Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 118 You disappoint me so much

Long Bai and Mo Lan spent half a month weeding and loosening the soil for the 19 mulberry trees. They hunted and killed large animals, dug holes and buried them deeply to fertilize.

Likewise, he loosened the soil and fertilized the seeds given by the Scarlet God, and even helped clean up the mango orchard.

After watching Sang finish a jar of white rice ant king honey, he confirmed that its physical and mental state had improved, and then he left with peace of mind.

Rush straight to the South Ziziphus Mountain to search for the God-given seeds, take care of the God-given South Ziziphus seeds, choose a suitable location, and sow all the vines and vines.

Then go north and enter Black Lotus Lake, and send Bailiu force food worth 2,000 raw stones. In the coming spring, it can be promoted to the 4th-age intermediate Lepidoptera warrior.

Due to their body structure, Dragonfly Warriors are really not good at managing territories.

On the Ten Thousand Tribes Continent, the warriors of the dragonflies and butterflies, big and small, all seek cooperation and symbiosis with other insect tribes that have awakened the ability of earth elements.

Long Bai and Mo Lan had nothing urgent to do and stayed at Black Lotus Lake for five or six days to help General Bai Liu take care of his territory before saying goodbye and leaving.

Not to the north, but to the east, making a big bend and continuing to search for the land of the Force.

The Throne of Control flew slowly for eleven days, and it was not until the late autumn when the temperature cooled slightly at night that it returned to Fanglan Mountain.


Long Bai. Why did it take you so long to come back?

I'm looking for the place of the Force. I found a place where there is a Nine-Star Cockatoo warrior who has evolved to be injured and on the verge of death. Mo Lan and I helped it, but it took a long time.

Then how's it doing? Zhan Lan showed nervous telepathy.

Long Bai: At present, the condition is very good, and there is a good chance of survival.

Oh, all right.

Zhan Lan was relieved and asked: Long Bai, where is my reservoir?

Long Bai looked around.

This year’s rice, lotus seeds and gorgon seeds have been harvested.

With water stored at a depth of half a meter, the valley bottom has completely turned into a swamp. There are many 'highlands' protruding from the water, overgrown with weeds, and frogs are still active.

Looking at the azure god-given seed, it is now about 18 meters tall, and the first broad leaf is still about 1 meter above the water. .

Long Bai: Zhan Lan, the dam can be built upward, and the reservoir must be repaired first. However, temporarily, the water storage in the reservoir can only be raised by half a meter.

Long Bai: Next year we will plant rice, lotus and gorgon seeds on the surrounding slopes.

Long Bai: I will plant mulberry, banyan, peach, plum and other fruit trees for you on the steep slopes around the planned reservoir. When the fruits are ripe and fall into the water, they will be food for the fish.

Okay! Thank you, Long Bai!

Zhan Lan happily agreed, not forgetting to urge, Hurry up!

Okay. I'll go back to the mountain first. Long Bai controlled the throne to rise into the air and fly towards the ant nest in the south of the mountain.

The trip lasted 60 days. During the trip, Long Bai cultivated a batch of medium, small and micro worker ants and soldier ants, totaling 105 individuals.

It is used to supplement the logistics capacity of ant nests and the ability to kill orchard pests.

on the mountain,

Arrange for the new worker ants and soldier ants to return to the nest with their unhatched larvae to adapt to the nest environment first.

Arrange and unload the goods, count the quantities, and collect them in a warehouse specially used to store Force food.

The junipers and junipers who were digging the Shanxi reservoir received the news and hurried back.

Your Majesty! How much did you earn this time? Juniper asked excitedly.

You should go down the mountain to keep Nanqian company. Long Bai replied angrily.

Okay! Let's switch to Juniper to help dig the reservoir. Juniper readily agreed.

Fine! Long Bai raised his tentacles.

I'm going to call Jucypress to come over and see you... Juniper ran away quickly.

Long Bai turned to Junbai and asked: How deep has the Shanxi reservoir been dug?

Junbai replied seriously: King Longbai Ant, the outline of the reservoir you planned has been dug out. The overall depth exceeds 1 meter, and the deepest point reaches 3 meters.

Yuan Bai added: The Longbai ant king does not have a throne to lift gravel particles. It is a waste of time for the worker ants to run around and carry them, and the digging efficiency is not high.

Long Bai: I know. Don't be in a hurry, dig slowly. Tomorrow we will lead the worker ants down the mountain and build four floors of the blue reservoir.

Jue Bai: I know.

Long Bai: Are all the fruits of the common orchids in the Molan Territory ripe?

Juniper: The flowering and fruiting cycle has been extended, and it may take winter to harvest.


Long Bai moved his tentacles slightly and said, Let's go and see the six-door tree and the purple-fruited kiwi tree.

Liudaomu is a small deciduous tree that grows very fast, reaching a height of nearly 2 meters.

Next year you can consider an appropriate amount of fruit.

The purple-fruited kiwi fruit is a large vine. It is sown on a steep slope and a wooden frame is built for it to climb up. The growth is also very fast. Sowing in spring, the main vine has grown to more than 3 meters in length in just one year.

If you cultivate a vine for one year, it will bear fruit the year after.

Your Majesty, the giant cypress is here.

Your Majesty——

The giant cypress followed the juniper, surrounded by the soldier ants, and rushed over.

Long Bai waved his tentacles and said: Go back to the nest! I have something to say.

It's getting dark.

After inspecting the territory, Mo Lan said hello to the two god-given seeds, Fruit Orchid and Begonia, and rushed over.

Gather together in the Ant Nest Entrance Restaurant.

Specialized blue ants deliver delicious prepared ant honey.

Worker ants deliver fresh meat.

The bamboo tubes contained water, and Long Bai activated his power to get a cup of boiling water each.

A delicious, hearty and expensive dinner.

This time Mo Lan and I traveled far and found a place of force in the southern tropical region. There was a golden light fruit tree, a mutated crimson light god-given seed. It is wild and has been growing for thousands of years. It is huge. …”

Everyone talked while eating.

Long Bai first fully recounted his experiences and gains during the trip, and then expressed his thoughts and plans.

The ant country's annual income has increased sharply, its resources are abundant, and its army of advanced soldier ants is being cultivated and grown. You can consider selling force ant honey and wild god-given seeds to the caravan.

However, for security reasons, it is necessary for Ant Nation to improve its command-level strength.

Longbai officially announced its plan to cultivate intelligent blue ant cedar and giant blue soldier emerald cypress.

Juniper, juniper, and giant cypress all represent raising six legs for support.

After dinner,

Long Bai came to the Nanqian Reservoir at the foot of the mountain.

Nan Qian, I'm back.

You've been back a long time ago.

Nan Qian's mood revealed strong dissatisfaction.

Long Bai calmly explained: I am packing and sorting the goods on the mountain. This trip has been fruitful, so I need to spend time organizing it clearly.

is it a lot?!

Nan Qian suddenly became energetic and asked: Long Bai, how much did you earn this year? Please tell me in detail!

Tell me more about your size!

Long Bai switched to the topic that Nan Qian was more interested in and said: Mo Lan and I discovered a new point of origin. There is a tree there...

When talking about the injured Jiu Xing Zhi warrior Sang, and when he and Mo Lan rescued Sang, Nan Qian suddenly burst into unprecedented anger.

Long Bai! Have you forgotten your identity? You are the ant king! Why do you want to save it? You should kill it!

Kill it, and the seed given by the Scarlet Light God will be yours, right?

It's going to die anyway. If you don't want to kill it, you can just leave it alone! Why should you save it?

You are not a qualified ant king! You disappoint me so much...

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: Okay! Don't get excited. I'll go over and kill it in a few days.

Long Bai said perfunctorily, controlling the size of the throne to shrink, floating close to the water, and carefully checking the growth status of the South Gorgon fruit.

pretty good.

no problem.

After two months of hard work, I returned to the ant nest to have a peaceful sleep.

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