Ash Civilization

Chapter 270 Ring! (Second update! Please subscribe!)

The expressions of the messenger in black and the observer changed drastically. They were about to get up immediately, but as soon as their minds turned, they found that their bodies were not obeying the orders at all and could not move at all!

At this time, the two withered bones that had completely turned into white bones suddenly started to move.

Full flesh, nails, and hair began to grow rapidly on the two withered bones. Soon, flesh and blood filled the skulls, and faces appeared. Chu Hu and Shu Tao opened their eyes, and the unique sense of vitality of living people reappeared in their bodies. .

As if they didn't see the black messenger and the observer at all, the couple turned over and sat up, pushed open the coffin lid, and climbed out.

Knock, click, click... bang!

The moment Chu Hu and Shu Tao left the coffin, the coffin lid closed spontaneously.

Soon, the dim light coming from the outside world was completely cut off, and the coffin returned to coldness and darkness. In the cramped space, only the messenger in black and the observers were left crowded together.

It was only then that the two of them discovered that all the normal flesh and blood on their bodies had completely disappeared without knowing when.

Underneath the tattered clothes, there was only a snow-white skeleton.

Their digits were stolen!


The kitchen of the village chief's house.

The fire in the stove has not been completely extinguished, and the steaming heat from the cauldron filled the room like a mist, blurring the gloomy scene.

Chu Hu stood in the open space and announced expressionlessly: My uncle is possessed by evil spirits.

Tie her up.

Prepare to be burned at the stake!

After hearing the village chief's order, several village women who were gathered around rolled up their sleeves and walked quickly towards Bo Gui.

Liao Yonghong stood nearby, looking at this scene solemnly.

This is a ring!

A ring with a beginning and an end connected together!

To get out of this ring, he must now restore his digital energy!

While he was thinking rapidly, Liao Yonghong had already seen that several village women who looked strong and strong had just approached the seemingly weak beautiful girl Bogui. The village woman walking in the front immediately He was slapped away by Bo Gui lightly!

boom! ! !

This village woman looked the tallest and strongest among the women present. Her fingers and wrist joints were particularly thick. She was obviously used to doing heavy work and had a lot of strength.

But in front of Bo Gui at this moment, she was as if she was made of paper. She was knocked upside down in an instant and hit the earth wall not far away. After a loud noise, the whole person slipped softly along the wall. , dust fell all over her head and face, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead for a while.

Bo Gui stopped nibbling on the old hen, jumped off the cabinet made of adobe, and walked directly towards the remaining village women.

Ping ping pong pong...

In the blink of an eye, all these young village women, who were an important part of the labor force in the countryside, were beaten to death on the spot by Uncle Gui!

The blood gurgled out from their bodies, which had not completely lost their temperature, and gathered into a pool of blood on the compacted mud floor, flowing slowly and spreading out of the kitchen little by little.

Ta, tap, tap...

Bo Gui's shabby skirt crossed the top of the pool of blood. She stepped on the blood on the ground and walked towards Chu Hu step by step.

The girl with a beautiful face like Shunhua walks in blood, like a strange flower blooming in a sea of ​​blood, giving her a bloody beauty.

Looking at this scene, Liao Yonghong's pupils suddenly shrank.

The digital energy that this illegal organization experimental subject had just recovered was not reset by the ring!

The other party is not an ordinary experimental subject!

At this time, Bo Gui had already walked up to Chu Hu and punched Chu Hu directly on the head.

Just when Liao Yonghong thought that the village chief would have his head blown off by Bo Gui just like before, Chu Hu suddenly stretched out his arm and put it across his chest...

boom! ! !

There was a muffled sound of heavy physical impact. Chu Hu stood on the spot, keeping his arms crossed in front of him, motionless, and received Bo Gui's punch steadily.

Liao Yonghong was stunned for a moment. Before he could realize what was going on, he saw Bo Gui looking at Chu Hu with doubts flashing in his eyes, and he asked a little hesitantly: 'Twilight'...'Trial'?

Chu Hu looked at her coldly, without any fluctuation in his expression. He opened and closed his lips and spit out two cold and ruthless words: Evil!

With that said, he kicked Bo Gui directly.

This kick was extremely swift. In Liao Yonghong's current state, it was impossible to see his movements clearly. All he could see was a sonic boom cloud bursting out between the afterimages!

This is not the power that an ordinary villager has at all!

Even Fifth Step compatibility doesn't have such power!

boom! ! !

Bo Gui was trying hard to recall her memories. She was not prepared at all, and was kicked out on the spot. Like a cannonball, she hit the earth wall next to the stove hard.

The earthen wall seemed to be made of ordinary materials and had a soft texture, but it was surprisingly strong.

Bo Gui's impact caused the entire kitchen to tremble slightly, and dust fell like a rainstorm, but it did not cause any damage to the wall at all. Even the small blades of grass on the surface remained intact.

After being kicked hard, Bo Gui stood up immediately.

There were no wounds on her body. A pair of fluffy fox ears appeared on her head again, and fluffy fox tails appeared quickly behind her. In the blink of an eye, the originally beautiful human girl turned into a partially beastly and enchanting beauty. .

A surging energy emerged from Bo Gui's body, like a turbulent ocean, terrifying and vast. The hem of her clothes and hair moved without any wind. It seemed that the powerful force was slightly dissipated, causing strong winds to sweep around her.

The 'Twilight Judgment'... will also die! Bo Gui said in a cold voice, word for word.


The next moment, Liao Yonghong didn't see anything clearly, and saw Chu Hu directly transforming into a thick mist of blood!



The door of the village chief's thatched hut was pushed open, and villagers dressed in khaki and khaki brown limped in.

Although he was in a state of embarrassment, his behavior still showed a kind of elegance and calmness unique to living under etiquette and norms for many years.

He is the ninth sage of the Twelve Sages, Sami Draxler!

Sami Draxler observed the situation in the house and was about to look for an exit when the wooden door leading to the side room on his left suddenly made a subtle creak sound.

In the dim room, the wooden door opened a gap unnoticeably.

Sami Draxler immediately turned his head and looked directly at the wooden door of the side room.

Just now, two members of other organizations were also chased by three official ghosts and fled into the village chief's house in a panic.

Are those two people hiding in this side room now?

Thinking of this, Sami Draxler immediately moved towards the side room.

He is now alone. If his digital energy is not restored, there is no way he can compete with the official ghost team.

Go in and meet the two members of other organizations first.

Let’s see if we can work together temporarily!

While thinking, Sami Draxler had already arrived at the door of the side room. He stretched out his wrinkled palms, pushed open the wooden horse in the side room, and took a look inside.

The silence in the room was palpable.

The furnishings are very simple. There are several stacked boxes placed just outside the door, like the dowries of ancient Chinese women. They are almost half a person tall, blocking part of the view.

On the foot bed in the corner, Chu Hu and Shu Tao were lying.

At this moment, they all had their eyes closed, motionless, and seemed to be asleep.

Sami Draxler didn't notice anything unusual. He walked silently into the room, ready to check whether there were any traces of the black messenger and observer behind the cabinet.

However, the moment he saw clearly that there was nothing behind the cabinet, Sami Draxler was about to turn around and leave, when there was a muffled sound from the door of the hut.


This voice was exactly the same as when he forced his way in just now.

It's the three ghosts behind us who are chasing us!

Without any hesitation, Sami Draxler immediately closed the door of the side room and quickly walked towards the window of the side room.

As soon as he took a step out, he found that the room, which was originally a normal room although not spacious, had become extremely crowded.

It was as if I had suddenly entered a newly woven cocoon from a normal house, with my hands and feet tied everywhere and completely unable to move.

Sami Draxler immediately realized something was wrong. He rubbed his eyes and found that the side room that was just normal had turned into a crudely made thin-skinned coffin!

He was lying straight on his back in the coffin, and the lid of the coffin was completely closed.

In addition to him, there are two bones in the coffin. They are wearing tattered clothes. Judging from the style of the clothes, they are all adult men. The skeletons are clean and there is no flesh and blood.

Sami Draxler frowned and immediately understood that the two skeletons should be the village chief and his wife that he had just seen in the side room.

At this time, one of the skeletons suddenly sat up, and red and white colors emerged on the skeleton, rapidly surging, and normal flesh and blood continued to grow, and the appearance of Chu Hu was outlined in the blink of an eye.

Chu Hu pushed open the coffin lid and climbed out.

Sami Draxler wanted to follow and leave the coffin, but found that he could not move at all.

He suddenly realized that all the flesh and blood on his body had disappeared, leaving only a snow-white skeleton.

He became a substitute for one of the bones in the coffin!



The front door of the village chief's hut was pushed open from the outside.

The three official ghosts covered each other, moved their steps, and walked in slowly.

Before they had time to take stock of the environment in the house, four adult villagers came in with their feet crossed. They were members of the Fourth Dimensional Utopia.

The seven people stood in the main room, which was not very spacious, and faced each other faintly.

However, unlike when they were outside just now, both parties were too lazy to talk and were about to take action. At this moment, each had their own scruples. Although the atmosphere was not good, they had no intention of taking action for a while.

At this moment, the wooden door of the side room suddenly squeaked and opened a gap.

The three ghosts suddenly frowned and exchanged quick glances.

The movement coming from the side room should be the other three members of the illegal organization, plus the four people from the Fourth Dimensional Utopia in front of them, a total of seven members of the illegal organization!

They only have three teammates now and cannot deal with so many illegal organization members.

So, the ghost on the far left glanced at the kitchen door on the right, and immediately said briefly: Enter the kitchen!

The other two ghosts nodded quickly without any hesitation.

The three ghosts no longer paid attention to the movements in the side room, as well as the four Fourth Dimensional Utopia members, and walked quickly to the kitchen door, opened the door, and walked in.

The main room with three people missing suddenly seemed a little more spacious. The people in Fourth Dimension Utopia looked at the side room and then at the kitchen. The leader Miandiao made a quick decision and took the lead towards the back room.


In the kitchen, three ghosts came in and immediately closed the door.

Their eyes quickly swept across the entire kitchen. In the empty room, there were cold pots and cold stoves, and the ground was covered with a layer of dust. It seemed that no one had used it for a while.

After confirming that the kitchen was empty at this moment, the ghost on the far left immediately said in a deep voice: The one who came last just now should be the experimental subject!

The ghost on the far right nodded slightly and said: The people in the 'Fourth Dimensional Utopia' walk as fast as us. They should not be the products of the 'Fourth Dimensional Utopia'.

The ghost in the middle said: It's not like the Twelve Sages.

It should be the experimental subject of the 'Twilight Trial'.

Or maybe it comes from the 'Order of Ashes'.

As they were talking, the three of them suddenly discovered that the kitchen, which should have been relatively spacious, had become extremely crowded.

The three adults seemed to be tied together, and it was difficult to even turn around.

After a slight trance, the three ghosts realized that they were all squeezed into a dark coffin.

At this moment, the coffin lid was firmly closed, and with the help of a little light leaking through the gap, they saw that there were several severely damaged skeletons piled up beside them.

These bones were broken and smashed in many places, and it seemed that they had been beaten to death with great force.

At this time, three of the skeletons suddenly started to move.

Click, click, click...

They crawled up and sat up as if they suddenly came to life. Bright red flesh and blood quickly grew on their clean skeletons. In the blink of an eye, they transformed into three sturdy village women with aprons tied around their waists. There were some splashes of stains.

After the three village women recovered, they immediately pushed open the coffin lid and climbed out.

The three ghosts watched their actions helplessly, but could not move at all.


Soon, the coffin lid closed again.

The three ghosts suddenly discovered that they had turned into decayed skeletons and became one of the skeletons in the coffin...


The kitchen of the village chief’s house.

The concubine sat cross-legged on a cabinet made of adobe, nibbling an old hen, and the village women stood or sat around the earthen stove.

Chu Hu stood in the open space.

Liao Yonghong was in the kitchen where he just came in, watching this scene intently.

Everything is back to the starting point.

This is the ring!

Taking the time when Liao Yonghong entered as the starting point, taking Chu Hu's death as the ending point, then there is a ring connecting the starting point and the ending point!

My uncle is bewitched.

Tie her up.

Prepare to be burned at the stake!

Chu Hu said expressionlessly.

Several village women immediately stepped forward and prepared to tie up the concubine.

Just like the second time, Bo Gui took action directly.

Ping ping pong pong...

As blood splattered, most of the village women were beaten to death on the spot. Only three village women with particularly strong bodies only had part of their limbs broken after being slapped by Bo Gui. Although they were seriously injured, they were not killed on the spot.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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