Ash Civilization

Chapter 239 Defects. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Infected Sister Nan?

Zhou Zhen's face suddenly became serious and he immediately asked: What do you mean? Please make it clear!

The voice on the other end of the phone quickly replied: Go to the barren mountain where you were last time to find me.

After saying that, Nine-tailed Fox didn't wait for his answer and hung up the phone.

Toot toot…

Listening to the busy tone from the receiver, Zhou Zhen frowned. He now felt that he was normal and there was nothing wrong with him!

However, he also thought so when he was abnormal before!

Therefore, he could not tell whether what the nine-tailed fox said was true or false...

After thinking seriously for a moment, Zhou Zhen quickly made a decision.

Can't take any chances!

Let’s meet the “nine-tailed fox” again!

In addition, you can no longer have contact with Sister Nan until you are sure that your condition is normal.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen turned around and took out pen and paper from the bedside table, tore off a sticky note and hurriedly wrote on it: I have something to go out.

Then he put the post-it note on a conspicuous place on the bedside, looked around, and after making sure there was no problem, he directly used [Plane Jump] and left the house.


Tongfu City, Barren Mountain.

The mountainside is rugged and desolate. Apart from scattered weeds, there is no sign of life.

When the wind blows, it stirs up bursts of sand and dust, rolling up between heaven and earth like an earth-yellow gauze curtain.

Suddenly, a figure wearing a white T-shirt and black pants appeared, it was Zhou Zhen.

Looking at the familiar scenes around him, Zhou Zhen looked calm. After being promoted to the Fourth Step, the [Plane Jump] distance has increased a lot.

Moreover, he used [Plane Jump] along the way, and the energy consumed was not much.

At this time, he used the digital domain [Energy Observation] to look around and found no trace of any energy body. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Nine-Tailed Fox.


When the call was connected, Zhou Zhen said quickly: I'm already here, where are you?

A familiar cold and charming voice came from the receiver: Turn around.

Zhou Zhen immediately turned around, and the surrounding scene changed instantly. The barren hills, gravel on the ground, and messy grass blades... all disappeared in an instant. He saw that he was standing in an underground tunnel, with sporadic trees growing on the mountain walls on both sides. Moss, dark green and black intertwined into mottled patterns, winding around the only path.

The corridor is very quiet, the air is fresh and dry, soft wind flows from the fingertips, and the spotlights on the ground are cross-lit, outlining the deep path.

Not far away, stood a well-dressed figure. Although the clothes were loose and had no sense of design or lines at all, and even his hair was wrapped in a doctor's hat, it could not cover up the figure that charmed all things and turned all living beings upside down. The style is nine-tailed fox!

At this moment, the nine-tailed fox slowly put down his mobile phone, put his hands into the pockets of his white coat, and looked at Zhou Zhen calmly.

Her eyes were still shining in the dim light, reflecting an almost inorganic coldness with the emblem of a double-headed snake entwined with an inverted scepter on the doctor's hat.

This scene was exactly the same as when Zhou Zhen left the underground base of Ash Order.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox looked at Zhou Zhen, obviously a little surprised, and immediately said: No wonder you can find your own problem.

It turns out that your condition has become serious.


Zhou Zhen's expression remained unchanged, but he was secretly wary and asked tentatively: My 'equation separation surgery' yesterday was not successful?

Nine-tailed fox shook his head and said briefly: Follow me.

With that said, she immediately turned around and walked towards the depths of the underground base.

Zhou Zhen followed immediately.

The two soon came to a mountain wall that seemed flawless. The nine-tailed fox stretched out his hand and pressed on a slightly concave rock. After triple verification with sclera, fingerprints, and energy aura, the mountain wall A secret door slid open silently.

There was a snow-white light behind the door, and the nine-tailed fox took Zhou Zhen in. Inside was a laboratory filled with various instruments.

The laboratory occupies a vast area with very high floors. The original ecology of cave rocks is maintained on the top, with densely packed shelves, pipes, and lighting installed.

Inside, against the wall, was a row of shelves with more than a dozen sets of strange-shaped organs soaked in potion.

At this moment, there was no one in the laboratory. Two rows of densely packed small nozzles spontaneously stretched out from the entrance, spraying out a cloud-like pale white gas to quickly disinfect those who entered the laboratory.

The nine-tailed fox passed through the cloud and mist, walked directly to the experimental table inside, stretched out his arms, supported the table, and looked down at the things on the experimental table.

It was a helmet-type visual sensor with a silver skull emblem surrounded by black flames in the upper left corner. Obviously, this was the standard equipment of ghost members.

However, this visual sensor was damaged in many places, and there were many traces of fire, water, and bullets. It looked very miserable.

Nine-tailed Fox stared at the visual sensor and said in a calm tone: In the world of 'digital viruses', human beings are just high-precision machines.

The five senses are sensors.

The eye is able to have vision. It is essentially the sensor of the eye that receives signals from the outside and then transmits them to the processor of the brain.

However, if the signal received by the eye sensor is interfered with.

Or maybe there's something wrong with the brain's processor.

The last thing I saw must be very disconnected from reality.

A lot of mental problems are just these two parts of the human body going wrong.

Having said this, she turned around, moved away from the front of the experimental platform, and looked at Zhou Zhen calmly, This visual sensor is the standard equipment of the ghost team.

It can correct visual deviations when human eyes are disturbed.

The specific principle is an official secret, and the organization is not clear about it.

Put it on and look in the mirror.

After hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately walked to the experimental table, picked up the visual sensor, and looked at it for a while.

He didn't know where the Order of Ashes got this official equipment, but just looking at the various battle marks and serious damage on it, he knew that the ghost originally equipped with this visual sensor must have been in danger. .

While thinking, Zhou Zhen looked around and walked to the disinfection area at the entrance. There was a simple wardrobe here to store lab coats. The door of the wardrobe was inlaid with a floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Zhou Zhen took the vision sensor and came to the mirror. He first looked at himself in the mirror with his naked eyes. He saw that everything was normal and there was nothing wrong with him.

After staring at himself in the mirror for a second, Zhou Zhen put on the visual sensor and looked up at the mirror again.

His figure in the mirror flickered rapidly, as if the signal was poor.

Soon, the figure stabilized, and Zhou Zhen immediately saw that all his flesh and blood in the mirror had turned into dense digits bit by bit!

When he was operating on Sister Nan, he saw his true appearance through Ji Xuexun's digital domain: the right half of his body was normal, and the left half of his body was digital.

And now I see myself in the mirror...the bodies on the left and right, except for the clothes, are all digits!

This situation was exactly the same as the digital rain he had seen before!

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of the unknown mass he took out of the lunch box when he just woke up...

There is something wrong with that part of the number!

At this time, the nine-tailed fox also walked to the mirror, looked at Zhou Zhen in the mirror, and said calmly: Your current situation is like a walking 'digital forest'.

Whoever you hang out with will get infected.

Of course, there are exceptions for those compatible with the 'Sixth Step' and above.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, raised his hand to take off the visual sensor, and asked: Do you have a way to solve this problem?

Nine-tailed fox shook his head and said: There are indeed some methods in the organization that can solve similar situations.

But your problems are too serious now.

Those methods can only suppress you and cannot truly restore you.

Theoretically speaking, you should become a 'digital forest' as you are now.

I don't know why you can still act like a normal person when you are completely 'digitized'...

Having said this, the nine-tailed fox paused, as if he suddenly forgot the words, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, read it, and then said, Your reward is here, come with me.

Then, she turned around and walked out of the laboratory, heading deeper into the underground base.

Zhou Zhen frowned and looked at the back of the nine-tailed fox. He was not in the mood to receive any reward now, but when he saw that the nine-tailed fox had no intention of waiting for him, he walked further and further away, and the figure was soon approaching. He disappeared from the turning point of the corridor and had no choice but to follow.

After walking for more than two minutes, the two came to a room that looked like a lounge.

There are holographic projection screens on three walls here, respectively showing scenes overlooking the sea, making this underground room feel like being on an isolated island in the stormy waves, with a particularly open space.

After the nine-tailed fox entered the room, he went directly to the cabinet in the middle. It was similar to the way he entered the laboratory before. After triple verification, the door of the cabinet was opened, and there was a sealed syringe inside. The syringe's syringe had already It is filled with light red liquid, which looks like diluted blood, but under the light, it seems to have strands of silver dots shining inside.

She looked at the syringe, took out the note in her pocket again, read it again, then put away the note, reached out and took out the memory fluid, and said: Your reward this time is this compatible memory fluid. .”

It contains knowledge from the 'Fourth Step' to the 'Sixth Step'.

Some of this knowledge is unique to the organization.

Other forces, including the government, don't know as much as organizations.

After saying that, the nine-tailed fox handed the sealed syringe to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen took the memory fluid and asked hurriedly: What is the specific way to suppress my current situation?

Hearing this, the Nine-Tailed Fox did not answer the question immediately. Instead, he took out the note in his pocket, read it again, and then continued: Okay, now let's talk about the time and space tunnel in Qingquan Valley.

As far as I know now...

At this point, she stopped as if she was stuck. After a pause, she simply took out the note from her pocket. While looking at the note, she said, As far as I understand now, the time on both sides of the space-time tunnel is Not equal.

The last time Lu Xingkuan entered that time and space tunnel, the organization marked his mental body.

Lu Xingkuan is at the other end of the space-time tunnel. He should have stayed there for quite some time.

However, the time he entered the space-time tunnel and the time he came out were only less than a minute apart.

Also, yesterday the official sent a 'ghost' from a high-level staircase, and he should be preparing to enter the time and space tunnel.

The 'Gathering of Twelve Sages' also has a sage coming.

I don't know who it is exactly yet.

The 'Twilight Trial' has recently produced several experimental subjects that are said to be very successful. I wonder if they will be sent here.

'Fourth-dimensional Utopia' should not be absent either.

In addition to these, once it is confirmed that it is really a time and space tunnel, other countries in the world, except for those who are particularly weak and have no time to take care of themselves, will definitely send requests to China for assistance in research...

Having said this, the nine-tailed fox paused, looked up at Zhou Zhen, and then said: Get ready now.

We need to set off as soon as possible and enter that time and space tunnel!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned. It seemed that he had not yet agreed to enter the space-time tunnel...

However, thinking about how the other party deliberately didn't tell him how to suppress his problems, he knew in his heart that this should be the condition.

So, Zhou Zhen nodded, raised the syringe in his hand, and said, I want to transplant this memory fluid first.

After saying this, he thought quickly, looked at the note that Nine-tailed Fox had been holding in his hand strangely, and asked tentatively, What's so special about this note of yours? ?”

It was rare for the nine-tailed fox to show any emotion other than coldness. She snorted coldly and said, This is why I need an assistant.

My memory isn't very good!

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