Ash Civilization

Chapter 148 [Limb regeneration]. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Realizing that something was wrong, Laura Hawke immediately stood up and walked towards the innermost part of the monitoring room. There was a very hidden door on the wall here.

After verifying her irises and fingerprints, she quickly entered a set of dozens of digits in length, and the door opened silently.

Laura Hawke walked in quickly. Behind the door was a spacious corridor with bright overhead lights. There were several built-in rails on the flat ground. The width looked like an operating bed. Both sides of the corridor were not decorated much. The mountains and rocks basically retain their original features.

These rocks look very solid, but they are criss-crossed with traces left by external forces. It seems that there is some inhuman force, struggling hysterically when passing here, and unintentionally leaving clues.

The bright red high-heeled shoes slapped the ground, and with crisp footsteps, Laura Hawke came to a black door in the corridor. She pressed the Emergency Contact button on the password box next to the door.

After waiting for a moment, a low and cold voice came from the speaker above the lock box: Come in!

At the same time, the dark door slowly opened a gap.

Laura Hawke immediately walked in. Inside was a small lounge-like room. Directly opposite the door was a whole piece of floor-to-ceiling glass, with a pure white space behind the glass.

The shadowless lamp illuminated an extremely large operating bed. At this moment, lying on the operating bed was a disemboweled experimental body, motionless and lifeless.

Part of this experimental subject still retains the appearance of a human being, while part shows the characteristics of glass, metal, and plastic. Overall, it looks like a mixture of various textures, and the entire appearance also has obvious distortions. One side of it appears Under the ribs, a glass wing grew out, and at the end of the wing were three curled claws side by side, which looked very weird.

A tall figure wearing a green surgical gown, with his back to the door, was playing with several newly removed organs on the experimental table next to the operating bed. Above the experimental table, a holographic display screen was suspended, constantly displaying various index.

After Laura Hawke entered the lounge outside the floor-to-ceiling glass, the tall figure in a green surgical gown did not look back. After extracting some visceral blood with a straw, he dropped it into a light yellow medicine test tube, called the instrument, and carefully observed the inside. The change.

At the same time, a cold and low voice came from the speakers in the lounge: What's going on?

Laura Hawke quickly said: Observer, something happened over there with Mike Nguyen!

He found the successful member of the 'Ash Order' and dropped G6341.

However, he did not leave the scene immediately after the release, and now the signal is interrupted!

Hearing this, the observer immediately stopped what he was doing. Mike Ruan's life and death was only a trivial matter. He was just an ordinary member anyway, but the experimental subject's data could not be lost!

He immediately took off the blood-stained gloves on his hands and turned around. Under the green doctor's hat, he still wore the mask-like black visual sensor. Deep in the vast nebula, the dark golden scales were like a pair of inhuman eyes. Looking at Laura Hawke through the glass: Has the surveillance footage been saved?

Laura Hawke nodded immediately: Saved!

As she said that, she immediately took out a USB flash drive, walked to the side of the lounge, opened a groove embedded in the wall, quickly found the corresponding interface and inserted it, and at the same time entered the eight-digit startup password.

The hidden playback equipment immediately started operating, and soon, holographic projections appeared throughout the space.

The observers looked very seriously at the scene of Mike Nguyen releasing the white container. Suddenly, he said in a cold voice: Stop!

Laura immediately controlled the holographic projection to stop.

The holographic projection freezes, and the surrounding scene shows the moment when the grappling hook stopped on the belly of the arc-shaped aircraft has just begun to loosen, and the white container is about to fall.

The observer looked at this picture, but his eyes did not pay attention to the aircraft, containers, Zhou Zhen or Mike Ruan that were close at hand, but looked at a certain blind spot in the picture.

Karl Ax...

The observer's voice instantly cooled down, he turned to Laura Hawke and said, I understand, you go out first.

Laura Hawke immediately replied: Yes!

She turned and walked out of the room, and the crisp sound of her high heels hitting the ground quickly faded away.

The dark door slowly closed.

Inside the door, on the observer's mask-like visual sensor, the nebula in the depths is surging as before, and the green data flow is sliding down rapidly, like a dark green waterfall.

He spoke in a cold voice: Tongfu City, suburbs, Experimental Subject No. G6341, being followed by the Twelve Sages...


Tongfu City, suburb.

Various noises were still coming from the arc-shaped aircraft wreckage that fell to the ground.

The blazing fire lit up the night.

Zhou Zhen held the scalpel and kept stroking towards Mike Ruan.

Mike Ruan retreated step by step. He obviously had good boxing skills, his steps were flexible, and his tall body moved quickly in a small space, constantly avoiding sharp blades. However, in addition to the scattered marks that were burned when he jumped off the aircraft, the white suit was also stained with a lot of dust and plant juices, making him look somewhat embarrassed.

Mike Nguyen, hurry up and catch me, don't force me to take action!

While the white blade was flying, Xie Qiongning's unquestionable voice came from not far away.

At this moment, Mike Ruan was retreating in the direction of Xie Qiongning. When he heard these words, the confident smile on his face suddenly froze. For a moment, he even doubted whether he heard it wrong!

The carefully cultivated experimental subjects of the Twilight Trial were instigated to rebel with just one sentence?

At the same moment, Zhou Zhen immediately seized this opportunity, and a large number of memories that he desperately wanted to take secret photos and voyeurs were instantly poured into Mike Ruan's mind!

Digital Domain, [Overclocking Interference]!

Mike Ruan suddenly felt confused on his face, and the instructions in his brain repeatedly switched between dodge and peeping. For a moment, his whole person stopped in place, unable to make any move.

Three black and red cubes quickly condensed in Zhou Zhen's hand, and terrifying energy waves surged. Three energy waves exploded, shooting towards Mike Ruan's legs and right arm respectively.

Mike Ruan came to his senses instantly, but just as he broke free from the influence of [Overfrequency Interference], energy waves roared in front of him.

boom! ! !

Mike Ruan's legs and right arm were blown apart in an instant, and blood flew into the sky along with flesh foam and bone residue. The tall mixed-race middle-aged man fell to the ground on the spot, blood gushing wildly.

Ahhhhh!! Mike Ruan suddenly screamed miserably.

Zhou Zhen stepped forward quickly, grabbed his hair, and lifted him up from the ground. With a flash of cold light, the scalpel was directly placed on the opponent's neck: Tell your companion to stop immediately!

His voice was cold, and Zhou Zhen's eyes were equally cold as he looked at Mike Ruan in front of him. This member of the Twilight Trial, like him, only had the Third Step in energy intensity, and he only used two digital domains , and restrained the opponent!

However, the mixed blood of this illegal organization is not the focus, the focus is the battlefield on Tao Nange’s side!

Tao Nange's opponent has very high energy intensity!

He had just deliberately avoided the vital point of this mixed-race member of the illegal organization, just to catch him alive so that he could use him to contain Tao Nange's opponent.

In addition, he has used Chu Jingyan's Digital Domain and Meng Zhuo's Digital Domain continuously, and the side effects will occur soon.

Therefore, we must fight quickly now!

At this time, Mike Ruan barely breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Zhou Zhen with an extremely ugly expression.


His companion is Xie Qiongning.

Xie Qiongning is not taking action at all now!

However, just as he was thinking about how to escape, Zhou Zhen's face suddenly turned dull, and all the agility in his eyes disappeared, turning into a state of confusion, staring blankly ahead.

There is something wrong with the other party's status!

Mike Ruan did not hesitate and immediately seized the opportunity. The broken leg and arm instantly sprouted new and strong limbs like willow branches blooming!

Digital Domain, [limb regeneration]!

Then, he opened his mouth and blew out a puff of dark green smoke. As soon as the smoke appeared, it spread rapidly in all directions.

Digital Domain, [Toxic Miasma]!


Mike Ruan ripped off his own scalp and disappeared into the miasma as quickly as possible, regardless of the blood pouring from his head.

Seeing Mike Ruan break free, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart, and his mood suddenly became violent!

His thinking began to become very slow. He had experienced this situation twice. Each time, Chu Jingyan came out of Tao Nange's body and took away a lot of his brain power!

The situation this time should be the same!

This shows that Tao Nange's side...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen's thinking became slower and slower, and he was completely unable to reason about the situation on Tao Nange's side.

I just felt that my heart was extremely irritable, and countless extreme emotions, impulses, and desires began to stir and ferment deep in my heart.

He stood motionless, still holding a piece of Mike Ruan's scalp in his hand, but the clothes on his body were moving automatically without wind, and even the nearby vegetation began to hunt and swagger, and smaller stones mixed with gravel were quickly slapped. Landing on the ground, with rustling sounds, sand and rocks gradually flew.

The energy in Zhou Zhen's body is getting higher and higher!

Dark green poisonous mist filled the surrounding area, blocking the view.

Mike Ruan had no time to recover from his scalp injury and quickly shuttled through the poisonous fog.

Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the experimental subject, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a proud smile.

This experimental subject of the Order of Ashes is stronger than the average compatibility, but it is not as strong as Laura Hawke said!

The energy intensity of the other party is much worse than that of the experimental subjects of Twilight Trial!

In addition, there is obviously some unknown flaw in the other party's spirit!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to get away so easily just now!

Clearly, he was right.

The so-called successful products are nothing more than propaganda for the Ash Order dominated by Chinese people.

Their experiment was not as successful as they said!

In comparison, it is still the experimental subject of the Twilight Trial. It is powerful, perfect, and stable. The only flaw is that it is not very controllable.

Of course, this should be mainly because he was not familiar with Xie Qiongning.

If Lola Hawke was responsible for the airdrop this time...

While thinking rapidly, Mike Ruan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He looked up and saw that the miasma around him was gradually fading away.

Something sweet and soft smelled, falling like raindrops in the miasma.

Mike Ruan subconsciously looked carefully and found that they were pieces of pale pink rose petals. The petals were fresh and delicate, and seemed to be stained with drops of water. In a blink of an eye, the poisonous miasma in the dead and empty wilderness was transformed into a beautiful and romantic scene.

At the same time, in the increasingly thinning fog ahead, figures began to appear.

The figures ranged in height, short, fat and thin, and there seemed to be many children.

They were arranged in a loose line, as if they were patiently waiting for something. Occasionally, silhouettes of helium balloons and marshmallows appeared in the line.

Mike Ruan was surprised. When did so many people gather in the suburbs of a high-risk city?

He didn't want to get into trouble, so he immediately planned to go around and try not to have any contact with these people.

But for some reason, the space at this moment became very narrow, as if there were invisible air walls on both sides, limiting Mike Ruan's range of movement, making it impossible for him to move left or right.

Soon, he walked behind these people, as if he was also in line.

However, the team was moving extremely slowly, and Mike Nguyen had to slow down and move a little bit behind.

Knowing that something was wrong, he hurriedly wanted to retreat, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw figures appearing behind him. These figures were vague, some tall and some short, wearing various clothes, some holding hands. Balloons, some holding marshmallows, some holding ice cream...are also queuing up.

The atmosphere in the entire team was very relaxed, but Mike Ruan felt his scalp numb. He was now as if he was contained in a completely transparent and small box, unable to move forward, backward, left, or right!

Just as he was anxiously thinking about countermeasures, the sky seemed to light up suddenly.

The last bit of dark green poisonous miasma disappeared, as if the gauze curtain blocking the view had been lifted, and the scene in front of him was completely revealed.

Mike Nguyen saw himself standing under a clear blue sky, surrounded by bright colors. Not far away was a corridor of roses, and the roses were in full bloom.

In front of the team, there was an extremely gorgeous carousel, running slowly to the accompaniment of cheerful music, with the sound of shutters all around.

This is... an amusement park? !

The smile that had always been on Mike Ruan's face had completely disappeared. At this moment, he also saw clearly the tourists standing behind him.

It was a beautiful girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a light blue puff-sleeved dress, a white sun hat, and white Mary Jane shoes. Her eyes were big and round, her skin was white, and her mouth was curved. She looked very quiet and friendly.

On her chest, there was a changed wooden Vegevisil symbol pendant hanging.

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