Ash Civilization

Chapter 293 Missing. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Seeing that Zhou Zhen agreed, Jiyu seemed to suddenly become interested. He immediately snapped his fingers and a beautifully made book appeared in his hand. He stood on the stage and pushed the book towards Zhou Zhen.

The book was held up by an invisible force and flew to Zhou Zhen at a constant speed.

Jiyu said with an exaggerated smile: This is today's program.

What I just performed was a scene from Orfeo; what I'm going to perform next is Medea.

Okay, the start time of the next show is coming soon.

I can't keep the audience waiting.

After the words fell, the curtain closed completely, blocking the sight of both inside and outside.

A moment later, a high-pitched, emotional operatic voice sounded from behind the curtain, and at the same time, the closed curtain slowly opened in two steps.

Jiyu had changed into a gorgeous ancient Greek women's clothing, put her hands on her chest, and uttered a series of ancient Greek words in a crazy and painful manner: Oh, I suddenly remembered the hidden disaster! Children, how long can you live? , can you still extend these lovely arms in the future? [Note]

Zhou Zhen randomly picked a seat in the first row in the audience under the stage and sat down, quietly watching the Jiyu performance.

Anyway, no matter what Jiyu does now, he will stay here for an hour.

After an hour, if Jiyu is fine, he can be sure that his current state should not infect the people around him.

Well, one hour seems not safe enough.

Sister Nan can no longer perform the second equation separation surgery...

It's best to stay here until the effect of this medicine is over and you can take the medicine for the second time, and then leave.

After making up his mind, Zhou Zhen immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Sister Nan: Sister Nan, I have something to do at the moment. I may go back very late.

After sending the message, Zhou Zhen changed to a comfortable position and sat down, lazily watching Jiyu's lifelike performance.

Since there is only one person in Jiyu, he is very busy at the moment. He first plays the female role, and after singing the role part, he immediately changes into a male servant's clothes, and then sings another part. Then he quickly goes to the accompaniment area and takes out the part. Playing musical instruments; finally came to the audience to applaud...

For each character, he has exclusive clothing, makeup, and body language. Whether it is a female character or a male character's lyrics and vocals, he puts 120,000 points of concentration and emotion into them, making them very immersive.

It was as if when he was performing this role, he was completely immersed in it, and he really was the character in the play.

Zhou Zhen watched calmly. At first, he was not interested in Jiyu's performance and simply wanted to complete his own test; but gradually, he saw some tricks.

This Jiyu seems to have a [split personality] too!


The other party's performance looks like a one-man show, but in fact it is not done by one person at all, but the cooperation of many personalities working together!

Unlike those personalities in Zhou Zhen's classroom who bully each other and rely on violence to solve problems, Jiyu's personality seems to be particularly united.

This may be the reason why he didn't see the split personality in Jiyu the last few times he met him.

But how is this done?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately sat up straighter, looked at the stage, and became serious.

He has transplanted part of the knowledge and memory of the Ash Order and knows very well that the Ash Order organization has treated many patients with [split personality].

This Jiyu is very likely to be one of them.

However, the other party does not look like an experimental subject at all, it should just be a simple [split personality]...

Time passed slowly. After a long inner monologue full of sorrow and hatred, Jiyu played a melodious high note and stopped abruptly at the highest point. In the specially designed lounge, the lingering sound lingered.

Jiyu paid attention to the only audience in the audience and saluted gracefully.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and immediately clapped.

The curtains on both sides slowly lowered, and after closing, Jiyu changed into a brand new costume and started the next show.


More than an hour later, Jiyu finished all the programs on the program list.

This time he put on a gorgeous modern suit, stood on the stage with his head held high and energetic for the final curtain call.

Zhou Zhen applauded vigorously with a serious expression.

There are nineteen personalities in total...

In each program, no more than four personalities will appear.

Although the protagonist does not necessarily play the leading role in every program, he appears in every program.

As for those sub-personalities, they are all changed in every program.

All the performances have been completed, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves...

At this time, Jiyu walked down from the stage. Looking at Zhou Zhen who seemed to be still immersed in his performance, he suddenly showed an exaggerated and weird smile, and then asked directly: 'Sui Shi', come to me. What's up?

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, thought for a moment, and said, Nothing, I was just walking around.

By the way, is the show you just performed able to balance the side effects of the sub-personality?

The smile on the corner of Jiyu's mouth suddenly became more exaggerated. He opened his arms as if hugging something, and said in an aria tone: That's not balance, it's digestion!


Zhou Zhen was slightly startled and immediately asked: What do you mean?

Hearing this, Jiyu didn't mean to explain too much. He just smiled and said, You are still a new member. You will naturally know about it in the future.

My show is over and the theater is closing.

Audience, it's time to leave!

Zhou Zhen frowned, but after a slight hesitation, he got up and walked out.

Soon, he left this special lounge and appeared in the corridor outside the door.

Looking at the corridor with interlaced spotlights, Zhou Zhen did not walk away immediately, but stood still, took out his mobile phone, and glanced at the information bar.

More than an hour has passed since I just sent a message to Sister Nan, and Sister Nan still hasn’t responded.

Zhou Zhen thought for a while and dialed Tao Nange's number directly.


The call tone keeps ringing but no one answers. After a while, the system automatically hangs up.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and immediately dialed Tao Nange's mobile phone.

As before, the call went very smoothly, but no one picked up. This situation was very similar to the call he made to Binhai City not long ago.

Zhou Zhen frowned. He originally planned to stay at Jiyu for nine and a half hours before leaving. But now, Tao Nange hasn't responded to his messages and can't get through on the phone. I wonder if something happened?

For more than an hour, everything was normal with 'Jiyu' and there was no other reaction from 'Digital Rain'.

In my current state, there is a high probability that I will not infect the people around me...

To be on the safe side, ask for a [Digital Blocker] from 'Shiguang' again, and then go back immediately!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately dialed the number of Shiguang: Hello, 'Shiguang'? It's me.

I want a [digital blocker]...


On the deserted hillside, a gust of wind blew by, and Zhou Zhen's figure suddenly appeared.

Just like when he arrived, he was now wrapped up tightly, with a wig, a brightly colored suit, leather shoes... his attire was very different from his usual attire, and he couldn't look like his usual self at all.

Zhou Zhen looked around and made sure there was no trace of anyone else here. He identified the direction and immediately used [Plane Jump] to rush towards the Yulan Isolation Point.


Yulan isolation point.

Living Area.

Deep in the small courtyard with a Siamese style, the water in the water lily pond is murmuring, and the faint fragrance escapes in the air, giving off the breath of midsummer.

Zhou Zhen suddenly appeared by the pool and glanced at the two adjacent bedrooms not far away. He strode forward and walked to the door of Tao Nange's bedroom.

Tao Nange's bedroom floor-to-ceiling windows were closed, and the curtains were drawn inside, so he couldn't see what was going on.

Zhou Zhen stood outside the French window and shouted: Sister Nan, are you there?

There was no response in the room, and everything was quiet except for the soft sound of water from the water lily pond behind him.

Zhou Zhen frowned and quickly said: Sister Nan, I'm coming in...

As he spoke, he opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sound of wind caused the white gauze curtains to fly up, like rapidly gathering clouds.

The light sweeps into the room along with the wind, illuminating the Siamese-style bedroom.

It was very clean and tidy inside, but there was no one around.

Zhou Zhen quickly walked in and searched carefully to make sure that Tao Nange was not in this room.

He didn't delay and immediately turned around and left. He went to the breeding area, planting area, trading area... but he didn't find Tao Nange.

Zhou Zhen was very familiar with the rebuilt Yulan Isolation Point, and it didn’t take long for him to search the entire isolation point.

The isolation point was operating normally, but there was no trace of Tao Nange anywhere.

Only the laboratory in the private warehouse had a used syringe of anti-[protective mechanism] medicine. The liquid inside had been used up, and the empty syringe fell to the ground. It seemed that something had happened in a hurry, so that it was used After finishing, I didn’t have time to throw it into the garbage bin dedicated for medicine.

Knowing something was wrong, Zhou Zhen quickly came to the main control room.

The place was almost the same as when he left. Only he and Tao Nange could enter with permission at the entrance. There were no signs of being touched on the few marks on the door.

A picture is suspended in the general control room, taking in the entire isolation point.

Zhou Zhen sat down in front of the main console. After verifying his permissions, he immediately began to check the monitoring of the time period when Tao Nange called him more than an hour ago.

After some searching, Zhou Zhen saw Tao Nange in the laboratory at the time. She was standing in front of the experimental table and answering the phone.

Zhou Zhen checked the time and amplified the sound to confirm that the scene displayed on the surveillance camera was Tao Nange answering the last call he made.

Soon, the call under surveillance ended and Tao Nange put down the phone, but only a few seconds later, the phone rang again.

Tao Nange glanced at the number and picked up the phone again.

The moment she connected it, the surveillance screen instantly went black, and nothing could be seen in the next scene!

At the same time, the sound receiver also fell into silence, and no more noise was heard.

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately entered a line of instructions to test the monitoring equipment.

The equipment self-test results showed that everything was normal, but all subsequent monitoring content in the laboratory was filled with darkness and silence.

He kept fast forwarding until he appeared in the laboratory, and the surveillance screen returned to normal.

Zhou Zhen looked at this scene and frowned even more tightly.

He didn't know what was going on, but something must have happened to Tao Nange!

Without hesitation, Zhou Zhen immediately picked up his phone and prepared to call the officials to explain the situation and see if the officials had experience in this area.

But as soon as the phone unlocked the screen, Zhou Zhen immediately stopped and shook his head slightly.

Officials now believe that he is still suffering from the disease, so reporting this matter may not have any effect!

While thinking quickly, Zhou Zhen suddenly saw an official reminder pushed by the system on his phone.

This is the information that his mobile phone received when he took off the visual sensor and saw the Digital Rain in the Order of Ashes base just now.

At that time, because all my attention was focused on Digital Rain, I didn't have time to check it, and later I forgot about it.

Until now, I was holding my phone and didn’t know who to call, but I happened to see it when I was swiping the screen.

Zhou Zhen clicked on this official notification, quickly browsed the contents, and his expression suddenly became serious.

The content of the notification is very simple: Dear citizens, a major incident has occurred in Binhai City. From now on, any phone call that shows an incoming call from Binhai City, please hang up immediately and do not answer!

Whether the caller is your relative, friend, confidant, boss, colleague... or even an official department of Binhai City, or another unit you think you can trust, as long as the number shows that it is from Binhai City, please do not answer it! Don't answer!

The signature is Mul Loulan.

Looking at this message marked in red, Zhou Zhen frowned and instantly thought of the call Luo Yuchen made to him before.

To avoid causing large-scale panic and riots, at this time, all officials sent a push notification requesting that no calls from Binhai City be answered.

Obviously, the higher-ups must have discovered that there was something particularly serious about the phone call from Binhai City.

This kind of question should be avoided even at the risk of causing all kinds of speculation and uneasiness!

The reason why Zhou Zhen didn't get into trouble just now was because he had digital rain on him.

Furthermore, the current disaster in Binhai City is somewhat related to his classroom. He can resist the problems caused by the phone, but others...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately remembered that Tao Nange in the laboratory surveillance screen received another call after talking to him on the phone...

That phone number is probably Binhai City’s phone number!

Not surprisingly, Tao Nange, like him, had just learned of the accident in Binhai City, but did not know any other news.

So when an acquaintance from Binhai City called me, I answered the call directly. got tricked!

We must go to Binhai City immediately!

Tao Nange's disappearance is definitely related to Binhai City!

[Note] Lines from Medea.

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