Ash Civilization

Chapter 276 Four Color Theorem.

The scene in front of Zhou Zhen turned into a blacksmith shop again.

The tops of the Zhejiang trees are staggered into the outline of distant mountains, and the gray surroundings look like some kind of smoke-laden fence.

In the vast yard, the smell of the furnace spreads fiercely, and the remaining warmth is still biting into the coldness of winter.

Ding, ding, ding... the lingering sound of blacksmithing spread out and slowly stopped like ripples.

The Fourth Dimensional Utopia and others who just talked to him have disappeared.

Zhou Zhen lowered his head and glanced at his current body. In his field of vision, he had now restored his body to that of 2127. This was the body of a healthy adult, with normal nutrition and sufficient strength.

However, he was still wearing Bo Kang's clothes.

Because the homespun fabric was too small and torn, and had little elasticity, it was squeezed by the enlarged body and became even more ragged. It was damaged in many places and was in tatters, and could only barely cover important parts of the body.

At this time, the old blacksmith strode forward. Behind him, footsteps could be heard. Many villagers poured in from outside the yard, holding various farm tools in their hands, and surrounded Zhou Zhen with murderous intent. .

The old blacksmith stared at Zhou Zhen with deep eyes, and said coldly: Come on!

All the villagers immediately started running, turning the blades of their farm tools upside down, and charging towards Zhou Zhen.

This scene is very similar to the previous situation.

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate, and immediately raised his hand, regardless of whether he was still trapped in the ring, a dozen black and red cubes appeared in front of him in an instant.

Boom boom boom boom…

With a deafening loud noise, the battle ended very quickly.

Zhou Zhen quickly cleaned up all the ordinary villagers.

He then used [Plane Jump], appeared in front of the old blacksmith, stretched out his palm, held down the old blacksmith's arm, and at the same time activated [Zero Distance Fear].

Suddenly, a majestic fear swept over the old blacksmith like a stormy sea, swallowing up his mind.

The old blacksmith stood frozen on the spot, his pupils slightly dilated, his limbs weak, and intense fear seized his consciousness, and he could not think of any resistance for a while.

Zhou Zhen looked at him and asked calmly: Has everyone in this village got the 'plague'?

The village chief's youngest son, Ji Li, was the first to get the 'plague'?

The old blacksmith opened his mouth and replied in a very weak voice: Yes, yes...

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly, as expected!

Thinking of this, he was about to continue asking questions when the old blacksmith's head suddenly exploded!


Red and white blood rained all over the sky, and the fishy-sweet smell was instantly strong.

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhou Zhen thought he was going back to the origin of the ring.

But at this moment, the blood and brain matter after the old blacksmith's head exploded immediately turned into dense numbers, graphics, symbols, formulas... like fine raindrops, quietly blending into the surrounding environment.

The next moment, everything around him suddenly changed dramatically.

The entire courtyard, including everything inside, was filled with four colors: red, white, gray and black.

A gray patch appeared under Zhou Zhen's feet, and he saw that his body was dyed pure gray in an instant!

In front of him, separated by three color blocks, was a patch of red. An old figure emerged from the red color block, which was the old blacksmith.

The old blacksmith was completely intact at the moment, and his body was also dyed red!

Zhou Zhen quickly glanced around. At this moment, all the other colors in the entire blacksmith's yard faded away, leaving only the four colors of red, white, gray and black. They separated the entire scene in a staggered manner. The boundaries between colors seemed to be countless irregularities. The gaps between the puzzle pieces are like turning this place into a 3D jigsaw puzzle.

The number of puzzle pieces is hard to count at once, but no matter how cracked they are, each color piece is surrounded by other colors, and there are no adjacent ones of the same color.

This is...[Four Color Theorem]?

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment. The [Four-Color Theorem], also known as the Four-Color Problem and the Four-Color Conjecture, is one of the three major mathematical conjectures in the world.

This problem was posed by the British student Francis Guidry in 1852. Historically, famous mathematicians including Alfred Kelly and Peter G. Tait have tried to solve this problem.

Finally, in 1976, American mathematicians Cornish Appel and Walter Hanke used electronic computers to prove the Four Color Theorem.

It was also the first mathematical theorem to be proved primarily by computer assistance.

It states that on a flat map, countries with common borders can be marked by using four colors to ensure that every two adjacent countries are painted in a different color without causing confusion. In other words, for any flat map, as long as there are no more than four colors, you can find a color distribution method such that the color matching of any two adjacent areas is different.

The adjacent area referred to here means that an entire section of the boundary is common. If two areas only meet at one point or at a finite number of points, they are not called adjacent. 【Note】

Now, the ring seems to have definitely disappeared, but this [Four Color Theorem]...

This is a digital forest!


The dark, cold and damp coffin shop suddenly turned into a village with endless traffic and scattered mud houses.

At this moment, the door was wide open, footsteps were chaotic, and the villagers poured out of the thatched house like a tide, grabbing poles, hoes, rakes... and surrounding the observers and others.

The Crown Eagle of the Four-Dimensional Utopia stretched out two fingers, pointed at the air in front of it, and pinched it gently, as if it was grasping an invisible thread.

Then, with gentle force, he moved the invisible thread to the left.

Step, step, step...

The villagers who rushed forward all passed by the left side of the five people without looking away, heading straight for the empty target. The farm tools that originally hit the five people also fell on their left side, ping ping ping ping ping pong... …Smoke and dust were everywhere from the smashing in the open space, and all attacks could not touch the five people at all.

The villagers who rushed over immediately discovered the problem, turned back immediately, picked up the stones and clods on the ground, and threw them at the five people with all their strength.

Stones and clods of earth roared through the sky, and the moment they were about to hit the five people, their trajectory suddenly curved against physics and landed on the left side of the five people again.

Looking at this scene, the observer immediately looked at the Crown Eagle and asked in a low voice: This is the 'dimensional line', are you also an experimental subject?

Miandiao did not answer this question and walked directly in the direction he came from.

The other two members of Fourth Dimensional Utopia immediately followed.

Sami Draxler glanced at the direction where the three Crown Eagles left, then at the observer, bowed to the observer gracefully, and then walked in the direction of Zhou Zhen just now.

The observer stood alone. Just as he was thinking about where to find Ares, the dimensions of this area had returned to normal, and the villagers who were shouting and killing immediately rushed towards him.

The observer did not hesitate, and the figure disappeared directly from the place.


The courtyard of the village chief's house.

The four colors intersect and divide everything.

The reality is like a holographic puzzle at this moment.

Ares standing in the red color block, covered in red, roared: Kill!

As soon as the words fell, all signs of life for Ji Li, who was standing in the gray block, disappeared in an instant.

His entire body suddenly turned into a ball of pure gray liquid and submerged into the gray earth beneath his feet.

Ares immediately burst into laughter. Just like Lu Xingkuan and the four others just now, the enemy in front of him was absorbed by his Kingdom of God!

He didn't care who the enemy in front of him was. Anyway, if Ji Li dared to blaspheme Him just now, Ji Li's whole family must die!

However, at this moment, Xinchun, who seemed to have been swallowed by the [War Divine Kingdom], suddenly suffered a violent twitch. Then, his face, body, and clothes began to change rapidly, and in an instant he turned into Ji Li's appearance!

Ji Li had just reappeared, and densely packed black and red cubes appeared in the air in front of him.

These cubes seemed to contain majestic energy, turning into powerful shock waves and blasting towards Ares.

Ares immediately turned his head and looked towards Ji Li.

The next moment, the shock wave of red and black all turned into pitch black, and then was absorbed by the black block at Ji Li's feet.

Ji Li also lost weight in an instant, as if he had been hungry for a long time in an instant.

Soon, Ji Li's originally normal body turned into a shockingly skinny body with distinct bones. His breath also quickly weakened, and the remaining strength could not support him standing at all. His whole body felt like he was drowning, facing the black body at his feet. sunk among the blocks.

This is famine!

Ares sneered and turned to look at the remaining three figures.

Ding Fu's body twitched, and she soon turned into Ji Li's appearance again.

Ji Li was standing in the white color block this time. Just as he was about to take action, a strong sick aura suddenly appeared in his whole body, as if there were countless diseases that were haunting him in an instant, so that he could not stand at all. Pour into the white color block.

During the short period of time when he fell down, Ji Li's shape stood upright with a strong sick look, and he was swallowed up by the white color in the blink of an eye.

This is the plague!

Immediately afterwards, Sui Bai's body, standing in the black block, twitched violently again, and turned into Ji Li again.

However, this time Ji Li's eyes were empty, without eyeballs.

He stretched out his arms, explored the air in front of him, and touched forward bit by bit, as if he was blindfolded and playing a game of touch the blind man.

At the same time, the black color that had just stained his body dissipated like an ebbing tide, and he returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Ji Li groped forward step by step, approaching Ares.

Ta, tap, tap... He quickly walked out of the black color block and entered the adjacent gray color block.

His body still showed a normal color and was not dyed gray.

Ji Li continued to move forward, and the rules of [War Divine Kingdom] suddenly seemed to have lost their effect on him.

The distance between the two parties gradually approached, Ares looked at this scene indifferently, the arrogance between his eyebrows did not change at all.

At this time, Ji Li walked out of a white color block and entered a red color block.

The moment he stepped into the red patch, the yard disappeared, the pond disappeared, the hedge disappeared... all the surrounding scenes disappeared.

Ji Li seemed to be suddenly transferred to a red world. The ground under his feet was covered with spiderweb-like boundaries, dividing the huge ground into various large, small, and irregular parts, as if there was no one. Huge map to color.

At this moment, Ji Li was standing on one of the map tiles, which was gradually turning white.

Ji Li had no eyes, so he continued to move forward like a blind man. When he walked out of the area of ​​the map under his feet and entered another adjacent map, the adjacent map was also dyed white.

The same color appeared on two adjacent maps, and Ji Li returned to the starting point instantly.

At the same time, all map sections were instantly painted in four colors: red, white, gray, and black. Each color was intertwined with each other, and there were no adjacent ones of the same color.

The color block under Ji Li's feet was painted gray again, and his body was dyed pure gray in an instant!


Yue's Blacksmith Shop.

Zhou Zhen and the old blacksmith faced each other across the color block. The old blacksmith said in a cold voice: Kill!

As soon as the words fell, all signs of life on Zhou Zhen's body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

He fell directly to the ground, his life was cut off, and his thinking began to stop.

In a daze, he seemed to have arrived in a colorful and extremely cheerful amusement park...

At this moment when the last trace of reason was about to disappear, Zhou Zhen reflexively focused all his attention on a set of formulas in his mind.

The next moment, his entire body disappeared from the gray color block and appeared in a black color block five or six color blocks away from where he was just now.

The moment he entered this black color block, Zhou Zhen's vitality was restored instantly, but as the old blacksmith glanced at him, his body immediately withered away quickly.

The pain of hunger gradually filled his entire consciousness, as if every cell was clamoring for its hunger!

Without hesitation, Zhou Zhen used [Plane Jump] again and teleported into a white color block.

The burning hunger in his stomach disappeared instantly, but his body seemed to become heavier all of a sudden. The feeling of illness swarmed in, and his internal organs were filled with pain. It seemed that he couldn't live for even a second!

Gray is 'death'; black is 'hunger'; white is 'disease'...


The correct terms should be 'death', 'famine' and 'plague'!

These are the four horsemen in the Bible Revelation...

The red at the end should correspond to 'war'!

'Death', 'Famine', 'Plague' and 'War'!


“This is not the ‘digital forest’ of this village!”

This is the experimental subject of the 'Twilight Trial', the 'Digital Forest' of the God of War 'Ares'!

【Note】K.Appel, W.haken.Scientific American[M].1997.237, Issue 10.

In Chapter 171, Ares's four colors were changed from red, blue, green and black to red, white, gray and black.

This chapter originally didn’t need to take so long, but when Latte was doing the settings, he didn’t know if he was out of his mind or something, so he set up this four-color problem for Ares’s digital forest...

Yesterday and today, most of the time I was drinking latte, I was basically thinking about this four-color problem.

How can we reasonably turn the four-color problem into a digital forest?

How should I write it so that it fits the setting of God of War?

What should the protagonist do to unlock the digital forest of the four-color problem?

I read a lot of information, read a lot of popular science, and did a lot of coloring questions. Most of them were useless and a waste of time. Many of them were even incomprehensible...

Now I finally have a general idea, but I am too tired to write. This kind of plot cannot be written when you are tired. It is easy to make mistakes. Latte needs to rest...

That’s it for today, I’m very sorry.

Just lie down and let him be scolded.

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