Ash Civilization

Chapter 275 Do good deeds. (First update! Please subscribe!)

The village chief's house, kitchen.

Bo Gui turned her head slightly to avoid the splash of blood. In front of her, the body of the last village woman was slowly falling.

A layer of blood had already accumulated on the compacted mud floor.

In the bloody water, thick-bodied village women lay scattered on the ground, lying dead.

Bo Gui turned around, stepped on the blood, and walked towards Chu Hu step by step.

This time, Chu Hu made the first move. He punched out, his speed was obviously much faster than before, the wind of the punch roared, and it hit Bo Gui's face.

Bo Gui subconsciously raised her arm to block.

boom! ! !

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Bo Gui was hit hard and flew into the air, hitting the earth wall behind.

Liao Yonghong next to him watched this scene with a frown.

The state of the experimental subject that can partially transform into a beast has not changed much compared to the previous two times.

But the energy of this village chief Chu Hu is getting stronger and stronger!

Although Liao Yonghong does not have digital energy in his body at the moment and cannot accurately judge Chu Hu's current specific energy intensity, according to experience, the energy intensity of Chu Hu's last attack may have reached the sixth step!

And this time, the attack was stronger than before!

Just as he was thinking about it, Bo Gui stood up again. She stood up from the messy dust. Her whole body was intact, without any wounds, but her hair was a little messy.

The few flakes of dust on her face highlighted the crystal clear skin of her skin. In the dimness, Bo Gui's eyes were like lightning as he looked at Chu Hu and asked with some confusion: 'Twelve'...'Sage' ……'meeting'?

As she spoke, a pair of fluffy fox ears appeared on her head again, and nine fluffy and huge tails spread out behind her.

The moment the beast shape appeared, the energy intensity in Bo Gui's body surged and became very terrifying.

However, just when she was about to take action, Liao Yonghong felt something in his heart and suddenly turned his head and looked towards the kitchen door.

He immediately saw that the kitchen door opened at some point, and a figure stood at the door, staring at him unblinkingly. That figure was not unfamiliar to him. It was this time that he entered the space-time tunnel with him to perform the execution. Ghost of Mission 107.

Liao Yonghong couldn't help but be startled, and then found that his energy was recovering at a rapid speed!

At the same time, Chu Hu, who had just been filled with energy and a terrifying aura, fell to the ground without saying a word.


Bo Gui had no intention of stopping, and her figure was like lightning. She appeared behind Chu Hu in an instant. Even though the energy had begun to recover, Liao Yonghong still couldn't see her movements clearly this time. Chu Hu once again turned into a human being. A thick mist of blood.

The thick fishy-sweet smell suddenly dispersed, and Chu Hu died on the spot.

After killing Chu Hu, Bo Gui was about to go back to eat the remaining old hens when she suddenly turned her head and looked towards Liao Yonghong.

Liao Yonghong reacted immediately, exited the kitchen extremely quickly, picked up Ghost No. 107 at the door of the kitchen, and retreated towards the yard with the wind at his feet.


Yue's Blacksmith Shop.

The villagers who were originally forging iron, holding various farm tools that could be used as weapons, had surrounded Zhou Zhen.

Outside the crowd, the old blacksmith looked straight at him with a cold expression and stern eyes.

Zhou Zhen flipped his wrist and poured out nine unknown balls from the cute lunch box.

After the nine unknown masses landed on the ground, they immediately flowed in all directions like living creatures.

The old blacksmith said calmly: Kill him!

The villagers didn't hesitate at all. Hoes, poles, rakes, sickles... were thrown at Zhou Zhen like a violent storm.

The translucent energy barrier splashed with ripples, firmly blocking Zhou Zhen's face.

The nine unknown figures passed through the crowd extremely smoothly, and no matter what they went to, there was no obstacle to them.

They quickly left the greenhouse, left the yard, and swam toward the outside of the blacksmith shop.

All places touched by these nine unknown numbers are like a pen dipped in ink across a watercolor painting. Whether they are objects or villagers, after the unknown numbers pass by, they are transformed into dense numbers, symbols, formulas, Graphics…

As if the old blacksmith and many villagers could not see these nine unknowns at all, they continued to approach Zhou Zhen and smashed down the [Geometric Barrier] in front of him crazily.

Zhou Zhen watched this scene quietly until all nine unknown groups swam out of the blacksmith shop, then he nodded slightly.

This ring is a replica!

The ring will always reset what he just experienced, but it cannot reset his state, nor the digital energy!

Therefore, what he is doing now is to release all these separated personalities, further increasing the burden on the ring!

Just as I was thinking about it, everything around me suddenly collapsed and turned into an overwhelming number of numbers, formulas, graphics, and theorems... These strange characters were further decomposed and turbulent, as if tiny pixels had carried out a huge project. When the scene was fixed again When he came down, Zhou Zhen saw the familiar coffin lid.

He once again lay in the cramped thin-skinned coffin, with cold wind and dim light coming through the gaps.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen was slightly startled. He hadn't even taken action this time... What was going on?

Unlike others, he restored his digital energy ahead of time, so at this time, he couldn't feel any changes.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen pushed open the coffin lid and quickly pulled out the coffin.


Coffin shop.

The straw mats filtered the dim light. In the vast yard, coffins were placed in various directions. There were broken spider webs in the corners, which seemed to silently tell the desolation and wilderness here.

Next to the two coffins with the lids lifted, the observer, Sammy Draxler and the Crown Eagle each occupied a position and looked at each other.

At this moment, the observer looked at the three people in the Fourth Dimensional Utopia and replied very calmly: No, it is the 'Ash Order'.

As soon as he finished speaking, a fierce dong dong dong sound suddenly came from the distance, accompanied by a slight vibration on the ground.

Everyone immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction from which the movement came.

They immediately saw that a coffin far away from them was beating violently. It seemed that there was a powerful force inside, which was repeatedly beating the nailed coffin lid.

The coffin lid trembled greatly, as if it wanted to jump up from the coffin immediately, but because there were enough nails, it jumped several times in a row, and then a gap opened after a sharp groan.

As soon as the coffin was opened, nine squirming masses of unknown numbers impatiently flowed out from the gaps.

These nine unknown numbers appear to be made up of X2~X10. They move like water, and are distinct from each other, as if they are living creatures.

After leaving the coffin, these unknown figures immediately chose a direction and left quickly.

All the places they passed turned into a vast number of numbers, formulas, graphics, theorems...

Looking at this incredible scene, the Crown Eagle of Fourth Dimensional Utopia quickly said: I think we'd better leave here first!

Before he finished speaking, he had already taken the lead towards the door of the coffin shop.

The two companions, a man and a woman, followed immediately.

The observer and Sami Draxler also did not hesitate and quickly walked towards the exit of the coffin shop.

However, just when the five people were about to walk out of the coffin shop, the beating coffin and the cracked coffin lid were suddenly pushed open, and a figure climbed out of it quickly.

It was a human-like outline, but it was made up of densely packed numbers. Those numbers were tiny and delicate, and they were still squirming, or in other words, struggling, as if they wanted to escape the limitations of this human form, and they seemed to be impatient. Want to erode the outside world.

The moment I saw this digital figure, whether it was the Twilight Trial, the Gathering of the Twelve Sages, or the Four-Dimensional Utopia, I immediately understood that this was an experimental body!

Yes, this is something without any doubt at all!

In an instant, their expressions all became extremely alert.

Seeing the digital figure turn his head and look towards them, everyone was instantly terrified and their scalps were numb.

Because Sami Draxler, who was closest to the inside and closest to the figure at the moment, hesitated for half a second, and tentatively asked: Who are you?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen glanced at the five people at the door.

He had already seen these people through the crack in the door when he was in that thatched house before.

According to the speculation at the time, the person asking himself questions now should be a member of the Twelve Sages.

As for the identities of the other people, it is not yet certain, but they are definitely not official people.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen found out that Ares from Twilight Trial was not there, and immediately said: Mortal! As a reward for your courage to ask questions to me, I allow you to know my name.

This god is the god of war - 'Ares'!

Now, I am trapped in a 'ring'. I don't know if I can break out now.

If you mortals can give me some reminders, I can promise on behalf of the 'Twilight Trial' that I will give you a drop of 'digital rain' as your reward afterwards!


The observer suddenly frowned, staring closely at the digital figure, and fell into hard thinking.

He didn't remember that Ares had such a digital form!

At the same time, the three people in Fourth Dimensional Utopia and Sami Draxler were secretly relieved.

This experimental subject spoke clearly and logically. Although his attitude was arrogant and his content was exaggerated, it was obvious that his thinking was normal, indicating that the other party had not lost control yet!

The experimental subject that went berserk just now must be another one!

Sami Draxler said quickly: Don't worry!

There were other experimental subjects just now who couldn't withstand the pressure and went berserk.

Even if you are still trapped in the 'ring', this 'ring' should have expired by now!

Remind me that I already gave.

As for the 'digital rain', I want every drop of it on you!

Zhou Zhen was surprised when he heard this.

How did this member of the Twelve Sages see that there was digital rain on him?

So, Zhou Zhen immediately shook his head, imitating the tone of Ares and said arrogantly: For such a trivial matter, go to the 'Twilight Judgment'.

The secular 'Twilight Judgment' are all believers of this god, and all their things belong to this god...

Before he finished speaking, the Crown Eagle of Fourth Dimensional Utopia suddenly shook his head and said, But you are not a person from the 'Twilight Judgment'.

You are the experimental subject of the 'Ash Order'!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately turned to look at the three Crown Eagles and directly used the Digital Domain, [Energy Observation].

The next moment, in his field of vision, a large stream of water-like energy seemed to burst out from the three villagers.

These energy flows have different colors, some are high and some are low, they are all vigorously beating, and they are still growing little by little, and they seem to be still recovering.

In Zhou Zhen's eyes, the energy flow on these three people looked very familiar.

He immediately recognized the identities of these three strange villagers, who were compatible with the Fourth Dimensional Utopia!

Before entering Qingquan Valley, when he and the Nine-tailed Fox were waiting for the time and space to be disrupted outside the valley, they both discovered the people in the Fourth-Dimensional Utopia.

At that time, Zhou Zhen also used the digital domain of [Energy Observation] to investigate the opponent.

Now, although these three people all have the faces of the sallow and thin villagers in this village, the energy in them is almost exactly the same as what he saw at that time!

The breath of energy also gave Zhou Zhen a sense of déjà vu.

It seems that everyone who entered the space-time tunnel this time has basically recovered their digital energy.

And he can recognize the people in the four-dimensional utopia. Of course, the people in the four-dimensional utopia also have similar means to recognize him!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately smiled and said: I am a good friend of 'Ares' and can help 'Ares' agree!

Furthermore, national laws do not stipulate that if you are not a member of the 'Twilight Trial', you cannot do good deeds in the name of the 'Twilight Trial'.

Seeing the experimental subjects of the Ash Order talking nonsense in the name of Twilight Judgment openly and openly, the observers were immediately furious.

However, before he could take action, all the coffins around him suddenly began to tremble like an earthquake.

Bang bang bang...

Violent vibrations resounded throughout the coffin shop.

The coffin lids exploded, and skeletons with pale teeth and yellow teeth crawled out of the coffin.

The next moment, the surrounding scene changed. The dark and deep Guan's Shou Cai Shop suddenly faded away, and simple thatched houses appeared one after another.

Hedges, earthen walls, and haystacks emerge, gardenias in the corners, peach trees with fallen leaves in the courtyard, ponds covered with thin ice, gaps between stone bricks covered with green moss...the cold and quiet small village in winter is quietly revived. All details, flawless.

The north wind howled by, rolling up a pile of straw and fluttering under the pale sky.

Through the low courtyard walls and hedges, you can see what should be the village chief's yard in the distance. The tops of the big persimmon trees stand like a flock of chickens, and the remaining fruits on the top sway in the wind, creating colorful arcs. The lines are like a touch of fresh beauty in a mountainous and wild painting drawn by a masterful hand, showing tranquility and serenity.

Secondly, if you don’t stay up late, don’t wait. There is a lot of information to check and the time cannot be determined.

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