Ash Civilization

Chapter 339 Skade Solu Peninsula. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Zhou Zhen nodded immediately and replied very quickly: "Skadessolu Peninsula, next to the small wormhole."

Skade Solu Peninsula?

Duan Lihe's expression suddenly became serious. The internal intelligence section of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps had just received news that an attack by a vicious infected person had indeed occurred on the Skadesolu Peninsula.

Due to time constraints, no statistics on specific casualties and losses have been released, but the highest level of alarm has been sounded in the local area, a large number of refugees have fled, and the situation is chaotic.

The local government is desperately requesting reinforcements from surrounding countries.

However, because the compatible people on the Skade Solu Peninsula died too quickly, no surviving witnesses have been found so far. In addition, the magnetic field of the [Complete Body] infected person will destroy all surrounding electronic equipment. Therefore, in the intelligence sent from the Skade Solu Peninsula, there was no specific information such as the level, appearance, number, attack method, etc. of the infected persons.

Thinking of this, Duan Lihe nodded slightly, [The Leader] is not in China now, which is considered good news.

But the situation on the Skade Solu Peninsula cannot be ignored now.

Of course, this is not because he treats the citizens of Marina City and the people of Skadesulu Peninsula equally, but because of the wormhole over there...

"You just said that you can capture the [Leader] alive?" Duan Lihe thought quickly and asked very seriously. If an ordinary compatible person told him that, he would definitely think that the other person was talking nonsense, because that is simply impossible. !

But Zhou Zhen is different. The other party is very special. It was the other party who solved No. 009 not long ago.

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: "Yes! I am more than 90% sure."

"Besides, I can do this task alone. Even if I fail, there will be no loss."

Duan Lihe kept staring at Zhou Zhen closely. The equipment on his body was already scanning Zhou Zhen's current mental state. After a moment, he looked at the green light on the screen and after confirming that Zhou Zhen had no problem, he asked straightforwardly: "Method What is it?"

“What logistics are required?”

"How can I cooperate with you?"

Although the situation in Binhai City has improved slightly now, it is still very urgent overall.

As the top person in charge of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Group's trip, he cannot waste too much time here.

As long as he knew that the information was correct, it would be fine to do what Zhou Zhen wanted to do.

As for the source of the information and the reason why Zhou Zhen was so confident, he didn't have time to inquire!

That was the [Complete Body] infected person. No matter how normal Zhou Zhen behaved now, he was already prepared to fail the mission.

What reassures him now is that the location of the [Leader] is not within the territory of China, and is even quite far away from the mainland of China. No matter what happens then, it will not have an impact on the mainland of China.

In fact, in Duan Lihe's opinion, the biggest risk in carrying out this mission is Zhou Zhen's own safety!

If he had just met Zhou Zhen, it would have been impossible for him to agree to this mission.

But several times, the information Zhou Zhen provided to him has always been very accurate.

Therefore, even though capturing the [Leader] alive seemed very outrageous, he still chose to take the gamble...

At this time, Zhou Zhen said quickly: "I need a [digital tranquilizer] that can work on the 'Seventh Step'."

"I also need Commander Duan to arrange a place for me to facilitate the landing and detention of the [Leader]."

Just like before, Duan Lihe didn't want to ask the reason at all, he just nodded and said: "I'll make arrangements right away!"

"But there is one requirement."

"If the risk is too great, you must give up immediately!"

"[The leader] must deal with it, but after all, the Skade Solu Peninsula is not our country."

"After the rescue in Binhai City is completed, people from above will definitely be sent there. You don't have to be too anxious about this task."

Zhou Zhen nodded. His current method of dealing with the [Leader] is to take a nap without any risk.

The real risk is not him or China, but the Skadessolu Peninsula.

Now I don’t know how many living people there are on the Skade Solu Peninsula...

Thinking of this, he quickly replied: "Understood!"

"In addition, Commander Duan, I got some information from the 'Digital Rain' No. 009."

"So far, I've only translated part of it."

"After the [Leader] problem is solved, I will continue to translate the rest."

As he said that, he immediately used [Overfrequency Interference] to transmit to Duan Lihe the large amount of digital information that the "Pioneer" No. 009 had just transmitted to him, as well as the part of the content that he had translated.

Duan Lihe stood motionless and quickly received all the information, but time was running out. There were already multiple red dots flashing on his visual sensor, urging him to check the message as soon as possible, and the amount of information transmitted by Zhou Zhen was not enough. Xiao, he didn't have time to sort out these contents, so he simply asked: "Is there anything else important?"

With that said, he turned and left.

Less than half a minute later, a new mission popped up on Zhou Zhen's visual sensor: "Deal with the [Complete Body] infected person, [Leader]."

Seeing this task, Zhou Zhen knew in his heart that he had no other tasks now. After Duan Lihe knew that he wanted to solve the [Leader], he directly reassigned this task from the system to him.

Another half minute passed, and Duan Lihe returned again, holding a very delicate metal box in his hand.

Duan Lihe placed the box on the table in front of Zhou Zhen and opened it. Inside were ten sealed syringes, each of which contained a light brown medicinal liquid.

"This is a high-purity [Digital Tranquilizer]." Duan Lihe pointed to the box and said in a deep voice, "The ingredients are different from ordinary [Digital Tranquilizer]."

"Normally, it is used for infected people in the [growing stage]."

"Ordinary compatible people will never wake up if they use one."

"In previous cases, 'Seventh Step' compatibility only needed to use one."

"But against [Complete Body] infected people, using these ten together may not have any effect."

"If you want to deal with the [Leader], you definitely can't rely on this."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately put away the box and was about to thank him when Duan Lihe continued: "The [Leader's] landing sites have been prepared. The locations are in the desert area in the northwest corner of our country; in the mountainous area in the south; and in the northeast. Forest area.”

"I will send you the specific coordinates right away."

"The system has planned detailed landing and transfer routes for these three areas. As long as you follow the routes, you will not encounter any life forms."

"Relevant departments have dispatched a large number of robots and will continue to evacuate and expel life forms near these three areas."

"As long as you arrive near any of these three places, there will be high-ranking compatibility people from the ghost team coming to meet you."

"Everything that follows will be done according to the arrangements of the ghost team."

Having said this, Duan Lihe took out a special ID and a document bag with "Top Secret" printed on it from his pocket, handed them to Zhou Zhen, and said: "This is the pass for the Xingkong Law Enforcement Corps, and the Xingkong Compatible deployment order from the Law Enforcement Corps.”

“No matter which way you take from China to the Skade Solu Peninsula, you need to pass through several countries.”

"The pass allows you to travel freely in these countries. If necessary, some of the nearby Chinese troops stationed in our country can be recruited for your use."

"The dispatch order allows you to freely use the 'digital' equipment of the compatibility within our country, as well as the idle compatibility of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps."

"Please note that the transfer order is only valid for 24 hours."


Dispatch order?

Zhou Zhen was slightly startled and was about to refuse, but Duan Lihe quickly put these two things on the table and rushed out of the room in a hurry.

"I have other things to do. The [Leader's] mission, whether it succeeds or fails, please send me a message."

"Also, be careful!"

Looking at the information sent by Duan Lihe on the visual sensor, Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses. Duan Lihe was anxious to deal with other urgent matters and had no time to delay here, so regardless of whether he needed these things or not, he first Everything is open to him.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen put away the passes and dispatch orders.

He won't be able to use these two things for the time being, but he can't throw them away, otherwise if something happens, the responsibility will definitely be on him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen stood up, took the box, and turned back to the bedroom.

He operated on the visual sensor and set the bedroom to "Do Not Disturb". After confirming that the entire room was closed and no one would enter by mistake under normal circumstances, he took out a sealed bottle from the box. The syringe, unpacked, inserted into the neck.

As soon as the needle tip penetrated Zhou Zhen's skin, the push rod immediately fell automatically.

The light brown liquid was injected into his body at a relatively fast speed.

Maybe it was because he had slept twice a moment ago, but Zhou Zhen didn't feel any changes in his body after injecting the [Digital Tranquilizer] this time.

So, he picked up another [Digital Tranquilizer] and continued to inject himself.

After taking two high-purity [Digital Tranquilizers], he finally felt a little sleepy.

Zhou Zhen knew in his heart that the medicine was working!

Without any hesitation, he immediately lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.


Skadesoulu Peninsula.

The green mountains are undulating like dragons. There is a little snow on the top of the mountain, and the lush vegetation is full of layers. The melted snow from the mountains gallops between the narrow and steep cliffs, turning into clear and cold water into the fjords and rushing all the way into the sea.

Scattered settlements dot this fertile land, whether towns or villages, they are as cute as a fairy tale world.

The fishy sea breeze rushed in from a distance, and the fallen leaves were flying all over the sky. Zhou Zhen's consciousness gradually awakened.

He immediately saw that he was now suspended in the air, and the metal threads on the back of his head seemed to have increased a lot. Maybe it was because the height from the ground was not enough at the moment. The metal threads protruded from the back of his head and formed again directly in front of the metal face. Go to Cocoon Mountain.

The new Cocoon Mountain is like a huge awl, with the tip pointing towards the earth.

On the top of Cocoon Mountain, several metal cocoons have broken open from the inside. The [Growth Stage] infected people hatched inside are wandering around regularly, as if they are loyal guards, guarding the [Leader]'s territory. .

Each of these [Growth Stage] infected people wandering around has a thin metal thread running through the vast sky to connect with the [Leader].

The [Leader] is still blocking the entrance to the wormhole with his body.

Zhou Zhen felt sure that he was back in the [Leader's] body again.

He immediately turned around, looking for the "pioneer" on No. 009.

The huge metal face slowly rose into the sky. Zhou Zhen looked down at the earth. He turned 360 degrees but found no trace of the digital outline. However, there seemed to be several more "digital forests" near the wormhole!

Looking at these "digital forests" that suddenly appeared, Zhou Zhen thought about it carefully and quickly came up with a guess...

When the civilization of the parent star No. 142875 of the K Southern Cross star cluster launched "pioneers" to other civilizations in the galaxy, many of the "pioneer" "equations" made errors when they were substituted, and were divided into various parts of the world, respectively. The surrounding environment merges and becomes an initial "digital forest"...

Although most of today's "digital forests" are spread through "carriers", the earliest "digital forests" were formed from "equations" after the "pioneers" were divided.

And when he controlled [Leader] just now, in order to prevent the "Pioneer" on No. 009 from returning to its home planet, he directly tore the opponent into pieces...

The "Pioneer" on No. 009 already has very serious deficiencies. Without a body to attach to, it is possible to merge with the surrounding environment at any time and become a new "digital forest".

After being torn apart by him, the opponent's condition deteriorated to the extreme, and he could no longer control his integration with the surrounding environment...

This should be the reason why there are so many "digital forests" suddenly appearing here.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen stopped caring about those "Digital Forests", but immediately controlled the [Leader]'s body and flew upwards.

For a moment, the [Leader] was like a huge spaceship, quickly rising into the sky without any sound.

The cocoon mountain that was originally suspended in front of it also turned into an "awl" dragged below it as the metal face rose.

The [Growth Stage] infected people who were originally swimming around were immediately pulled by the metal wires, and they all floated up together, floating towards the depths of the deep night sky.

Zhou Zhen flew until he reached a height close to the stratosphere, where the air was already very thin. The entire Skade Solu Peninsula below had shrunk to the size of an earthworm. The cold stars above his head seemed to be within reach, and then he stopped.

At this height, creatures on the ground should not be infected.

The next moment, he controlled the [Leader] and flew directly towards the location of Hua...

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