Ash Civilization

Chapter 240 International Criminal Organization. (First update! Please subscribe!)

bad memory?

Zhou Zhen's face looked a little strange for a moment. Was the content written on the note actually a memorandum from the Nine-tailed Fox?

Didn't the other party not answer his question on purpose just now, but because it wasn't written on the note?

Just as he was thinking about it, the nine-tailed fox turned the note over and over again to make sure there was nothing missing, and immediately said: I will give you 3 hours to prepare.

“If you have any needs or other questions, go to Pick Up Light.”

As she spoke, her figure suddenly disappeared without a trace, just like a holographic projection screen that was turned off.

Zhou Zhen was the only one left in the lounge, which was surrounded by cliffs and the sea on three sides.

He looked at the empty room and frowned.

The nine-tailed fox just told him that in his current state, whoever he is with will infect others, and only those above the Sixth Step can avoid it.

Now let him find pick up light?

After thinking about it carefully, Zhou Zhen glanced at the memory fluid in his hand, and immediately decided to transplant this part of the memory first, and then go find Shiguang...

So, he tore open the package, picked up the syringe, and plunged it directly into his neck.

As the light red liquid was pushed in, the familiar headache surged.

The scene in front of Zhou Zhen's eyes was as turbulent as water ripples. The overwhelming numbers, graphics, formulas, theorems... were flipped and reorganized, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into scenes that seemed to have been experienced personally.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like only a moment. Zhou Zhen's consciousness gradually regained consciousness, and the loud sound of lectures could be heard in his ears.

He raised his head and saw that he was sitting in a quiet classroom. The math teacher was standing in front of the blackboard, pointing at a set of complex formulas with a pointer, and loudly teaching relevant knowledge points.

The surrounding students were listening carefully to the lecture, and the rustle of taking notes filled the entire classroom.

Zhou Zhen's chest rose and fell violently, and he gasped for air. He quickly adjusted himself and began to sort out the memories he had just obtained...

The memory he had just transplanted was said to be the knowledge from the Fourth Step to the Sixth Step, but it was actually divided into three parts.

The first part is the knowledge of the Fourth Ladder, Fifth Ladder and Sixth Ladder;

The second part is the research results of Ash Order in Digital Ladder;

The third part contains basic information about some major forces.

For the first and third parts, he would definitely be able to get them if he was working normally in the government.

The truly valuable content of this memory transplant is the results of the second part.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen calmed down and began to think about the first part, the knowledge of the three digital ladders...

The fourth ladder is the starting point of the middle ladder.

This is a watershed moment!

Promotion from the first ladder to the second ladder is essentially optimizing one's own equation.

The same goes for Second Ladder promotion to Third Ladder.

The promotion of the third ladder to the fourth ladder is no longer optimizing the equation, but converting the equation into a system of equations.

The most commonly used method is to parse out one of the numeric fields and turn it into your own second set of equations. In this way, adding your own equations can form a system of equations.

For example, Ji Xuexun's strawberry lunch box, Chu Jingyan's camera, Pang Shaobin's butcher's knife...

These digital fields that can be embodied as physical objects in the real world are the second set of equations!

Sister Nan’s “Digital Domain” is the same.

According to the knowledge in the transplanted memory, it is speculated that when Sister Nan was on the Third Stairs, the digital domain for changing weapons should be just an auxiliary skill, which could only be used to repair physical weapons in non-combat states, or Modified physical weapons.

But when you reach the fourth step, you can adjust the structure of weapons out of thin air from a mathematical level to form a variety of new weapons.

Also, he was promoted to the Fourth Step this time just because he got Ji Xuexun's lunch box!

This is equivalent to him getting a ready-made digital domain equation!

The strongest point of the Fourth Ladder compatibility is the second set of equations. The numeric domain of this second set of equations will be many times more powerful than the ordinary numeric domain .

Only after reaching the Fourth Step can compatible persons deal with infected persons in the [Progression Stage] alone without equipping any equipment.

When the digital rain first arrived, the world had not yet produced digital weapons.

At that time, only those compatible with the Fourth Step and above can truly fight the infected in the [Progression Stage].

Compatible people from the First Step to the Third Step basically have only one way to escape when encountering an infected person...

This is a rough idea of ​​the Fourth Step, and then there's the Fifth Step.

The fifth step is very close to high compatibility, but not yet high compatibility.

Like the Fourth Ladder, a third set of equations need to be parsed out.

If the compatibility only has one digital domain, then its own ontology is equivalent to the first set of equations;

Number field is the second set of equations;

If you want to parse out the third set of equations, you must either get a new digital domain, or modify your body, or there is a more adventurous method than these two, entering the digital forest , becoming a carrier...

According to the information in the transplanted memory, when officials and ordinary members of most organizations analyze the third set of equations, they choose a new digital domain or enter the digital forest.

Only the Twelve Sages are special. They choose to transform the body, and then use the transformed body to analyze the third set of equations...

The transformation of the Twelve Sages not only refers to mechanical transformation, but also includes absorbing the limbs of infected people.

Of course, these three methods of adding a system of equations are all used by ordinary people.

There is also the most direct way to increase the equation, which is human experimentation!

All illegal organizations have various human experiments that can add to the equation, and the risks are higher each one...

The Fifth Step has another special feature compared to the Fourth Step.

Sister Nan mentioned to him last time that it is the integration between digital domain and digital domain when mastering multiple digital domains.

The essence of this is to substitute an ordinary numeric field into the second or third group of equations.

In this way, the two digital domains can be used in a comprehensive way.

At the fourth step, this method is difficult to use.

The specific reason is not included in the transplanted memory.

Compatibles of the Fourth Ladder and Fifth Ladder have energy intensity corresponding to those infected in the [Progression Stage].

Starting from the sixth ladder, it is a high-level ladder, and the energy intensity is targeted at infected people in the [growth stage].

The Order of Ashes currently only has two specific promotion methods for the Sixth Ladder.

One is a human experiment, and the other is the integration of digital rain.

According to the transplanted memory, the official information on promotion to the Sixth Ladder seems to be more...

The compatibility of the Sixth Ladder is basically comparable to small nuclear weapons in terms of energy intensity alone. Whether it is official or major organizations, the compatibility of the Sixth Ladder belongs to the top.

Under normal circumstances, no matter which force's Sixth Ladder they are, they rarely move around the outside world.

Most of the time, they are doing various research on digital viruses in their respective laboratories.

These are the general information from the Fourth Ladder to the Sixth Ladder, followed by the research results of the Ash Order in the Digital Ladder...

Promotion on the digital ladder seems to be related to strength and energy.

But these are all appearances.

The real essence is related to dimension!

Flat pictures, flat movies... are two-dimensional worlds.

The space of real life is a three-dimensional world;

The entire universe is a higher-dimensional world...

In the high-dimensional world, you can see the low-dimensional world, but in the low-dimensional world, you cannot see the high-dimensional world.

For example, people in real life watch movies, TV, and comics... all observing the two-dimensional world from the three-dimensional world.

But characters in movies, TV, and comics are not visible to real-life audiences.

So, what is the one-dimensional world that is lower than the two-dimensional world like?

What is the four-dimensional world that is higher than the three-dimensional world?

Based on the transplanted memories, the Ash Order speculates that the advanced civilization that created the digital virus should have entered a higher dimension.

The level of its technology is definitely far beyond human imagination.

For example, in the two-dimensional world, hundreds of thousands of years may be just a picture, a paragraph of text, or an introduction in the eyes of the three-dimensional world.

Similarly, in the three-dimensional world, the distance between galaxies is very far.

But in the eyes of the four-dimensional world, it may be just a number!

The Order of Ashes is more speculative about the four-dimensional world, while the one-dimensional world...

Normally, a one-dimensional world refers to a space consisting only of points within a line. It has no width and height, only length, and can be infinitely extended to both sides. 【Note】

This seems to be a very cramped and boring world. If humans are creatures in a one-dimensional world, they will be points with no length, width and height, and can only move along a line with no height and width.

But the Ash Order believes that people's imagination, dreams, and spiritual world are just one-dimensional worlds!

They believe that humans are not just three-dimensional creatures!

The whole human body is composed of one, two and three dimensions at the same time!

The digital rain forty years ago did not come in reality, but appeared in everyone's dreams.

In essence, the rain did not fall in the three-dimensional world, but in the one-dimensional world!

The Ash Order believes that the way that advanced civilization attacks the entire galaxy is launched from the one-dimensional world!

Digital Rain is a one-dimensional weapon!

The digital virus passes through the one-dimensional world and enters the two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds, and changes the two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds!

Correspondingly, the improvement of the digital ladder means that the digital virus is moving from the three-dimensional world to the fourth-dimensional world!

Therefore, the essence of ladder promotion is the fourth dimension!

Many of the current experiments of the Order of Ashes revolve around the improvement of dimensions.

These experimental data, as well as a large number of failure cases, are all in the memory of transplantation...

Finally, there is the basic information about the major forces...

First, there are large-scale international compatible organizations, of which there are four in total: Order of Ashes, Judgment of Twilight, Society of the Twelve Sages and Fourth Dimensional Utopia.

The Order of Ashes originated from the Chinese mainland and has spread its influence all over the world. The top leaders of the Chinese bloodline occupy an absolutely dominant position in the organization. Their experimental ideas are inextricably related to the traditional Chinese culture, and they have success. It also has the largest number of experimental subjects, and the leader of the organization is Doctor Ashes.

Twilight Judgment, an organization with the Angsa bloodline as its main body, has extremely deep roots and influence in the Western Continent and Jingxiang regions. In recent years, the direction of scientific research has been very unified, all centered around the God Creation Project Running around, but successful experimental subjects are very rare, and the leader is codenamed Two-Slit Man.

The Twelve Sages are one of the illegal organizations in China, but they are semi-public organizations in the West Continent and Nanmu Regions. This is because this organization focuses on human body technology and has a lot of knowledge about ordinary people. Or technological achievements that are very practical for low-level compatibility. Nine out of ten new chaebols after the Digital Rain have an inseparable relationship with them. Under a strong propaganda offensive, they have established themselves in some regions and countries. It has a relatively positive image and is even welcomed by some onlookers who don’t know the truth.

The leader of this organization is codenamed Mathematician.

Fourth-dimensional Utopia is the most mysterious of the four major compatible organizations in the world.

Different from the other three organizations, they all wear special badges to show their identity. When conducting experiments or activities, they will also take the initiative to leave their organizational emblems. People in this organization rarely disclose their identities. Even if they do something, they will not leave any traces for easy identification and can only be inferred from clues.

They seem to have little interest in fame, and they don't care about their influence at all. What is currently certain is that their leader, codenamed Dr. An, has nationality, race, experience, gender... all unknown.

Behind these four large organizations are introductions to several major countries in the world.

China and Star Flower have been the undisputed top powers for hundreds of years. Even after the digital rain came, they quickly stabilized their position and even had the power to pull other countries to their side.

Grizzly Bear Country, although this country began to decline a hundred years ago, relying on the wealth accumulated by its ancestors, it is still a presence that cannot be ignored on the international stage. After the digital rain came, their vast and sparsely populated country provided a sufficient buffer and greatly reduced losses. They are now a second-tier powerful country.

In addition to these three countries, some powerful countries a hundred years ago, such as the countries in the Jingxiang Region, and several members of the Monster House in the Eastern Region except China, are all limited by the narrow territory. In the Digital Rain Zhongyuan Qi was severely damaged.

Some small countries perished directly, and some of the remaining countries are still lingering in a digital forest every three steps and an infected person every five steps, existing in name only; some have merged with neighboring countries to form coalition governments, barely maintaining their existence. The order of a country; some simply ask China or the Star Flower Kingdom to become an enclave or confederation, just lie there and live under the protection of the big country...

In contrast, the education level of citizens in the Chiyan Region is generally low, and most residents have a narrow range of daily activities; the Seoyeon Region is located in the polar regions, with few people in the open space and few infected people.

These two regions are the least affected areas in the world. They have now become the base camps of the four major international compatibility organizations. Many experimental bases are located in these two regions.

However, there are basically no people in Seoyuan Region; although Chiyan Region has a large population, due to the limitation of national education level, the success rate of digital virus experiments is very low.

Therefore, the experiments of these large international organizations usually conduct preliminary tests in the Chiyan Region. After obtaining certain data and results, they will enter the two major countries of China or Star Flower Country to select better experimental subjects... …

[Note] From Baidu.

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