can Sang succeed?


——What if it fails?

——The seeds given by the Scarlet Light God are those of Long Bai and Mo Lan.

——Then why do you still want to help Sang?

——Mo Lan is a beautiful and kind mantis warrior.

——The same goes for Longbai Ant King.

Green Maple and Red Maple drilled two holes into the big locust tree next to the cave and opened the tree nest. The two guys lay at the entrance of the hole, their tentacles swaying, chatting incessantly.

They know that Long Bai has strong mental power and can understand their communication and choose to speak pleasantly.

Feeling the fluctuations in the force, Mo Lan flew back.

Long Bai, how's it going?


No problem?

No problems have been found so far.


Mo Lan sighed.

The auxiliary ability of the Dominion Throne is only to provide sufficient force, shorten the time required for evolution, and reduce physical energy consumption. It is effective for molting evolution, but it does not guarantee 100% success.

Sang's injuries were so serious that both Long Bai and Mo Lan were worried.

I waited anxiously for two days.

The ruling throne is always absorbing the natural force at a constant rate, which shows that Sang's condition is stable.

Long Bai and Mo Lan felt a little relieved.

After waiting for another two days, no further changes were seen.

Long Bai and Mo Lan became nervous.

Sang slept for the fifth day, still unresponsive.

——Is it time for Sang to wake up?

——Why haven’t you woke up yet?

——You can’t do that, right?

——Aren’t there still fluctuations in the Force?

——But it’s been so many days.


The chirping green maple and red maple realized that something was wrong, and both became quiet and worried.

The cicadas on the tree began to sing with a long tail, but the young warrior couldn't calm down after all, so he got out of the tree hole and climbed up the tree to chase away the cicadas.

Another day and night.

The sky was dim and bright, and Mo Lan suddenly woke up from her deep sleep. Feeling the fluctuations in the force, she spread her wings and patted the cypress next to her.

Long Bai——

Peace of mind.

The rate at which the throne absorbs the Force has weakened.

Maybe it's entering the final stage of dormant evolution.

It is more likely that Sang's life is fading.

Many insects spend their lives in evolutionary sleep and die silently.

Sadness spread between Long Bai and Mo Lan.

And passed it on to Qing Ma and Hong Ma, who woke up ignorantly.

A strong wind blew and dark clouds rolled in from the direction of the sea.

Lightning and heavy rain.

Do you really want to witness the death of a Zerg senior?

The two little guys, Qing Ma and Hong Ma, suddenly felt a little frightened and at a loss.

Rain breaks.



Starting from month.

The silver moon shines high.

——Seven days.

——Sang hasn’t woken up yet.

——Maybe it.

——Can’t wake up.

Green Maple and Red Maple could not sleep, their tentacles drooped, and they were depressed. They deeply felt the difficulty and danger of life evolution at a young age.

——Will we have a god-given seed?

——There will definitely be.

——Then will we die?

——The earth supports all things, and all things will eventually return to the earth.

——Sang cleared away all the ordinary plants around the cave, leaving only this big locust tree.

——It must like this locust tree very much.

Green maple and red maple climbed out of the tree hole, climbed under the locust tree, and began to dig the soil and dig holes.

Long Bai and Mo Lan looked at them silently and did not stop them.

The rate at which the Dominion Throne absorbs the Force has slowed down to about one-third of what it was in the early stages of evolution, and it continues to slow down, which is a sign of a life-threatening situation.

Long Bai, how about we... forcefully wake up Sang? Mo Lan suggested.

Rescue now may save Sang's life.

If you continue to delay, Sang is afraid...

Long Bai shook his tentacles gently and rejected Mo Lan's proposal.

Forcibly awakening Sang might save its life, but the shedding of its shell failed and the possibility of continued upward evolution was lost. It would only live a few more years with its severely injured and disabled body.

In Long Bai's philosophy, life is not about life and death, but about whether there is hope.

——God of nature! Help me.

Mo Lan faced the full moon and prayed silently.


In the dark sky, a little white light shines.

Mo Lan spread her wings and was about to call Long Bai beside her to look, but the white light went out again and disappeared.

Did you see it wrong?

It seemed like something lit up.

Mo Lan was stunned. In his daze, violent force fluctuations suddenly erupted in the cave.


Long Bai jumped up, Is there a turning point?!

Long Bai turned his head and looked at Mo Lan who spread his wings, feeling puzzled.

Mo Lan, what did you foresee?


Mo Lan shook her antennae, raised her front legs, pointed at the dark night sky, and said, I saw a white light flash in the sky. I was about to ask you to watch it together, but it disappeared again...

Mo Lan hesitated and said, Then, force fluctuations broke out in the cave.

Mo Lan: I think I'm not blinded.

White light spots?

Long Bai looked at the night sky.

In the dark and deep night, the full moon hangs.

Where's the light spot?

Long Bai had a question mark on his forehead.

Mo Lan: Maybe I was in a trance and saw it wrong.

Mo Lan: Sang can survive!

Long Bai said solemnly: At present, it has entered the final stage of sleeping evolution. After waking up, there is still the stage of molting and rebirth...

Mo Lan became nervous, It has been sleeping for more than seven days. Is its physical strength still enough?

A normal Zerg warrior ages and evolves, sleeping for seven days is nothing.

However, Sangta's comprehensive physique was not strengthened enough, and he was still covered in injuries. It was very dangerous to sleep for such a long time.

Long Bai and Mo Lan both raised their tentacles and waited nervously.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma stopped moving, walked to Mo Lan's side, and stared straight at the entrance of the cave.

The violent force fluctuations lasted for a short while and then subsided.

The governing throne's speed of absorbing the force returned to the level when Sang first fell asleep, and then began to slow down until it returned to calm.

Speaking from experience, Sang should have woken up and shed her old shell by this time...

This is the most dangerous stage of Sang's evolution.

Success or failure is here.

Long cypress, molan, green maple, and red maple were all so nervous that they closed their pores tightly and forgot to breathe.

A long and excruciating wait.

When the moon sets, it becomes bright.

The red sun rises from the eastern horizon.

There were rustling sounds in the cave.

Two slender tentacles passed through the branches blocking the hole, swung from side to side, and pried open the branches.

Sang: Alive——


Long Bai breathed a long sigh of relief, and his mental energy was swept away.

Not only did Sang survive, his broken antennae and elytra were restored, and the crack in his left eye was healed.

The new carapace was intact, with no cracks or scratches.

Only the left middle leg was left. Due to the previous break at the tibia, the broken limb was reborn after molting, but the new leg was much shorter and slender than normal.

This kind of injury of a broken limb requires 2 to 3 stages of evolution before it can recover as before.

Not only did Sang survive, but the injuries sustained during his second year of life were mostly healed.



The effect of the God-given Tianqing persimmon is too powerful!

Molan cheered with joy.



What a powerful god-given seed!

San's carapace is healed.

Green maple and red maple jumped along.

Sang, you have been sleeping for too long, are you very weak now? Stay still and eat first!

Long Bai trotted to the big locust tree and in front of the wooden pile ant nest, and took out two wooden dishes.

Sang, what flavor do you like? Lychee? Longan? Raspberry? Durian? Grape? Mangosteen? Lotus mist? Mango?


Sang: Mango bar.

Long Bai: You can choose more than one.

Mango...durian...mangosteen... Sang was extremely weak, his mental power was intermittent, and he only breathed his last.

Okay! Just rest and don't move.

Long Bai waved his tentacles, and three large blue ants filled with refined ant honey came out and trotted to the entrance of the cave.

Place wooden plates.

The blue ants came forward and spit out ant honey.

Sang buried his head in licking.

Keep eating and adding more until the nectar in the bellies of the three large blue ants is exhausted.

Sang raised his head and cast his gaze in the direction of the locust tree again. Puzzled, he raised his front feet, pointed to the freshly dug pit, and asked:

What are you...

Long Bai: ...


Long Bai and Mo Lan looked sideways at Qing Ma and Hong Ma.

Qingmae: ...

Red maple: ...

Everyone thought you were gone...


Sangta was actually moved and said: If you die, it would be good if there are insects to dig a hole and bury you.

Sang shook his tentacles, pointed at the life seeds in front of the cave, and said: Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, from now on, the output of ordinary life seeds in my territory will be counted on the green maple and red maple. Until they evolve to advanced levels, warrior.

Thanks to book friends 20210225184354569 and Coke Star Kaixin for their tips.

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