"System! It's actually a system!" Lin Zimo shouted frantically in his heart.

No one knew that he was actually a traverser, who had crossed over from an ordinary world, and then showed extraordinary cultivation qualifications, so he was set up as a disciple by the head of the Yin-Yang God Sect and carefully cultivated.

But as a traveler who has read countless online novels, he knows one truth very well, that is, arrogant people die early.

The more arrogant a person is, the sooner he will die.

He doesn't think he's a protagonist, wherever he goes, beauties come to vote, the little brother bows his head, the beast recognizes the master, and picking up anything is a genius treasure...

On the contrary, he felt that the cultivation world was too dangerous.

Maybe if you pick up a cute pet, maybe the next moment the other party will turn into a big demon and swallow him in one bite!

When you meet a young man, maybe the other party is an old immortal who has lived for thousands of years!

Therefore, ever since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he has been cultivating hard in his own hut, and he is not invincible.

Cultivate to the transcendent realm, don't come out!

Cultivate to the realm of immortality, don't come out!

Cultivate to the realm of entering the Dao, and don't come out!

Cultivating to the realm of cutting the Dao, he still doesn't come out!

Even if he cultivated to the realm of supernatural powers, he didn't plan to come out!

He has always believed that as long as he doesn't go out and doesn't get involved in cause and effect, the danger will not come to him.

In addition, he has prepared a lot of measures, such as he is good at making spirit runes, so he draws spirit runes whenever he has time, and has accumulated hundreds of millions of spirit runes over the years!

There are other elixir weapons and so on, and the preparation of 10 points is sufficient!

He firmly believes that even if he is a great supernatural person, he will not be able to kill him!

As a result, I didn't expect that he, who had developed steadily for hundreds of years and had cultivated to the realm of cutting the Dao, was actually possessed by the system!

As a traverser, I know too much about the system!

That's the standard for the Traverser!

It's just that he didn't expect that he waited for 100 years to wait for the system!

"System, why are you here? I'm almost invincible!" Lin Zimo couldn't cry or laugh.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with you?" asked the little junior sister.

"It's okay, senior brother has an understanding in his heart, I'll go back to retreat first!" he said and ignored the little junior sister and ran into the house.

I asked expectantly, "What kind of system is it?"

As long as the host keeps going, then it can keep getting stronger, and finally become an immortal and an immortal existence!"

Lin Zimo's face was dark when he heard this: "You are talented, I call it steady!"

"Ding, please don't insult the word steady, you are Gou, otherwise the system will not choose you!"

Lin Zimo: "..."

"Okay, what you say is what you say!" Lin Zimo said helplessly: "Then tell me, how to be Gou?"

"Ding! stay in your room all the time and don't come out, it's a shame!"

"Gou Tian, reward cultivation to upgrade by one level!"

"Gou for three days, reward cultivation to upgrade to the second order!"

"Gou for a week, reward cultivation to upgrade to the third order!"

"Gou for a month, reward cultivation to upgrade to the fourth order!"

"Gou for three months, reward cultivation to upgrade to the fifth order!"

"Gou for one year, reward cultivation to upgrade to the sixth order!"

"For three years, the reward cultivation will be improved to the seventh order!"

"Ten years, reward cultivation to upgrade to the eighth order!"


Lin Zimo glanced at it and smiled.

That's a great reward!

It only takes three days, and he is a great power!

Gou three months, he is sacred!

Gou for a year, he is the supreme!

If you survive for three years, you may be able to jump out of this world and be immortal!

This is indeed a system designed for him!

Who else in the world is better than him?

He has been living for a hundred years, and for another 10 years, he will be directly invincible!

So, he hung a sign at the door that said "Do not disturb when you cultivate", and then opened the avenue of Gou!

A day later.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for a day, and the reward cultivation is upgraded by one level!"

A powerful force penetrated through his whole body, directly raising his cultivation to the ninth order of the Cutting Dao!

"This is the ninth order? It's really fast! It's worthy of the power of the system, I love you to death!" Lin Zimo felt the surging power, and was very excited: "Keep up the good work!"

So, he continued.

Three days later.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for three days, and the reward cultivation is to be promoted to the second order!"

There is a hundredfold powerful force running through the whole body, and Lin Zimo's strength has made a qualitative leap, jumping from the realm of slashing to the realm of supernatural powers in one step, ranking among the masters of the world!

"Now I already have the strength of great supernatural powers, haha!" Lin Zimo smiled: "If the system keeps maintaining this progress speed, I can survive for 10,000 years!"

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and chose to continue.

At this time, his little junior sister came, looked at the sign on the room, and sighed: "Senior brother has started cultivating again!"

Then, I went back in a hurry.

A week later.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for a week, and the reward cultivation is to be upgraded to the third order!"

The powerful power once again penetrated his whole body, Lin Zimo felt that he was explosive, and said very excitedly: "Is this what it feels like to explode with power? Now I am already a powerhouse of the 5th order of supernatural powers!haha!"

The little junior sister came again and shouted outside: "Senior brother, the master said that there is an important matter for you to discuss! If you can hear me, come out quickly!"

When Lin Zimo heard this, he didn't think so.

No matter how important things are, can there be anything more important than him becoming stronger?

Besides, the strength has become stronger, and no matter what happens, it can be solved!

So, he heard a voice: "Senior sister, go and tell Master that I have reached the important juncture of retreat, and I have gained 10 points, and I can't go out for the time being!"

As he spoke, he leaked the aura of the ninth order.

I didn't dare to leak the breath of a supernatural person, because I was afraid of scaring the other party.

The little junior sister was very happy: "I'm going to tell the master in charge that you have become stronger again!"

Not long after, the little junior sister arrived with a middle-aged man with a majestic face, feeling the powerful aura in the room, and smiled with satisfaction: "Mo'er, although you cultivate, you will take care of other things for the teacher!"

"Thank you, master, for making it complete!" Lin Zimo said happily.

Without worries, Lin Zimo will be wholeheartedly reluctant.

And so, a month passed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for a month, and the reward cultivation is to be upgraded to the fourth order!"

Powerful power in one infusion!

The strength of the 9th order of the supernatural power!

Lin Zimo felt that he was too strong to be human!

"Keep up the good work, I will be holy in three months!" Lin Zimo was full of ambition.

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