Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Zimo was looking forward to it, and the voice of the system was belated.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for three months, and the reward cultivation is upgraded to 5 levels!"

The powerful power that has been lost for a long time is once again poured into the body!

Since the power infused this time is relatively large, it will take a long time.

Lin Zimo spoke incoherently excitedly: "This time, I will become a Divine in one fell swoop, and I am also a Divine Fifth Order powerhouse, with the invincible power to dominate an era!"

However, at this time, he blew up!


The terrifying explosive force swept in all directions, almost bulldozing the Yin-Yang God Sect!

Emperor Hua Qian looked at this ruin indifferently in the sky, and sighed: "If you don't have the life of the protagonist of the era, don't think about being sacred!"

And he also received the power from this protagonist.

The first is the constitution of the innate Dao fetus, which is the third type of divine body obtained by Emperor Hua Qian.

Then, there was that terrifying power equivalent to the ninth order of supernatural powers!

That force was so terrifying that in less than a moment, it pushed his cultivation to the 5th level of the Cutting Dao!

But Emperor Hua Qian was still not satisfied: "The strength of the 9th order of the supernatural power has only pushed it to the fifth order of the cutting path, and it will be more and more difficult to upgrade in the future!"

Zhi, Emperor Hua Qiandi left.

However, the effects of the explosion have only just begun to spread.

Countless powerhouses came to the territory of the Yin-Yang God Sect and saw the ruins of the gods who had been razed to the ground, and they were all in shock. What kind of divine hand is this, eradicating the Yin-Yang God Cult?

Think of what has happened in the past few years.

The two holy lands of Taixu and Taiyi were damaged one after another, the Dao systems of the Ten Thousand Mountains and the Yin-Yang God Sect were destroyed one after another, and the Yama Hall that had mutilated cultivators was eyeing behind them...

The world is becoming more and more turbulent, with more and more dead people and strong people.

There seems to be a force at the helm of it all.

And just when the world was in turmoil, the long-disappeared ancestor of Wanren Mountain appeared again.

He actually grabbed a member of the Yama Hall and said in a deep voice: "The old man doesn't want to be your enemy, he just wants to borrow the quasi-holy soldiers! Please pass this on to the people behind you!"

At this moment, he felt that the eyes of that member of the Yama Hall had changed, and he had become aloof, and he had become indifferent!

Like a king who looks down on the world, or a demon!

There is also the breath, which has also changed dramatically!

It turned out to be just a small chopping road, and he could be pinched to death at will.

Now it's still a chopping road, but the situation seems to have reversed, and the other party can pinch him to death at will.

"It's weird! It's really weird! The strong man takes away? It doesn't seem to be..."Wan Qian Mountain Ancestor shook his head and stared at the person in front of him vigilantly.

I saw that one of the members of the Yama Hall said coldly: "Ten Thousand Mountain Ancestor, do you want to find this seat?"

The Ten Thousand Blades Mountain Ancestor was shocked: "You are the person behind the Yama Palace?"

What kind of supernatural power is this?

Unheard of, unseen!

"Naturally!" the members of the Yama Hall were still cold: "You want to borrow a quasi-holy soldier?"

"That's good!" The cloudy eyes of the ancestor of Wanren Mountain were full of hatred: "Taihua Holy Land deceived me Wanren Mountain and destroyed my Taoism, this hatred and hatred are not shared! But unfortunately there is nothing to compete with in his hands, so he can only hide hatred! Therefore, the old man wants to use the quasi-holy soldiers to destroy Taihua!"

"It's useless to have quasi-holy soldiers alone, the foundation of the Taihua Holy Land is beyond your imagination!"

"The old man also knows that in their holy land, there are many old immortals who have been sealed in the divine source! Many of them are not inferior to the old man! But the old man has not been alive for a few years, so he is willing to try his best and kill as much as he wants!" The terrifying murderous aura erupted from the ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain, filling the radius of thousands of miles.

"The courage of the Ancestor is admirable! As long as you become a member of my Yama Palace, you can naturally use quasi-holy soldiers!"

The ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain hesitated for a while, and the other party invited him to join the Yama Palace.

If it had been before, he would never have been subservient to others.

But thinking that he was alone now and had no more years to live, revenge had become the only obsession in his heart, so he nodded and said, "Okay, the old man joins the Yama Palace!"

At this time, a voice sounded in the mind of the ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for becoming the sole owner of the Nirvana system!"

"What is this?" the ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain was shocked.

Quietly put things in his mind, this kind of magic power made him feel a little terrifying.

"This is something that can make you immortal! As long as you are hurt, he will help you recover immediately! Even if you die, you can be reborn in Nirvana!" said the member of the Yama Hall in front of him.

"Is there such a strange thing in the world?" the ancestor of Wan Qian Mountain was taken aback again.


In fact, what Hua Qiandi bound to him was a death system, just a nice name.

Zhi did not choose the Great Plunder System because the opponent's strength had reached the realm of supernatural powers, and killing people weaker than him would have a limited increase in him, and there would be almost no change.

But there are too few strong people at the same level, all of them are old foxes, and it is not easy to kill them.

Emperor Hua Qiandi, what he needs more is a top-level combat power that has lived a long time!

Therefore, if you give a death system, as long as the other party does not kill herself, you can still live for a long time.

"There is no good thing in the world for no reason!" said Wan Qian Mountain Ancestor in a deep voice.

"Naturally, this system can only save you three lives, and after three lives, you will never be resurrected! And all the creation in you will be mine!" said the member of the Yama Hall in front of him.

"So your life is already in your hands?"

"That's understandable!"

The ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain suddenly laughed: "When the old man came to you, he was already determined to die, but he didn't expect to have two more lives, which are worth it! After I die, what kind of flood does it matter? Anyway, the old man has no heirs, you want my life to create, just take it!"

"He is worthy of being a great supernatural person!" Emperor Hua Qian nodded secretly.

can cultivate to the realm of supernatural powers, and none of them are simple characters.

The ancestor of Wanren Mountain is actually an old protagonist, and he was also a figure who dominated the era thousands of years ago.

It's a pity that the times Fengyun has changed too quickly, thousands of years later, things are different from people, and the times need a new protagonist, so he can only be eliminated miserably, and he can't even keep his own Dao system.

But if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been cheapened.

As he spoke, the members of the Yama Hall had an extra divine axe in their hands and said, "Since you are already a member of the Yama Palace, then this Yama Axe will be borrowed from you!"

"Thank you!" Wan Ling Mountain Ancestor happily took over the quasi-saint soldier.

With this divine weapon, even if he still can't deal with the Taihua Holy Land, he can still suffer heavy losses.

"In addition, the 12 members of my Yama Hall can be temporarily transferred to you!"

"Thank you!" Wan Ling Mountain Ancestor was even more happy, these were 12 Dao Slashing powerhouses, and their strength was too strong.

However, he had concerns in his heart: "This time against Taihua, there may be heavy casualties..."

"If it's dead, it's dead, and if you cultivate another batch, it's just that!"

Looking at the other party's indifferent eyes, the ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain felt a chill in his heart.

This is a real adversary!

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