Ash Civilization

Chapter 338 Dimension of Life. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Binhai City, mother ship.

Dedicated lounge.

The lighting is dim enough for sleeping, and the temperature of the air conditioner rises slightly, blowing the quilt slowly.

Zhou Zhen was lying on the bed, his chest rising and falling evenly, as if he was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly and sat up.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Zhou Zhen immediately checked the visual sensor. The situation was similar to the situation just now. The main channel was still silent, and the system did not release any new messages.

The mission information was empty. During the time when he just fell asleep, the system did not send him any errands.

After confirming that there was nothing important for the time being, Zhou Zhen immediately began to sort out the information he had just received in the classroom...

In the Fourth Civilization Calendar, in 6589, civilization No. 142875 of the K Nebula in the Southern Cross of the Milky Way Galaxy launched a large number of "pioneers" to other civilizations in the Milky Way.

The specific amount invested in each civilization is directly proportional to the level of the civilization.

The higher the civilization level, the more "pioneers" are released.

Planet No. 05 in the solar system is the Earth.

The number of "pioneers" put in is 9714.

Planet No. 1057 in Cygnus, No. 8620 in Vela, No. 29887 in Cassiopeia... the number of "pioneers" released is not as good as that of Earth.

This is because the level of civilization on these planets is much lower than that of the earth in the judgment of civilization No. 142875.

"Pioneers" are the source of infection for these "digital viruses" that are released to the planet.

The method used by civilization No. 142875 to launch "pioneers" is not physical launch, but "mathematical" launch.

This kind of mathematical projection is not carried out in the three-dimensional world, but in the one-dimensional world.

The specific operation is to first obtain the coordinates of the mathematical equations of the corresponding galaxies in the universe, then divide the "equations" of the one-dimensional part of the "Pioneer" and substitute them one by one into the coordinates "equations" of the corresponding galaxies...

This is the origin of the global "digital virus" 40 years ago in Earth time.

Then there's "Digital Rain," which is the "equation" of the one-dimensional part of "Herald."

All "pioneers" are released during their slumber.

For example, Zhou Zhen's first "digital rain" was from a mathematics teacher at a school in the suburbs of Binhai City. For this "pioneer", the other party's other dimensions were still on the planet No. 142875 of the K star cluster in the Southern Cross. On the screen, only its one-dimensional part has been dreaming of a math teacher.

And his second drop of "digital rain" was the manager of Fudi Amusement Park in Tongfu City. For this "pioneer", the same is true. The other dimensions of the opponent still remain on its home planet, and the one-dimensional part is dreaming of an amusement park.

The third drop of "digital rain" comes from No. 009, and the prototype seems to be a cat.

This shows that the other party was dreaming about becoming a cat at the beginning...

Later, No. 009 was replaced by the "digital rain" on his body. The real reason was that the other party had entered a wormhole and left the earth, causing the "digital rain" on him to wake up from his "dream"!

Next, No. 009 was replaced by "Pioneer", but this early awakening seemed to have something wrong.

The purpose of the other party's coming to Binhai City this time is to awaken the "digital rain" in other compatible people and record the changes in "digits" to find a solution to the problem.

So, the other party came to him...

Now, the three drops of "digital rain" on his body, the first drop of "digital rain", are still dreaming of being a mathematics teacher. The goal of this "pioneer" is to become the principal, so the number of students in the school, the number of students Grades, number of teachers...all very important!

When he met No. 009, the reason why First Drop of "Digital Rain" took the initiative was to catch, no, to "invite" this new teacher who he thought had good abilities to join the team in order to get a promotion and a salary increase. The logic of stepping onto the principal's throne as soon as possible is very simple.

The second drop of "digital rain", the current dream, is the administrator of Fudi Amusement Park, and then he was forced to work part-time as a math teacher, and fell in love with him, a student...

This "pioneer" now feels very happy and has a sweet dream.

The third drop of "digital rain" came from No. 009. The other party was originally awake, but was also pulled into his dream by the first drop of "digital rain", so he followed the first drop of "digital rain". Rain", having the same dream.

However, because he interrupted the final ending of the first drop of "digital rain" at that time, the third drop of "digital rain" maintained a little sanity.

Later, when he was fighting the [Leader], he fell into weakness.

The awake part of the "equation" of the third drop of "digital rain" took the opportunity to escape from the dream of the first drop of "digital rain" and got into the body of the [Leader].

This is why the "formula" of the "pioneer" is incomplete.

These three drops of "digital rain" are all dreaming now and are relatively stable.

But once anyone wakes up, his situation may be even more troublesome than No. 009!

Next up are the Infected and the Compatible…

The civilization of the planet No. 142875 in the K Southern Cross cluster used technology to separate the one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional parts of the living body in order to study the "digital virus".

It's like those "pioneers," the one-dimensional parts of the "pioneers," are the source of the virus.

But the other dimensions of "Pioneer" are still normal life forms.

Therefore, on planet No. 142875, the "digital virus" only exists in dreams.

Everything on the entire planet is still functioning normally.

Other civilizations in the galaxy like Earth do not have the technology of Planet No. 142875. As long as they are infected with the "digital virus", it will infect the entire life form.

The infected people on the earth, if described using the knowledge of planet No. 142875, are [three-dimensional evolvers], who only evolve the three-dimensional part of the living body, and other dimensions remain unchanged.

Compatibles on Earth evolve simultaneously in one, two, and three dimensions.

In the same way, the so-called "pioneers" on planet No. 142875 are actually one-dimensional evolvers who only evolve one-dimensional parts of life forms, leaving other dimensions unchanged.

However, being called "pioneers" means that they have evolved one-dimensionality to the extreme.

According to the theory of Planet No. 142875, a one-dimensional equation that has evolved to the extreme can become a four-dimensional life form by merging with a three-dimensional equation that has also evolved to the extreme.

If the two-dimensional equations are further evolved to the extreme and merged, they should be able to become higher-dimensional life forms.

Yes, although the life forms on planet No. 142875 are out-and-out advanced civilization life forms for the earth, they are not yet high-dimensional life forms!

The reason why the civilization of Planet No. 142875 has been sending "digital viruses" to other civilizations in the galaxy is to create infected people who have evolved to the extreme and complete the improvement of the life dimension!

Speaking of which, the [Complete Body] infected people on Earth are already very close to the ultimate in three dimensions, but they are still a little short of it.

Of course, we don’t know what the specific difference is, and we don’t know the civilization of planet number 142875.

If it were known, the civilization of this Southern Cross planet would definitely use technology immediately to speed up the process...

As for other experimental civilizations, according to the records of planet civilization No. 142875, those with higher progress than Earth have been destroyed by "digital viruses" in previous experiments; those with slower progress than Earth are the highest-level infected , they are still only in the [growth stage].

In addition, according to the calculations of the civilization of Planet No. 142875, the next planet that will be completely destroyed by the "digital virus" is basically the Earth!

Finally, there is the “Digital Forest”…

More than 99% of the "digital forest" is the "pioneer"'s "formula" placement error!

Although the civilization of Planet No. 142875 has launched "digital viruses" to other planets many times, its grasp of "digital viruses" is not comprehensive.

There are a total of 9,714 "pioneers" released to the earth.

But those who have truly succeeded in retaining the original "equation" can only have two digits at most!

The "pioneer" on No. 009 has been searching for many years on the earth, and only a few of his kind have been seen.

The remaining more than 9,000 "pioneers" were all caused by errors in the substitution of "equations". A set of "equations" were divided into various parts of the world, and were integrated with the surrounding environment to become initial "digital forests". …

It took some time to sort out the information. At this moment, the lights were getting brighter and the temperature of the air conditioner began to drop significantly. The cold breath fell on Zhou Zhen's face, making him feel awake.

He breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot in his sitting position.

Before, he was still worried that the "Pioneer" on No. 009 would launch an interstellar war on the earth after escaping back to his original planet.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry.

The "digital" infected people on the earth are the ones with the best development among the galactic civilizations now!

Even if that "pioneer" wants to take action against the earth, the other life forms on No. 142875 will never agree!

After all, this involves the interests of the entire civilization.

"This information does not introduce the true origin of the 'digital virus'."

"There is no introduction to the planet No. 142875. Whether it was attacked by other higher-level civilizations."

"Now it seems that this is just an experiment of the civilization of planet No. 142875, and there is no Star Wars."

"However, this is only less than one-tenth of the content. When we have time in the future, we can interpret all the remaining digital information and we should be able to know some specific situations."

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen began to think seriously about his own problems.

According to the analysis of the information he obtained this time, the reason why his consciousness came to the infected person's body was essentially because his "one-dimensional equation" was separated from his other dimensions!

When he is sleeping, his "one-dimensional equation" will not be able to sense other dimensions of his own, and will randomly substitute himself into the dimensions of other living beings!

This kind of substitution has a strong priority.

First, the life form with stronger three-dimensional "equation mode" has the highest priority.

Second, the weaker the one-dimensional equation, the higher the priority.

Ordinary people can only satisfy the second point, but not the first point.

Compatible people are dissatisfied with both.

And all infected people meet these two conditions at the same time.

He was able to enter [Leader]'s body just now because [Leader] was a [Complete Body] infected person.

The opponent's three-dimensional equation is the strongest he has seen recently.

The one-dimensional equation of [Leader] should have been directly absorbed when it was parasitized by the "Pioneer" No. 009!

This is the "Pioneer" No. 009. The reason why he can immediately take charge of the [Leader] body after leaving the [Leader] is because at that time, the Leader no longer has a one-dimensional equation!

Zhou Zhen's consciousness naturally became the new owner of the [Leader]'s body!

In the same way, the "Pioneer" No. 009 was able to control the [Leader] at first because the one-dimensional equation of the [Leader] was too weak, so it was absorbed by the "Pioneer".

But later, after he took control of the [Leader], the "Pioneer" No. 009 used the same method, but failed to regain control of the [Leader]. This was because his one-dimensional Equation, not that weak.

The "Pioneer" No. 009 was in a disabled state at the time, and nothing could be done to him.

In addition, the "Pioneer" No. 009, after taking control of the [Leader], directly chose to escape instead of controlling the body of the [Leader] and fought with him and Duan Lihe because the other party's "equation" was incomplete and could only Controlling the body of the [Leader] cannot use the "Digital Domain" of the [Leader].

“I would enter the classroom and be affected by the first drop of ‘digital rain’.”

"In other words, as long as the first drop of 'Digital Rain' does not affect me, as long as I no longer encounter other [Complete Body] infected people, I will definitely enter the [Leader]'s body again."

"This is actually very simple. One way is to use medicine."

"Just ask Duan Lihe for a [Digital Tranquilizer] that can act on the 'Seventh Step'."

"The second one is to find the first drop of "digital rain" to ask for leave!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately selected the internal channel on the visual sensor, called up Duan Lihe's name from the interpersonal relationship column, edited a message and sent it: "I have important information and can capture the [Leader] alive."

"Captain Duan, I wonder if it's convenient for you right now?"

In just one second, Duan Lihe quickly replied: "He'll be there soon!"

After the communication ended, Zhou Zhen got up and walked out of the bedroom, went to the outside, pulled out a chair pushed under the table, sat down, and waited patiently.

Not long after, a pleasant doorbell sounded from a wall beside him.

Zhou Zhen immediately stretched out his hand and waved slightly at the wall. The wall slid open silently, revealing Duan Lihe's figure outside the door.

At this moment, he was still dressed in a white tunic suit and a golden ribbon. The energy around him was boiling, and his momentum soared into the sky. It was extremely amazing, as if he had just returned from a battle.

Zhou Zhen looked at Duan Lihe, who had not completely restrained the energy fluctuations, with a calm expression. The situation in Binhai City was now in danger. As the leader of the rescue mission of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Group, Duan Lihe must have been leading the way in some mission just now. After receiving his news, Came back temporarily.

As for Zhou Zhen himself, the biggest reason why he has been without missions for so long is that he will be infected by compatible people below the "Sixth Step".

As long as there may be tasks for compatibility below the "Sixth Step" on site, the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps will not arrange them for him...

Zhou Zhen was thinking quickly. Outside the door, Duan Lihe strode in, grabbed the back of a chair, and before he could pull it open and sit down, he couldn't wait to ask: "Have you found the position of [Leader]?" ?”

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