Ash Civilization

Chapter 206 Equation separation surgery. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Kill Sister Nan?

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and a strong murderous intention instantly arose in his heart. He grabbed Gai Zhu's neck and lifted him up from the ground!

The feeling of suffocation was overwhelming, and the thick shadow of death shrouded down. Gaizhu wanted to struggle, but his body was like an insect wrapped in amber, suddenly unable to move at all.

In her [Abstract Vision], the body of Shen Sheng in front of her was blurry, turbulent, and squirming little by little, and soon turned into a human-shaped digital aggregation.

The opponent's entire body, all areas not covered by clothes, turned into densely packed squirming figures!

The other party is losing control!

It’s over!

Gaizhu suddenly felt desperate. She knew very well that there must be extremely dangerous reasons why Shiguang did not tell Shen Sheng personally about the matter, but asked her to help convey it.

However, she had no other choice just now!

There were black shadows in front of his eyes, and his whole body seemed to be falling into the dark abyss. Just when Gaizhu thought he was going to die, Zhou Zhen suddenly let go.

Gai Zhu opened her eyes subconsciously and looked towards him. In her field of vision, all the squirming figures on Zhou Zhen's body disappeared and returned to normal flesh and blood.

Zhou Zhen seemed to have calmed down again. He asked coldly: What else did that 'picking up the light' say?

Cough cough cough... Gaizhu coughed violently for a moment and quickly replied: She also said that if you don't agree with this choice, you can only consider 'equation separation surgery'!

This operation is a great achievement of the 'Ash Order'. It can only be obtained by joining the 'Ashe Order'.

Moreover, 'Shi Guang' also said that he has prepared a surgical experiment for you to use for practicing!

Equation separation surgery?

Zhou Zhen's face was cold and he asked: What else?

Gaizhu immediately shook his head vigorously and said in a hoarse voice: No more.

That's all 'picking up the light' told me.

Zhou Zhen didn't say anything more, glanced at YL011 next to him, and directly ordered: Lock her in!

With that said, he immediately turned around and left the breeding area.

YL011 bowed slightly and watched Shen Sheng walk away. Then he walked up to Gaizhu, grabbed her by the neck, picked her up, and walked towards the pen.

In his field of vision, when Master Shen just said something, the big white goose raised its neck and screamed arrogantly several times. After an inexplicable conversation between the two parties, Master Shen asked him to lock up the big white goose again... …


The door of the pen was closed heavily, and Gaizhu was thrown into the poultry cage again.

Looking at the water stains, straw, and feed scattered everywhere on the ground, Gai Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and his face was full of fear for the rest of his life.

An Yijun, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin, the Luo sisters... everyone in the pen immediately gathered around.

Sister Gai, what happened just now?

Sister Gai, have you found the exit?

Sister Gai, why are you back again?

Sister Gai...

Gai Zhu's face turned cold, and he slapped Cheng Zhenji, the first one who rushed up, with his backhand!


A crisp sound echoed in the pen. Cheng Zhenji was unable to resist. He was immediately beaten to the ground with blood stains oozing from the corners of his mouth.

Gai Zhu looked around and said coldly: Don't bother me!

The crowd who were about to continue to gather around her to ask questions immediately shut up and did not dare to say anything or come near anymore.

Gai Zhu looked around and was about to continue looking for the exit when his cell phone suddenly rang again.

She picked up the phone and immediately saw that the phone that had the number of the phone card stolen before received another call from Wang Yanliang... no, it was picked up!

Gai Zhu quickly answered the phone and said angrily: Tell me how to get out!

I almost died just now!!


Your voice is too soft, I can't hear you clearly...

boom! ! !

The next moment, Gai Zhu's head exploded like a cannonball. The red and white liquid mixed with blood, flesh and bones was like fireworks blooming in the sky, spraying in circles.

The headless corpse slowly fell.



Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

In the spacious and deep corridor, Zhou Zhen walked quickly alone. The lights in the breeding area shone quietly behind him, and soon became lighter and fainter.

At this moment, the phone rang. Zhou Zhen took out his phone and saw that the 5-minute countdown was up.

While he crossed off the alarm clock, he dialed back the number of Ash Order just now.


After three calls, the phone was picked up.

Before Zhou Zhen could speak, the familiar voice came from the receiver: Have you considered it? If you want to join the organization, you'd better hurry up.

The experimental body used to train you may not last a few days.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath to keep himself calm, and then asked very directly, What is 'equation separation surgery'?

The voice on the other end of the phone came quickly: Originally, the idea of ​​this operation was to separate the 'digital virus' from the 'equation' of the infected person, so as to cure the infected person.

Of course, this idea was definitely not realized later.

Otherwise, the 'digital virus' would have been under control long ago.

As for what this operation is now, I can only say it if you agree to join the organization!

You just need to know that this surgery can help you recover now!

Zhou Zhen shook his head slightly and asked calmly: Shall we meet and talk?

The voice on the phone immediately replied: Okay! The fact that you didn't kill Gaizhu just now means that your current mental state is relatively stable.

You should set off immediately and come to a place 10 kilometers southeast of the Yulan isolation point. There is an abandoned bell tower here. I will wait for you on the roof.

Must arrive within 10 minutes.

If you don't arrive after the time limit, or if you don't see me when you get to the place, I will leave immediately.

Zhou Zhen said: Okay!

The other party simply cut off the call.

Zhou Zhen put down his cell phone and immediately walked towards the trading floor.

He came to the trading floor and walked directly to the rows of three-story commercial buildings. Just behind one of the rows of small buildings, there was a dusty pickup truck parked.

This was the car he drove the first few times he went out. Because he used it frequently, he kept it parked here.

Zhou Zhen opened the door and got in, ignited the car and started it. The roar of the engine suddenly sounded in the spacious and empty trading hall.

The pickup truck quickly drove towards the civil defense gate.

Behind the civil air defense gate, the four people of YL020 stood respectfully. When they heard the sound of the pickup truck speeding towards them, they suddenly became excited and stood straighter, with their chests and heads held high. Their expressions also changed from tired and anxious to energetic in an instant. It is their greatest honor to be able to work as doormen here.

The military pickup truck had just arrived near the civil defense gate, and the gate had opened automatically.

Zhou Zhen stepped on the accelerator, the pickup truck rushed out of the isolation point, and the civil air defense gate immediately closed automatically.


Ten kilometers southeast of the Yulan isolation point, there used to be a natural village here. Now the whole village is as silent as death, without any popularity.

In the abandoned village, the highest point is a former bell tower. It is not the kind of bell tower with clocks in foreign countries, but the kind of bell tower that rings bells in ancient times.

It is located in the courtyard of a Chinese classical garden. Its shape is similar to the previous tower, and it is scaled down to a height of about five stories.

The green-black building is covered with mottled moss, adding a touch of vicissitudes of time.

The stairs leading to the bell tower are located on the outside of the building and rise slowly around the entire bell tower. Above the square trapezoidal building, under the roof with cornices and corners, hangs an ancient bronze bell. The bell body is engraved with various complex and beautiful patterns. Other than that, the top floor of the entire bell tower is empty. The bell hammer has long since disappeared.

At this moment, on the roof of the building, Shi Guang wearing a camel coat hung up the phone and immediately started a 10-minute countdown.

Next to her, stood a young man wearing a goose-yellow suit and a dark red bow tie. This man was thin and looked a bit thin. He had a handsome appearance, but his eyes were dark and blue, as if he hadn't had a good rest for a long time. On the left side of his face is a tattoo of a hanging scepter wrapped around a two-headed snake. The corners of his mouth are raised high with an exaggerated and weird smile.

Looking at the act of picking up the light, the young man had a funny and weird exaggerated smile on his face: Why bother?

“We can just talk it over on the phone!”

Guimao No. 14 has only one way now, and he will definitely agree to our conditions!

Shi Guang shook his head and said calmly: If he is still complete enough and possesses absolute sanity, that is indeed the case.

However, we cannot expect a mentally disturbed person to make logical choices.

I'll let Gai Zhu test the status of Guimao No. 14 first. This is the safest way to deal with it now.

Guimao No. 14 did not kill Gai Zhu just now, which shows that his current rationality has the upper hand for the time being.

Besides, I haven't recorded the data of Guimao 14 for a while.

In this meeting, I can just record his latest data.

The young man in a goose-yellow suit seemed to be unable to control his emotions, and suddenly burst into exaggerated laughter: Hahahahaha...

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: Now that Wang Yanliang is dead, Gai Zhu is also dead.

Both the Maoqiao isolation point and the Jingxi isolation point are managed by the two of us.

However, there are not many truly useful supplies in these two isolation points.

I'm afraid it won't last for several separation surgeries!

Shiguang said calmly: Experimental subject Guimao 14, even if he has not become a compatibility, he is still as powerful as himself.

He doesn't need to practice a few times, he can definitely master the separation surgery!

As he spoke, a burst of melodious piano music came from the young man in a goose-yellow suit. He immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said with a weird smile: Ling'an isolation point's Lu Xingkuan is urging us again!

Before he finished speaking, he hung up the phone without paying any attention to the Ling'an isolation point.

Shi Guang nodded slightly. Lu Xingkuan's symptoms were due to Qingquan Valley, and the reason why Lu Xingkuan entered Qingquan Valley was their contribution...


The pickup truck drove bumpily in the wilderness, and the warehouse-style building above the Yulan isolation point was quickly abandoned without a trace.

The windshield, covered with a layer of fine dust, reflected Zhou Zhen's expressionless face in the driver's seat.

Zhou Zhen looked at the gray wilderness and stepped on the accelerator. The engine roared fiercely, and the entire pickup suddenly jumped out, jumping and jumping between potholes.

The journey went smoothly without any trouble, and soon, an abandoned small village appeared in front of him.

This village is almost all single-family buildings, with only a few Chinese-style bungalows occasionally covered by high walls.

Perhaps because the floors are generally short, not many of these buildings collapsed.

Throughout the village, the five-story bell tower is particularly conspicuous.

In the gardens around the bell tower, the ponds and swamps have dried up, the rockeries have collapsed, the vegetation has died, and everything is full of desolation and silence.

Zhou Zhen parked the pickup truck in the open space under the bell tower and walked directly in.

Thumb, thump, thump...

The dull footsteps echoed in the silent village for a long time.

Soon, Zhou Zhen came to the last step. At this moment, he looked up and saw two figures appearing in the railing above his head.

One of the figures was wearing a camel coat, and under a wide-brimmed hat, there was a mask full of evil and noble aura, which blocked her face. On the other person's chest was an inverted scepter wrapped around a two-headed snake. pendant; another figure is a man wearing a goose-yellow suit, with a tattoo on his face of an inverted scepter wrapped around a two-headed snake.

Zhou Zhen only glanced at it and immediately recognized that these were the two members of the Ash Order who appeared in the Binhai Central Hospital incident!

The Shiguang who called him just now was the woman in the camel coat!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen continued to walk upward.

In the railing above his head, a young man in a goose-yellow suit bowed gracefully and showed an exaggerated smile: Mr. Zhou, we meet again!

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen immediately noticed that the ringtone of his cell phone in his pocket rang instantly.

He took out his mobile phone and the screen displayed: Unknown number.

Zhou Zhen swiped the screen several times and found that he could not hang up the call. He immediately understood that this was the digital domain of the two members of the Ash Order opposite!

When he woke up from the underground morgue at the abandoned machinery factory in Dengming District, Binhai City, these two members were already watching him secretly!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen ignored the ringing cell phone and walked towards the two figures step by step. Soon, he climbed the last step and stood on the top floor of the bell tower, looking at the two people not far away. He asked directly: Did you bring the 'Equation Separation Surgery'?

Shiguang didn't say anything. The young man in a goose-yellow suit immediately took out a pitch-black syringe and replied frantically: Bring it here!

This is the [quick-acting transplant memory solution]!

“With just one shot, you can memorize all the surgical steps!”

However, you have to agree to join the organization in order to...

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen's figure appeared in front of him instantly, raising his hand and pressing directly on his shoulder...

For an instant, the young man in a goose-yellow suit seemed to be petrified, unable to move at all. In his eyes, Zhou Zhen's figure suddenly collapsed and expanded, turning into a thick shadow, indescribable, indescribable, terrifying and terrifying. Weird and full of unknown horrors.

Digital domain, [Plane Transition]!

Digital domain, [zero distance fear]!

Zhou Zhen took the [Quick-acting Transplantation Memory Solution] directly from the young man in a goose-yellow suit and calmly replied: Thank you.

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