Ash Civilization

Chapter 271 The person in charge. (First update! Please subscribe!)

In the bustling shed, the shirtless and withered villagers were all concentrating on beating materials.

An old man with gray hair and beard walked among them and kept giving instructions.

The energy has finally been restored!

As soon as the words fell, those who were blacksmithing suddenly turned their heads and looked towards Zhou Zhen.

The old man with gray beard and hair also looked back at Zhou Zhen. Without any hesitation, the old man said in a low and cold voice: Catch him!

“This is material I’ve never seen before!”

To make better hoes, knives, and rakes...

The next moment, the villagers who were pulling bellows, hammering farm tools, and tempering metal immediately dropped all their ongoing operations, grabbed the freshly baked hoes, rakes, and sickles around them, and headed towards Zhou Zhenwei.

Without the support of bones, their current shape is very weird, and they walk crookedly. They obviously want to walk in a straight line, but due to the change of the body's center of gravity, they walk out of a wavy line.

However, the greenhouse area was limited and there were a large number of villagers. Even though they stumbled, they quickly walked up to Zhou Zhen, raised their hoes, sickles, and rakes... one after another, and whizzed at Zhou Zhen.

Ding ding ding…

There was a fierce clash of gold and iron. Hoes, rakes, sickles... all farm tools hit a translucent energy barrier, splashing countless tiny numbers, formulas, and symbols, but none of them touched Zhou Zhen. .

Digital domain, [Geometric Barrier]!

Zhou Zhen's eyes swept over the villagers, who looked like fruits that had been sucked dry of their juice, and landed on the old man with gray beard and hair behind the crowd.

The biggest problem in this blacksmith shop is probably this old blacksmith!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen calmly raised his palm and pointed it at the old blacksmith. A cube of black and red energy quickly condensed in his palm.

Digital domain, [Fusion Cube]!

boom! ! !

The energy cube turned into a black and red energy shock wave, like a laser epee, which penetrated directly through the old blacksmith's body, blasting a shocking hole in his chest.

The shock wave continued unabated, penetrating the straw mat behind the old blacksmith, spanning most of the yard, and heavily knocked down a pillar of the opposite shed.

Rumble... The cold wind blew into the holes of the straw mat, bringing dust and dust from the collapse of the shed on the right, mixed with the sound of the straw mat and wooden shed hitting the metal. For a moment, smoke and dust filled the yard.

The old blacksmith slowly lowered his head and looked at his punctured body. There was a look of disbelief on his old face, and then he fell straight down.


There was a muffled sound, followed by a series of movements.

The withered villagers in the shed seemed to have had all their energy drained out in an instant, and they all staggered and fell.

The sound of their falling was clear and weak, not like adult bodies at all, but more like bones scattered on the ground.

At this moment, everything around him collapsed like an avalanche, turning into a vast array of numbers, formulas, symbols... They seemed to be the tiniest pixels, turbulently swimming in nothingness, reorganizing into a scene that seemed familiar.

The cramped space, the rotten and dull air, the cold temperature...

The thin cold wind blows in from the cracks, like an invisible barrier, sweeping away tirelessly and repeatedly, bit by bit taking away any possible warmth.

Along with the cold wind, there are also hazy rays of light, like the residue after repeated filtering of skylight, cold and pale, reminiscent of the frost covering the tiles in winter.

With the help of this cold and cold light, Zhou Zhen found that he was lying in a thin-skinned coffin with rough workmanship. The bottom of the coffin was rugged and there were many adult bones piled up.

All the bones were devoid of any flesh and blood and seemed to have been dead for a long time.

They were piled up like stones, cold and cold.

Zhou Zhen turned his neck with some difficulty and looked around, then stretched out his arm and held down the coffin lid above.

The lid of the coffin was pressed tightly, as if it was nailed to the coffin.

It is simply impossible to push it away with just the strength of ordinary people.

But to Zhou Zhen now, the entire coffin is as fragile as a biscuit!

next moment.

boom! ! !

The entire lid of the coffin was blown away with one punch and fell far away.

A thin figure constructed purely from numbers slowly stood up from the coffin.

Zhou Zhen stepped out of the coffin in one step, stood on the solid dirt, and looked around.

He was now standing in a vast farmyard, with a finely woven straw mat covering the top of the yard, blocking most of the skylight.

Even in the daytime, the entire yard seemed dark and cold.

Although there are traces of compaction on the soil, under the ravages of time, weeds have grown in some places, mixed with gravel and gravel, and water has accumulated in some places. It is dilapidated, deserted, dead, and cold.

If it weren't for the surrounding earthen walls and the straw mat above the head, this place would look like a mass grave.

Outside the courtyard gate, a small faded flag fluttered in the wind, occasionally revealing four small seal characters: Guan's Longevity Material.

Zhou Zhen stood next to the coffin he came out from. Around him, there were thin-skinned coffins everywhere.

These coffins have an old color and seem to have gone through a long period of time, but I don’t know why they have not been buried.

He looked away from the courtyard gate and his eyes fell on a coffin near the entrance.

The lid of the coffin was open, and some old straw was scattered around the mouth and outside.

Zhou Zhen immediately walked towards the coffin.

Ta, tap, tap... His footsteps echoed quietly in the empty yard.

After stepping through a puddle and coming to the open coffin, Zhou Zhen lowered his head and looked inside. He immediately saw a thin layer of straw on the bottom of the coffin and a tattered homespun quilt.

Nothing else.

Looking at the familiar bedding, Zhou Zhen immediately understood that the coffin was the simple thatched house where he had been living before.


Yue's Blacksmith Shop.

The north wind blew the eucalyptus trees, and the treetops swayed, making a whirring sound.

Yue Bo looked up at the sky, took out a half-used hoe from the house, and began to loosen the soil for the vegetable patch in the corner.

Behind him, in front of the shed on the left, the old blacksmith was lying on a deck chair and taking a nap, covered in sheepskin fur.

In the baking pan, the remaining fuel burned slowly, and the heat and the aroma of oranges escaped little by little.

The old blacksmith seemed to be sleeping deeply.

After loosening the cymbals, the old blacksmith suddenly opened his eyes and was about to continue working. He seemed to be awakened by something. His movement when he woke up was so violent that he knocked the sheepskin fur covering his body to the ground.

Hearing the noise, Yue Bo turned around and saw the old blacksmith waking up. He immediately asked, Father, what's wrong?

The old blacksmith did not hesitate and said quickly: The immortal gave me a test!

Take out all the ironware in the shop!

Ring the bell and summon the whole village!

After everyone is gathered, distribute the iron tools and meet the immortal test!

Yue Bo's expression changed and he immediately responded: Yes!

As he said that, he threw down the hoe and ran quickly to the shed with a straw mat on the right.

After a while, fierce metal banging sounds came from it: clang, clang, clang...

The sound of the bell was loud and instantly spread throughout the village.


Guan's longevity material shop.

Zhou Zhen stood next to the coffin at the entrance, looking down at the thin-skinned coffin he had been in before. He was about to look back when, at this time, the coffins in the entire coffin shop suddenly began to shake violently.

Ping ping pong pong...

After a muffled sound, the coffin lids that were originally tightly fastened to the coffin were opened one after another.

Skeletons with all their flesh and blood gone climbed out of the coffin.

These skeletons were all wearing shabby and ragged clothes, holding heavily rusted farm tools in their hands, and they were rushing toward Zhou Zhen like running water.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and looked at them.

The surrounding environment was turbulent like water ripples, and the little skylight suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The straw mat that covered the entire yard disappeared, and what appeared above Zhou Zhen's head was the boundless night sky.

The night is like a curtain, cold and deep.

Those densely packed coffins turned into simple thatched houses.

The skeleton crawling out of the coffin turned into a villager who had just rushed out of the house.

Regardless of men, women, old or young, all the villagers held up rakes, hoes, poles... or kitchen knives, sickles, and silently surrounded them.

The old blacksmith who had just been killed by Zhou Zhen using the [Fusion Cube] appeared among the villagers at some unknown time. The old blacksmith stepped out from the crowd and walked at the front of the crowd, looking at Zhou Zhen with cold eyes. , the old blacksmith seems to be the leader of these villagers.

Zhou Zhen glanced at the crowd. Except for the village chief and his family, almost all the villagers in this village were already here!

Moreover, Zhou Zhen could see the figures behind the old blacksmith very clearly. They were all the villagers who had just participated in blacksmithing in the blacksmith shop, that is, members of the official ghost team!

However, now it seems that they have all become part of this time and space...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen turned to look at the old blacksmith and asked coldly: Are you the actual person in charge of this village?


The village chief's house.

The vast white mist soaked everything, like a dense spider web, covering the world.

The howling of the cold wind and the crackling of the vegetation sounded from time to time in the fog, outlining a scene of freezing coldness.


The curtain leading from the main room to the back room was lifted, and the four members of Fourth Dimensional Utopia walked in cautiously while covering each other.

This back room is very narrow, with almost no place to stay except for a step-like bed and a cabinet.

The adobe walls had no cover, and small gusts of cold wind kept leaking in through the cracks in the only window, blowing dust off the walls.

There was an oil lamp placed on the only cabinet. It was lit at the moment, emitting a faint orange light. Along with the light, the room was filled with a fishy smell of burning animal fat.

Traces of straw were exposed in the holes in the sheets on the bed. Lying in the sheets was a thin figure, who looked to be about six or seven years old. The figure had his eyes closed and was motionless, as if he was sleeping deeply.

The four members of Fourth Dimensional Utopia immediately looked at the child.

One of the two female members whispered: This child should be the sick young son of the village chief's family according to the rumors among the villagers.

Another male member nodded slightly and said quickly: If there is a younger son, there must be an older son or an older daughter.

This is strange, though.

I have investigated in the village in the past two days, and everyone only knows the youngest son of the village chief's family.

Every time I ask about another child in the village chief's family, or whether the youngest son in the village chief's family has older siblings, all the villagers will spontaneously ignore the question.

It was like there was no recognition of what I was asking.

It's so abnormal!

The leader Mian Diao said calmly: There are many questions!

Is what we are entering now a real space-time tunnel? Or is it a special 'digital forest'?

What secrets does this ancient Chinese village hold?

The answers to all these questions are right in front of us right now.

This child is a real living person in the village.

He must know something!

As he said that, Miandiao tilted his head slightly and said to the female member who had been silent next to him, 'Jiaojuan', you have transplanted many traditional Chinese medicine memories, go and show this child, what's going on? thing.

Be careful not to wake him up!

Biaojuan nodded immediately. Her current image was that of a short village woman with a yellow face, wearing a ragged skirt. After hearing this, she tucked the hem of her skirt first to prevent her from tripping while walking in the dark, and then she was cautious. Walking to the bedside, she first used the light of the oil lamp to carefully observe the child's complexion and breathing rate, and then stretched out her hand to explore the child's forehead.

The child lay quietly, his forehead as cold as ice.

Jiaojuan frowned slightly, then gently pulled back the quilt, pressed the child's pulse, and began to feel it.

As she held it, her face gradually became strange. She frowned and thought for a while, then turned around and whispered: The inheritance of Chinese traditional medicine has been seriously interrupted. After many traditional Chinese medicine materials entered the protection scope, the lost secret recipes, There are more secret skills. Although the number of memories I transplanted is quite large, the medical skills of those Chinese medicine practitioners are very ordinary.

The exact condition of this child cannot be determined at this time.

I can only say that his symptoms are a bit like the epidemics recorded in ancient Chinese records, but also a bit unlike...

Before he finished speaking, Banana Cuckoo immediately stopped, and the narrow back room suddenly became a little more open.

The Crown Eagle and two other companions who were standing where they came in disappeared without warning.

The howling of the north wind came from the narrow window, and the oil lamp swayed tremblingly for a few times before barely returning to normal.

In the dancing light and shadow, there were only Banana Cuckoo and the child lying on the bed in the whole room, and there was no other person.

Jiaojuan frowned and immediately turned to look at the child on the bed.

The thin child had opened his eyes and was looking at her faintly.

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