Ash Civilization

Chapter 294 High Wall. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Zhou Zhen stood up immediately. He was going to Binhai City!

The sooner the better!

Thinking of this, he picked up his mobile phone and immediately dialed the number of Shiguang.


The call rang three times and the call was connected. Zhou Zhen didn't wait for the other person to speak and said directly: I want to go back to Binhai City, but I don't want anyone to know.

Do you have any special way?

After the case at Binhai Central Hospital, he was assigned to Tongfu City due to his split personality and being an experimental subject.

Like Tao Nange, from the moment he entered Tongfu City, he was not allowed to leave this high-risk city without approval from above, let alone return to Binhai City.

And now, a digital virus disaster has just broken out in Binhai City.

The officials are currently making every effort to reinforce Binhai City, and they will not allow unstable factors like him to enter Binhai.

Therefore, if he wants to go to Binhai City now, the first thing he must consider is to bypass the high wall that blocks Tongfu City.

After he actually returns to Binhai City, he will also participate in the rescue appropriately.

Of course, the premise is that his condition can remain as stable as it is now...

There was silence in the receiver, and Shiguang's calm voice sounded: There is a way, but you are still a newcomer and don't have enough authority.

If you want to escalate your authority, you need to complete more tasks in the organization.

Not enough permissions?

When Zhou Zhen heard this, he immediately frowned. This pickup was too wary, as if he was preventing him from reporting it to the authorities!

However, if Shi Guang doesn't want to say anything, then he will go find the Nine-tailed Fox!

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhen hung up the phone and dialed the number of Nine-Tailed Fox.

Soon, the nine-tailed fox's voice, a little tired and sleepy, came from the phone: What's the matter?

Zhou Zhen asked quickly: I want to go to Binhai City. Is there a way to bypass the high wall without leaving any traces?

Nine-tailed fox replied simply: The organization has a special passage, but you are a new member...

Before the other party could finish speaking, Zhou Zhen immediately said: You said you would do something for me!

The voice of Nine-Tailed Fox was suddenly full of surprise, and she asked with great confusion: When did it happen?

How could I possibly make such a promise!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned. This nine-tailed fox forgets things so quickly.

Fortunately, the other party had left him a note before.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen said quickly: Just about two hours ago, you gave me a piece of paper with a promise written by you personally.

The voice on the phone was silent for a while. After a while, the nine-tailed fox said calmly: Come over here. I want to confirm in person whether the note is mine.

Zhou Zhen said immediately: Okay!

After the call ended, he took out a piece of paper that seemed to be torn from somewhere. On this piece of paper, five words were written simply and clearly: Promise one thing.

This was exactly the note that the Nine-tailed Fox gave him before.

After checking the note to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, Zhou Zhen was about to put it away again when suddenly his heart moved and he was thinking about whether to add a vertical line in the middle of the word 一?

But soon, he shook his head.

He didn't know what method the Nine-tailed Fox used to identify the authenticity of the note. In this situation, it was better not to take risks.

The most important thing is that with the memory of the Nine-tailed Fox, after helping him, he will soon forget that he helped him...

As long as this note is not taken back by the other party, this one thing is equivalent to ten thousand things.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen stepped out of the general control and went to the warehouse to select equipment and supplies.


Ten minutes later, Zhou Zhen, who had changed into a flashy and well-covered attire, came to the underground base of the Ash Order again.

The spotlights crisscrossed to illuminate the long and winding corridor, and the monotonous footsteps hit the mountain walls on both sides, quickly echoing into a slightly hurried sound.

The corridor was empty, with no other people in sight, giving off a deserted feeling.

Soon, Zhou Zhen came to the room with the nameplate of Room SH9.

In order to ask for help, he acted a lot more politely. Instead of using [Plane Jump] to go in directly, he stood at the door and knocked on the door with his hand.

The voice of Nine-tailed Fox soon came from inside: Come in.

Zhou Zhen immediately opened the door and entered. This laboratory looked the same as before.

In the dormant cabin in the corner, the cover was opened. The nine-tailed fox did not sit up this time, but maintained a lying posture. She still looked weak, but her complexion was obviously much better than before. The digital energy in her body ”, in the digital domain [energy observation], a lot has also been restored.

It can be seen that as an experimental subject, the other party's self-recovery ability far exceeds that of ordinary compatible people.

At this time, when he saw Zhou Zhen coming in, the nine-tailed fox did not get up and asked directly: What do you want from me?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately understood that the other party had forgotten about the conversation between the two.

He didn't waste any time, and immediately took out the note given by the Nine-tailed Fox personally, held it in the air, unfolded it towards the Nine-tailed Fox, and said: I have something to do now, and I need your help. .”

As soon as the nine-tailed fox saw this note, her expression suddenly became serious. She immediately stood up from the dormant cabin and made a move from the air. The piece of paper in Zhou Zhen's hand was immediately blown away by a wave of The energy flew into her hand, and then she took out another note with the same texture from the pocket of her hospital gown.

The two slips of paper were placed together and joined together near the bottom.

The cracks in the paper are perfectly aligned, and every detail proves that they were originally a complete piece of paper, but were torn into two parts due to human factors.

After confirming this, the nine-tailed fox immediately relaxed and said: This is indeed my note.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and said quickly: I want to go to Binhai City.

Send me there.

You must get around the high wall without leaving any trace.

Nine-tailed fox said very simply: Okay.

Just wait for me to change clothes and we can set off right away.

Seeing the nine-tailed fox readily agreeing, Zhou Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and then said: Then give me the note first.

I'm worried that you won't remember what you promised me later. With this note here, I can remind you at critical moments.

After hearing this, Nine-tailed Fox thought about it seriously and felt that there was nothing wrong with what Zhou Zhen said, so she immediately returned the note with her promise to Zhou Zhen.

After Zhou Zhen took the note, he turned around and walked out without hesitation.


The corridor was as quiet as ever.

Not long after Zhou Zhen stood at the door and waited, the door of Room SH9 opened again, and a gray figure appeared.

The nine-tailed fox has changed into a green surgical gown, just like a surgeon about to take the stage. The green surgical gown is loose and has no concept of lines and styles. His hair is completely wrapped in a surgical gown. Under the hat, he was wearing a mask and a pair of Crocs. The whole outfit was no different than wearing a sack. Except for a pair of eyes, almost everything was tightly wrapped, and even his hands were wearing a pair of disposable surgical gloves.

Her eyes were calm, and her attitude of not taking her beauty and charm seriously revealed a relaxed charm. After glancing at Zhou Zhen, she said straightforwardly: Let's go.

With that said, the nine-tailed fox took the lead and walked towards the entrance of the corridor.

Zhou Zhen followed immediately.

The two of them walked along the corridor, and soon they left the base and appeared on the slope of the barren mountain.

Although the Nine-tailed Fox was injured, it was traveling very fast. Zhou Zhen needed to constantly use [Plane Jump] to keep up with the opponent.

Under the gray sky, the barren and lifeless land is like an ancient silent movie, quietly playing barrenness and forgetfulness.

Along the way, the nine-tailed fox kept taking out notes and checking the contents.

After a while, a faint mist began to appear ahead.

As they quickly penetrated deeper, the fog began to thicken.

After walking in the fog for a while, a towering shadow spanned the entire field of vision. It was the high wall that separated Tongfu City from the outside world.

The nine-tailed fox stopped under this wall, and Zhou Zhen followed suit.

After a few seconds, the surrounding scene suddenly changed quietly.

A very hidden entrance appeared on the ground almost close to the corner of the wall without any warning.

The entrance is about two meters in diameter and is in the shape of a standard circle. From the outside, it is dark inside and there is nothing visible at all. It is like a jar filled with unknown water. Compared with the mountain-like wall, it looks inconspicuous. .

The entrance is completely natural, and the edges are especially neat, as if it was poured into the surrounding normal ground. It is natural that there is such a hole.

Zhou Zhen looked at the dark entrance in front of him, his eyes fixed and his expression very serious.

This is exactly the same as the way the underground base of Order of Ashes hides the entrance. It uses the numbers of the surrounding environment to cover the numbers of the entrance.

Under normal circumstances, even if ordinary people pass by here, even if they accidentally walk to the entrance, they will pass through and be unable to enter...

After all, this way of hiding the entrance is not simply to disguise or cover up the entrance, but to change the number!

If you want to enter the entrance here correctly, you must first find a way to restore the number at the entrance.

Or, use some special numeric fields...

At this time, the nine-tailed fox had already taken steps and walked towards the entrance.

Zhou Zhen quickly followed.

Step, step, step... the sound of overlapping footsteps sounded in the dark passage.

After both of them entered, Zhou Zhen adjusted to the light a little and found that he was following the nine-tailed fox on a spiral staircase that kept going downwards.

He subconsciously looked back behind him. Normally, he was only one step away from the entrance, but at this moment, his field of vision was dim and the entrance had disappeared without a trace.

In this dark and deep space, the dim staircase is the only definite sight. It spirals down until it reaches the dark bottom that cannot be reached by sight.

In the extremely quiet environment, the sound of footsteps seems to never stop.

This staircase was extremely long. The two of them had been walking for almost an hour. The stairs were still spiraling down, and there were still no other special sights or things around them.

As time passed, the number of times the nine-tailed fox read the notes became more and more frequent.

After about half an hour, the two finally walked down the last step and arrived at the end of the stairs.

There was nothing at the end, only a high, cold wall, solidly blocking their way.

The texture of this wall is familiar to both of them. It is the high wall that has been blocking Tongfu City!

The nine-tailed fox suddenly stopped and looked at the wall in front of him with a very confused expression.

Zhou Zhen also saw that something was wrong and asked hesitantly: What's next?

The nine-tailed fox stared at the wall, shook his head slightly, and said strangely: We didn't enter the bottle just now.

There is no way out now, we can't get out!


Zhou Zhen asked in confusion: What bottle?

The Nine-Tailed Fox took out the note from his pocket and took a look at it before explaining: The high wall that officially blocked Tongfu City is based on a result obtained from the study of 'Digital Rain'.

Many people have tried to fly directly over the high wall in an aircraft.

However, no matter what kind of aircraft it is, as long as it flies near a high wall, you will find that no matter what the maximum height of the aircraft is, the high wall will skyrocket, blocking the front of the aircraft, making it impossible for the aircraft to fly over the high wall. , thus leaving Tongfu City.

But that's just the aircraft's perspective.

From other people's third-person perspective, the high wall has actually not moved. However, after the aircraft flies near the high wall, it will spontaneously descend in height, suppressing the flight height to a position lower than the high wall.

No matter how much the operator of the aircraft accelerates or cannot continue to rise.

This is a theorem related to the theory of relativity.

Some people are also trying to dig an underground passage and pass through the high wall from below to escape Tongfu City.

“But the result is the same, no matter how deep you dig, it’s useless.”

It is precisely for this reason that this majestic high wall can stop so many infected people in high-risk cities.

“However, the organization also has a research result derived from ‘Digital Rain’ called [Klein Bottle], which can be used to overcome this high wall.”

The entrance we just entered is actually the mouth of the [Klein bottle].

“In the [Klein bottle], as long as you move in one direction, you can always go from the inside of the bottle to the outside of the bottle.”

You can also go from the outside of the bottle to the inside of the bottle.

Now the entire Tongfu City is equivalent to the world inside the [Klein bottle].

The high wall is equivalent to the wall of the bottle; and the outside of the bottle is the world outside the high wall.

So, under normal circumstances, as long as we walk from the inside of the bottle to the outside, we can cross the high wall and appear directly outside Tongfu City.

But now, I don't know why, [Klein bottle] has failed...

[Klein bottle]?

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned. Hearing what the nine-tailed fox meant, the official high wall blocking high-risk areas was the result of studying digital rain.

The Klein Bottle of Order of Ashes is also the result of research on Digital Rain.

In the past, the Ash Order used this result to quietly pass through the official blockade wall and be able to freely enter and exit high-risk cities.

But now, the [Klein bottle] is no longer effective!

In other words, he can't leave Tongfu City now?

While thinking, Zhou Zhen suddenly saw the two big white legs hanging on his shoulders, which seemed to be shaking very leisurely.

Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of something and immediately raised his head to look at Digital Rain in a bright red dress.

Digital Rain put his hands on his head and was looking around curiously.

Zhou Zhen immediately understood that the [Klein Bottle] failed because the result of the [Klein Bottle] was obtained by studying Digital Rain.

And now, a drop of digital rain is riding on his shoulders!

This should be when they came in just now, Digital Rain helped him solve the equation of the [Klein bottle]!

Realizing this, Zhou Zhen's face darkened.

But he soon thought that since the [Klein Bottle] was also caused by Digital Rain and was ineffective, then the high walls that came from the same source as the [Klein Bottle] were probably the same!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately asked: How deep is the foundation of this high wall under normal circumstances?

Nine-tailed fox looked at the note and said: 140 meters.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and said immediately: I understand.

This time the [Klein bottle] failed and I can't get out.

You promised to help me, but you didn't do it.

Keep the note with me for now.

I'll come back to you next time I need your help with something else.

With that said, Zhou Zhen directly used [Plane Jump] to leave from here.

The nine-tailed fox stood alone in the empty darkness. After a moment of confusion, she looked around strangely. What was she doing here alone?

While thinking, she subconsciously took out the note from her pocket, took a look at it, and immediately remembered the reason. She wanted to take Sui Shi out of Tongfu City!

But what about the Sui Shi people?

Realizing this, the nine-tailed fox immediately raised his head and looked ahead.

But she saw that the high wall that had just blocked her path had turned into an upward ladder at some point...

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