Ash Civilization

Chapter 115 Motorcade. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately understood why so many people were eyeing him and Tao Nange... He and Tao Nange were both digitally compatible, and those people wanted the organs from him and Tao Nange!

Officials must know this way to become a compatibility.

But it will definitely be strictly prohibited!

After all, once some holes are opened, the entire social order will be completely disrupted.

Only in high-risk cities, where infected people are rampant, can people be unscrupulous...

While they were talking, the two of them had returned to the half-collapsed two-story building. They confirmed that the traces left by their departure had not been touched, and checked the situation nearby before starting to break away the bricks and other debris blocking the off-road vehicle. A hole was opened and he walked in.

Tao Nange knew the power of grenades very well. The collapsed part only blocked the only entrance and exit of the small building. The internal space was intact. A layer of ash fell on the hood of the off-road vehicle, but no damage was caused.

This time, Tao Nange asked Zhou Zhen to drive. The military vehicle was very sturdy and there was no need to clear the entire door. The engine roared loudly, and with a kick of the accelerator, it directly knocked away the debris and rushed out of the small building. Back to the road buried in weeds.

Soon, they left the ruins of the urban village and entered the main road.

Tao Nange was sitting in the passenger seat without wearing a seat belt. She raised her hand and a small silver-white pistol appeared. Numbers, formulas, symbols... appeared, and instantly reorganized into a machine gun. She calmly reminded: Don't drive the car. If you go too fast, the people behind you will have to catch up.”

Zhou Zhen nodded, immediately clicked on the brakes, and reduced the speed of the car.

Not far after the two people drove out, a menacing convoy came speeding towards them from the direction of the isolation point.

There are a total of thirteen vehicles in this fleet, most of which are modified heavy-duty tractors. Behind the powerful front of the vehicle is a disproportionately short carriage. The paint on the vehicle body is mainly gray and black, with a lot of swear words and graffiti mixed in. . The carriage is completely enclosed, with shooting holes on all sides. A heavy machine gun is mounted on the roof. Except for a few necessary observation openings on both sides, everything is sealed with steel plates. Bullet-proof baffles are also installed on the front, rear and sides of the tires.

There were several armored off-road vehicles mixed in the convoy, all of which were armed right down to their tires.

At this moment, in a heavy-duty tractor in the middle of the convoy, sitting in the co-pilot was a tall, middle-aged man with a scar that penetrated his entire head. He had a ferocious temperament and was quickly assembling a gun in his hand. The grenade launcher tilted his head slightly and said to the communicator on his collar: The two people Dalong mentioned are right in front. Be careful to follow closely and don't let them slip away.

A short reply from his subordinates came immediately from the communicator: Don't worry, boss, we have found the target and will catch up immediately!

The convoy roared away on the bumpy road.

Soon after, another convoy appeared on this stretch of road. They had a total of eight vehicles, one of which was an old-style wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, and the others were modified off-road vehicles.

This convoy slowed down and trailed far behind the first convoy.

In the wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, a middle-aged man with a bruised nose and swollen face, and blood stains hanging from the corners of his mouth, insisted on saying to a man with a thick neck wearing a floral shirt next to him: ...Brother Dog, you believe me. ! That woman is definitely worth a lot of money! Dalong and the others just took a fancy to those two fat sheep, so they left me casually and were busy chasing them.

That man also looks pretty. Although he's not as valuable as the woman, he can definitely be sold for a lot of money...

The flower shirt squinted his eyes, played with a pitch-black claw knife with one hand, and said calmly: You have done a good job in reporting the news this time. I will remember you once I get it.

The middle-aged man was immediately overjoyed: Thank you, Brother Dog! Thank you, Brother Dog!

The convoy soon disappeared.

A few moments later, a lone pickup truck appeared.

Six survivors crowded the cab of the pickup truck. A short young man drove the car, and the other five people quickly checked various weapons and ammunition.

While wiping his gun, the boss warned: Don't get too close. Pretend we are just passing by looking for supplies... The 'Juyi Hui' and the 'Mad Dog Alliance' have both been dispatched. There has always been a grudge between these two sides. It's best if they fight and we both lose. We Pick it up ready-made.”

Don't worry, boss!


Under the gray sky, the off-road vehicle was galloping leisurely on the road.

Suddenly, many vehicles appeared in the rearview mirror of the vehicle. These vehicles were painted in the same style and were obviously from the same team.

They are very fast, and if they keep going like this, they will be able to catch up with the off-road vehicle in no time.

Zhou Zhen immediately said: Someone is chasing me.

Tao Nange nodded and said calmly: Next, protect yourself.

She lowered the window, exerted a little force on her flexible waist, and rolled from the window to the roof with a very neat movement. She squatted down and half-kneeled on one knee. With the silver-white machine gun in her hand, a burst of light surged around her body, and the numbers , symbols, formulas... In a sudden change, it reorganized into a sniper rifle more than four meters long. As soon as the sniper rifle appeared, it immediately automatically aimed towards the rear, and energy surged in the muzzle.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, Tao Nange disappeared instantly, and the opponent's huge sniper rifle also disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised, and then he immediately realized... Tao Nange's gun never seemed to need to be loaded!

The bullets used by the opponent should be the opponent's own digital energy!


No... Tao Nange has at least three 'digital domains'...

While thinking secretly, Zhou Zhen stepped on the brakes and jerked the steering wheel in his hand. The four tires of the off-road vehicle screamed sharply at the same time, and it made a drifting U-turn on the empty road.

Zhou Zhen stepped on the accelerator again and rushed towards the oncoming convoy.


A mixed fleet of heavy-duty tractors and off-road vehicles.

Behind the heavy-duty tractor where the boss of the Juyihui was, in the armored off-road vehicle, Dalong had a gray-headed face, with blood still oozing from the corners of his mouth. Feeling that the effect of the digital medicine was finally taking effect, a gloom flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the other person. The communicator on the collar said coldly: Two little beasts who don't know the heights of the world!

I have killed eight, if not ten, compatible people over the years, and I actually suffered a loss at the hands of a bitch this time!

It just so happens that I haven't touched a woman for a long time.

Boss, if you catch them later, you must let me skin them!

The communicator buzzed for a while, and the voice of the boss of the Juyihui came: That woman who can hit you with one punch must be a 'digital compatibility', and her 'digital domain' should be It’s in terms of strength.”

However, no matter how strong you are, humans are still flesh and blood, and everyone is equal before a machine gun!

When the time comes, just shoot off the man's head, dismantle the body and organs and sell them; break the woman's limbs, Dalong, fight her again, let you vent your anger!

Hearing this, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the communicator: Hahahaha...

The team's dedicated communication channel was filled with a happy atmosphere for a while, as if they had already won this hunt.

At this time, they saw a lone off-road vehicle appearing in front of them.

The driving boy next to Dalong suddenly became energetic and quickly reported: We have caught up with them!

In the vehicle in the middle of the convoy, the face of the boss of the Juyihui immediately became serious. Although when he spoke just now, he seemed not to pay attention to those two people at all, but when the target actually appeared, he did not dare to be careless and immediately ordered Said: Everyone is ready, and when we reach the shooting range, we will fire directly!

Don't worry about whether those two people will be beaten to death directly. Even if the 'compatibility person' is dead, the organs can still be sold!

Pay attention to the formation, don't let them escape!

As he spoke, he took out a military telescope from the co-pilot's storage box and ordered the driver to spread out the positions of the convoy. He immediately looked towards the front of the convoy and began to calculate the distance between the two sides.

At the same time, the boy in the carriage received the news and immediately turned his machine gun and aimed at the target.

In an instant, everyone in the entire convoy was ready to kill.

At this time, the boss saw through the telescope that the window of the off-road vehicle was lowered. A girl wearing a men's white T-shirt and a black shirt tied around her waist stretched out her fair and slender arms and grabbed the roof of the car. With one twist, it flipped from the passenger seat to the roof in an instant.

The details were clearly visible in the telescope, and Tao Nange's appearance and figure were all clearly revealed. The boss immediately licked the corner of his mouth and said with a greedy smile: He is really a top-notch product!

Get ready to fire now!

It doesn't matter if they are all killed. This level of goods, even the corpses, can still be sold...

Before he could finish what he said, a silver-white bullet instantly penetrated the windshield of the heavily-equipped tractor-trailer, accurately passed through the telescope he was holding, entered his left eye socket, and exited the back of his head!

Blood suddenly burst all over the car like an epiphyllum blooming.


It was only then that the people around heard the sound of bullets being fired!

The boss of the Juyihui died suddenly on the spot!

The young men in the car suddenly looked dull, and they didn't realize what happened for a while.

Puff puff!

At this time, the silver-white bullet continued with its momentum and penetrated the seat cushion of the Juyihui boss, the head of the accomplice in the back seat, and the rear windshield...

The bullet penetrated the entire vehicle and continued to hit the SUV behind the heavily armored tractor-trailer.

Just when the bullet was about to hit the windshield of an off-road vehicle behind it, the bullet suddenly twisted and expanded rapidly, transforming into a girl wearing a white T-shirt and a black shirt tied around her waist.

Her eyebrows are smooth, her eyes are as bright as gems, her temperament is cold and arrogant, and her figure is strong. She is Tao Nange.


Tao Nange leaned forward, pressing one hand on the hood, and holding a four-meter-long silver-white sniper rifle with the other hand. He raised his head slightly, and his cold eyes met the passenger's seat behind the windshield. The terrifying sight of the dragon!

The driver of the off-road vehicle, the co-pilot Dalong, and other accomplices were all shocked!

Before they could make any move, the sniper rifle in Tao Nan's singer surged with silvery white light, instantly turning into a vast array of numbers and symbols. The sound of metal friction sounded, and in the blink of an eye it regrouped into a gun. A long sword with a gorgeous style and complex structure.


Tao Nange held the long sword with both hands and stabbed it down from the hood. The long sword was like cutting tofu with a knife, piercing the hood, penetrating the engine and digging deeply into the ground.

Bah, bah, bah... boom!

The blade of the sword is like a strong nail. After penetrating the car body, it is firmly nailed in place. The huge inertia makes the entire car continue to move forward, just like the processing process on the assembly line. The entire off-road vehicle is extremely silky and smooth. Cut into two pieces and explode!

Sudden fire shot into the sky, the ground shook slightly, and countless metal parts whizzed away in all directions.

Dalong felt the sharp blade of the long sword sliding against his side. At the same time as the biting chill came, his whole body was knocked away by a strong momentum, and his internal organs were in severe pain and shattered in the violent vibration. , At the same time, raging flames enveloped his entire body, and the burning pain made him unable to help but open his mouth and scream hysterically: Ahhhhh!!!

The vehicle behind had no time to brake and crashed into the thick smoke of the explosion. More screams rang out, and screams came one after another amidst the smoke.

The entire convoy suddenly fell into chaos.

what happened?!

Boss! Boss? Where is the boss??

Where is the target? What happened?

In the chaos of war, a trembling voice sounded in the communicator: Boss... Boss is dead... ah...

The voice stopped suddenly, as if his communicator had been destroyed.

Hello? Hello? Gangzi, please continue, what's going on, boss?!


Gangzi, can you hear me?

After successive calls to no avail, the entire convoy immediately fell into an unprecedented panic, The boss is dead?! What exactly happened?

Where's the target?

Where is the target?

Suddenly, the originally orderly convoy fell into chaos.

Some cars want to continue forward and hunt for targets; some want to turn around and think about it in the long term; some think they should leave the road first and wait and see what happens where the smoke does not obscure their vision; and some try to put out the fire...

For a time, the originally wide road was squeezed into a crowd, and vehicles were blocked together.


There was another gunshot, and a heavy-duty tractor-trailer forcibly knocked away its companion's vehicle and fled towards the rear. Before it could escape far, it suddenly shook, lost control of its direction, and crashed into an abandoned factory building on the side of the road.

boom! !

The ground shook heavily, and the heavy-duty tractor caught fire and exploded on the spot, sending up dust and sand all over the sky.

With the death of the boss and the accidents of several consecutive vehicles, the convoy was completely in chaos.


Just fire!

Toot toot…


Bang bang bang...

The remaining members of the Juyihui were so frightened that they didn't care whether they could see the enemy or not. They picked up the weapons at hand, pulled the triggers in all directions, and kept throwing grenades. Even if they accidentally injured their accomplices, they didn't care at all. .

The whole scene was extremely chaotic.

In the noise, a silver-white bullet was shot into a heavy-duty tractor. The members of this vehicle had no time to react to what happened, and their lives were harvested silently.

Bullets were fired from one car into another.

There were forty or fifty people in the entire convoy, and in just a few seconds, they were all eliminated.

Of the thirteen modified heavy-duty tractors and off-road vehicles, five were blown up, two were seriously damaged and had lost power, and the remaining six had no major problems and were basically intact.

At this time, Zhou Zhen's off-road vehicle had just rushed over...

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