Ash Civilization

Chapter 114 Greed. (First update! Please subscribe!)

While thinking, the two of them had passed through the messy stalls on the outside and arrived at a row of simple houses inside.

The flow of people here has suddenly decreased a lot. Even if someone comes in to trade, they come and go in a hurry and seem unwilling to stay too long.

There is a signboard hanging outside each trading room. There are five simple rooms among them. The interiors are connected together. The facades are also decorated in the same color. The signboard LOGO is a colorful lake. There are also several mechas standing at the door. As a guard.

At this moment, in the simple room that was opened up, two staff members wearing sky blue uniforms with colorful lakes embroidered on their chests were busy.

One of the younger staff members was sitting in the inner office area, staring at the computer screen in front of him, typing on the keyboard quickly, as if he was entering data.

Another staff member in his forties was standing behind the counter, receiving customers.

At this time, several young men who were tired and had a look of fear on their faces were gathered in front of the counter.

These young men were all between 20 and 30 years old, and there were still some blood stains on their clothes.

Zhou Zhen glanced at it and immediately recognized that it was the driver and passengers in the pickup truck who had escaped from the attacked convoy that he had just seen from the infected person's perspective.

Now these survivors are arguing loudly with the staff member in their forties: ...We were attacked by infected people this time!

There are 41 people in the entire convoy, and now only five of us are alive!

We sacrificed so many companions, and what we brought back is only worth so many energy batteries?!

The middle-aged staff member wearing a sky blue uniform listened expressionlessly, without any fluctuation in his expression, and replied coldly: Our Xiuhu Group, the purchase price at the isolation point is the same nationwide, and it has always been this price!

The heavy casualties in your convoy only shows that your convoy is rubbish!

If you think it's too little, you don't have to change it.

You can try to see if anyone at the isolation point in Tongfu City, except our Xiuhu Group, dares to collect your things!

The five survivors were immediately furious and reached out to draw their guns.

However, as soon as their hands touched the gun handles, a row of gun barrels popped out on both sides of the staff behind the counter. The black muzzles directly locked onto the five survivors. At the same time, the machine outside the simple room A, all turned around, the dense red dots aimed at these five people in an instant.

The staff member said coldly: I'll give you one last chance.

To sell or not to sell?

Targeted by numerous firepower, the five convoy survivors suddenly did not dare to say anything. They were silent for a moment. The leader of the survivors said angrily: Sell!

As he spoke, the prosthesis on his right hand clicked. After deforming and extending, he picked up a very heavy box from his feet. The box looked a bit like the air box used to transport pets a hundred years ago, but the materials were all made of metal. Yes, the gap is very small, and the metal still shines with some electric luster.

The leading survivor slammed the box onto the counter.


The counter was very solid, and after just a slight shake, there was no movement.

Looking at the metal flight box, the staff did not open it directly. Instead, they pressed the smart bracelet on their wrist and scanned the contents of the box.

After a few seconds, he determined that the things were fine, and immediately took out three silver-white energy batteries and handed them to the leading survivor.

After taking over the energy battery, the five survivors looked dull and hurried away immediately.

The five people walked out of the door of the simple house and happened to pass by Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the leader of the survivors suddenly turned his head and glanced at the two...

At this time, Tao Nange had already led Zhou Zhen to the counter and said directly: I need an energy battery that can supply water and food for two people for more than ten days, as well as an S-level 'digital' intelligence.

The staff member was looking down at the metal flight box. When he heard Tao Nange's words, he said in a cold tone: S-class 'digital' intelligence?

Our Xiuhu Group has several pieces of S-level intelligence...

As he was speaking, he was suddenly startled, then looked up at Tao Nange and Zhou Zhen, quickly changed his attitude to a very polite attitude, and said enthusiastically: You two, there is no problem with the energy battery, water and food.

But I don't know what kind of S-class 'digital' intelligence you two want?

Seeing that the staff's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, Tao Nange's expression did not change at all. She said calmly: 'Digital Rain' or 'Digital Forest' are all fine.

Don't bring it out if everyone knows it.

The staff member nodded and replied seriously: I need to check the S-level intelligence of 'Digital Rain'.

It's going to take a while.

Energy batteries, water and food will be ready soon.

I wonder what the two of you plan to trade?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately looked at Tao Nange. He didn't have a penny now, and he still owed more than 10,000 yuan in online loans. He could only count on Tao Nange to have money.

Tao Nange asked: What transactions are supported here?

The staff quickly reported a series of items: 'digital metal', 'digital equipment', materials on infected people, firearms, special bullets, grenades, off-road vehicles...

He mentioned more than a dozen trading items that could serve as currency in one breath, and then looked at the two of them expectantly.

Zhou Zhen was silent for a moment. Of these things, he only had an off-road vehicle. He didn't know if Tao Nange had anything else...

However, Tao Nange was also silent.

Seeing that the two were silent, the staff member suddenly became confused. Did he say something wrong just now?

At this time, Tao Nange said: You should check the information about 'Digital Rain' first.

The staff nodded and said: Okay!

He took out an intercom device and said slightly faster, Check the S-class 'Digital Rain' information, hurry up!

A hoarse voice immediately came from the other end: Roger that!

The communication ended quickly. Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange stood outside the counter and waited for almost 10 minutes. A call came from the intercom. The hoarse voice said briefly: There is currently an S-level 'Digital Rain' message in this city. .”

But I'm not sure whether it's true or not. The price is 100 energy batteries, or other materials of equivalent value.

The staff immediately replied: Okay, I understand.

As he said that, he raised his head and was about to make a quotation, but found that the two customers just now had disappeared.

Looking at this scene, the staff member who was entering the data suddenly laughed and said: Those two people must have no money!

However, that girl is quite beautiful. If she walks out like this, a large group of people will definitely follow her!

The staff member standing behind the counter shook his head and said disdainfully: Of those two people, one of them has a very high 'digital ladder'!

As he spoke, he opened the metal flight box in front of him. Inside, curled up was a dog with dirty fur. It looked a bit like a lower dog, except that its four legs were metalized, with silver-white metal scales, like snake skin. Covering its entire lower abdomen. On the left side of the head, there is a sarcoma-like thing wriggling, with simple outlines of eyes and nose on it, as if it is about to grow another head!

This dog has a weird appearance and is full of intimidation, but at this moment, it is crawling in the innermost part of the box, trembling and not daring to make any movement.

The staff at the counter continued: I don't dare to move until now. This little guy was frightened by those two people just now!


As soon as the two of them walked out of the Xiuhu Group's trading point, Zhou Zhen immediately whispered: The news related to the 'Digital Rain' is just useful to us.

It's the supplies we don't have any transactions with now...

Tao Nange replied calmly: Well, not only can we not afford that news now, we can't even afford the most basic water and food.

But we'll be able to afford it soon.

With that said, she walked directly towards the exit of the isolation point.

Zhou Zhen followed closely behind her.

The two passed through the crowd with flashing eyes and returned to the steel structure trestle they passed when they came here.

At this moment, five young men who were tired from work and looked tired were gathering on the trestle to discuss something in a low voice. These people had blood stains on their clothes and weapons on their waists. They were the ones who had just been forced to sell supplies to Xiuhu at a low price. The survivors of the group's convoy saw Tao Nange and Zhou Zhen coming out. They stared at Tao Nange and quickly moved away.

Bang, bang, bang...

When Tao Nange and Zhou Zhen walked away, the leading survivor sneered and said immediately: Two fat sheep!

Inform Lao Lai to keep an eye outside and don't let them escape.

Hearing this, a short man in his twenties standing next to him immediately became energetic: Boss, are we going to get some blood back?

As he spoke, he raised his hand and made a sharp gesture at his throat.

At this time, the only female member of the gang snorted and said somewhat unhappily: Boss, those two people have neither equipment nor weapons. Except for the pretty girl, I can't see where they are fat?

The boss glanced at the female subordinate as if she were an idiot, but he quickly replied: Those two people are so clean!

Moreover, we just came out of Xiuhu Group's trading point. When we walked past the two of them, we didn't smell any peculiar smell, or even the smell of sweat. This shows that they have very sufficient water resources.

This alone is enough for us to take action!

Hearing this, the female subordinate immediately lowered her head and said nothing. Another thin male subordinate nodded and said the same: The boss is right.

Moreover, even if those two people really have nothing on them, the beauty of that woman is enough to fetch a good price.

At least it's better than the baby we worked so hard to deliver this time!

The boss smiled coldly, and then added: However, those two people who dared to enter the isolation point directly without any weapons must be 'digitally compatible'.

We are definitely not the only ones eyeing these two fat sheep.

After leaving the isolation point, don't be the first to take action. Wait for others to come first, and when the fight is almost done, we will take action to pick up the ready-made ones.

The four subordinates all nodded: Understood!


Little handsome boy, come and play!

Beauty, would you like some's very cheap!

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange got off the trestle and returned to the corridor. The crowd here was still chaotic and bustling. Many people were watching them secretly along the way. From time to time, they turned their heads and spoke a word or two quickly into the hidden communicator. , seems to be some kind of slang.

Except for a few Liuying who greeted everyone who came, everyone else quickly lowered their heads and did their own things when Zhou Zhen or Tao Nange looked over, avoiding their sight.

Not long after, the two arrived at the security gate where they entered.

The strong man guarding here was a little surprised to see them intact, but he didn't say anything. He clicked on a machine next to him with a cigarette in his mouth: Each person has a survival point. There is no survival point, bullets and other supplies. That’s okay too.”

Two ordinary bullets per person, one special bullet per person, and 'digital' bullets, just one for two people.

Tao Nange took out an [Isolation Bullet] from his shirt pocket and handed it over. The strong man in the lead took it, checked it, nodded, and waved to his companions to open the door.

Watching them go out, the civil defense door was closed again, and several people took out their communicators: Brother Long? The man and woman just left!

Uncle Cheng, the people you just mentioned are leaving, right...and they use 'digital' bullets as admission fee...

Big dog, do you want a fat sheep? A handsome man and a beautiful woman, intact, no disability, still very young, not counting materials, can be sold for a good price, and at least one of them is a 'digital compatibility', big deal !”

Soon, as the news spread, teams at the isolation point began to pack their equipment and prepare to set off.


The deserted street was empty, not a single person could be seen. The trees in the distance swayed slightly, and black birds suddenly left.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange walked out of the isolation point and walked quickly towards the place where the car was hidden.

While walking, Zhou Zhen used the digital domain [Geometric Barrier] and [Hidden Eavesdropping].

Listening carefully to the sounds that kept ringing in his ears, he quickly said: The people inside are gathering help.

It's a bit strange. The people who are targeting us are not just the ones you just taught a lesson to.

Tao Nange didn't have any surprises. She replied calmly: Do you know the easiest way to become a 'digital compatibility' and to move up the 'digital ladder'?

Zhou Zhen shook his head and said: I only heard Captain Lu say that there are three ways to become a 'digital compatibility'; there are two ways to ascend the 'digital ladder'.

But all of these methods are fraught with dangers, and it's unclear which method is easiest.

Tao Nange said calmly: Lu Jun has never lived in a high-risk city, so it is normal not to know.

“But you should know Lu Jun’s method of ascending the ‘digital ladder’.”

Zhou Zhen nodded immediately: Captain Lu reached the 'second step' by transplanting the limbs of infected people...

When he said this, he was startled, as if something suddenly occurred to him, and he looked at Tao Nange in surprise.

Tao Nange said calmly: You guessed it right!

“Whether it is to become a ‘digital compatibility’ or to move up the ‘digital ladder’, the easiest way is to transplant the organs of a compatible person!”

This method has low risk and high success rate!

In high-risk cities, it's no secret.

Moreover, low-level compatibility candidates are as vulnerable as ordinary people to the firepower of modernization.

This is much safer than facing an infected person!

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