Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 107 Just say it

It’s the season when flowers bloom on the mountains and traveling merchants arrive.

Long Bai and Mo Lan packed up and set off three days in advance.

Walking to the entrance of the starship, Long Bai and Mo Lan carried the bags of spider silk, jumped off the ruling throne, controlled the throne to shrink and fly, and walked through.

Long Cypress.

Mo Lan, who was walking behind, stopped.

Long Bai turned around and looked.

Mo Lan, a high-level mantis warrior, folded her six legs, her abdomen was close to the ground, and her back was only one or two centimeters from the top of the crack.

There is no doubt that the next time Molan sheds its shell and evolves, and its size increases dramatically, it will not be able to pass.

Long Bai, I can see Bai Wei this year.


Farewell forever?


Long Bai, how about I stop eating Force food and wait two years before evolving to the second stage.


I think it's okay.

Just say it's okay.

Long Bai sighed, melancholy and helplessly, and said: According to the rules, I evolve into a high-level ant queen, and the flower and fruit cycle of Zhanlan will probably be extended to 3 years. We are going to cooperate with Baiwei to make honey-pickled Zhanlan fruits, so we can let Baiwei Wei and Luo Li will adjust the time of coming to Wanguo Continent for business.

Long Bai: Let Baiwei come again next year. The azure god-given seeds will ripen the year after next, and the honey-pickled azure fruits we cooperate with will be delivered in the spring of the next year.

Okay! Okay! Okay!

Mo Lan understood what Long Bai meant and said, Then I will evolve to the second stage next spring after trading with Bai Wei.

That’s right!

Long Bai tapped his tentacles lightly and said: You and I have almost always maintained a high frequency of evolution every six months in the intermediate stage. After advancing to the advanced stage, we can really slow down and consolidate.

That's right! Mo Lan agreed with six legs raised.

Long Bai changed the subject and explained: Advanced warriors can live for about a hundred years, and there is plenty of time for evolution and growth. The difficulty lies in the fact that each time they evolve, their size increases significantly, and there is a risk of sudden death due to failure. The life of a mountain master-level warrior is extended to two For about a hundred years, the evolution of each age of a Mountain Lord-level warrior requires the consumption of massive amounts of Force food. The difficulty in the Mountain Lord's continued growth is that there is insufficient Force food, the evolution rate is slow, and thus the lifespan is insufficient.

Long Bai concluded: Therefore, it is not advisable to delay the advanced warrior stage and maintain an evolutionary rate of more than one year to less than two years. Only by being promoted to Mountain Master early will you have enough time to continue to advance.

Long Bai added with warning: The vast majority of the Mountain Lord-level Zerg will fall into the aging stage due to insufficient life span, and finally die with regrets. Only a handful can be promoted to lord.

Long Bai is right... Mo Lan didn't take it seriously.

We have already planted four God-given seeds, plus the income from traveling merchant trade, plus one God-given wild Ziziphus seed. Will the Force food not be enough?

There are too many southern jujubes to eat. Once you have the strength, you can sell them to caravans, which is also a lot of money.

Mo Lan: Long Bai, we can still find more God-given seeds!

If it were before finding the two divine seeds of Nanqian and Beixian, Long Bai would have ignored Mo Lan's words as just talking in his sleep.


That's right!

Long Bai couldn't believe it.

Enlarge the throne of domination and continue on your way.

In order to avoid being discovered by other flame spider merchants about the god-given force food like last year, Mo Lan first hid in the room deep in the starship with the Dominion Throne.

Long Bai went alone, got out of the passage, climbed up the hill, hid under a bush, and looked around.

At the foot of the mountain, the caravan of the Grass Spider King has arrived and completed the first round of goods exchange.

The Lord of Seven-leaf Mountain lies under his own Seven-leaf Clover Life Seed, quietly waiting for the arrival of other caravans.

Somewhat uneasy.

Last year, what was the yield of the God-given Gorgon Seed mentioned by the Little Ant King? How is the quality?

And its god-given seed called ‘Azure Blue’, is it really super?

The master of Qiye Mountain faces the direction of the hill and takes a look from time to time.

Then, when I looked again, I found Long Cypress peeking out from under the bushes.

Cao Wu Spider King, the little ant king is here.


Qiye, I remember, you said it comes on time every year? Doesn't Zeqi's caravan only arrive in two or three days?

It's probably time to harvest its God-given Gorgon seeds. I'm anxious to ask about the price.

Didn't you ask that it has been with the Luojun caravan for a year and is quite familiar with the traveling trade?

The Master of Qiye Mountain was silent, thinking, and said: That means I have other things to do, so I came here in advance.

A clever spider that reveals everything at once.

The Grass Crow Spider King said happily: You can go over there. Don't move too much.


The Master of Qiye Mountain slowly stood up, and leisurely walked around the square at the foot of the mountain for a short half circle. He calmly came to the foot of the hill, climbed up the hill, and went to the stone pillar where the Watase Flame Spider Tribe recorded time. After stopping for a long time, he reached the entrance of the passage behind the hill.

Long Bai stood alone in the passage.

Master Qiye Mountain.

Where's Mo Lan?

It's hidden in the back.

Prudent Dragon Cypress Ant King!

The spider king's mental power can sense the situation here. Let's go to the grove over there to discuss it in detail.

Okay! I'll go there first.

The Master of Qiye Mountain walked towards the grove.

Long Bai turned around and ran into the room deep in the passage. He led Mo Lan off, quickly ran out of the passage and ran into the woods.

Oh! The blue one is Zhan Lanzi? It's really unique!

Through his unique connection with the spider silk bag, the Master of Qiye Mountain immediately found out the goods that Long Bai and Mo Lan were carrying on their trip.


Long Bai opened the small spider silk bag he was carrying.

There are 25 blue heart-shaped fruit stones inside: Zhanlanzi


Mo Lan opened the spider silk bag and found 45 Gorgon seeds inside.

Long Bai: Master Qiye Mountain, last year, the output of the God-given Gorgon seeds was 90 Gorgon seeds. According to the agreement, half of it, that is, 45 seeds, will be sold to you.


The Master of Qiye Mountain was even more curious about ‘Zhan Lanzi’, a magical food with raw power that was not recorded in the memory of the inheritance of the natural gods. He controlled the spider silk and twisted one up to look at it.

The color and shape are a bit strange, and the Force properties don't seem to be special. They are similar to many Force foods that enhance water-based abilities, so they are easy to identify.

At what price did the Luojin Caravan buy it?

The unit price is 12 rough stones.

12 rough stones?

I talked to Master Bai Wei.

Qiye didn't believe it at first, but when he heard this, he immediately believed it again. He was a little speechless and silently sympathized with Luo Li.

This pricing is a bit unreasonable. The unit price of 10 rough stones is more appropriate.

10 rough stones! Long Bai jumped.

Master Qiye Mountain, are you too dark? Mo Lan followed with anxious eyes.

Qiye: ...

Damn Bai Wei! Random pricing and disrupting transaction order.

Qiye was secretly annoyed and gave way: 11 rough stones, this is the highest price I can give. If we buy 12 rough stones, our caravan will have no profit.

Long Bai said cheerfully: Then 11 rough stones!

There are only 25 blue seeds in total, so there is no need to haggle.

Long Bai picked up a Gorgon seed, handed it to him, and said, Master Qiye Mountain, take a look.

Qiye controlled the spider silk, wrapped it around and took it, held it in front of his eyes to examine it, sensed it, and commented: The single kernel is very big and the quality is not bad. I can give you 14 rough stones per kernel.

Long Bai: 16 rough stones.

Qiye: What you want is 15 rough stones/piece.

Long Bai: 16 pieces.

Qiye: The price of 15 is very suitable. If you are satisfied, I will also make a profit.

Long Bai: Do you have the seeds of Liudaomu?

Qiye: Of course!

Long Bai: That can be a deal.

Thanks to book friends Bai Fei and Fallen Leaves Flying at Fingertips for their tips.

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