Ash Civilization

Chapter 205 Conversation. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt tired and sleepy, and he wanted to fall asleep immediately.

His thinking speed was immediately affected and began to decline rapidly.

Zhou Zhen immediately understood that this was because the two memories just consumed too much of his digital energy!

Now, he can still see the last memory.

But after reading it, he may directly lose his real-life memory due to a serious lack of digital energy!

In addition, he can also raise his hand and ask a question to the math teacher...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen raised his hand directly.

The math teacher immediately stopped teaching, looked at Zhou Zhen with burning eyes, and asked, Student Zhou Zhen, is there anything you didn't understand?

Zhou Zhen stood up immediately and asked in a loud voice: Teacher, we are students now, and we should focus on learning. What is the punishment for falling in love early?

The math teacher quickly replied: I will be punished by standing for one class.

As he spoke, he turned around and continued to write complex characters quickly on the blackboard, continuing to explain this extremely profound mathematical problem.

Zhou Zhen sat back in his seat and frowned suddenly.

Being made to stand for a period of time is the same punishment as fighting in the classroom.

If the punishment was harsher, he would give the love letter Ji Xuexun gave him directly to the teacher now!

But such a small punishment cannot help him turn the situation around!

After the punishment is over, Ji Xuexun will definitely come over to settle the score with him immediately!

And by that time, he will have no room for other operations!

Thinking silently in his heart, Zhou Zhen looked at the textbook in front of him again.

In this class, there is one last chance...


This dream should be the last chance left!

As soon as get out of class is over, Ji Xuexun will come over and block him!

He had no chance to borrow a notebook from a classmate other than Zhang Yonghao.

Zhang Yonghao's notes had already been lent to him once just now.

Even if you borrow it again, you won't be able to restore much energy, and it won't be enough to see how much memory is consumed!

After thinking carefully for a while, Zhou Zhen wrote down the number of pages in the textbook and did not continue to turn to the next page.

Now as soon as get out of class is over, he will be blocked by Ji Xuexun. In this case, once he loses his memory, it will be very dangerous!

So, Zhou Zhen closed the textbook, looked at the blackboard, and listened quietly to the class.

Time passed slowly and the bell rang.

Jingle Bell……

The math teacher immediately put down the chalk, packed up the lesson plans, and briefly announced: get out of class is over.

Then he picked up the lesson plan and strode out of the classroom.

The teacher walked out, and Ji Xuexun appeared next to Zhou Zhen's desk. Just like before, her figure in a mint green chiffon dress was as graceful as a willow branch hanging low on the river in a spring night. She was slender and graceful, full of vitality. of vitality and boundless beauty.

The hair scattered around her shoulders concealed Miharu's peach-like face. She shyly and persistently held the love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it, looking romantic and beautiful.

Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen... Ji Xuexun's followers also all left their seats and gathered around.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and looked towards Ji Xuexun.


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

In the bedroom deep in the Siam-style courtyard, the floor-to-ceiling windows are closed tightly, and the sound of gurgling water from the water lily pond quietly enters the room, turning into hypnotic white noise.

Zhou Zhen was lying on the soft bed, motionless, his chest rising and falling rhythmically, as if he was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Zhou Zhen pressed his slightly swollen temples and felt that he was more tired after sleeping than if he had not slept.

He took out his cell phone, looked at the time, and immediately knew that Tao Nange should have entered the classroom now.

However, he has been blocked by Ji Xuexun and cannot go to Class 7 (7) of high school to observe the situation.

Thinking in his mind, Zhou Zhen immediately turned over and sat up, walked out of the bedroom and walked towards the laboratory.

Although he already knew that the [Powerful Digital Psycholeptic] was of little use to him, he had no other medicine to use at the moment. He still had to inject a few while his mental state was not so bad now.

Soon, Zhou Zhen came to the laboratory, where everything was as before.

He came to the cabinet where the medicine was stored and opened the door. There were clearly marked sealed medicines placed in different areas.

Zhou Zhen took out several [powerful digital psycholeptics] and injected himself three in one breath.

After the liquid medicine entered his body, he didn't feel any changes in his body. After staying in the laboratory for a while, he turned around and walked out of the door, heading to the main control room.

Tao Nange told him that it was best to only move around in his residence and laboratory.

You can go to the breeding area and planting area if accompanied by the other party.

The main control room was not among the places Tao Nange mentioned. He went to the main control room now to check the operation of the entire Yulan isolation point.

After a while, Zhou Zhen came to the main control room and successfully passed the various tests at the entrance. After verifying the identity of the administrator, the heavy door leading to the main control room opened automatically.

Zhou Zhen walked in, sat down in front of the main monitoring desk, and looked up at the many screens floating in front of him.

The first thing he looked at was the situation at the entrance. Starting from the civil air defense gate, the pictures displayed by every probe were very normal. YL020 and other four doormen guarded the place where they came in conscientiously. They occasionally changed their stance and showed no signs of laziness. means; next is the trading area. This area is currently almost empty and there are no people moving around. The surveillance looks like a still picture.

The living area is also empty, but occasionally YL015 and YL016 can be seen patrolling. These two people seem to be highly nervous. At the slightest sign of trouble, they immediately point their guns and aim for a long time before hesitantly putting down their weapons; In the fitness area, YL017 and YL018 held brooms and rags in their hands, sweeping the already clean floor again and again, and wiping the equipment again and again. Their expressions were tense and their eyes were alert. They kept standing back to back. Always be aware of your surroundings, but other than that, there are no problems.

Educational District...Medical District...

Zhou Zhen browsed carefully one by one and determined that these areas were normal.

It's just that the new employees seem to be particularly sensitive.

But when the surveillance camera in the breeding area was switched in front of him, he suddenly frowned.

I saw that in one of the pens, there were not poultry or livestock, but a few well-armed young men!

Zhou Zhen glanced at the faces of these people and immediately recognized them as Gai Zhu, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin... and a middle-aged man who looked very similar to the Lao An Gai Zhu mentioned, and Cheng Zhenji The Luo sisters!

Although he had learned the general situation of the breeding area from Tao Nange yesterday, he still felt something strange that was difficult to describe when he saw Gai Zhu, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin and others being locked up in the poultry pen.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen withdrew his gaze. He could now see the true appearance of these people, which showed that his current mental state was relatively stable.

But just like Tao Nange said, we can’t let these people out now!

Because it is not certain whether these people were infected by him.

Zhou Zhen quickly read all the monitoring and found no problems. Just when he was about to go back to his room and continue sleeping, his cell phone suddenly rang, accompanied by a slight buzzing.

He quickly took out his mobile phone. The caller ID showed a very unfamiliar mobile phone number. After thinking for a while, he chose to answer the call: Hello, who is this?

A familiar voice immediately came from the receiver: I'm Gai Zhu. I have something I want to talk to you about.

Gai Zhu?

Zhou Zhen was startled and immediately looked at the surveillance camera. The surveillance camera clearly transmitted the scene in the pen. Gai Zhu was walking around and banging in the messy pen, looking anxiously for the exit. He was not on the phone at all!

This call was not from Gai Zhu!

Or maybe the surveillance footage he sees now is fake!

Zhou Zhen suddenly became alert and asked calmly: Where are you?

The voice on the phone quickly replied: I'm at your Yulan isolation point. If you can find me, we'll talk. If you can't find me, let's talk next time.

Zhou Zhen frowned and quickly understood what the other party meant.

If his current mental state is not right, he will not be able to see Gaizhu and naturally cannot find the other party; if his mental state is normal, it will not be difficult to find Gaizhu in his own isolation point.

However, Gai Zhu was not on the phone. Moreover, even if the call was made by Gai Zhu, Gai Zhu had only met him once, so it was impossible for him to have his phone number, and it was impossible for him to know so much about his situation. many!

The one talking to him now is not Gai Zhu!

Zhou Zhen immediately asked: 'Ash Order'?

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly turned into another female voice that Zhou Zhen had heard before: It seems that you are quite sober now.

Then, you go see Gai Zhu first.

I have already told Gaizhu how to stabilize his mind.

After talking to Gai Zhu, if you decide to join the 'Ash Order', call this number again.

Toot toot…

A busy signal that the call was hung up came from the receiver.

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately remembered the member of the Ash Order who appeared at Binhai Central Hospital wearing a camel coat, a wide-brimmed hat and an evil mask.

He had heard the other party's voice once and would not remember it wrong!

He is an official member and joining the Ash Order is out of the question.

However, the method the other party mentioned...

The Ash Order wants him to join, and the method provided should be effective.

After all, if he loses control, the Order of Ashes cannot recruit a monster to join.

While you can still distinguish between humans and animals, go meet Gai Zhu first!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up, walked towards the breeding area, picked up his cell phone, and set an alarm for 5 minutes.

This is a reminder he gave himself.

Once the time is up, no matter what happens, you must leave the breeding area immediately.


Yulan isolation point, breeding area.

YL010 stayed in the monitoring room, while YL011 held a notebook and gel pen, patrolling and recording layer by layer.

He stopped in front of the pens with green lights on, and after observing the poultry, livestock, and aquatic products inside for a while, he began to fill in various data according to the format, and then briefly described the general situation of these animals in words.

Pass by the pens with the red indicator light on. These pens are all empty and there is nothing inside.

When passing by the pen where Gai Zhu and others were, YL011 had the same attitude towards other pens with poultry. However, he frowned slightly when he looked at the torn straw, spilled feed, and water stains everywhere. There was clear anger in his eyes, as if he wanted to open the door of the pen immediately, go in and beat up all the chickens, ducks and geese.

But considering the rules of this digital forest, after taking a few deep breaths, he still did nothing. After completing the recording, he walked directly over and came to the next pen with a green light on to continue recording.

At this time, the sound of bah, bah, bah came from the walkie-talkie. YL011 immediately stopped recording, paying attention to the walkie-talkie, waiting for his companion to speak.

Step, step, step...

Before the noise on the intercom ended, there was already a soft sound of footsteps in the corridor.

YL011 turned his head suddenly and immediately saw a figure wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt with printed letters and black trousers. This figure looked normal. There were no crawling numbers on his body and he was walking towards him.

There was an extremely frightened expression on his face, and he forced himself not to run away. He asked with some uncertainty: Shen...Master Shen?

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and glanced at the many animals in the breeding area. He quickly looked at the pen where Gaizhu was kept. Then he pointed directly at Gaizhu inside and said, Catch her. I want to talk to her. sentence!

YL011 said hurriedly: Yes!

He immediately put down the pen and paper, walked over quickly, opened the door of the pen, walked in, grabbed the largest white goose by the neck, and carried it out directly.

The big white goose lifted its feet off the ground and immediately pecked YL011 hard. It quickly opened its wings and flapped wildly on YL011.

YL011 didn't react at all. The big white goose's struggle did no harm to him.

Soon, he took the big white goose out of the pen and placed it in front of Zhou Zhen.

YL011 looked at Zhou Zhen with a fearful expression and asked cautiously: Shen, Mr. Shen, should I go to work first?

Seeing the Gai Zhu of the Fourth Step without any resistance in the hands of YL011, Zhou Zhen knew clearly that his condition was still very bad!

Thinking of this, he glanced at the countdown on his phone, shook his head and said, There's no rush.

When I finish speaking, you can lock her in again.

Hearing this, Gai Zhu finally saw Zhou Zhen, and she hurriedly said: Boss Shen...Master Shen!

I have something very important to tell you!

As long as you are willing to let me go...

Before Gaizhu could finish his words, Zhou Zhen interrupted directly: Is it about the 'Ashes Order'?

Repeat everything the Order of Ashes asked you to say.

You only have 4 minutes now.

After four minutes, I don't know what I will look like.

Gaizhu's face suddenly turned pale as she listened. She did not doubt what Zhou Zhen said at all. After all, she had already seen it once yesterday!

So, Gai Zhu hurriedly said: 'Shiguang' told me that if you want to recover, it's very simple, just kill the ghost No. 024!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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