Ash Civilization

Chapter 147 Use this to test me? (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, suburb.

The brown-black soil was lifeless, and the scattered plants were equally lifeless.

Under night, this vast wilderness looks like a vast cemetery.

When the long wind blows, the unique fishy smell of earth fills the world.

The tuxedoed figure moved quickly through the night.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and glanced in a certain direction.

Judgment at Twilight?

Did they also get information about Digital Rain?

However, at the moment when he was distracted, a silver-white bullet suddenly shot out of the night silently.

The speed of the bullet was extremely fast. In just an instant, it passed through the front of the figure in the tuxedo and shot out of the back of the skull!

Sniper successful!

This silver-white bullet instantly transformed into a graceful and agile figure, it was Tao Nange.

Tao Nange's figure was fixed in the air, and then she immediately twisted her waist and turned around. At the same time, the sniper rifle in her hand reorganized KaKa and turned into a huge alloy long sword. The blade cut through the air and slashed hard towards Tuxedo figure.


It wasn't until this moment that the sound of gunfire actually came.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye!

However, just when the alloy sword was about to hit the tuxedo figure's head, the tuxedo figure whose head had been penetrated by a bullet suddenly moved.


The violent clash of gold and iron, the sound waves seemed to become substantial ripples in the night, and the edge of the alloy long sword was instantly grasped by a dark metal palm.

The figure in the tuxedo slowly turned around and dropped his top hat, revealing a strange face. The entire face was divided into two halves in the middle. On one side was an elderly white man in his fifties, with sagging skin. , with drooped eyebrows and an elegant temperament, as if he was a well-read scholar.

On the other side, there is a cold metal face. The outline is basically the same as the flesh and blood side, but it is full of the unique indifference of machinery.

A pair of his eyes are mechanical prosthetic eyes, and the tiny data in the pupils are constantly sliding down, as if they are calculating everything around them all the time.

At this time, there was a very conspicuous bullet hole on the cheek on the metal side, and the scene behind him could be directly seen from the front.

Inside the bullet hole, sophisticated electronic circuits were exposed, and a small part of the circuits were broken, exploding with sparks.

Tao Nange looked at this face, his face changed slightly, and he said in a solemn voice: The Eleventh Sage, Karl Ax.

The figure in the tuxedo opened his mouth and made an emotionless electronic voice: You are a qualified hunter, and you almost succeeded just now.

But, it's a pity...

As soon as he finished speaking, a blazing light suddenly burst out from his mechanical eyes!


boom! ! !

Tao Nange instantly flew backwards and hit the ground heavily.

Carl Ax held the giant alloy sword with one metal palm, and held a bloody arm with the other metal palm. Red blood slowly slid down his fair and slender skin, and the air immediately filled the air. The smell of fresh blood.

He exerted a slight force, and the alloy sword was immediately crushed into a ball of scrap metal.

At the same time, Karl Ax threw away the amputated arm and spoke again, making a cold electronic sound: The target has been locked.

Execute the order and kill the target!

“Strip ‘Digital Rain’!”

After the electronic sound broadcast ended, Carl Ax immediately stretched out a finger. There was a slight buzzing sound inside the mechanical palm, and the fingertips lit up with a hazy light and began to rapidly accumulate energy.

Cough cough cough cough... Tao Nange lay on the ground and kept coughing.

The numbness in her infected arm had spread to her upper arm, and she had completely lost consciousness. The other arm that was not infected was completely torn from the shoulder, with blood dripping from the wound and exposed bones. It looked like Extremely scary.

After coughing a few times, the corners of Tao Nange's mouth turned red. She struggled to get up from the ground. Just as she stood firm, a beam of condensed energy shot out and penetrated straight through her abdomen.

Tao Nange's vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

There was no blood on the lower abdomen. All the flesh, bones, and internal organs were burned away by the energy, leaving a huge hole, which seemed to divide Tao Nange into two parts. Only the waist and hips on both sides, and some flesh and blood connected the upper body and lower body.

Carl Ax appeared in front of Tao Nange, looking down at the official ghost on the ground, his mechanical palm opened, revealing the black muzzle of the palm.


The mechanical muzzle immediately stretched out from the palm of his hand and aimed at Tao Nange's head.

The next moment, a scaled-down missile was launched from the muzzle.

boom! ! !

An earth-shaking loud noise shook the ground. For a moment, the area was filled with sand and rocks, and nothing could be seen clearly.

After a while, the smoke slowly dispersed, and a large pit appeared on the spot with Tao Nange as the center.

In the center of the pit, like a weathered stone pillar, stood a mud pillar. At the top of the pillar, Tao Nange raised his arm covered with crawling numbers and blocked the small missile with one hand!

At this moment, at the wound of her broken arm, dense numbers were flowing and growing rapidly.

The wound in his lower abdomen was also quickly filled with seemingly endless numbers.

In an instant, the growth of the digital arms was completed, the digital abdomen was completely filled, and Tao Nange's body became complete again.

When Carl Ax was about to take action, Tao Nange took off the visual sensor on his face and threw it directly at him.

boom! ! !

Karl Ax was instantly knocked upside down, like a cannonball, and fell heavily into the distance.

Tao Nange stood up straight, the big pit disappeared instantly, and the flat ground reappeared.

In the empty wilderness, figures appeared quietly.

Ji Yuantao, Cheng Siyuan, Shi Xinhong, Qi Ling... figures wearing hospital gowns, white coats, and security uniforms appeared quickly with Tao Nange as the center.

At this time, Carl Ax climbed up from the dusty ground. His tuxedo, full of elegance unique to formal occasions, was in tatters, exposing his mechanical body.

Except for that half of his face, Carl Ax's entire body has been mechanically modified.

Looking at Tao Nange, whose energy suddenly surged, Carl Ax's half-face of flesh and blood did not change at all, and immediately issued a cold electronic sound: Battle mode!

As soon as he finished speaking, an oven seemed to be running crazily in his body, and his energy was rising!

Immediately afterwards, there was a click sound from the friction of the metal structure on Carl Ax's back, and two rows of gun barrels turned up like ghosts, protruding from the sides of his ribs; his shoulders also made a subtle sound, and two rows of gun barrels quickly rose up. He held a heavy machine gun; his arms were raised high, and two arms suddenly stretched out from under his ribs, tearing the remaining clothing material.

The ends of the six arms continue to change, the muzzle, the barrel, the mantis knife, the grenade launcher...

The energy in Carl Ax's body was like an invisible vortex, surging rapidly, and all the weapons on his body began to charge energy immediately.

At the same time, a lightweight camera appeared among the Tao Nan singers.


Tongfu City, suburb.

Abandoned factory yard.

The white container crashed heavily onto the concrete ground. The off-road vehicle and the entire concrete were pressed into the ground. Only 2/3 of the entire container was exposed to the ground. Dust and sand swirled around it, and it could not subside for a long time.

Zhou Zhen was standing not far from the container. An arc-shaped aircraft exploded into fireworks and was falling rapidly.


A tall figure in a white suit jumped from the aircraft at the critical moment.

The glass containing the expensive red wine has disappeared, and the white suit is covered with smoky spots.

As soon as he landed, Mike Nguyen cursed in English and quickly ran away without looking back.

But as soon as he escaped a few steps, Zhou Zhen appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

Digital Domain, [Plane Transition]!

Looking at the mixed-race face in front of him, Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate. The scalpel in his hand was like electricity and he immediately stabbed the opponent!

Compared with the energy body that was fighting Tao Nange, the energy intensity of the Twilight Trial member in front of him was much lower!

Therefore, he now needs to take down the opponent first, and then force the opponent's companions to stop!


Mike Ruan quickly took a step back, narrowly dodging Zhou Zhen's scalpel, and his tone was still elegant: Mr. Zhou Zhen, your opponent is not me!

As he spoke, he showed a subtle smile, immediately took out a miniature remote control from his pocket, and pressed the button.


From the white container not far away, there was an immediate sound of the machine being opened.

Immediately afterwards, the side of the container facing Zhou Zhen was like a double door, slowly opening towards both sides, revealing the scene inside.

Inside the container, it seems to be a simply decorated bedroom.

Furniture such as beds, tables and chairs were all fixed to the bottom of the container. At this moment, the bedding was thrown casually on the ground, and the tea sets on the table were smashed to pieces.

A slender figure sat cross-legged on the floor beside the bed.

It was a very beautiful girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a white jumpsuit, with long brown hair scattered on her shoulders. Her facial features were exquisite, as if they were carefully painted by a skilled painter, and her skin and hair were full of meticulous care. Unique luster and delicacy.

She was holding a beautifully crafted teapot in her hand, and was carefully knocking off every pattern on it. The delicate destruction process seemed to bring her great pleasure. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she smiled sweetly.

Although she looks beautiful and slender, there is a powerful digital energy faintly coming from the girl's body. The intensity of this energy is like a dormant giant beast, full of oppression.

Xie Qiongning? !

After Zhou Zhen saw the girl's face clearly, he frowned slightly.

Xie Qiongning is just the first step, why did the energy intensity suddenly become so high? !

But in an instant, he was the [God-Creation Plan]!


Although he only stayed in Fudi Amusement Park for one day, two months have passed in the outside world!

The new round of God Creation Plan of Twilight Trial has been completed!

And Xie Qiongning is the experimental subject of this plan!

With this thought in his mind, Zhou Zhen had no intention of saying hello to Xie Qiongning, and stabbed Mike Ruan again with the sharp scalpel.

Mike Ruan dodges quickly. His digital ladder is no lower than Zhou Zhen's. In a normal fight, he may not be at a disadvantage.

But as long as the brain is not sick, no one will fight against an experimental subject!

While thinking quickly, Mike Ruan dodged Zhou Zhen's scalpel and reminded with a smile: Xie Qiongning, you can take action now!

This is the organization's test for you.

Don't let the organization down!

At this time, Xie Qiongning slowly raised his head, looking at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, slightly startled.

As soon as she heard about the organization's test, she immediately locked eyes with Zhou Zhen with a dazed look, walked out of the container, and said unceremoniously: I got it!

Stay back, and don't interfere in my fight in any way!

Seeing that Xie Qiongning was about to take action, Zhou Zhen's face turned cold.

When the experimental subject of the [God-Creation Project] takes action, he is equivalent to facing a digital forest with consciousness!

Although he may not be fine, Tao Nange is in danger!

As his mind raced, Zhou Zhen quickly shouted loudly: Xie Qiongning, don't listen to him!

I can wear bunny boy clothes and show you!

Hearing this, Xie Qiongning looked at Zhou Zhen and was about to take action when he stopped instantly.

Her memory has been reset, and now she can't remember any memories related to Zhou Zhen, but she feels from the bottom of her heart that the other party's promise is great!

So, Xie Qiongning immediately turned to Mike Ruan, energy surged around his body, and he said very forcefully: Mike Ruan, hurry up and catch me, don't force me to take action!


Huge basement.

Steel trestles crisscrossed near the ceiling. Below, experimental cabins, medical examination rooms, experimental fields... were arranged neatly in a planned manner.

A large number of white coats were walking around, constantly performing various professional operations.

At the end of a certain trestle, behind a heavy civil air defense engineering door, is a room without windows.

At this moment, holographic screens were suspended in the room. Below the screen, there were many machines with complex circuits. The breathing lights went on and off, mixed with the slight hum of the machines when they were running, breaking the silence in the room.

Laura Hawke sat on a swivel chair with a serious expression, her blue eyes full of solemnity. In front of her was a keyboard and the nearest holographic screen. The data recording form was open and ready for input at any time.

At this moment, other holographic screens were showing the scene of Mike Ruan standing in the open door of the arc-shaped aircraft from various angles and modes, shaking a glass of red wine, and condescendingly greeting Zhou Zhen.

Seeing this, Laura Hawke suddenly frowned, and a trace of anger appeared on her face that had the traces of time but was still full of mature female charm.

This Mike Nguyen looks down on the experimental subject of the Ash Order so much!

If it were her, after airdropping the container, she would leave the scene as quickly as possible!

In fact, she would not choose to airdrop at such a low altitude, but would directly let the aircraft drop at the extreme altitude!

But now this Mike Ruan not only didn’t care about the height of the airdrop, but also refused to leave after the airdrop was over. He stayed so close to the experimental subjects of the “Ash Order” for so long... She felt that something might happen!

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

The next moment, the signal was interrupted and the surveillance screen was all blurred.

Her feelings came true!

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