Ash Civilization

Chapter 182: Endless wounds. (First update! Please subscribe!)

These bloody words were crooked, criss-crossed, and covered both of his arms.

At this moment, blood was oozing out from the wound, dripping to the ground bit by bit. The bloody wound and the rolled flesh revealed an indescribable feeling of madness.

Zhou Zhen's expression suddenly changed. When he was sleeping just now, Ji Xuexun came out!


He never took the other person out of the classroom. How did the other person find the door? !

Seeing that the blood was flowing more and more with no intention of stopping, Zhou Zhen immediately turned around and walked towards the warehouse without thinking about it.

Soon, he entered the living area of ​​the private warehouse and came to the shelves dedicated to medicines.

This shelf has an extra glass cover than other shelves, and a constant temperature and humidity device inside to extend the shelf life of the medicine as much as possible.

Since it is the private warehouse of the previous leader of the isolation point, the medicines here are all carefully selected good medicines and placed on the shelves in categories according to different uses. The glass covers above each type of medicine are slightly different. Some medicines that need to be protected from light have dark glass, while those that do not need to be protected from light are transparent.

Zhou Zhen's eyes quickly glanced at the labels on the top of the shelves, neurological, respiratory, digestive, anti-infective, anesthesia... He looked over one by one and quickly found the medicine he wanted.

It was a spray with a simple package. It was a trauma medicine. It could instantly disinfect the wound, clear away heat and stop bleeding. At the same time, it would form a spiderweb-like protective film on the wound surface to prevent infection.

When he was injured before, Tao Nange gave him this medicine.

Zhou Zhen immediately opened the glass cover and reached for the bottle of spray.

He took the spray into his hand, and suddenly his eyes were dazzled. He saw that what he was holding was not a hemostatic spray, but a love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it!

It’s Ji Xuexun’s love letter!

Zhou Zhen's pupils shrank, he hurriedly opened his hand and threw away the love letter in his hand.


The spray fell to the ground, rolled twice, and slowly stopped two steps away from Zhou Zhen.

The sudden movement in the quiet warehouse made Zhou Zhen wake up suddenly. Only then did he realize that what he was holding in his hand just now was a hemostatic spray, not a love letter.

He suddenly frowned. His current problem seemed a bit serious!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen walked over, leaned over to pick up the hemostatic spray, and started applying medicine to his arm.

As the medicine was evenly sprayed on each incision, a heartbreaking pain came from the wound.

The blood seemed to flow faster and couldn't be stopped at all.

The more spray you spray, the more intense the pain becomes.

What was originally just a trickle of blood quickly turned into a gurgling stream.

Zhou Zhen frowned even more tightly, and immediately increased the speed and intensity of spraying. However, the pain on his arm also increased sharply, and more blood quickly poured out of the wound. In the blink of an eye, it was like a small stream of spring water. It continued to flow down his palms and fingertips.

Jingle Bell……

Suddenly, the familiar cell phone ringtone rang.

Call yourself at this time. Is it Tao Nange who is back?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen was about to take out the mobile phone in his pocket, when the expression on his face suddenly froze.

He saw that what he was holding in his right hand was not the simply packaged hemostatic spray, but the special scalpel!

At this moment, he is using this extremely familiar scalpel to carve letters in blood on his left arm: I like you!

In the dry and cold air unique to the warehouse, there is no smell of any medicine, only a little diffuse smell of blood.

His entire left arm was covered with dense fresh blood words, all of which he had just carved out. Each handwriting was darker than the last. The word you in the last I like you had just been carved halfway by the scalpel. , more than half of it has been submerged into the flesh, which is shocking to look at.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

The ringtone of the cell phone continued, and Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up. He hurriedly let go of the scalpel and took out his cell phone in a hurry. The caller ID flashed on the screen. It was Tao Nange calling.

Zhou Zhen answered the phone, and Tao Nange's voice came over immediately: I'm at the door.

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: Okay! I'll come over and open the door right away.

With that said, he hung up the phone and looked at the bloody words on his left arm. He didn't dare to apply any more medicine to himself. He quickly picked up a roll of bandages from the side and walked out while wrapping and bandaging his left arm.

Not long after, he arrived behind the civil defense gate. By this time, his entire left arm had been bandaged.

Bang, bang, bang... In the spacious corridor, the sound of metal collision echoed for a long time.

Zhou Zhen manually opened the civil defense door, and a dusty military pickup truck immediately drove in.

The tires of this pickup truck were filled with mud and gravel, and there were also a lot of weeds on them. The body of the pickup truck was covered with traces of splashes of mud and water. It had obviously traveled a long way. There is also an obvious dent on the passenger door, which has deformed the entire door and caused part of the paint to peel off. It seems that it was hit hard by some kind of creature while driving. There are also several similar marks in the car body. In the scratches left by the giant claws, the metal was rolled up in the scratches, and there was still a little oil-like stain left.

As soon as the pickup truck entered the isolation point, Zhou Zhen immediately closed the door manually.

After making sure that the door was completely locked, he turned his head and looked at the pickup truck. Tao Nange had just opened the door and jumped out of the driver's seat.

The green chiffon dress with white flowers was covered in dust. It seemed that she had been walking back and forth in a long-uninhabited building for a long time, so that half of her hair was stained with cobwebs. A few strands of hair came out of the ponytail and fell down by the cheeks, but it did not look messy and lazy. The whole person was full of awe that had not yet been restrained after the battle.


Tao Nange jumped out of the pickup truck and was about to say something when he glanced at Zhou Zhen, his expression obviously startled. After he came to his senses, he couldn't help but ask: What's wrong with your left hand?

Just as Zhou Zhen was about to answer, he suddenly fell into a trance. Tao Nange, who was standing in front of him, changed his clothes into a mint green chiffon dress at some point; his beautiful and sassy face also turned into a delicate and beautiful face. ; The high ponytail turned into long shawl hair; the calm expression turned into the shyness of a girl... It's Ji Xuexun!

At this moment, Ji Xuexun's snow-white cheeks were slightly red, and she was walking towards him shyly.

Zhou Zhen shook his head vigorously and looked at Tao Nange again.

Tao Nange still looks heroic, slim and bright. She is also wearing a green dress with white flowers. Her expression is calm, without any shyness or dodge.

What Zhou Zhen saw just now seemed to be just an illusion.

At this time, Tao Nange had already walked up to Zhou Zhen. Seeing Zhou Zhen staring at her, she immediately asked: What's wrong with you?

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and immediately replied: My current state may be a little wrong!

As he spoke, he raised his bandaged left arm. The originally white bandage was now soaked with blood in many places. Near the wrist, blood had accumulated into a stream, flowing slowly along the palm and fingertips, and dripping to the ground.

Zhou Zhen said quickly: I caused these injuries myself. Please help me take care of the wounds.

He felt that he was a little confused now, as if whatever he looked at would cause hallucinations!

In this situation, it would be safer to let Tao Nange help him deal with the wound.

Tao Nange immediately looked at Zhou Zhen's left arm. In her field of vision, Zhou Zhen's left arm was wrapped with three or four extended night towels, and a few salt-covered towels were tied around the outside. Kelp firmly fixes the towel on the wound surface and accelerates blood absorption.

At this moment, on Zhou Zhen's left arm, there were dense blood words I like you. The blood was still flowing out, and then it was quickly absorbed by the aunt's scarf. Most of the originally snow-white aunt's scarf was now stained with crimson. , almost sucking up Zhou Zhen's blood.

From a distance, it looked like Zhou Zhen had a used aunt's towel wrapped around his hand.

Seeing this weird scene, Tao Nange's expression suddenly became serious, and she quickly replied: Okay!

I'm going to the warehouse to get the medicine now.

You are in a very bad state. Don't move around. Just wait for me here.

With that said, she turned around and walked quickly towards the warehouse.

Watching Tao Nange leave, Zhou Zhen closed his eyes, pressed his temples, and stood there waiting.

Not long after, he heard familiar footsteps and knew that it was Tao Nange who was bringing medicine. He immediately opened his eyes and asked casually: Sister Nan, how many have you cleared out this time...

He wanted to ask Tao Nange how many infected people he had eliminated this time, but he stopped right in the middle of his sentence.

Zhou Zhen saw a slim and beautiful figure standing in front of him. The mint green dress was like a delicate lotus leaf that had just emerged from the water in spring. Her long hair was draped around her shoulders like a waterfall. Her beautiful face was full of shyness. She was holding a hand. A love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it was handed to him.

It’s Ji Xuexun!

In an instant, this seemingly beautiful and romantic scene perfectly overlapped with the scene in the dream where Ji Xuexun sent him a love letter!

Zhou Zhen was startled and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but Ji Xuexun grabbed his left arm.

His expression changed, and his wrist suddenly twisted dexterously, sliding like a loach. He was about to break free from Ji Xuexun's hand, but then, Ji Xuexun made a quick grab, and tightly clasped his wrist with his five fingers.

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately used the Digital Domain, [Plane Jump].

The next moment, he appeared more than ten meters away.

Zhou Zhen did not dare to compete head-on with Ji Xuexun, so he immediately used [Plane Jump] continuously and teleported directly towards the warehouse.

He quickly arrived at the door of the private warehouse, and when he was about to go in, Ji Xuexun appeared in front of him instantly, blocking his way.

Zhou Zhen was about to change direction immediately, but Ji Xuexun was faster, grabbed his waist with both hands, and suddenly pushed to the side!

boom! ! !

Zhou Zhen was hugged hard and thrown to the ground, making him dizzy for a moment.

His hands and feet only moved slightly, and before he could get up, Ji Xuexun immediately stepped forward, pressed Zhou Zhen down with one knee, and locked Zhou Zhen's arms with both hands.

Zhou Zhen was about to use [Plane Jump] again, but a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears...

Zhou Zhen! Zhou Zhen...

Wake up!

Wake up!

It’s Tao Nange’s voice!

Zhou Zhen gradually calmed down. He turned his head with difficulty and looked behind him. He saw a slim and strong figure, locking his arm behind his back. The other person lowered his head slightly, with messy hair, and a beautiful and sassy face.

Tao Nange!

The one who attacked him just now was not Ji Xuexun, but Tao Nange? !

Thinking like this, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that his thinking began to become a little slow, and a large number of memories were quickly faded and forgotten at this moment.

Just like the sediment suspended in the water, large areas settled to the bottom, allowing the vast waters to become clear again.

After a moment of trance, Zhou Zhen asked in confusion: Sister Nan, what happened?

Tao Nange didn't answer, but looked at Zhou Zhen deeply. After a while, she finally confirmed that Zhou Zhen's condition had recovered, but the [protection mechanism] had also been triggered!

As a result, Tao Nange gradually let go of his hand.

After his body regained its freedom, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up from the ground.

At this time, Tao Nange took out a [Digital Tranquilizer], handed it to Zhou Zhen and said, Your current state is too dangerous.

Inject the [digital sedative] first and have a good sleep.

I will find a way to deal with your problem.

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt strange. He didn't remember anything wrong with him.

But soon, he saw that his left arm was engraved with blood letters of varying shades, and blood was gurgling from the wound.

I like you?

Who carved this on his arm? !

However, [Digital Tranquilizer] should be used for such an ordinary trauma?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen felt very confused, but he still took the [Digital Tranquilizer]. He trusted Tao Nange very much, so he started injecting himself without asking any questions.

Soon, the injection was completed, and Zhou Zhen suddenly felt extremely sleepy, his eyelids kept fighting, and he wanted to fall asleep.

With the last remaining bit of willpower, he looked around and saw a dusty folding chair in a corner not far away. He immediately dragged his increasingly heavy body over and walked over, not caring to wipe the dust on it. Dust, just sat on it.

The moment he sat down, his sleepiness reached its peak. He couldn't hold his eyes any longer and couldn't wait to close them. He tilted his head and fell asleep directly.

Seeing that Zhou Zhen finally calmed down, Tao Nange stopped delaying and immediately walked to Zhou Zhen and took out a real bandage and hemostatic spray.

The scarf and kelp tied to Zhou Zhen's left arm had been lost during the previous chase. Now the wound was completely exposed and blood was still oozing out.

Blood stains were all over his clothes, and soon a small irregular pool of blood dripped out on the ground next to the folding chair.

Tao Nange gently grabbed his wrist, raised his arm, sprayed the medicine carefully, and wrapped a bandage...

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