Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 136 We are not greedy

It's still summer.

The sun in the south is fierce.

The two guys, Green Maple and Red Maple, became familiar with the worker ants, and they hid in the wooden pile ant nest to escape the heat.

Green maple, red maple. Scarlet Mountain is here. Come out quickly to see the seeds given by Scarlet God. Mo Lan called.

Two small heads, one green and one black, with long tentacles poked out from the hole of the ant nest, quickly got out, climbed to the top of the wooden pile, and looked out from a high place.

Looking at the lush and huge trees in the distance that are higher than the mountains, I am amazed.

The throne of control slowly approached, hovering above the crimson god-given seed, watching for a while, and then flying around the waist of the tree.

As soon as he accelerated, he climbed over the mountains and landed smoothly in front of the cave where Sang lived.

Sang hugged a metal can and lay silently in the cave.

Sang. Long Bai greeted.

Longbai Ant King. Mo Lan.

San responded, standing up.

Green maple and red maple spread their elytra, flapped their wings, and hovered above Mo Lan's head.

Mo Lan introduced:

Qing Mao, a 3rd-year-old hairy-horned beetle warrior.

Red Maple, a 3rd-year-old little warrior of the purple beetle.

Sang. Green Maple and Red Maple waved their tentacles in greeting.

Qingmae: We are here to help you evolve.

Hong Ma: You will definitely succeed!

Qingmae: We just used the Throne of Dominance to assist evolution.

Hong Ma: It's all done easily.

Sang, who was walking out of the cave, was stunned.

That's enough for you two. Go lie down on the locust tree over there and don't run around.

Long Bai scolded, put up a wooden board, waved his tentacles, and the worker ants took the ant eggs and larvae in their mouths and lined up to get out of the ant nest.

Big and small blue ants followed and landed.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma have long discovered that Long Bai Ant King has the final say in matters in Xianglan Mountain, and Long Bai can be very harsh sometimes. After hearing this, he quickly jumped to the ground from above Mo Lan's head, ran quickly and climbed to the designated big locust tree.

Sang, have you finished eating all the ant honey? Long Bai asked, while controlling the size of the throne to shrink.

Sang came back to his senses and replied: There is still less than half of the can of Strengthening Comprehensive Physique. But I feel that I am about to evolve and I don't dare to eat anymore.

Mo Lan stepped forward to help unload the stump ant nest.

Sang also came over, but he was a little at a loss. He wanted to help, but didn't know how.

That's good, you can continue eating and prepare to advance.

Long Bai and Mo Lan carried the ant nest and placed it under the big locust tree.

Mo Lan jumped up on the throne, pointed to the two gourds placed on it, and said, Sang, this is ant honey refined from meat. Eat more first to replenish your physical energy and nutrition.

Sang: Okay-

Long Bai controlled the throne to slowly fly off the ground and sit inside the cave to avoid being disturbed. The soft cushion side faced the stone wall at the back of the cave.

Slowly zoom in.

Mo Lan jumped down and said: Sang, it's okay. You go up and live on the throne. Eat, rest, and wait for your sleep to evolve. When you wake up, you will be a 3-year-old advanced nine-star cockroach warrior.

Green maple and red maple lay on the locust tree and watched silently. Finally, they couldn't bear the loneliness and ran up again.

Sang, is that your destiny?

The fruit has not been picked yet.

A lot of them fell to the ground and rotted.

We'll help you pick it.

The tentacles of green maple and red maple sway, full of enthusiasm.

Sang was stunned again and said: Okay——

Sang suddenly understood again that these two little warriors were not helping, but were clearly greedy. He happily agreed: You can pick and eat if you like.

In the garden not far away, the fruits of the mulberry and litchi trees were already ripe, and a large number of fruits naturally fell off and rotted all over the ground.

The aroma of the Force Fruit attracts all kinds of small animals looking for food. Ordinary creatures cannot withstand the energy of the Force. After eating it, they explode and die, leaving corpses everywhere.

There were also four longan trees and two fragrant leaf trees of different sizes, which were ripe for harvesting, but the mulberry tree didn't bother them at all.

There is so much Force food, just letting it rot is painful to look at.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and said, Sang, I've collected all 4,000 rough stones from the output of your territory's life seeds this year. How about it?


Sang looked at the green maple and red maple, hesitated for a moment, and said: Okay-

Long Bai waved his tentacles and said: Green maple, red maple, you go up and pick it.

Mo Lan warned in a rare and stern manner: Lychees are used to enhance fire abilities. You two cannot eat them. You are not allowed to eat them. Do you understand?




--don't know.

- We are here to help.

——We are not greedy.

The two little guys rushed to the mulberry tree cheering.

The dragon cypress waves its tentacles and directs the worker ants to climb the tree to harvest.

Mo Lan spread her wings and released the breath of force to drive away those desperate birds and beasts.

Sang looked at it for a while and then asked: Longbai Ant King, were these two little warriors born in your territory?


Long Bai explained: In a place named 'White Lotus Lake', Mo Lan and I accidentally discovered them. Without the protection of the elders of the same clan, it would be difficult for the little warriors to survive, so we brought them back to Xianglan Mountain , provide Force food for them to evolve and grow, and protect them safely through their weak stage.


Sang was silent for a while and asked: What about the future? Will their destiny take root in Fanglan Mountain?

When Long Bai heard this, he immediately understood that Sang had some thoughts of keeping these two little beetle warriors as companions.

The space in Pandan Mountain is limited, and there is no land for them to take root.

What should we do?

We are considering it. However, they were born in the north where there is ice and snow in winter. I am afraid they are not suitable for survival in the south where winter is as hot as summer.


Sang could not hide his disappointment.

Long Bai comforted: Mo Lan and I have discovered that there are many places of force in the south. We spend a lot of time searching for them every year. If we find any little Zerg warriors from the south, we can send them to you to keep them company.

Sang: Green maple and red maple are very sensible.


These are two cunning little insect spirits, right?

Long Bai: Yes.

Long Bai thought for a moment and said, In the future, when Mo Lan and I go on a business trip, we can bring them to see you.

Long Bai added: Sang, after this calamity, you can consider sheltering a group of ordinary nine-star cockroaches. If you are lucky, little warriors of the same race will be born. That would be the best.

Sang thought silently for a while, then said happily and expectantly: Yes! Same race!

Long Bai shook his tentacles and said, Sang, hurry up and try to rule the throne.


Sang turned around and walked into the cave and began to prepare for evolution.

Long Bai kicked off and took off, searching nearby, cutting and carrying thorny branches, transporting them back to the cave, and sealing the entrance of the cave.

It can be seen from the choice of life species that Sang particularly likes to eat fruits.

Almost all of its species are berry plants, and most of them mature in late summer and early autumn.

Long Bai directed the worker ants and spent two days and two nights to complete the picking. The blue ants took another day to complete the refining.

Long Bai took Green Maple and Red Maple to guard outside the cave.

Mo Lan went to hunt large animals, dug holes under the crimson tree's god-given seeds, and buried them with fertilized fertilizer. Then he was busy collecting various tropical wild fruits for refining and brewing ant honey.

Two days later,

Sang's spiritual thoughts came from the cave: Longbai Ant King, I am going to evolve.

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