Ash Civilization

Chapter 315 Battle. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Postmodern sculptures stand quietly beside the empty road. A wall painted in blue and green surrounds the tall Public Security Bureau building. The entire glass forms a deep blue lake vertical to the ground, with a brilliant reflection in the center. Golden radiance.

Tan Wenyu followed Zhou Zhen step by step. As soon as she saw this building, the uneasy expression on her face immediately calmed down. It was as if she was going through this plot for the first time and saw this Public Security Department building, which symbolizes asylum and stability. Same.

Zhou Zhen looked at the familiar building in front of him with a solemn expression.

The plot is repeated again!

This time, he wants to prevent Lu Jun from contacting the outside world!

No, that's not right...

What he is facing now is a complete drop of digital rain!

A life form of advanced civilization in the true sense!

When the plot was repeated for the first time, Lu Jun had already asked for help from the outside world. It was meaningless for him to stop Lu Jun now.

No. 009 can keep repeating this plot from Lu Jun’s request for help!

Unless Zhou Zhen can go back to the past timeline and go back to before the first plot repetition, he can stop Lu Jun.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen's mind suddenly pictured the scene in the office on the 201st floor of the Public Security Bureau Building.

Lu Jun, who was smoking a cigarette, heard the sound of banging on the office door. He called up the surveillance camera and sat upright vigilantly.

The next moment, the armored door was knocked open, and zombies swarmed in like a tide. Lu Jun immediately took out a submachine gun from under the table and opened fire wildly.


The sound of gunfire was like dense raindrops, continuous and continuous.

Zhou Zhen's face changed slightly. This time, he had not used the digital domain of [Airdrop Trojan], but the surveillance footage from inside the Public Security Department building automatically appeared in his mind!

His behavior of using [Airdrop Trojan] to invade the surveillance system of the Public Security Bureau building and search for Lu Jun has become part of the plot of this movie!

In the blink of an eye, the picture in Zhou Zhen's mind changed, and all the zombies turned into jumping black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

Lu Jun held the gun and showed no intention of relaxing. He asked very vigilantly: Who?!

The black and white horizontal and vertical lines converged into the open space like running water, forming a human-shaped outline that blended ancient armor and modern mecha.

At this moment, Tan Wenyu, who was standing next to Zhou Zhen, suddenly asked very carefully: Sir Zhou, no, Zhou, Brother Zhou, this is the Public Security Department, shouldn't we... go in?

The third time he heard this question, Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately looked at his phone. On the screen, the time had jumped from 15:32 to 15:39.

At the same time, Tan Wenyu also felt that the question she asked seemed a bit familiar.

However, this slight feeling is not as strong as before, as if I just remembered it wrongly.

Immediately afterwards, dense black and white horizontal and vertical lines appeared again on the two people.

Exactly like last time, countless tiny figures immediately appeared on Zhou Zhen's body. They piled up and squirmed like living creatures. They roared and eroded, and at the snap of a finger, they suppressed the black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

The black and white horizontal and vertical lines on Tan Wenyu's body were also simultaneously absorbed and cleared by Zhou Zhen.

Postmodern-style sculptures, street lights, greenery, roads, walls, shops... everything around is shrouded in overwhelming black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

This scene is just like in PS software, someone suddenly took a certain brush and smeared it wildly on the layer, quickly contaminating the real scene into a monotonous and weird background.

Like a crude two-dimensional animation, No. 009's outline of black and white horizontal and vertical lines strode out of the Sheriff's Department building that had been completely assimilated into black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

All of this is exactly the same as before!

Zhou Zhen frowned. Just like before, his mind moved slightly, and a sharp knife immediately appeared in his hand.

At the same time, 009 continued to walk towards him, but this time, 009 did not use Tao Nange's digital domain. Eight metal rings rose above his head.

These eight metal rings are of different shapes, sizes, and colors. One of the earthy-yellow metal rings is surrounded by a circle of planetary ribbons, which looks dreamlike, magnificent and beautiful.

All metal rings slowly rotate around 009's body. At the same moment, these metal rings themselves are also slowly rotating.

It looks like a miniature solar system!

Looking at the eight metal rings that suddenly appeared, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt frightened.

His expression suddenly became very serious, energy surged throughout his body, and his sense of crisis continued to soar.

The mysterious feeling made him not careless at all. In his perception, these metal rings in front of him seemed as if he was facing real celestial bodies in the universe at this moment!

At this time, Tan Wenyu's expression suddenly changed. The originally clear and blank eyes quickly faded away, replaced by rage and indifference.

A majestic digital energy emerged from her body, and she suddenly took action, took Zhou Zhen's mobile phone, turned on the photography function, and pointed it at 009.

Chu Jingyan came out on her own!

The last time the plot was repeated, Chu Jingyan did not take the initiative throughout the whole process.

But this time, before the two sides officially started fighting, Chu Jingyan came out directly!

Realizing that the situation was serious, Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately used the Digital Domain, [Nightmare Mirror]!

Immediately afterwards, a complex group of numbers, formulas, symbols, theorems... emerged, rotated, and reorganized in the void beside him.

They quickly turned into a graceful figure, with long black satin hair, a delicate and gorgeous face, a mint green was Ji Xuexun!

Ji Xuexun just appeared and his eyes immediately locked on Zhou Zhen.

At the same time, various numbers, formulas, theorems, symbols also appeared in the space beside her... and then in the blink of an eye, they formed a series of fat and thin figures.

Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen, Sun Yitong, Fan Nian, Lu Han... these are Ji Xuexun's followers in the classroom.

Zhou Zhen ignored the others, looked directly at Ji Xuexun, pointed at No. 009, and said simply: Kill him, and I can consider your love letter!

Remember, just think!

It's not a direct promise!

Hearing this, Ji Xuexun immediately retracted his gaze from Zhou Zhen and looked directly at No. 009. The corners of his rosy mouth slightly curved, revealing an extremely sick smile.

At this time, the rotation and revolution of the eight metal rings on No. 009's head all increased in speed. The originally slow-moving miniature celestial body instantly turned into eight apertures with the same center and different orbits. As they roared and rotated, a terrifying explosion erupted. of suction.

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt as if his body would fall apart in the next moment and be sucked in by the eight rapidly rotating metal rings!

No, it's not just suction, it's also mixed with the vortex-like force produced when space collapses.

Tan Wenyu, who was standing beside him, immediately pressed the shutter quickly under the control of Chu Jingyan.

Click, click, click...

Amidst the continuous sound of taking pictures, Tan Wenyu quickly took nine photos, shutting up No. 009 and the eight metal rings on her head into nine different two-dimensional worlds.

At the same moment, Ji Xuexun's followers also took action.

Feng Wenwen suddenly closed her heels together, as if standing at attention during military training. The moment the heels touched, the ghost boots on her No. 009 feet instantly turned into stiletto heels like hers. After Feng Wenwen stood at attention, she stood motionless. No. 009 suddenly seemed to be frozen, his entire body was fixed in place, unable to move.

The tall and powerful ghost armor is incompatible with the exquisite and beautiful silver diamond-encrusted high-heeled shoes, which looks very funny.

The pearl hairpin stuck to Fan Nian's bangs shimmered, and her long hair that spread all over her shoulders suddenly grew suddenly. The tail of her hair suddenly penetrated into the void, and soon appeared from around No. 009's neck. In an instant, the thick hair covered No. 009's neck. He tightly wrapped around No. 1's neck, and then pulled him towards the position directly above.

At this moment, No. 009 was unable to move; on the other hand, a huge pulling force was exerted on the hair wrapped around his neck, as if his head was to be pulled out of his chest, like a carrot, and he was pulled forcefully. Up in the air!

Liang Xiaodie took out the knife, quickly twirled it in her palm, and cut her own throat without hesitation.

At the same time, a huge wound appeared on No. 009's neck.

In an instant, the outline of No. 009 formed by the black and white horizontal and vertical lines fell directly into a desperate situation!

However, at this moment, the speed of the eight metal rings separated into different plane worlds suddenly accelerated.

One of the largest cyan metal rings suddenly sprinted, shattering the closed plane world and hitting Zhou Zhen.

After seeing this scene, Sun Yitong, who was wearing black leather gloves, took action. She aimed at the cyan metal ring that was whizzing down. She stretched out her hands and the space in front of her was immediately folded like a piece of soft paper. The cyan metal ring was He disappeared in front of Zhou Zhen in an instant, and then appeared behind Zhou Zhen without any hindrance.

boom! ! !

The cyan metal ring slammed into the world behind Zhou Zhen, and the scene covered with black and white horizontal and vertical lines was instantly shattered into pieces.

In Zhou Zhen's field of vision, the huge flat world beneath his feet was directly smashed into pieces by this cyan metal ring with terrifying energy.

This metal ring emitting a faint cyan light is like a broken screw, stuck between the faults of the flat world.

On both sides of the cyan metal ring, the scenes of the flat world flowed rapidly, trying to put them back together again.

However, due to being stuck by this cyan metal ring, there is always a gap in the middle, which cannot be completely closed. A large amount of energy in the digital forest flows quickly through the gap like a flood, and is greedy by the cyan metal ring. Absorbing.


At the same time, the black and white horizontal and vertical lines of No. 009 were cut off by the silver diamond-encrusted high heels and the black hair all over her neck.

The metal rings like eight planets exploded simultaneously in an instant.

boom! ! ! !

Amid the deafening sound, terrifying power exploded.

The flat world under Zhou Zhen's feet was like a cracked mirror, instantly torn apart and covered with spiderweb-like cracks.

The entire movie world was in turmoil, and the sky filled with flames filled everyone's vision.

Click, click, click...

The world groaned unbearably, and cracks appeared alternately, like burnt ceramics.

All space suddenly shattered and fell into a thick darkness.

Zhou Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had just woken up from a dream. He saw himself standing on the same spot intact. In the open space on the left and right, stood Tan Wenyu, Ji Xuexun, Feng Wenwen, Liang Xiaodie, Fan Nian, and Sun Yitong. , Lu Han... and other girls in the class.

Opposite him, the black and white horizontal and vertical outline of No. 009 also remained intact, and in the void beside him were eight metal rings of different colors, sizes, and speeds.

Everything just now seems to be just a dream, and the two sides have not officially started war yet!

This is Chu Jingyan’s “Digital Forest”, [Dream Kingdom]!

Zhou Zhen frowned and stared at No. 009, feeling a little troubled.

The power of each of those eight metal rings is far greater than that of a nuclear bomb.

Chu Jingyan's [two-dimensional space] couldn't close those eight metal rings.

And if you go past the eight metal rings to deal with No. 009, the eight metal rings will self-destruct directly...

Moreover, this is not the true body of No. 009, but a microcosm of what the other party has put into the movie world!

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a little strange.

[Dream Kingdom] reset their previous battle. Under normal circumstances, No. 009 should have taken action again by now. Why is he still standing motionless?

At this time, the surrounding environment changes, the black and white horizontal and vertical lines disappear without a trace in an instant, and the postmodern style sculptures, greening, roads, shops, street lights, walls... all return to normal.

The eight metal rings on the head of No. 009, like special effects due to insufficient graphics card, became very dim and blurry, and seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind at any time.

The aura of No. 009 also seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

However, Chu Jingyan, who was standing beside Zhou Zhen, did not take the opportunity to take action.

Feng Wenwen, Liang Xiaodie, Sun Yitong, Fan Nian, Lu Han...these school belle followers were also motionless and showed no intention of continuing, as if the battle was over.

Zhou Zhen suddenly realized something and turned to look at Ji Xuexun.

Ji Xuexun is still beautiful, with a sick smile on her beautiful face, staring closely at No. 009.


JW Cinema.

In the exclusive sofa hall with dark red velvet sofa chairs, in the empty auditorium, sat the quiet Luo Yuchen, and 009 beside him.

At the entrance, Guo Chengbo looked at the huge screen. The scene on it was exactly the same as this movie theater. Duan Lihe of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Group was standing in the same position as him now.

Looking at this scene, Guo Chengbo's expression suddenly became very solemn.

In case No. 009, those lower-level official compatibility players may not know what's going on.

But high-ranking compatibility people like him and Duan Lihe, who hold important positions, knew the original situation very well!

According to records in the data, after the former Ghost No. 009 was promoted to the Sixth Ladder, he entered a Digital Forest to perform tasks.

In that digital forest, No. 009 casually rescued a cat, and then he got a system!

The system will issue various tasks to No. 009, and after No. 009 completes them, certain rewards will be given.

With this plug-in, No. 009's strength skyrocketed in a short period of time, and eventually became one of the top ten ghosts in the ghost group!

Until the small wormhole incident on the Skade Solu Peninsula, after No. 009 came back, it began to become more and more abnormal!

Perhaps because he discovered a problem with himself, No. 009 wrote a report on all the situations after he obtained the system before he was conscious, and sent it to all those he trusted in the Ghost Team, the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Team, and the Deep Sea Patrol Team. friend……

After an official investigation, it was discovered that the system obtained by No. 009 was actually a drop of digital rain!

Since then, using the body to fuse Digital Rain has been listed as a prohibited item by the above, with the same level of taboo as human experimentation!

Now, Guo Chengbo sees No. 009 again, but under the familiar ghost armor in front of him, it is no longer the 009 he once knew, but a higher civilization life form that occupies the formula of No. 009!

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