Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 117 Tomorrow’s morning light will be even brighter

Sang only opened some orchards and planted mango trees near the wild crimson god-given seeds in the mountains.

It has not been managed for many years and is about to be overrun by weeds and vines.

The nearby mountains and forests are a natural ecological environment, with lush vegetation in the rainforest and many wild fruit trees growing there.

After searching for half a morning, I found several wild golden fruit trees, which still have green fruits and may take several months to mature.

Long Bai and Mo Lan came to Sang's cave again.

Mo Lan: Sang, your yellow-veined berries and jade-green rose berries will be ripe soon.

Sang: You pick them.

Mo Lan: We are traveling merchants, we purchase according to the price of raw stones, and then you use the raw stones to buy the force food you need.

Sang was stunned for a while and said: Okay——

Long Bai: We will buy out the two yellow-veined berries at the price of 700 rough stones. We will buy out the two jade-green rose berries at the price of 500 rough stones.

Sang was stunned for a while and said: Okay——

Long Bai: It will take a few days to mature. Mo Lan and I have something urgent to do. We arranged for 10 worker ants and 2 specialized blue ants to stay here. When the fruits are ripe, they will pick them by themselves.

Sang: Okay.

Long Bai: Mo Lan and I will come over after we finish our work.

Sang: Okay.

Regarding the buyout agreement for Gui Fan's two raspberries, Long Bai and Mo Lan had already broken the deal twice in a row. They must not break their promise again this year.

Long Bai was still a little lost and couldn't determine his current specific location.

After bidding farewell to Sang, we headed west.

On the throne, Mo Lan seemed to have been thinking for a long time and asked:

Long Bai, we have made a fortune, can we breed another intelligent worker ant and a giant soldier ant?

Long Bai: That's right! An intelligent blue ant manages the ant nest and food and specializes in logistics work; a giant blue soldier manages the blue soldiers and assists in territory irrigation, territory protection, and reservoir fishing.

Long Bai paused and said: When I develop the number of soldier ants, I can consider selling ant honey, southern jujubes, and crimson fruits.

Once these are made public, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble. The strength of juniper and giant cypress needs to be upgraded to a high level as soon as possible. Juniper is still responsible for hunting, and giant cypress is responsible for stationing on the east side of the mountain range to block possible invading... ants. Or bees.

Mo Lan: Oh!

Mo Lan: Yes——

Mo Lan had no sense of crisis and asked: What about their names? The giant blue soldiers are called Cui Bai? The ant honey is sweet and delicious, and the intelligent blue ants are called Xiang Bai?

After talking for a long time, all I could think about was giving a name.

Long Bai: It's good. As long as you are happy...

After flying the throne for a day, he vaguely saw the colored light reflected by the divine power barrier in the western sky, and re-anchored his position.

Turning around and heading north, we quickly found the mountain peak where the Fujiko was discovered earlier, picked a batch of ripe fruit pods, and headed straight for Ghost Fan Mountain.

Longbai Ant King!


The ghost fan was holding a raspberry and was guarding the two raspberry seeds. He tried his best to release the breath of the Force creature to drive away the insects and birds attracted by the fruity fragrance.

After a simple greeting.

Mo Lan said happily: This year it came neither early nor late, just in time for the fruit to ripen.

Ghost Fan: ...Yes.

Raspberry: It's late! It was ripe the day before yesterday.


Ghost Fan: ...

The ghost fan swung its tentacles and tapped Raspberry on the head.

This little guy, Wanberry, is already in his 6th age as a armored warrior. Counting the time, he must be waiting for force food to evolve into his 7th age.

No later than the year after next, Raspberry can evolve into an intermediate warrior.

In another year or two, like Wufan, it can initially enter the 'Yunji Continent business circle'.

Long Bai and Mo Lan also need more Zerg warriors to join the force food trade in Yunji Continent, so as to achieve self-sufficiency within Yunji Continent as soon as possible.

Long Bai controlled the throne to fall to the ground.

Mo Lan helped, throwing down the wooden plank prepared on the throne, and using a rope to pull one end, pulled it up, and put it on the edge of the throne to form a simple 'bridge'.

Cypress pheromones and antennae signals are released at the same time, issuing a series of instructions.

20 medium and small worker ants cultivated along the road climbed down from the throne along the wooden plank and went up to the tree to pick.

10 large blue ants then landed, ate fresh fruits, refined ant honey, and then passed it to a specialized blue ant for centralized storage.

Ghost fan...

Long Bai said solemnly: The wild white rice god-given seed is mature, but the white rice ant king honey... is not enough.

Gui Fan was stunned.


What's wrong?

In the past growth and evolution process, Ghost Fan has left many hidden injuries on his body. He had already discussed with Long Bai to use White Rice Ant King Honey again to heal the injuries, and then consider evolving into an 8-year-old advanced warrior.

Mo Lan hurriedly explained: Long Bai and I found a high-level nine-star cockroach warrior who was seriously injured and dying during the evolution of the first instar to the second instar. In order to save it, we assigned the white rice ant king honey to it.

Long Bai: There are still some left, but there are other warriors who need it more.

Long Bai himself felt that it was unjustifiable for him to always break the contract with Gui Fan, so he added:

Gui Fan, you can do this. When you evolve to the 8th age, I will come over and assist you with the throne of control to ensure that you evolve safely.

Ghost Fan: ...Okay.

Long Bai then added: I will arrange 3,000 white rice seeds for you this year, and you will be successfully promoted to the 8th age. Your injury healing ability will be greatly improved, and you will recover from hidden injuries on your body. In the future, the 9th age will be 100% safe. No problem, as for the evolution of the mountain is better to use the throne of control to assist, and the chance of success can be increased by 20 to 30%.

Ghost Fan: Okay!

Thinking of being promoted to Mountain Master smoothly, Gui Fan was filled with excitement and joy, and said: Thank you in advance, Long Bai.

We're all stupid, you're welcome.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and greeted: Come, let's trade. Originally, Mo Lan and I prepared a super high-quality force food for you to strengthen your comprehensive physique. That, um, was also temporarily allocated to that This is a poor Nine-Star Cockroach warrior. It’s not a big problem. I’ll send you another one for the trade early next summer...

Ghost Fan: I...

According to the Zerg naming logic,

The mountain range where the seeds given by the God of Scarlet Light took root is of course named Crimson Light Mountain.

Long Bai has a strong sense of direction and locked the direction of Feiguang Mountain. He left Guifan Mountain and drove in a straight line, arriving in 2 days.

early morning.

Sang held the honey pot with both feet and lay at the entrance of the cave to bask in the sun.

Living in caves all year round, the entire insect has become dark.

Under the golden morning light, the carapace gained a little color, and the hollow eyes gained a little light.


feel better now?

The ruling throne slowly landed on the ground, and Long Bai and Mo Lan greeted.

Sang: I feel better.

Long Bai: You have obvious feelings? It seems that your injury is quite serious. However, if so many white rice ants are buried under the honey, it is absolutely no problem to cure 70 to 80% of it.

Sang: Yes. It is indeed a seed given by the god of white rice, and its healing effect is very powerful.

Long Bai: The Ant King Honey is worth 2,000 rough stones, and a can of comprehensive physical strength-strengthening force food is worth 2,000 rough stones. The Yellow Vein Berry and Yuling Syzygium you are selling are worth 1,200 rough stones in total.

Long Bai: You owe us 2,800 rough stones. The amount is not big. You can owe it first with interest. When the crimson fruit matures next year, you can repay 3,000 rough stones at a discount.

Sang: Okay——

Long Bai: Okay! Regarding the purchase price of Scarlet Light Fruit, we will discuss it in detail next year.

Mo Lan: Sang, just rest in peace and recuperate.

Long Bai: You haven't taken care of the plants for a long time. The seeds given by the Scarlet Light God also need to be loosened and fertilized. It will take more than ten days for the Yuling rose apples to mature. Mo Lan and I don't have anything urgent to do. If you can, just stay here for a while and help you tidy up the territory.

Mo Lan: Don't worry. With Long Bai and me here, tomorrow's morning light will be even brighter.

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