Ash Civilization

Chapter 316 Remaining times. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Thinking of this, Guo Chengbo took out a very ordinary-looking gray pistol. However, the muzzle was not pointed at No. 009, but at the digital movie projector hidden behind the wall opposite the big screen, and he directly pulled the trigger. .


The bullet penetrated the space and appeared directly behind the wall. The huge digital movie projector and its surrounding environment were completely penetrated.

All that was left was a gray void.

The bullets fired by the gray pistol look very ordinary, but their power is even more amazing than high-yield explosives!

However, even though the digital movie projector was completely destroyed, the movie on the big screen was not affected at all and continued to play.

At this moment, in the same scene as this exclusive sofa room on the screen, Duan Lihe, standing where Guo Chengbo was, was surrounded by eight metal rings of different colors and sizes. These metal rings were like miniature solar systems, rotating at an accelerated speed. .

The huge suction force seemed to create an invisible black hole in place, sucking in all the dark red velvet sofas, carpets, floors, walls... in the exclusive sofa room in the movie.

The entire exclusive sofa room collapsed. Only Luo Yuchen and No. 009 seemed to be completely unaware of the abnormality and were still sitting in their original places.

Looking at this weird scene on the big screen, Guo Chengbo frowned, immediately raised his gun, pointed it at the big screen, and fired another shot!


The pistol bullet with astonishing power just hit the big screen, but it did not cause any damage to the screen. Instead, it penetrated directly through the curtain and into the world of the movie!

boom! ! !

The original panoramic shot on the big screen was instantly transformed into a close-up. The entire background was blurred into blurry blocks of color, with the center closely following the trajectory of the pistol bullet. During the shuttle from the outside to the inside, the bullet was always moving. It was crystal clear, until it hit the concrete floor of the movie world and burst into full bloom.

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, large clouds of smoke and dust flew into the sky, and the bare concrete steps were instantly wiped out. Terrifying shock waves roared across the ruins of the exclusive sofa hall, and the void frequently experienced brief distortions, showing the astonishing destruction. force.

Because the camera was zoomed in, Luo Yuchen and No. 009 disappeared from the screen at this moment.

Duan Lihe, who was standing at the highest point, used eight metal rings to protect his whole body in time, resisting the shock wave caused by the gray pistol bullets.

At the same time, he looked around with doubtful eyes. He seemed to be very familiar with the bullet that suddenly appeared just now, but he didn't know where the bullet was fired from?

Looking at this extremely unreasonable scene outside the screen, Guo Chengbo frowned and immediately realized that he might also be in a movie!

Guo Chengbo's eyes sharpened, and he looked at No. 009 in the center of the exclusive sofa hall again. The real ghost No. 009 had made some preparations before completely losing his self-awareness. The other party's current energy intensity would not be greater than his. high!

However, compared to his opponent, his fighting style and use of digital energy are too lagging behind!

If you want to win, you must first find a way to end this movie!


Changfang District, pedestrian street.

On both sides of the neat streets are various shops.

There was no one here at the moment. The leafy trees surrounded the buildings with white walls and black tiles, which looked unique.

Step, step, step...

Unhurried footsteps sounded, and a figure wearing a ghost armor walked calmly through the long street.

The style of the armor is very special, with black metal as the main body, and the joints, shoulder armor, and helmet showing a lavender gradient, like the clear wings of an insect, light and sharp.

As this ghost walks, a rectangular cube covered with purple numbers, symbols, theorems, formulas... floats on its shoulders.

From the moment he entered this pedestrian street, Ghost turned his head slightly like Guo Chengbo just now. The ghost armor immediately automatically scanned all the surrounding data and uploaded it to the ghost team headquarters in real time.

After walking around the entire pedestrian street and making sure that all peripheral data had been recorded, the ghost turned around and walked towards the Jiwei Cinema.

He walked through the garden in the middle of the street, stepped up the steps, and came to the entrance of Jiwei Cinema. The four-wing revolving door happened to be accessible at this time.

This ghost was about to walk in. At this moment, a message was suddenly received on the visual sensor.

Looking at the head marked bright red, the ghost immediately checked the content.

This is news from Ghost Team Headquarters!

The message is very simple: Don’t go into the cinema!

Without any hesitation, this ghost immediately stopped, then turned away from the four-wing revolving door in front of him, and slowly backed away, step by step away from the cinema entrance.

After exiting the street garden in front of the cinema and returning to the main pedestrian street, after confirming that a sufficient safe distance had been maintained between the cinema and the cinema, the ghost immediately sent a question to the headquarters: What happened?

The headquarters quickly responded: Wait until the movie is over.

Wait for my predecessor No. 009 to come out from inside.

Don't play fancy games with your opponent, just compete in strength! Compare in energy!


At the same time, on the sidewalk opposite the Binhai City Public Security Department building, Zhou Zhen stood motionless. To his left and right, stood Ji Xuexun and Tan Wenyu under the control of Chu Jingyan.

Behind Ji Xuexun were followers such as Feng Wenwen and Liang Xiaodie.

In the middle of the road, the outline of No. 009's black and white horizontal and vertical lines stood still, and the eight celestial-like metal rings around him were dissipating little by little, as if the special effects had ended.

Along with the disappearance of the largest cyan metal ring, the outline of No. 009's black and white horizontal and vertical lines quickly collapsed like a toppled sand tower.

The dense black and white horizontal and vertical lines, like an old-fashioned monitor with poor contact, flickered violently for a few times before disappearing into the air without a trace.

Ji Xuexun kept a sick smile and watched this scene without blinking.

The moment the black and white horizontal and vertical lines of No. 009 disappeared, her expression immediately dropped, she turned her head and looked at Zhou Zhen quietly.

Thick long eyelashes fluttered like small fans, Ji Xuexun's eyes were bright and full of strong expectation.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly under her gaze, already understanding in his heart.

They are now in a two-dimensional movie world.

And the No. 009 they saw was a two-dimensional microcosm of the world.

Ji Xuexun just ate the one-dimensional part of the two-dimensional miniature No. 009!

Without a dimension, the miniature of No. 009 cannot continue to be presented in this two-dimensional world.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately released the digital domain of [Nightmare Mirror].

The next moment, Ji Xuexun, Feng Wenwen, Liang Xiaodie, Fan Nian... these girls in the class, their bodies turned into a ball of numbers, formulas, theorems... and then disappeared into the air and disappeared.

Only Zhou Zhen and Tan Wenyu were left in the same place.

Tan Wenyu suddenly closed her eyes at this moment. When she opened them again, her beautiful face was full of confusion.

Chu Jingyan also went back!

After looking around and confirming the current situation, Zhou Zhen immediately took his mobile phone, then picked up Tan Wenyu and left here quickly.

While walking at a fast pace, he said very seriously: If we go in now, we may infect the people inside.

And what I want to do has been done.

You can go.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen immediately realized that something was wrong.

These words were not spoken by him, but by his own mouth!

This is the scene when he left the Binhai City Sheriff's Department building for the first time!

Although he seemed to be the winner in the battle just now, he is slowly becoming part of the plot of this movie!

At this time, hearing Zhou Zhen's inexplicable words, Tan Wenyu didn't feel any problem at all. After being pulled by Zhou Zhen for a short distance, she suddenly asked cautiously: Zhou Zhou, Brother Zhou, are there many officials? A 'digital compatible' like you?

Is it possible to deal with those infected just by becoming a 'digital compatibility'?

After asking this question, Tan Wenyu looked slightly confused at first. She seemed to feel that this question was a bit familiar.

But soon, she felt that she had remembered it wrong!

Then he looked at Zhou Zhen expectantly.

Zhou Zhen saw the change in her expression and frowned slightly. Tan Wenyu's situation was even worse than him!

Not surprisingly, as long as this plot is repeated again, Tan Wenyu will not remember anything and completely become a part of the plot of the movie!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not answer the question, but just held the other person's arm and walked silently.

Soon, the two came to a mountain-shaped skyscraper.

This building is luxurious and elegant, surrounded by a garden with many precious plants. It is full of the smell of money from head to toe.

Zhou Zhen stopped on the sidewalk opposite the building. This time, he did not use the [Airdrop Trojan] to take over the Hongshan Group's monitoring system.

However, it was exactly as he imagined.

Even though he did nothing, the surveillance footage of the Hongshan Group headquarters building automatically appeared in his mind.

He immediately saw the scene on the 281st floor of the main building where Xie Qiongning was choosing clothes, jewelry and bags surrounded by many big-name staff.

Then, time jumped, and all the busy workers in the building turned into zombies!

The 281st floor where Xie Qiongning was located was plunged into darkness that could not be seen through.

Zhou Zhen stood on the sidewalk, thought carefully, and took Tan Wenyu down the road, through the garden, and entered the Hongshan Group headquarters building.

Just like the previous two times, they entered the lobby smoothly, got on the elevator, and reached the 281st floor.

After stepping out of the elevator, passing through a portal that normally has many verifications, you entered a huge space that was completely opened.

Among all kinds of expensive luxuries, in the center of the floor, there is a door that emits a faint light.

Seeing this familiar door, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath.

This is Xie Qiongning’s “Digital Forest”, [Prisoner’s Chamber].

When he experienced this plot for the first time, this [Prisoner's Chamber] had three identical portals suspended in mid-air.

During the second playthrough of the plot, the opponent's [Prisoner's Chamber] only had two doors.

Now for the third time, Xie Qiongning’s [Prisoner’s Secret Room] has only the last door left!

If this plot were to be experienced again, Xie Qiongning's [Prisoner's Secret Room] would disappear directly and be completely taken away by No. 009!

In the fifth plot, Xie Qiongning himself will also become a part of this movie.

Now, Tan Wenyu can probably experience the plot one last time.

Xie Qiongning can support the plot two more times.

As for Zhou Zhen himself, although he is still awake, many of his body's behaviors have begun to go out of control.

If you give a rough estimate, he can probably repeat the plot three to four more times.

In these three or four plots, even if he can defeat the two-dimensional miniature of No. 009 every time, he will still end up with all the equations taken away by No. 009!

This may be the fighting method of advanced civilized life forms!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen picked up his phone and looked at the time. The screen clearly showed: 15:41.

After reading the time, he did not take back his phone, but opened the previous call history.

According to the information he has collected now, no matter if he calls any contact on his mobile phone, the caller will definitely be forcibly picked up by No. 009.

But there is one person who is an exception!

As long as the call can get through, the other party will definitely receive it.

At least it won't change until this digital forest is completely swallowed up by No. 009!

He now wants to make a comeback. One way is to rely on the digital rain in his body; the second way is... to rely on himself!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately dialed the selected phone number.


The call was quickly connected. Without waiting for the other party to speak, Zhou Zhen quickly said: Hello, I'm Zhou Zhen...


JW Cinema.

In the spacious exclusive sofa hall, Luo Yuchen and No. 009 sat in the two middle seats, heads held high, staring at the big screen in front of them without blinking.

At this moment, the screen was showing a scene exactly like the one in the sofa hall. Guo Chengbo was standing where he had just come in, looking solemnly at the devastated scene on the screen in front of him. The gray pistol in his hand had not been completely put down.

The blazing firelight illuminated Guo Chengbo's face, giving the current exclusive sofa room a somewhat warm color.

Jingle Bell……

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Luo Yuchen's pocket rang.

Luo Yuchen, who had been maintaining fixed movements and a dull expression, seemed to suddenly come to life. He immediately took out his mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and immediately connected the call.


Zhou Zhen?

I'm watching a movie called Horror Zombies. This movie is really good! It's so thrilling! It's so exciting...

You like this movie too?

Hahaha! Good taste, one-tenth of my style!

How did the former ghost No. 009 die in the movie?

Here, let me think about it...

Yeah! I remembered...

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