Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 106 You can also call me father

Long Bai and Mo Lan searched around the South Jujube Mountain but found no god-given seeds.

The fruit of the God-given Ziziphus jujube that stands at the center of the Force Land is only half-sized, and I am afraid it will not mature until the autumn of the following year.

A mountain master-level wild god-given seed, its flowering and fruiting cycle lasts for five years!

Cypress and mochi will loosen the soil and fertilize it.

Continue north, pass by Black Lotus Lake, and deliver force food worth 1,000 raw stones to Bailiu.

Bailiu is an intermediate level flying warrior in his second age.

After some questioning, I still couldn't fully understand the specific strengthening effect of Black Lotus.

It can only be roughly judged that it strengthens the brain, and the side effect is... it can make the insect a little smarter.

It is an extremely rare, even unique type of enhancement.

But it’s not Long Bai’s type…

The reason is simple,

If it is promoted and the insects that have taken root in Yunji Continent become smarter, then how can you make your traveling business bigger and stronger?

I believe that no caravan would be willing to buy or sell this type of Force food.

Long Bai has no plans to promote Black Lotus for the time being.

Just eat more, Morand.

You can also have some mountain persimmon, it is too slow.

Forget about white rice and black rice.

Further north, I entered the Molan Mountain and searched for a while, but found nothing.

Finally return to Pandan Mountain.

Silent winter.

Long Bai controlled the throne and flew along the mountains, looking for and carrying suitable rocks back to the Shannan Reservoir.

Long Bai is an intermediate 9-year-old ant king who can easily drag an adult wild boar and move it to the throne alone.

Although Mo Lan does not have strength talent, he is already a first-year advanced mantis warrior. He has eaten various force foods that strengthen his comprehensive physique, and his strength is no weaker than Long Bai.

A mantis and an ant can easily move a boulder 50 times the size of a dragon cypress.

However, the carrying capacity of the throne of control is limited, and many particularly large stones require a lot of trouble to be cut before they can be moved.

In the silent busyness, the ink orchids bloom in the north of the mountain, everything revives, and life is restless.

Spring is here as expected.

In the nursery,

Cypress saplings such as silver cypress, large-fruited juniper, dragon cypress, and juniper cypress have initially grown and can be transplanted and planted.

Large-fruited hemlock, torreya, golden pine nut, king fir, Kui chestnut, black emperor peach, spotted pear and other seedlings have initially grown, and can also be transplanted into orchards.

Several fruit tree seeds obtained from the owner of Qiye Mountain last year were sown in the nursery, and the purple-fruited kiwi fruit was given special care.

The most important thing is the good Liudaomu seeds cultivated by Longcypress. Choose a suitable place to sow the seeds, and the giant cypress will lead the soldier ants to guard its growth.

The cypress species of Cypress all grow to a height of 4 to 6 meters and produce a large number of flower spikes.

But Long Bai will soon evolve into a high-level ant king, and the plant will also usher in a jump in life level and rapid growth.

Without much hesitation, worker ants were sent up to cut off all the flower spikes. There will be no flowers this year to save energy for the next year’s growth.

The two large-fruited hemlocks planted on the top of the mountain are both over 3 meters tall and have sprouted flower spikes in the first year.

The golden pine grows slightly faster, and the two golden pine trees also have flower spikes.

Leave not a single flower, cut them all off.

It depends on the situation. Next year or the year after, the trees will not be considered to bear fruit until they are over 5 meters tall.

at present,

The common life types of dragon cypress are:

In the primary warrior period, there are dragon cypress, juniper, juniper, giant cypress, emerald cypress, dry cedar, large-fruited hemlock, and torreya;

In the intermediate warrior period, there are golden pine, king cedar, Kuili, black emperor peach, spotted star pear, azure persimmon, and Liudao wood.

They are all trees, and the growth of the cypress trees has been on the right track, with production increasing year by year. In the next two to three years, other species will gradually enter the production stage.

Year by year, these top-notch plants from various tribes in the mainland will bring huge profits to Dragon Cypress.

The early spring is busy with dead insects.

Long Bai led a small group of worker ants, busy transplanting fruit trees and taking care of the plants.

Juniper leads most of the worker ants, and Juniper leads the soldier ants to work together to dig aqueducts.

Mo Lan is responsible for planting plants in Shanbei, and he also has to help hunt for food. He doesn't have time to deal with ordinary orchid grass this year.

Ten days later,

Long Bai and Mo Lan finished their work and mobilized 150 specialized worker ants, 500 worker ants, and Juniper and soldier ants to cooperate and start building the reservoir dam.

Still going up layer by layer, each layer is 50 cm high.

Trapezoidal, the width of each layer is reduced by 50 cm.

The total length of the dam is only 20 meters. Long Bai and Mo Lan worked overtime at night, carrying large rocks to build the edge of the dam, and they were busy until midnight before resting.

Get up early the next morning, and then lead the worker ants to fill in clay and gravel, and compact the soil.

It took four days to complete the first floor.

In less than four days, the second floor was repaired.

The third level only took 3 days...

The ant colony led by juniper cypress dug the aqueduct.

Water was diverted from a mountain spring three kilometers away and began to fill the reservoir.

Juniper brought a large number of worker ants to join the dam construction project, raising the efficiency to another level.

One layer a day, layer by layer upward.

Perhaps the God of Nature saw the hard work of Long Bai and Mo Lan, and a heavy spring rain fell all night.

Hundreds of valleys flowed back, and the water level of the reservoir reached the pond where the God-given seeds of Nanqian took root.

Long Bai quickly used the throne to lift the soft humus soil to backfill, filling the hole half a meter high.


Suddenly there was a strange, weak, and angry mental wave coming from below.

Long Bai poured out the humus in the sheepskin bag, tilted his head, and said calmly to Mo Lan:

Nanqian gave birth to consciousness.


Nanqian gave birth to consciousness.


It's angry. Molan, go away first.


I'm going to get the original stone. Mo Lan fluttered her wings and left.

Long Bai sent a friendly thought to Nan Qian's god-given seed, Hello——

An angry mental thought came from Nanqian.

Long Bai: My name is Long Bai, and your name is Nan Qian. I am Long Bai. 伱, Nan Qian.

Nan Qian was angry and confused.

Long Bai: I am Long Bai Ant King. I am your creator, I created you. You can also call me...Father.

Nan Qian was questioning, confused, and furious.

The plants of the natural god system are really irritable.

The newborn consciousness is still very fragile and cannot be stimulated by random jokes.

Long Bai fell into a long silence.

Longbai Ant King?

The juniper standing on the shore shook its tentacles, and a call of questioning came from a distance.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and explained: Nanqian has given birth to consciousness. Juniper, you go notify Juniper and let it bring the soldier ants down.

Yes! Juniper hurriedly left surrounded by the ants.

Mo Lan carried the bag of spider silk and galloped over, landing on the throne of control.

Nan Qian, who had just stabilized, immediately burst into intense anger.

Mo Lan was so frightened that she ran away quickly.


Long Bai opened the spider silk bag, twisted up a rough stone, stood on the edge of the ruling throne, and shook it.

Nanqian. This is the original stone!

Introduction completed.

The jaws are held together, the forelegs are waved, the sharp toes are scraped, and the force powder is scattered.

Feeling the strong and pure force fluctuations, Nan Qian's anger dissipated and turned into questions: What is this?

Long Bai: Original stone.

Nan Qian: Original stone?

Rough stone! Rough stone! Rough stone...

Nanqian felt strong desire and urge.

Don't worry, it's all yours. Long Bai reassured.

Nan Qian's mood gradually calmed down.

Long Bai: I am the ant king, and I will arrange for worker ants to scrape the rough stone later.

A mental message of happy expectation came from Nanqian: Rough stone! Rough stone! Rough stone...

A rough stone is scraped off.

Juniper also rushed over with 20 specialized blue soldiers.

Juniper picked out 20 large worker ants, and Juniper distributed the rough stones to them.

Large worker ants stood on the heads of specialized blue soldiers, entered the reservoir, separated into 18 branches and under the leaves of the mother plant, scraped the rough stones and scattered the powder.

It took most of a day to use up 100 rough stones.

Nan Qian's weak mental consciousness was initially stable.

When consciousness was born, my thinking was simple, and I gave it a sweet taste, and I immediately recognized and recognized Longbai.

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