Ash Civilization

Chapter 183 Investigation. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Soon, Tao Nange finished applying medicine to Zhou Zhen's wound and bandaged it carefully.

Immediately afterwards, she took out her mobile phone, edited the message, and immediately applied for a new pharmaceutical formula.

This kind of medicine is called [Powerful Digital Neuroleptic], which is an enhanced version of [Digital Tranquilizer]. Compared with [Digital Tranquilizer], it reduces the activity of certain organs or tissues of the compatible person and inhibits the central nervous system. The sedative effect, [powerful digital neuroleptic], mainly focuses on the control of mental illnesses.

Zhou Zhen's state just now was very wrong!

Tao Nange suspected that the other party's mental problem had become serious.

In this case, using [powerful digital neuroleptics] can soothe and calm down the mood.

After the application was sent, she got up and walked into the warehouse.

After passing through the dazzling array of shelves, Tao Nange entered the laboratory. The things inside were neatly arranged, but some of the glassware on the experimental table seemed to be missing.

Tao Nange looked around casually and found nothing wrong, so he immediately opened the cabinet where the medicine was stored.

There are three types of medicines with different packages inside. The one on the far left is [Digital Tranquilizer]; the middle is [Digital Stimulant]; and the one on the far right should be anti-[Protective Mechanism] medicine.

Tao Nange took out all the anti-[protective mechanism] medicines, randomly took out a medicine from it, held it in front of her and observed it carefully for a moment, then she took out a piece of test paper from the laboratory and dropped the medicine on it. Wait quietly.

Soon, the color of the test paper began to change.

During the whole process, Tao Nange couldn't take his eyes off him and picked up the pen and paper next to him to record it.

After about a minute, the reaction on the test paper ended.

Tao Nange compared the recorded content with the description on the potion formula and found that there was no difference.

She nodded slightly, the medicine was normal and there was nothing wrong with it.

This anti-[protective mechanism] potion was prepared by Zhou Zhen alone after she left the isolation point just now.

And Zhou Zhen's mental state just now was very wrong.

She was worried that the other party had mixed the wrong medicine and injected herself.

Now it seems that there is no problem with the potion itself, the problem should still lie in that classroom.

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone sounded a message notification tone.

Tao Nange came to her senses and saw a reply from the formula she had just applied for.

She immediately took out a new piece of paper, grabbed a pen, and prepared to start decoding.

But as soon as she opened the phone, she discovered that the reply to the application this time was not a complete formula, but three words: To be verified.


Tongfu City.

Outer suburbs.

Ruins of industrial area.

The abandoned factory buildings have long been razed to the ground. In the gray-black soil, you can occasionally see one or two pieces of newly broken rubble, bricks, and all the weeds. They have all been burned away, leaving mottled burn marks on the ground.

In the middle of this battlefield ruins is a huge deep pit. There is a mud pillar remaining in the pit, and there are some messy marks on the top of the pillar.

The surrounding atmosphere is mixed, the scene is chaotic, and there are traces of infected people everywhere left behind after they wreaked havoc.

The wild wind blew, and everything was silent.

Suddenly, two figures wearing ghost suits appeared on the edge of the pit without warning.

The two figures, one fat and one thin, both wear fully enclosed helmets, and their faces cannot be seen. Their left chests are branded with a symbol of a skull surrounded by black fire, and there are mechas on their shoulders, arms, waist and abdomen, knees, and ankles. The components are complex and exquisite, full of the elegance unique to machinery and technology.

These are two ghosts!

At this moment, they were lowering their heads slightly and looking at the bottom of the pit. There was dust in the pit. In the thick dust, there was a severed arm that had been mostly covered, lying there quietly.

This amputated arm is white and slender, and has a sleeve from a ghost suit.

It was as pale as paper, without any blood, and the blood at the break had long since dried up.

Layers of dust fell on it. It was obvious that the arm had fallen here and had been there for some time.

The fatter ghost took out an instrument and started scanning the arm below.

Didi didi...

Accompanied by a subtle and rapid beep, the fatter ghost said: The amputated limb still has weak 'digital energy'. It is this part of the 'digital energy' that locks the activity of the amputated limb.

Another thinner ghost sounded a little confused: This is the last trace of 024, but it's a bit strange.

This is a high-risk city, why haven't infected people come here to destroy this limb?

The fatter Ghost shook his head and said briefly: I don't know.

Our mission this time has been completed, and we can report to the superiors!

The thinner Ghost nodded slightly and immediately connected the signal on the visual sensor...

I am Ghost No. 012, Carl Ax, the eleventh sage of the Twelve Sages. I am no longer in Tongfu City.

However, when we were tracking Carl Ax, we found clues about the black messenger of the 'Twilight Trial'.

After confirming that Carl Ax was not in Tongfu City, we turned to follow the black messenger and found out several strongholds of the 'Twilight Trial' in Tongfu City.

Now those strongholds have been successfully destroyed.

But the messenger in black ran away early...

No. 012 quickly reported to the superiors on the execution of the mission in the past few days.

As for Ghost No. 024...

We can't trace her energy, and we haven't found her.

Now we are in the suburban industrial park of Tongfu City. There are traces of fighting here. After searching the entire battlefield, there is only a severed arm of Ghost No. 024.

Based on the traces on the scene, it is estimated that it was cut off by Carl Ax.

Ghost No. 024 has probably been sacrificed!

Having said this, No. 012 paused for a moment. After a few seconds, he said with a very certain tone: That's impossible!

If No. 024 is still alive, there is no way we can't trace it.

The person who has been in contact with the group is not the real number 024!

After the words fell, No. 012 listened quietly for a moment, and then solemnly responded: Copy that!

We will take back the severed limb of No. 024...


We'll verify it!

When the call ended, the fatter ghost next to him had already taken out a special metal box and was using a hook to grab the pale severed limb from the bottom of the pit and put it into the metal box.

Seeing that No. 012 had been contacted, he asked: Is there someone pretending to be No. 024 and keeping in touch with the group?

No. 012 shook his head and replied briefly: Maybe it's not impersonation, but the target really thinks he is No. 024!

Before the incident on No. 024, he was with a member of the special operations brigade named 'Zhou Zhen'.

The team said that this Zhou Zhen has very severe symptoms of [schizophrenia].

The information about Carl Ax was provided by Zhou Zhen.

Moreover, the other party also provided other very valuable information to the group many times during this period.

The team now suspects that the Eleventh Sage, Carl Ax, killed No. 024 in front of Zhou Zhen. Zhou Zhen's psychology is very fragile and cannot accept the fact that No. 024 died, so deep down in his heart, he has A new personality numbered 024.

The person who has been in contact with the team during this period may be Zhou Zhen.

However, Zhou Zhen did not pretend to be No. 024 on purpose, but when the other party contacted the team, he really thought he was No. 024!

The fatter Ghost listened carefully and then asked: So, what is our next task?

No. 012 quickly replied: There are two points in total.

First, recycle the severed arm of No. 024 to prevent it from being used as materials after being encountered by some forces in high-risk cities;

Two, go verify Zhou Zhen's status.

If that No. 024 is Zhou Zhen's extra personality, then it'll be fine.

Zhou Zhen's main character is that he has always been a qualified member of the special operations team and will not betray others.

As long as he stays in a high-risk city, it's not a big problem.

But if that No. 024 is not Zhou Zhen's extra personality, but someone else is really impersonating him, then we will arrest the target or even eliminate him.

Because there are already several formulas in the group that have fallen into the hands of the other party.

The fatter Ghost nodded and said, This is easy!

As he said that, he immediately connected the contact information of No. 024 on the visual sensor...

Hello, I'm Ghost No. 018.

Ghost No. 024, please reply when you receive it...

Ghost No. 024, please answer immediately after receiving it...

Ghost No. 024...

After calling several times, there was still no response from No. 024. Ghost No. 018 disconnected the call, looked at Ghost No. 012 and said: We can't contact No. 024. Immediately retrieve Zhou Zhen's energy signal from the team and call directly. Track Zhou Zhen’s energy!”

Ghost No. 012 nodded slightly: I'm already transferring it.


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point, laboratory.

Tao Nange looked at the words to be verified on his phone and waited quietly.

She applied for multiple pharmaceutical formulas from the team in a short period of time, which must have attracted the team's attention.

The team now wants to further verify her identity.

This is a very normal review procedure, no big deal.

Therefore, Tao Nange is very patient.

Not long after, her cell phone rang, and she immediately answered the call.

A strange man's voice came from the receiver: Hello, I am Ghost No. 018...Ghost No. 024, please answer when you receive it...

Tao Nange immediately replied: Received on No. 024!

However, the voice on the phone seemed not to hear her answer at all, and continued to repeat: Ghost No. 024, please answer immediately after receiving it...

Tao Nange immediately replied again: No. 024 received! No. 018, please tell me the content!

The voice on the phone repeated again: Ghost No. 024, please answer when you receive it...

Tao Nange continued to reply: Received on No. 024...

The two parties asked and replied to each other several times, and finally the call was disconnected. The voice on the other end of the phone seemed not to hear Tao Nange's voice from beginning to end.

Tao Nange frowned and looked at the call history on the phone screen. He was about to call back the number he called, but his movement stopped suddenly.

The 6-hour time limit is up!

The next moment, her figure disappeared instantly.


The familiar incandescent lamp illuminates the classroom magnificently.

Grade 3 (7) class.

Tao Nange raised her head and looked around vaguely. The entire classroom was empty except for a simple-looking male student sitting in the middle seat. She vaguely remembered that his name was Zheng Ming...

Thinking is like a gear that has not been maintained for a long time, and every turn is extremely slow.

Tao Nange sat blankly in his seat, a little confused for a moment.

At this moment, the front door of the classroom was pushed open, and a math teacher wearing a bright red dress, glossy red bow-tie high-heeled shoes, and a Santa hat walked in, followed by the sound of footsteps and seven classmates.

Among the seven students, the one walking at the front is a tall and thin boy. He is wearing orange short-sleeves, army green trousers, and black sneakers. His hair is shaved very short. He has a somewhat unruly expression and is holding a handful in each hand. The knife, one long and one short, has a sharp edge and looks very untouchable;

Behind him was a short, fat girl with very white, almost transparent skin. She was wearing a Lolita-style dress and a complicated bonnet decorated with flowers and beads. She also held a pen in her hand. Bamboo baskets filled with flowers and fruits;

The third classmate is a boy. He has dark skin. He is wearing a khaki vest, blue jeans, and a pair of safety shoes. He has his head lowered, his hands clasped in front of him, and one foot scratching on the ground. very cramped;

The fourth classmate is still a boy. He is tall and fat. The fat bulges out of his original loose black sweater. He has small eyes and an inverted oval face. He has a mohawk hairstyle. He puts his hands in his trouser pockets and puts his weight on one On the foot, the other foot kept shaking, not sure whether it was relaxation or tension;

The fifth classmate is still a boy. His appearance is eye-catching among the seven classmates. He has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. His black hair is cut into a short crop. He wears a white shirt and blue jeans. He is handsome and refreshing. , looks upright and dignified in appearance;

The sixth classmate is a girl. She has good features but sallow skin. She seems to be in poor health and is very thin. She is wearing a light pink dress with French-style vines embroidered all over it. On her feet are a pair of cloth shoes and her hands are With his back on his back and standing neatly, he looks very well-behaved;

The last classmate is a boy. He has a shaved head. Except for his face, every exposed part of his body is covered with tattoos. He is wearing a black leather jacket and black leather pants. The leather pants have many metal pendants that jingle. At this moment His hands hung naturally against the seam of his trousers, and he stood there with a dull look.

The math teacher walked up to the podium, put down the lesson plan, looked around the empty classroom, and said in a gentle voice: Today, 7 new students have transferred to our class.

Everyone applauds and welcomes!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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